The Prisoner

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The war between the Martians and Terrans has finally ended. Earth was slowly making repairs and everyone was at peace. Princess Asseylum, now an empress had made amends with everyone. Of course, there was the occasional fight between Martians and Terrans, nothing to big though. Everyone was satisfied...except for me. I am now seventeen years old and have yet to get my revenge. Damn kataphrakt. Why'd you have to be airborne?

Due to my skills and abilities, I was told to stay on the ground during the war. I only attacked Martians that tried to invade our territory. I couldn't learn how to control kataphrakts for the life of me. Maybe it was because of their large, robotic structure or maybe it's because I needed something that I could fully move in. Nonetheless, I couldn't control a kataphrakt.

I was currently walking through the Deucalion by myself, still thinking of a way to exact my revenge.

"(Y/N)!" a girl called. I looked up from my thoughts to see a blonde haired girl with two pigtails and green eyes.

"Hey, Nina," I smiled as she ran over to me. She eyed my clothing. Black jeans and a (f/c) v-neck with with a zipped down matching jacket. She puffed her cheeks, "You really should wear cuter clothes, (Y/N). Like skirts or something. How will you impress boys? With a personality like yours, you at least need some cute clothes."

I scoffed, "Oh, Nina. I don't need to impress boys because they're pretty much scared of me when they figure out who I am."

She pouted again, "You're no fun, (Y/N)." Ever since we had become friends on this ship, Nina had always tried to convince me wear, how you say, more girlish clothes. Of course, her attempts never worked.

I laughed as I patted her head, "I know. Where's Rayet and Inko?"

"They're over by the beach. You want to come?" she said as she jumped hoping I would say yes.

"Nah," I said as I walked away.

"You're no fun," Nina whined again, "Oh, (Y/N)." She ran up to me again. "Did you here that Inaho brought a prisoner from the war. I heard that the guy is placed in some glass cubicle or something."

My ears perked up as my red eyes glistened, "Where's Inaho?"

Nina shrugged, "Probably in his office. And (Y/N), your eyes never seem to stop giving me a little scare."

I laughed as I put on the (e/c) contacts that I always kept in handy, but the truth was I didn't need the contacts. I never needed them in the first place. I was able to control my eyes from switching to red and to (e/c). I just wore these contacts for the sake of not scaring people with my abilities.

"There, happy? I'm going to see Inaho."

I walked away from the blonde as she yelled across the halls, "You better promise to hangout with us sometime!"

I gave her a thumbs up and headed to Inaho's office. I knocked on the doors.

"Come in," I heard the emotionless boy say. I walked in and approached his desk to find Inaho staring out the window.

"You're voice is as boring as usual, Inaho," I teased.

"And you are just as insulting as ever," he said back as he turned around to look at me. I saluted the ensign when he formed a small smile on his face, "No need to salute me, (Y/N)."

"It's only the right thing to do," I said as I put down my hand.

Inaho and I had become better friends during the war. We were both often known as the most blunt people on board, and it was true. We started showing more emotion when war was nearing an end though. Inaho had helped me ever since I joined the war.

I looked at the eye patch he wore over his left eye. Originally, he had an analytical device planted there but he had it removed.

"So what brings you here, (Y/N)?" Inaho said as he took a seat.

"Well, I heard you have a prisoner. May I know their name?"

"Oh, it's just Slaine Troyard, the one who almost started an all-out war with Earth," he said calmly.

"You say that so coolly, Inaho," I said teasingly. "May I know what his kataphrakt he used?"

"Why would you like to know?" he asked, his face remaining at its emotional state.

"Jeez, Inaho, after knowing you for almost two years, I still can't tell the different faces of your emotions. But anyway," I said as I stretched my arms, "I just want to know for the hell of it."

He sighed, "Slaine Troyard owned the Tharsis. There's your answer."

My eyes widened as small smirk formed on my face. Inaho looked at me, "Even without my analytical device, I can tell you're thinking something."

