Ch.10.Promise Me.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"I got in!" the green haired boy shouted in joy his green eyes sparkling , he had just got his letter today from U.A, and he was so happy to find he got into the school , and he got some hero points from saving Ura-Nee Chan, the green haired cinnamon roll was so happy, and he got told this all by a projection of his uncle Yagi-Chan, or All Might.

"That's my boy!" The {H/C} female shouted in joy opening her son's door, hearing his shout of joy from down stairs she was so excited for him, "Your growing up so fast, so are Kari-Chan and Usa-Chan, soon I won't have anyone to baby anymore" the female pouted "anyways let's celebrate with a feast!" his mother ran out of his room and downstairs to get ready to make a large meal.

The green haired boy giggled grabbing his phone and calling his best friend, "Sho-Chan my mom's making a feast tonight do you wanna come over?" he asked "It's to celebrate me getting into U.A your coming right?"

"Yes I'll be right over Izu-Chan" the red and white haired male told his soon to be lover over the phone, Shoto would always be there for his best friend that would one day be his lover, "I first have to dispose of some trash, see you soon Izu-Chan" and with that the hot and cold male hung up.

"I didn't get to tell him bye oh well he is coming over" the green haired male pouted than giggled before texting Kacchan to come over for dinner, and of course the male accepted no one could say no to free food, or his mothers cooking, he kinda wished he got Ura-Nee's number, oh well if she got in than he could get her number.

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"I didn't even have to ask him to invite you two, he's growing up way to fast, Ai-Chan I want another baby" the {H/C} female told her husband at the dinner table, that was covered in various foods, when she said she was making a feast she did.

Aizawa almost choked on his food, his wife was way to blunt when it came to this sort of stuff, the lazy man wondered why he married her than he realized she was the love of his life, and he'd never exchange her for anyone else, no matter how many times Yamada flirts with him he'll stay true to his wife, a woman that could kill him in his sleep, another reason why he learned to sleep with one eye open.

This family was filled with secrets , "I'm not going to ask why you want another one but we should wait till the others grow" Aizawa told her, he didn't need more kids right now and his sleep was getting shorter and shorter he needed more sleep, and coffee but mostly sleep.

"Fine" the women pouted eating some of her steak, she would have to wait though she didn't want to , "Izu-Chan you better Marry Sho-Chan and adopt some babies so I can be a grandmother" the female stated bluntly.

Izuku blushed brightly, and Shoto nodded "We will get married one day Miss Aizawa" the male told the {H/C} female bluntly.

"Call me mom~"

"Okay Mother"

"I do not approve of this, Izuku is far to young to marry"

"He's got my blessing Ai-Chan~"

~ ~ ~

"Today's the day I start U.A it's gonna be so fun" the green haired boy giggled, a week ago the dinner got a bit strange due to his mothers antics but now he got a over sized uniform on and was ready to go to school at a hero school, his dad had already left, Izuku was pretty sure his dad was gonna be his teacher.

Meaning he had to pretend not to be his son, than again Sho-Chan and Kacchan already knew this so it wouldn't be a big surprise for them, and Izuku still wonders what Sho-Chan meant by 'trash' on their phone call that night, oh well he wouldn't pry.

"Here's your lunch, I packed one for Sho-Chan and Katsuki as well, remember if anyone is annoying flip them off" his mother handed him three lunch boxes and he smiled brightly getting a kiss on the head before he left for his very first day, lunch boxes in his backpack.

Izu-Chan wondered what today had in store for him, he wondered just how fun it was going to be, and he wondered if he would meet anyone interesting , he also realized he should probably not show his full potential, he didn't want people knowing how strong he was.

Their faces were funnier when they found out not to underestimate the cute cinnamon rolls.

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{Rule ??: Don't underestimate Cinnamon rolls they could kick your a**}  

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