Chapter 3

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(Conan's POV)

I sat down on an empty swing newt to Mitsuhiko but he didn't look up.

"You want to know why I know so much about Haibara?" Mitsuhiko looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy, a clear sign that he had been crying. There was an awkward silence. What should I say to him? I can't possibly say that it's because we were a different age to them... I had to tell a few lies. They would be connected to the real story but some parts would be taken out and other parts added. This is the only thing that I can think of that I could tell Mitsuhiko without putting him in danger.

"Before I tell you anything, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone."

"I-I promise..."

"Good. I'm going to tell you things that only a few people know..." His eyes widened with a mixture of fear and excitement.

"The truth is.... I knew Haibara before she joined Teitan elementary school."

"What?! Then why did you not react at all?" Um.... I didn't think of that....

"I didn't know it was her then. Her name was different,she cut her hair and I hadn't seen her in 2 years...I later found out she lived at Hakase's house and she revealed her identity to me." Mostly true... Apart from the bit about cutting her hair.... I think.

"Wait! So you're childhood friends?!?!" Mitsuhiko gave me a worried look. Oh God..... THINK!!!!

"I wouldn't say childhood friends.... I met her through her sister."

"Her sister?!" Why did I mention her sister!!!!!

"Yeah! So now you know. Let's go home. It's getting late." I stood up getting ready to leave.

"Wait! You're not telling me everything! You didn't explain you're relationship with Haibara and why did she change her name?" Damn this kid..... Well, I guess I've got to keep making up lies... This is when I use my mums acting skills... I'm sorry Akemi-san... I turn my back to him and carry on with the half true story.

"She's dead...."

"What?" I didn't see his face but I could tell from his voice that he was shocked.

"Haibara's sister. She's dead." I turned toward him and looked at him with a sad face. A genuinely sad face.

"B-bu-but how?"

"Do you really want me to tell you?" I gave him a sad look. Please say no! Please say no!!

"I want to know more about Haibara-san... Please tell me." UUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?!??! I sat back down on the swing containing my anger. Time to make a bunch of things up..... I hope Haibara never finds out about this...

"Ever since I was little, my parents were always busy with work and they didn't think I should go to nursery so I had a childminder. I hated all of them and one by one, they quit. My parents were running out of options and that's when they met. She was desperately looking for a job and after some begging, she became my childminder. She was the nicest person I'd ever met and that's when I met Haibara." I stopped and gave him a ' happy now' look.

"You still haven't told me why Haibara-san's sister died." I'M GOING TO KILL THIS!!! Calm down Shinichi.... You can do this...

"Every morning at six they came round and every night at nine they left. That continued for 2 years but one morning they didn't come. My mum phoned her mobile but the one who answered was Haibara and she was crying saying her house was on fire. We ran to the burning house and Haibara was outside crying her eyes out.

"And then?" Mitsuhiko was strangely excited... I tried really hard to think of something to say.

"Well... I found it weird that Haibara didn't say anything about her sister still being in the house. She told me later that her sister was killed and told her to run before they came back... The last time I saw her I promised her that I would protect her but the next morning she was gone..." I stood up without facing him.

"That's the ending of the story. I'm going home." I started to walk away.

"Why was Haibara-san's sister killed?! I stopped. I'd told him too much. I didn't want to lie anymore...

"That's classified information." I continued to walk.

"Who are 'they'?!" He shouted.

"That's classified information." I said and continued without even turning around.

"Who are you?!" I stopped. I turned to him with a sad smile.

"That's classified information...." I turned my back to him and walked out the park leaving Mitsuhiko speechless.

(Haibara's POV)

Where is it? It has to be in here somewhere... I was going through my old stuff looking my sister's 'How to survive life' guide she made for me. I didn't think I'd ever need it but... I took out a large box that had 'Shiho's stuff' written on it with a black marker. A few weeks after I escaped from the organisation, I went to my sister's apartment to retrieve the stuff I had left there. I took the large box into the living room and started sorting through it. No... No... No... Found it! I lifted out a dusty leather note book and stroked the cover. Onee-chan.... I was about to open it when something caught my eye. It was a DVD with 2006-2013 written on it. I wonder what this is? I stood up and put the DVD in the player.

Hello!!! There wasn't much Haibara in this chapter and I don't think it was very good I just need Conan to get rid of Mitsuhiko and couldn't think of anything else... ._. They'll be more Haibara in the next chapter! XD      

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