"No, no. You're seeing things. I'll take my leave now." I said as I reached for the doorknob.

"Later, Kaizuka."

I walked down the halls and thought to myself.

"It seems that the owner of Tharsis is right here in Earth. How fortunate. I should kill him now when I still have the chance. To think I'd never find you. After I kill you, I can fulfill the other part of my promise."

The guy who had ruined my life was about to pay very soon. I held onto the cardinal red stone lined with ginger gold in the shape of a teardrop and a silver chain made of that my mother gave to me. It shone brightly under the lights of the ship.

"I promise to set things right."

I headed towards my room to grab my parents twin pistols. The air around me becoming gloomy. I gently slid my fingers on the metallic ginger pistols. There was a faded symbol near the handle. It was an intricate symbol, and I could tell, even if it was fading away. I always kept my parents pistols in good condition.

I walked to the shelf and reached for my own gun. An ivory painted platinum pistol with elegant black vines. The symbol on my handle was an much more intricate design compared to the one on my parents'. I let all my emotions seep in and made my way out.

??? P.O.V.

I sat quietly in the chair of this glass prison. Thinking of the events that happened so far when a sudden flashback flashed in mind.


I was seated in Tharsis looking for Princess Asseylum's location. While doing so, I had accidentally knocked down a building and I remember my eyes filling with fear as I saw red eyes staring directly at me. I felt as if it were piercing my soul.

Those eyes were demonic and the rage could be seen quite clearly in the person's eyes. Did I perhaps do something to upset them? Perhaps I did. But I didn't care because my only concern was Asseylum. But I felt that gaze follow me. It was impossible to shrug off. How was it even possible for this person to make eye contact with me through my kataphrakt?

End of Flashback

That's the only feature I could remember. Those red eyes...they were mesmerizing yet scary. And now, here I am, stuck in a cell almost two years later, still affected by those eyes. I would've expected myself to be more affected by my past actions but it was those eyes that affected me most. I had no idea why.

I knew one thing though, I needed to get out of this place and get myself back to Vers. I didn't know how, but I was going to do it soon.


Inaho's P.O.V.

It was nighttime right now and I was walking through the Deucalion with the short haired blonde, Calm.

We passed by an area and heard some gun shots.

"Looks like (Y/N)'s at it again," he said as he peeked through the glass that revealed (Y/N) firing bullets. I watched as (Y/N) shot the targets. She always wore her red eyes when she shot, not her (e/c) ones. I was one of very few, perhaps the only one, that knew that she didn't need those contacts. I caught her once when her eyes had mysteriously reverted back and forth from the different colors. It always has been a mystery to me, those changing eyes of hers. Even when I had the analytical device, it had always told me it was normal, so not wanting to strain my nerves, I listened.

"Sugoi," Calm spoke softly as he watched her fire and move through the area. "She's so fast yet graceful."

"That's why she's called the Black Dragon, Calm."

"She's gotten quite attractive hasn't she?" Calm said, "I should try talking to her more."

"Whenever you do try speaking to her, you get flustered after she says, 'What's up freckle face?'"

Calm frowned at me. "It's hard to be as dull as you, Inaho. You know," Calm said as he leaned against the glass, "You two have become great friends over the years, I'm surprised she's still 'just a friend' to you."

"Nao-kun!" Yuki called as I saw her run up to me. By the looks of it, I could tell she had run a very far distance. "Slaine has escaped from the cell!"

"What?!?" Calm exclaimed. "How? That place is literally anything proof. You need to do something."

"Where is he now?" I said calmly.
"He used one of the kataphrakts and is heading for Vers."

I remained calm and collected, "That bat...I guess we'll need to send someone over there to retrieve him. We won't be using any kataphrakts because that would cause a scene."

Yuki and Calm exchanged confused glances as I averted my gaze to the glass window where (Y/N) was diligently shooting targets. "We'll need someone skilled on foot."

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