Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

       Apart from being an apparent part-time babysitter, it seemed that I was also a guidance councilor. Every time someone needed advice for whatever reason, they would come to me, no matter what the situation was.

       I didn't know what I did to become a babysitter and a guidance councilor, but I was going to have to start charging people for my services.

       While Cleo and I were watching a movie, there was a repetitious knocking on the door, and it wouldn't stop until I got up to answer it. As soon as the door opened, Holden walked in. "I really need your advice, Josh," he said.

       "What else is new?" I asked. "Okay, what's up?"

       Holden didn't say anything. Instead, he eyed Cleo, silently telling me that he didn't want to say anything with Cleo in the room.

       Cleo saw that, so she paused the movie and stood up from the couch. "I have to go pick up some more bottle liners from the store anyway," she said. "Are you fine with me leaving Celeste here?"

       "Yeah, of course," I said.

       Holden went to sit on the couch while Cleo got ready to leave to head to the store. Once she was gone, I sat down beside Holden. "So..." Holden said slowly. "This might surprise you, but I kind of have a crush on Shaw."

       "What? No," I said sarcastically. "I had no idea whatsoever after all the time you went to work to stare at Sh-- Soup."

       Holden sighed. "Yeah, I guess I'm not that good at hiding things."

       "Oh, you are," I said. "I only know because I know you're gay. So, what about it?"

       "What do mean?" Holden asked.

       "You know what I mean," I said. "You wouldn't come here just to tell me you have a crush on Shaw."

       Holden sighed and leaned back against the couch. "I'm seventeen, and he's twenty-four. My crush was always just one of those crushes where I'd admire him from afar and know nothing was going to happen. Well, I thought nothing was going to happen."

       "Holden," I said. "What happened between you two?"

       "We kissed," Holden said. "I was babysitting his kids because he had to work overtime, and he came home after they were in bed. We were then talking on his couch and then... we kissed."

       "What happened after?" I asked.

       "Nothing," Holden said. "Castiel was calling for Shaw, so he went to go check up on him, so I left and came here. I don't know what to do, Josh. I actually really like him, but... I'm still in high school. He's twenty-four and he has three kids. Nothing's going to happen."

       "Holden, there's nothing wrong with that," I said. "Who cares if he has three kids? Cleo has a daughter."

       "That's different," Holden said.

       "How?" I asked.

       "For starters, the age difference isn't seven years, is it?" 

       "No, it's four."

       "And second, that's one kid. Shaw has three."

       "Yes, and I have one, so that makes two between me and Cleo. Not only that, but the other parent to our children are crazy. Isn't Shaw still best friends with the mother of his kids?"

       "Well, yeah, but..." Holden groaned and dug his face in his hands. "I don't know. It's even harder when I'm not even out yet. Not only that, but what's Mom and Dad going to say if they find out? You know, if something even happens. What if nothing else happens between me and Shaw? It could have been a one time thing."

       "You're overthinking everything," I said. "You have to talk to Shaw and see where you actually stand because between you and me, I think he actually does like you."

       Holden snorted. "Yeah, right."

       "I'm being serious," I said. "It's clear that he really cares about you, and you said it yourself that he has a soft spot for you at work."

       "Yeah, at work, and that's because I have a brain injury," Holden said.

       "Okay, but even then, like I said, it's clear that he really cares about you," I said. "And don't say it's because his mom was Mom's best friend, because Shaw doesn't care about the rest of us as much as he cares about you. I really think you should just talk things out with him."

       Holden sighed again. "He's probably going to tell me how much he hates my guts."

       I wasn't able to reply, mainly because Holden's cell phone rang. He pulled it out of the pocket and stared at the caller id, and I immediately knew who it was. "Talk to him," I said.

       Holden hesitated and waited until the last minute to answer the phone. "Hello?... Oh, yeah, sorry I just forget that I promised to help Josh with, um, cleaning his house. You know how much I love cleaning..."

       I tried my best not to chuckle. Such a horrible liar.

       "Uh, yeah, sure. I'll, uh, be there soon. Bye." Holden hung up and leaned back into the couch. "He wants me to go to his house so we can talk."

       "Then go talk," I said.

       "To be dumped before we were even together? No thanks."

       "You're overthinking again. Come on, I'll even walk you there."

       Holden sighed. "Fine. But if he breaks my heart, I'm blaming you."

       I rolled my eyes and got up before heading over to Celeste's playpen and taking her out of it. "We are gonna go for a little walk," I said, which excited Celeste a whole lot as she started kicking her legs, which made me smile a whole lot. I loved this little girl.

       "Are you still going to deny that she thinks you're her dad?" Holden asked.

       I sighed, because Holden was right. Celeste really did think I was her dad.

       "Da!" Celeste said, placing her hand on my face. And that was how I knew she thought I was her dad.

       "Called it," Holden said. 

       "Yes, I know," I said. "It doesn't help that I watch her when Cleo's at work, and she lives with me."

       "Does Cleo mind that Celeste calls you Dad?" Holden asked.

       "Not really, no," I said. "The first time Celeste said it, she was a bit... shocked, I'll say, and tried apologizing, but I told her it was fine, and that I did love Celeste like she was my own daughter. Besides, I've been a much better dad to Celeste than her actual dad."

       I got Celeste ready to go outside in the cold and after I was done, I placed her in the stroller before texting Cleo to let her know I was taking Celeste on a walk just in case she came home before us.

       I got my own jacket and shoes on, then the three of us headed out. We began walked to Shaw's house, but Holden was always finding ways to stall, by either fixing his shoe, or even going as far as to pretending his memory was failing and he forgot what we were doing.

       I sighed, just having to put up with it until we finally got to Shaw's house. "Good luck," I said.

       "I'm still going to blame you if things go wrong."

       "Go ahead." I just didn't think things were going to go wrong for him.

       Holden hesitated once again before heading up the stairs to Holden's door, so I turned around and started heading back home.

       On the way there, I saw Joel and Jett sitting at a table outside of the cafe, and Joel didn't look too happy. In fact, he looked kind of upset, and I had a feeling it had to do with the whole Cassidy thing going on, so I walked over to them. "Hey, how did talking to Horatio go?" I asked.

       "Horrible," Joel said. "I mean, he listened to me because he knew when I gave my original statement, I was for sure hiding something. Unfortunately, nobody listened to him when he went to the police station."

       "The police station really needs better officers," I said. "Horatio was basically the one who caught the serial killer a few years ago after nobody was believing a word he said. If anything, he should be the chief."

       "Yeah, he should," Jett agreed. "So, anyway, we think Cassidy is actually going to get away with it."

       That was ridiculous. While I didn't want my daughter to get her mother taken away, Cassidy shouldn't get away with shooting and beating up someone.

       My cell phone suddenly buzzed with a message, and I pulled it out to see a text from Julian. "Uh, I actually don't think she is," I said. "My brother texted me. He said that he saw Cassidy being arrested."


Heck yes, arrest that person.

lol i say that as if im not the one writing this story.


So I now actually officially have a job. I was going to get one for sure at a fast food place, but I got a call from the grocery store I applied for, so my mom told me to go for that again. I then had an interview today, and got hired on the spot. :D 

And because of that, my mom talked to my dad about the internet blocker (because she lowkey hates it) and he either turned it off completely, or extended it to four hours. I'm going to have to find out if I ever use it for more than four hours. cx At least it's better than two.


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