Chapter 3

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(Dan's POV)

I open my eyes, and groan. I sit up, my vision was blurry and again, my head was killing me. I sigh, and stand up, running my fingers through my hair and let out a small yawn. Its been a week since Jemma left. I sigh, and walk downstairs, going into my kitchen, making a tea. I take some pain killers, and sit at the Island, putting my head in my hands. Maybe I should've put more time aside for her? Maybe I should've been there more? Maybe this is my fault.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid.." I say. After I finish my tea, I stand up deciding to edit and post a prerecorded video. I'm not in the mood to make videos. I didn't tell them about the divorce either. Maybe I should? I go upstairs, and grab my camera, tears already in my eyes. I set everything up, and sigh.

"Hey guys! So this is a, a very different video. Uh, I usually don't like making videos like this.. But it needs to be done. Now I-I never thought I'd be making this video, but I am. Jemma and I are getting a divorce." I say, and just hearing that out loud, me saying it, made it seem so much more real. Tears burned my eyes and I look up at the camera. "Now, please don't go and hate on her. Things..things happen, and I don't wanna go into detail on why, but we are. We're getting divorced." I say, tears were now streaming down my face, and I quickly wipe them away.

"I do still love her. I-I really do, with all my heart but things aren't working out as they used to." I explain. "An-and this is affecting me a lot, so if I miss a video one day, or something, please understand that, this has been hard on me especially." I say my voice shaky. "S-so.. Thanks for watching, and I hope you understand Bye.." I say, and stand up, turning off the camera, wiping away the tears, that I didn't realize made their way down my face once again. I edit the video a bit, and render it, than post it, the video not taking long since it was only like 7 minutes long. I lean back in the chair and sniffle, pressing the palms of my hands to my eyes to stop myself from crying.

Suddenly my phone rings and I sigh, picking it up and answering it. "H-hello?" I say my voice still shaky. "Why would you post that video?!" Jemma's voice rang through the phone. She was annoyed. "Because. I can, its m-my channel and they deserve to know what's going on in m-my life." I say. "Some things shouldn't be on the internet Daniel. I don't need your fans after me okay?!" She says and I sigh, wiping the tears. "Look. I said not to hate on you okay? I could've told them how you really are, but I didn't!" I say.

"Piss off Dan." She says and I sigh. "You know what Jemma? Go to hell." I say hanging up, and squeezing my eyes closed. Why does she always have to do that? Why can't she just leave me alone?! Why does she always have to call me just to make me feel worse. I grab my phone, deciding to scroll through Instagram and notice Jemma posted a photo with the caption "Guys, Dan and I are on very good terms and are still friends ♥" and I wanted to laugh. I comment "No we're not what are you talking about?" and smirk to myself. I could be an asshole if she wants.

I sigh shakily, placing the phone down, and putting my head in my hands. My head felt as if someone was kicking me in the back of the head, and I could feel a migraine coming on. Probably from both drinking, and her. I stand up, and go downstairs, feeding the pugs, and making myself some toast. I glance over at the fridge, and feel sadness overwhelm me all over again. Next to the handle was a magnet. A small, rectangle. The day we got married, us, smiling brightly, was on that magnet.

I than realize that a lot of things I didn't want, that were hers was here, stuff, memories that I sure as hell didn't want. I run upstairs in my office, grabbing a box, and going back downstairs, taking the magnet, and throwing it into the box. On the counter was two of her phone cases, I put them in the box. Pictures of us, were all over the house, I put them into the box.

Upstairs, some of her clothes were in the closet. I put them in the box. Her jewelry box was still sitting on the TV stand. I put it in the box. Our wedding picture which was hanging in the staircase, I put on top, and closed the box, that being the last of the things. I than grab my phone, and text her.

Dan: Come to my house asap.

Jemma: Now?

Dan: Yes.

Jemma: Why?!

Dan: it's important.

I put the phone in my pocket, and walk downstairs, with the semi heavy box, putting it near the door. I go to walk away but hear a knock. I roll my eyes, and walk to the door, pulling it open. "Hello." She says a small smirk on her face." "Hi, now-" I go to continue but she cuts me off. "Why am I here?" She says and I sigh. "Let me explain that." I say and she groans in annoyance. "Now, here." I say stepping back and bending over, picking up the box, and handing it to her.

"This is yours." I say and she gives me a sad look. "So this is it huh?" She says and I nod. "That's all that's left that yours." I say. "No, I mean, for us. This is it? Over one bad thing happening, we're officially done?" She says and I nod, holding back tears. "This is what you wanted, Jemma." I say and she looks at me, studying my face. Usually, if she did that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable, but now, I feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Please don't stare at me like that.." I say, trying to hide the fact that I was about to break down at any given moment. "You look.." She says and I laugh. "Broken? Hurt? Sad? I know this. And I want you to know one thing. You caused it." I say.

"Good. You still look good I was gonna say.. But that too.." She says and I sigh. "I gotta go. Have a nice life, Jemma. And stop calling me." I say turning around, and closing the door behind me. Then I let the tears flow. How can she be so happy? Why doesn't she look tired or sad? Am I really that easy to move on from?! All these thoughts were circling my brain, and I bite my lip, holding back a sob. I hear her car drive away and sigh. I then, slide on my shoes, grab my car keys, and head out the door.

Authors Note

Hey! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember don't use alcohol or drugs as a solution to anything! Stay alive, and stay safe my frens

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