Ch.11.Promise Me.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan or Izu-Chan }

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"Thanks for driving me to school Auntie Z" 

"Your welcome Izu-Chan, now everyone out before your late for the first day" the black haired female told the green haired boy in the passengers seat and the three in the back seat that looked as if they didn't want to be drove to school by their mother, "Kit-Chan Cit-Chan and Za-Chan have fun at school".

"Hurry before anyone realizes she's our mom" The oldest triplet in the back hissed already getting out of the car, her younger siblings following behind her, the three had gotten into general studies , they were glad they got in for their parents told them if they got into U.A they could get their own apartment , which they did and were gonna move into after school.

"Auntie Z isn't that bad" Izuku pouted, waving to his aunt goodbye, he was kinda happy one of his self proclaimed aunts drove him today along with his self proclaimed cousins, anyways the male made his way down the halls of the large building trying to find class 1-A , he finally found it and was in awe over the large door.

The green haired male smiled brightly seeing Kacchan was in his class, he also noticed Sho-Chan in the corner, whom was the first to notice the boy and the hot and cold boy's face lit up seeing his soon to be lover here, soon the blue haired stuck up guy from the exam made his way over to the green haired boy.

"I Solemnly apologize for my rude behavior , you were the true hero in the exams, I'm Iida Tenya" the blue haired boy bowed to the green haired boy, he wouldn't admit it but he feared for his life because of a certain {H/C} female, she had threatened if he didn't make up with her son she'd make sure he'd never become a hero, and so here he was apologizing to the boy he shouldn't have underestimated , he regretted his life choices after seeing the green haired male bested him in the exam by knowing the true meaning behind it.

Though truth be told Izu-Chan just liked saving people he didn't know that there were rescue points, and he also wanted to save his self proclaimed big sister, if it was the blue haired male about to be attacked he might have done the same because saving people is what real heroes do, "I guess I forgive you Ten-Chan, I'm Midoriya Izuku, but call me Izu-Chan ,K, everyone calls me Izu-Chan".

"I recommend you stay away from what is mine Iida" Shoto stated quite bluntly, appearing behind the shorter boy and wrapping his arms around his waist and placing his chin on Izu-Chan's head, his glare set on the older looking male whom was his age but looked older, he didn't like others being rude to his Izu-Chan and whatever happened at the exam meant this male said something mean to his Izu-Chan, thus adding another to Shoto's list.

"Izu-Chan , I'm so glad were in the same class!" Uraraka smiled brightly entering the classroom, she walked over to the male, not realizing the situation but she did know that Izuku needed protection he was a cinnamon roll and she would protect him, because cinnamon rolls need to stick together.

"Ura-Nee!" The green haired boy giggled, before noticing a very familiar sleeping bag at the door way, and thus he knew his father had arrived, hopefully he wasn't in a bad mood today, than again the green haired boy felt slightly bad for anyone whom would piss his dad off even more.

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Izuku rocked back and forth on the heels of his feet staring up at the sky as he watched a ball soar into the sky with a small sweat drop, Kacchan really liked shouting 'die' at objects that did nothing to him didn't he?

Though Izu-Chan sweat dropped when someone said this was fun, and thus came his dad telling them the one with the lowest score would be expelled, his dad wasn't joking and the green haired male knew it to.

Soon a bunch of activities went by and he decided to not show all of his quirks , he had made an agreement with his parents and uncle Yagi, whom had decided Izu-Chan would be the next symbol of peace for some reason the blonde man thought passing his power to a Cinnamon roll that liked to kidnap people and lock them in the basement was a good idea.

Though instead of using All-Might's quirk he used his 'Chimera' quirk, he liked using different animals, he got better over the years with it, and so far he has seen a lot of different animals these past years so that he could use it, and he learned unlike his aunt he could turn into mythical creatures he's seen in books, as long as he combines animals.

He was getting pretty high marks in the test, all because he had decided to choose a cat for this because he found cat's cute like his dad did, and soon it all came to an end with a ball throw and he got a higher score than Kacchan , which made the boy smile brightly.

"I was kidding no one's being expelled"

"But I don't like the grape haired boy"

" Minoruyour expelled"

"What , but you said you were joking!"

"Pack your stuff and leave Minoru Mineta"


"May I dispose of the trash Mr. Aizawa?" 

"Leave before I allow Todoroki to dispose of you"

"Why am I being expelled it's no fair!"

"Life isn't fair, Todoroki dispose of him"


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{Rule number 6 ?: If Izu-Chan doesn't like you your getting expelled } 

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