4th Imagine...

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You are in the basement practicing how your going to dance for you big auditon when Prodigy comes down....

Prodigy- Babe you been down here for hours! Just please come upstairs

You- NO! I want to get that part in that movie! And if I want that role I need to know how to dance....

Prodigy- You can dance!

You- Yeah, well not as good as those other girls trying out, they have been dancing for years, I jut recently started a few months back....

Prodigy- Still you can dance...

You- Will you help me?

Prodigy- *looks you  up and down then laughs* You dont need help Y/N, you're going to do fine.

You- Please just help, please?

Prodigy sighs and walks over to your iPod

*Play the external link*

Prodigy- First you got to feel the music. *starts to tap his foot then spins*

You- I'm guess you felt the music huh prod?

He laughs and grabs you and strts to spend you around.

Prodigy- Step to the music

You guys step back and forward and he lets you go. He does some of his favorite moves and you do yours.

Prodigy-Aye! There you go, you getting it, even though you already had it..

You- Shut up Prod *hits his arm and starts up dancing again*

He looks you up and down and starts to follow your moves. You both start start humming and singing the song.

Prodigy- Go Y/N! Go Y/N!

You- *starts smiling hard and continues to dance* Thanks!!!

 He grabs your waist and you wrap your arms around his neck. You guys move back and forward and before you know it your lift of the ground in Prod arms spinning you around.

You- PUT ME DOWN!!!! 

Prod- *continues to spin you around fast* Nope!!

He continues to spin the puts you down.

You- That was fun!

Prodigy- Yeah I was, now can we go upstairs.

You- Not yet I wanna finish dancing with you!!

You both get back out and start dancing around again. 

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