5th Imagine....

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You sit in your dark room with the rain hitting your window as you cry. Prodigy walks in and sees you.

Prodigy- Hey.

You slowly look up and force a smile.

Prodigy- Your mom said you haven't came out your room in forever, I was worried so I came over

You nod and continue to cry. You've been bullied this week like crazy. People laugh at you as you walk donw the hallway, throw things at you, shout rude things to you, steal your clothes in gym class, get into your locker and take everything out and just caus ecomplete hell to you.

Prodigy- Why haven't you been comeing out of your room.

You- *shrugs and continues crying*

Prodigy- Please, answer me I'm your best friend.

You- *slowly look up* They've came back. They wont stop bothering me *looks down and cries*

Prodify- *walks over and sits on bed and rubs your back* What have they been doing?

You- Anuthing horrible you can think of Prodigy.

Prodigy- *hugs you close to him* Y/N, tell me.

You- I CANT! IF I DO IT WILL MAKE ME...*lowers head* cut myself again.

Prodigy looks at you worried and grabs your arms and looks at them and sees cuts. He sees you spell things out like "Ugly", "Useless", "Nothing", "No one".

Prodgiy- Y/n...*tears up*

You- *snatch back your arms* Please leave...

Prodigy- I-

You- Get.The.Hell.OUT!

Prodigy looks at you with tears falling out off his eyes.....

2 weeks later...

Prodigy is at practice with the other boys.

You- *runs in and sees Princeton and Roc talking* Roc! Prince! Where is Prodigy?

Roc - Umm I think in the back, why?

You- Shut up! *runs looking for Prodigy*

Princeton- Ha she told you to- OW! *gets pinched by Roc*

You finally find Prodigy and he looks at you sad.

Prodigy- What?

You- Look *rolls up sleeves*

Prodigy- I dont wanna see your cuts

You- NO! Just look, please

Prodigy sighs and looks at your arms

Both arms have "♥ Beautiful♥ " written on them.

You- Prodigy, I'm sorry I told you to get out of my room and I'm sorry I yelled and I'm sorry I let you down by...cutting myself  *hugs him* You are my best friend and I love you.

Prodigy- *hugs you back* I cant ever stay mad at me best friend-wait did you say you love me?

You- *nods and tears up*

Prodigy hugs you tighter and whisper " I lvoe you, too" in your ear.

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