Chapter 1

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(Conan's POV)

" Conan-kun! It's time to wake up! Hurry you'll be late for school! " 

I opened my eyes thinking I'd see Ran trying to wake me up but instead I found myself in Hakase's guest room, the sun shinning though the window. Today was going to be a long day...

It's been 5 years since I became a first year at elementary school for the second time. The organisation remained in the same state lurking in the shadows just waiting for any news about me and Haibara being alive so they can pounce and destroy us. Haibara has still not been able to create the antidote for APTX 4869 so it looked as if Kudo Shinichi could not appear yet. Not that I could even if I wanted to... Ran had graduated from Teitan high and was now at university and was becoming tired of waiting for Kudo Shinichi to return. I guess it is hard to wait for someone for 5 years... I've been trying my best to convince Ran to wait a little longer but it isn't looking good. I got dressed and made my way down stairs.

In the kitchen, I saw Haibara in her normal clothes brewing coffee and making breakfast.

"Morning Haibara. Breakfast smells good!"

"Morning..." Haibara muttered without turning around. I've known her for 3 years and yet nothing has changed about her cold attitude towards me... But now I think of it, maybe she has changed a little..."

"I'd brace yourself if I were you..."  Haibara had served up breakfast and looked towards me.

"What?" She gave me a sympathetic smile

"10, 9, 8..." Haibara began counting down. What was happening!!! Had Haibara planted a bomb in the house!!!

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

There was a loud crash from upstairs, followed by booming footsteps that were getting nearer and nearer. The door smashed open revealing  Agasa Hakase, dressed in his teddy bear pyjamas (from movie 5), smelling the air like a hungry hound. 

"oooooo breakfast!!!"

Haibara and I sighed as we sat down at the table to eat. I started eating and began a conversation with Hakase, little did I realise that Haibara was giving me and Hakase a rare smile.

(Haibara's POV)

Onee-chan... It's almost the day. In 2 days, I'm going to tell him. He might not accept but It's now or never right? I don't know how long I have left so the sooner the better...

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to see my food untouched and Kudo-kun giving me a worried look. H-he's so adorable...... No! Snap out of it Shiho! While I was in my thoughts I noticed that he was coming closer towards me.

"Wha-what are you doing?" He put his hand on my forehead and tilted his head. My heart was beating faster and faster. I could feel the heat in my face rising and I knew he would notice...

"Are you sure you're okay? I think you have a temperature!"

Thank god he's so dense!!! I quickly moved Kudo-kun's hand away still blushing furiously, Hakase laughing in the background. I ate Breakfast as fast as I possibly could and ran to the basement, slamming the door behind me. I lent against the door and closed my eyes.

 Onee-chan... I don't think I can do it...      

HEY!!!! How was it!!! I know there wasn't much coxai but it's a developing story so bare with me... I'm not very good at writing fan fictions (I'm more of a lying around reading fan fictions kind of person... XD) but I hope you enjoyed! The holiday's are officially over.... no more staying in all day watching youtube, playing visual novels and reading fan fics... ._.

Please vote and comment what you thought! Thanks! Bye bye!!

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