Ch.9.Promise Me.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"It's so big Kacchan, it's gonna be so great if we got in together!" the green haired cinnamon roll told his angry friend whom was looking away from him, sometimes Bakugou wondered why he was friends with this nerd than he remember's the boy had more than one quirk and heroes as parents and could probably kill him without blinking an eye.

So that was a big reason why he didn't bully the green haired cinnamon roll, because no matter how angry he was that Izu was better than him, he like everyone valued their life, and he liked living no matter how badly he wanted to fight the cinnamon roll, so thus led the blonde to being close friends with Izuku instead of him being a bully.

 "Shut up you damn nerd and hurry up and get inside" the blonde growled slightly walking a bit ahead of his friend and person he was slightly afraid of, that damn nerd had way to many skeletons in his closet, the blonde wouldn't even try and remember the time he found a guy bound and gagged in the green haired males closet, no he wasn't even going to point that out, and he wouldn't get started on Izuku's 'best friend' a male that the blonde hated and was afraid of, he woke up to that icy hot boy staring at him while sharpening a knife once at a sleepover with him and Izuku.

Bakugou needed some new none insane friends, ones that didn't want to kill him, yeah he needed new friends, he hopped he wouldn't be placed in the same class as his insane friend group, than again his luck sucked.

Izuku frowned and went to catch up only to trip, he would have hit the ground if it weren't for the help from a girl with brown hair and a gravity quirk, "Sorry I used my quirk it's bad luck to trip on the first day" she told him.

"Your quirk's so cool, thank you so much I'm Midoriya Izuku, but you can call me Izu-Chan" the boy shouted happily, his first time talking to a female other this his sister and his mom, this was sorta a lucky day, he grabbed her hand "Let's go so were not late" he didn't even get her name before dragging her inside.

The brown haired female blushed slightly having him grab her hand, before it faded and she smiled, she just met Izuku but he reminded her of a little kid almost a little brother, she always wanted a little brother, hopefully he wouldn't mind being her self proclaimed little brother, to bad she never got the chance to give him her name for they split once going inside him going to go sit in his assigned seat for this.

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Izuku didn't enjoy the fact his self proclaimed uncle was so loud due to his sensitive hearing, and plus a guy with blue hair called him out for being so excited and bouncing in his seat, he didn't like glasses boy that much, he seemed kinda stuck up he'll have to tell his mom about him later.

Izuku noticed the brown haired female and his face lit up, he was going to go over to her but was stopped by the glasses boy and frowned, "Are you trying to ruin other's chances of getting in, if you are I suggest you leave, children shouldn't be here" he waved his arms in a weird motion.

"I'll have you know Mr I have a stick up my but , I know how to hide a body" the green haired boy nodded "Plus my parents are pro hero's they'd probably be angry after I tell them you told their son to give up trying to be a hero, it's quite rude Mr.Glasses man".

"I'm rude you are the one who isn't taking this seriously, we are trying to become hero's and what does it matter whom your parents are my family are pro heroes as well" the blue haired male stated.

"My Mom's Shifter" the green haired boy stated and that had the blue haired male freeze, he's met the number three hero once before because of his older brother and he overheard sometimes about her her oldest son whom had the most potential of becoming a hero, this boy was him how absurd he was far to childish that couldn't be possible maybe his mother needed her eyes checked.

Before the blue haired male could speak the exam had began and the green haired boy stuck out his tongue at the blue haired male and flipped him off before running ahead, the green haired male not activating his quirk quite yet wanting to have fun with this.

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Izuku giggled once it ended he had fun and he also saved the brown haired female from a one pointer, he than scolded everyone for not helping her , telling them their all just big meanies that shouldn't be heroes if they couldn't even save anyone and only thought about themselves.

In the end he made a new friend named Uraraka or Ura-Nee , he wasn't certain if she was a bit younger or older than him but from now on she was his self proclaimed older sister figure, and he wasn't gonna let anyone go in between that.

Also let's just say a certain female with {H/C} was quite pissed at dinner that night, before leaving early the next morning to give the Iida family a piece of her mind and scold a certain glasses wearing male whom regretted pissing off the female by telling his son that he should quit the exams.

Yeah their next meeting would be interesting. 

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{Rule: Don't bully the cinnamon roll}      

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