Chapter 2

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Sorry for the late update. I've had lots of tests lately and haven't had much time to write more. I'll try to update more often when half term begins. (A week off school!!! Yay! XD) Hope you enjoy!! ^_^

(Conan's POV)

Thanks to the big fiasco in the morning, Haibara and I just made it to the classroom before the  bell. I crashed down into my desk getting ready to relax when...

"Good morning Conan-kun!" A large high pitched voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta beaming at me.

"Morning you guys! You're excited today!" They looked at each other with a mischievous grin. I have a bad feeling about this....

"Conan-kun- do you know what day it is in two days?"

"Um... The 14th of February?"

"Which is??" Ayumi looked at me with eager eyes.

"Valentines day?"

"EXACTLY!!!" Kids these days...

"Ai-chan! Are you going to give chocolate to someone?" Haibara looked up from her book and gave her trademark smirk.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"Haibara-san! What does that mean?!?! Mitsuhiko asked with a flushed face. At that moment our teacher walked into the room.

"Everyone get in your seats!" Mitsuhiko went back to his seat disappointedly.

The day went in a blur. Well it's not like I needed to pay attention to the lesson. I was a high school detective and Haibara was a genius scientist who is 89... or maybe not... I was beginning to pack away my things when the detective boys came over.

"Oi! Do you two wanna go play football in the park?" Genta questioned me and Haibara.

"Sure!" I said.

"I'll pass..." We look at Haibara in shock.


"I remembered something I have to do and also I have to go and make dinner for a hungry hakase and detective." She gave me a wink which made me blush a little. She saw this and smirked. I wonder where she's going..... What is wrong with me?!?!?!?! I rubbed my head to get any unnecessary thoughts out of my head.

"Guys, lets follow her!" Genta said excitedly. All three of them looked curious and if I hadn't stopped them, they probably would have gone.

"Haibara likes her privacy and you need to respect that" Ayumi and Genta looked guilty but mistuhiko just looked angry. His hands curled into fists at his side.

"It's not fair..." He muttered under his breath.

"If Haibara-san likes her privacy, why do you know everything about her!!!" He gave me a glare full of anger and hatred.

"Because we're frie-" He cut me off.

"Because you're friends? Don't make me laugh! We've know her for the same amout of time and yet you know so much more! You know  her favourite colour, her favourite food, her favourite place and you even know about her past! Don't think I don't see the looks you give each other! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!" Everyone who was left in the classroom turned towards Mitsuhiko and stared. Mitsuhiko, looking flustered,ran out the door.

"Mitsuhiko wait!" I called out to him but he didn't stop.

"Come on! Let's go after him!" Ayumi said dragging me and Genta by the arm. While we were looking for him, I thought back to what he'd said to me. Haibara was closer to me because we were both victims of APTX-4869 shrinking so were probably about the same age but was that the only reason... I remember the conversation me and mum had 5 years ago...

"Shin-chan! I see your popular with the ladies!"

"What? Oh! You mean Ayumi? Yeah..."

"And one more!!!"



"Haibara? No way... There's no way she likes me.."

"Are you stupid! There's only two reasons why a girl looks at a boy! It's either there's something on his face or she likes him!"

At time I thought she had completely lost it but the way Haibara is acting lately is strange... Does... Does she like me?.... Stop! Why do I care! I like Ran!... Don't I?

"I found him!" Ayumi shouted out and we stopped. We saw Mitsuhiko slightly swinging on a swing. Hurt and guilt filled his eyes. Ayumi moved forward to go to him but I put my hand out.

"What are yo-"

"Let me talk to him" I said and I walked toward him thinking of a way to explain the relationship between me and Haibara.

THAT'S CHAPTER TWO DONE! FIND OUT WHAT CONAN TELLS MITSUHIKO NEXT TIME ON PROMISES ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!! XD Thanks so much for all your support and let me know if you want to see more!! >_<      BYE!!!! 

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