Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

       I was really thankful Julian was at the place where he saw Cassidy get arrested, since Guinevere was with her at the time. Julian watched over Guinevere until I was able to go where they were.

       Guinevere was really scared. She just witnessed her mom being arrested, being taken away from her, and she had no idea why.

       I took her back to my house, where Cleo now was. She was in the kitchen putting the groceries that she just bought away. 

      "Why don't you go sit on the couch?" I said to Guinevere. "I'll put on a movie for you."

       Guinevere nodded and took off her shoes and jacket before heading over to the couch. I took Celeste out of the stroller and took off her jacket and shoes before heading to the living room and turning on the TV for Guinevere. After finding a movie for her to watch, I headed to the kitchen with Celeste in my arms.

       "I have a tiny problem," I said softly, mainly so Guinevere wouldn't hear. "Well, not tiny. A huge problem."

       "What is it?" Cleo asked.

       "Cassidy was arrested," I said. "Right in front of Guinevere. That's why she's here. Julian saw it happen and stayed with Guinevere until I showed up."

       "Why was she arrested?" Cleo asked.

       "Remember how I told you that she shot Joel?" I asked. "And that's how I found out she's still alive."

       "Oh, right," Cleo said. "Is she actually going to prison for it?"

       "I honestly don't know," I said. "It depends if they can find evidence, and I'm not sure if they can. In fact, all the police officers except for one didn't believe Joel. They all thought he was lying because he doesn't have the best reputation."

       "What? That's not fair," Cleo said. "Police officers can't just automatically assume someone is lying, especially someone who was shot."

       "I know, which was why I told Joel to go to a certain police officer," I said. "My cousin's brother-in-law. He's the one that actually listens to everyone, and he's probably the smartest police officer there is. But... Now I feel guilty."

       "What would you feel guilty about?" Cleo asked.

       "Getting Cassidy arrested," I said. "I'm the one who told Joel to go to Calvin's brother-in-law. Cassidy and I may not being seeing eye to eye right now, but... she's still the mother of my daughter."

       "Josh, it's not your fault she was arrested," Cleo said. "Just think, it never would have happened if she didn't shoot Joel. She could have killed him. If she didn't even shoot him, she wouldn't have been arrested."

       I sighed, knowing Cleo was right, but that still didn't stop me from feeling guilty.

       I helped Cleo put the rest of the groceries away, all while holding Celeste, and right as we finished up, there was a knock on the door. Cleo was the one to answer it, and she called me over shortly after.

       Cassidy was the one standing there, her arms crossed. "I assume Guinevere's here?"

       "Uh, yeah," I said, a bit confused on how Cassidy got out so fast. I looked over at the couch to where Guinevere was sitting. "Gwen, your mom's here."

       Guinevere immediately jumped off of the couch and over to Cassidy. "Mommy!" she said, giving her a hug. "I was scared!"

       "I know," Cassidy said, picking Guinevere up. "I'm so sorry about that. I just had something to do."

       "How'd you get out so fast?" I asked. "Julian saw it happen and texted me right away."

       "I'm on parole, though I don't know why," Cassidy said. "I didn't do what that Joel guy is claiming I did. Anyway, since the only evidence they have against me is what Joel was saying, I was released on parole. I'm not allowed to leave the village, but whatever. You believe me, right?"


       Cassidy raised an eyebrow. "You don't?"

       "Well... Everyone thought you were dead," I said. "Even Joel. He wouldn't have said it was you if he didn't know you were alive, and what's the point for him to lie about it?"

       Cassidy scoffed. "Unbelievable. I have no reason to do what he's claiming I did. Oh, well. At least I have the best lawyer in the village defending me."

       "And that would be me," I heard an oh-so familiar voice say, and that was when Brody showed up beside Cassidy. "I couldn't let this poor mom get in trouble for something she didn't do."

       Brody was going to be defending Cassidy in court.

       Very fitting.

       Brody saw Cleo standing beside me and gave her a smile. "Cleo, my love. It's nice to see you again."

       "My love?" Cleo repeated. "Don't go there. We divorced for a reason."

       "Oh, this is the ex-wife you were telling me about," Cassidy said. "That, I can see."

       "What's that supposed to mean?" Cleo asked.

       "Well, it's evident you're still jumping from guy to guy," Cassidy said.

       "What?" Cleo asked. "Okay, whatever Brody told you about the divorce is not true, and you shouldn't just assume otherwise."

       "So you're saying I should trust you instead?" Cassidy asked. "Yeah, right. Come on, Brody. We need to start discussing the case so I don't get charged for something I didn't do."

       After they left, Cleo scoffed and closed the door. "I can't believe Brody made up a lie about our divorce. Actually, I can believe that. He's so... Words can't even describe him."

       "Tell me about it," I said, though something was on my mind. Something I really didn't want to be there.

       I thought this whole time I was falling for Cleo.

       So why did I feel jealous after Cassidy and Brody walked away?


Aww, Josh, my poor conflicted child.

So, if you don't know, I have been working on the winter story for this series. :D I already posted three chapters, and I'm loving it so far. So much drama is going to happen and even a few deaths.

Uh, I mean surprises. Stupid autocorrect.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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