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jungkook: fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck uouddksns

jungkook: fucking fuck fucksjskfuck

jungkook: im going to fucking sue you

jimin: what the fuck?

jungkook: i'm having really bad contractions okay??? im supPOSED TO FUCKING S T U DY BUT IM ACTUALLY S T U (D Y I N G) RN SO FUCKING FUCK YOU

jungkook: you caused this

jungkook: i fucking hate you

jungkook: you and your stupid hot dick

jungkook: im literally about to burst any moment now

jimin: baby

jungkook: DADDY

jungkook: it hurts soOoooooooo badddddd im going to cry

jungkook: bye

jimin: baby oh god

jimin: jungkook

jimin: jesus christ dont cry in the middle of your interview

jimin: breathe baby

jimin: remember what your therapist said?

jimin: breathe slowly

jimin: i know it hurts love, im sorry

jimin: i'll make it up to you when we reach home alright?

jimin: baby?

jungkook: its okay im alright now yugyeom got me chocolate milk

jimin: hm

jungkook: bye daddy

jungkook: i love you

jimin: goodluck for the interview

jungkook: i love you???


jungkook: you suck

jimin waited for jungkook in front of the building, his jaguar catching people's attention as they tried to peer into the car to see who it was. jungkook lightens up as he sees jimin's car as he steps outside, waddling overly cutely and jimin's heart warms a little at the sight of his boy.

he had an interview for one of seoul's finest law firm, his degree in law helping him secure with a well payed job. now he just has to wait for the results.

"hey daddy" jungkook leans in to peck his lips, shivering at the cold, and makes a noise of confusion when jimin just hums and starts driving back to their apartment.

"daddy. . .are you okay?"

"why shouldn't i be?" jungkook flinches at the words, glancing at the other to see him focusing on the streets, hands wrapped tightly on the steering wheel. "i just. . .nevermind"

once they reached, jimin stepped out from his side, picking up his suitcase and other stuffs that he managed to buy before holding the door open for jungkook on his side. jimin closed the door and locked his car, catching up with jungkook who had already start walking in front. the walk up to the penthouse was unusually quiet, jungkook gulping at the tense air around them but jimin seemed so nonchalant about it, punching in the key code and steps in, jungkook following after.

"oh you bought food?" jungkook asks as jimin sets down a takeaway box on the table, looking up at jimin in question. jimin walks over to switch on the light and air con as he loosens his tie, tugging it and glancing behind to hum at jungkook, "yeah, i ate with taemin earlier before picking you up so i bought you food. i'm gonna go shower first"

jungkook stills at the mention of jimin's co-worker. he doesn't like that name, neither does he like the person associated with that name, all too touchy and having heart eyes everytime he's with jimin, like how jungkook is. "you went to eat with taemin when you could have ate with me?" jimin stops by the hallway, shrugging his shoulders, "just thought you didn't want to eat with me since yugyeom would have pampered you enough. but if he didn't, what do you need? i'll get it for you after i hit the showers"

jungkook visibly deflates, sitting himself down at the dining table as he shudders out a breath, gasping when he feels the tears stinging his cheeks. "how stupid of you. . ." he whispers to himself, berating himself for slipping up yugyeom's name in their conversation earlier.

he hears the water running and stares the the plastic box across him pitifully, suddenly not having the appetite to eat. he wanted to cook with jimin today, since it's a friday but it seems like all he plans just went down the drain. if jimin decides to go out tonight, jungkook will just cry himself to sleep.

"you're done eating?" jimin raises a brow as he steps out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a smaller towel as he walks over to his walk-in closet, taking out his boxer and sweatpants, not even glancing at his boyfriend who is having trouble staying calm.

"are you going out" as much as jimin is burning from childish jealousy, he can't turn away from the soft voice, and as he expected, there are already tears forming in jungkook's eyes, "no, i'm just going to sleep in"

"i'm sorry"

"what for? you didn't do anything" jimin throws the towel into the hamper before climbing on to his side of the bed, leaving a space between him and jungkook which made jungkook's heart breaks painfully. "i didn't mean to i swear, i just, he gave me something to help soothe the pain and i-"

"i said it's fine. i'm used to it aren't i?" jimin locks his phone before finally taking a proper look at jungkook, brows furrowing, "your food is going to get cold, you should go eat. after that take a bath and rest, no school tomorrow remember?"

jungkook shakes his head softly, "i'm not hungry" he murmurs, getting up from the bed and taking his turn to bathe, quickly washing himself up while trying to calm himself down as well, cursing when the baby keeps on kicking, making it a difficult task to clean himself up.

he finally stepped out of the shower after almost close to an hour, clad in nothing but his oversized sweater which he deems comfortable and silently slips into bed, not wanting to wake jimin up who's back facing him.

jungkook strokes his tummy when the baby won't stop kicking, smiling sadly, "i'm sorry baby, daddy won't talk to you today. he's mad at me so he slept first, i'm sorry" jungkook sighs and keeps on stroking his stomach when he feels the sheets rustle, the space between him and jimin suddenly gone as jimin leans up to press a kiss onto jungkook's stomach and places his hand there tentatively, "hey love, i'm sorry for neglecting you today, please don't make it hard for your appa, he's already suffering enough with you growing inside everyday" the baby suddenly stops kicking and jimin smiles, kissing jungkook's stomach one last time before moving back to his side but he doesn't get far before a hand stops him by the wrist.

he turns around, looking up at jungkook who is staring back at him forlornly, "can you kiss me? please i just, i don't deserve it but i miss you today and i just want to be close to you. please" jimin cradles his jaw soundlessly and pulls him in, meshing his lips softly with jungkook and the boy can't hold it in anymore, the tears gushing out as jimin pulls him closer, deciding that he should stop with the cold shoulder and give jungkook all the attention he promised earlier.

"i'm so sorry hyung" the black haired keeps repeating, not once letting jimin go, tightening the hold he has around jimin's neck, burying his face in his shoulder, sobbing quietly.

"i told you it's fine"

"no it's not! i hurt you, i keep doing it and it's not okay. i can't do anything right i-" jimin presses a finger to his lips, effectively shutting the boy up as he press kisses on the crown of his head, stroking his back comfortingly.

"i love you, hyung. i love you so much. i'll try not to let anything like that slip up again" jimin hums, lowering both of them to the bed and lulls the boy to sleep, sighing out as he shakes his head once jungkook's breathing had even out.

"i love you too, brat"

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