The Promise (Prologue)

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This story will be based on the events that happened after Earth and Mars are at peace. This story is completely fan-made. There will be slight changes from the original anime, but all in all, this story should be enjoyable.

Basics to Fanfiction:

(Y/N) - your first name
(L/N) - your last name
(F/N) - father's name
(M/N) - mother's name
(s/c) - skin color
(e/c) - eye color
(h/c) - hair color
(h/l) - hair length
(f/c) - favorite color

And as the story progresses, I may decide to add more fill-ins. I try to make my stories as interactive as possible.


Okay, so only the intro will be based on when Earth and Mars will still at war.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I remember standing there at the crumbling metal bridge. I watched as my parents tried to protect me from the Martian kataphrakt. I still remember those wretched colors: silverish-white, with bright yellow trims, and turquoise lights, and bright purple flames. Normally, I would've seen those colors as pleasant, beautiful even, but not this time. I absolutely despise those colors. Those colors belonged to that damned kataphrakt that killed my parents back when the war was still going on. The Tharsis--seventeen meters in height; a gigantic monster. I could never forget it.


"(Y/N) save yourself!" my father yelled as my mother and I continued to dodge the bullets and attacks from the kataphrakts.

"No!" I yelled back with tears forming in my eyes. My mother looked into my red eyes and held onto my shoulders, "Please do as your father says."

I clenched my fists trying to stop the flowing tears, "No I don't want to--" My mother kissed my forehead and smiled, "I'm promise we'll be back."

She took off her necklace and placed it around my neck. "Remember that your father and I love you." She grabbed her gun and ran out to join my father.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed through the explosions of the air. A sudden crash was heard and gray smoke filled the rotten air. There was debris everywhere. I coughed to find a building on the floor. The glass shattered to piece; it was a total wreck. A large silverish-white kataphrakt stood right next to the building. My parents twin metallic golden ginger pistols on the ground. My eyes widened in disbelief. I ran as fast as I could to grab the pistols.

"You promised you'd be back! You promised!" I screamed as I starting shooting the on-ground Martians like crazy. I was furious and hurt. Nothing could stop me. I shot with precision and grace. My bullets flew like birds against no wind.

I eventually fell to my knees and let all my tears fall out. Holding the two pistols in my hands. I grasped my shoulders as I shivered and quaked in frustration.

"Are you okay?" a soft voice said. I brought my red eyes to meet a pair of brown eyes and black hair. "Officer Yuki Kaizuka," the woman said as she bent down to my level. She brushed my (h/c) hair out of my eyes and handed me a handkerchief which I accepted.

"Oh my," she said in a worried tone, "What happened to you? You poor girl."

I spoke between sniffles, "My parents...died." I was choking on tears and was having a hard time breathing. My chest felt very heavy.

Her eyes filled with sympathy, "I'm so sorry to hear that--" She was interrupted as I suddenly fell unconscious.


I woke up to find myself in a bed. I looked around to see metal walls. My eyes fluttered open as they met Yuki's.

"I'm so glad you're awake," she sighed in relief.

"Where am I?" I said as I tried to get up. She suddenly stopped me, "Please rest! You're not fully recovered."

I exhaled as I lay myself back on the bed. She spoke again, "You're in the Deucalion." She hesitated a bit. "May I ask you some questions?"

I simply nodded, "Go for it." I had nothing to do anyway.

"First things, first," she started, "What's your name?"

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) of the (L/N) family."

She laughed, "No need to say what family you're from (Y/N)." I gave her a confused look but she continued her questions. "About your eyes, why are they red?"

Suddenly conscious of my eyes, I covered them, "I was born with them."

She mumbled to herself, "Odd, never seen a human with red eyes before..."

"If you have some contacts," I started, "I'd prefer to wear those."

"No, no." Yuki said as she waved your hands with embarrassment. "Your eyes are lovely. It's like you can see Saturn in them."

I gave a half smile, "I appreciate the compliments, but I really would prefer that I wear contacts. I don't want to get the same reaction from others that I got from you just earlier."

She sighed and smiled, "Alright, I'll be right back then."

She walked out the room as I stared at the blank ceiling until she came back a couple minutes later. "I hope you don't mind but the only contacts I could find were these (e/c) ones."

"That'll do," I smiled as I started put them on. Yuki started talking again, "Just so you know, (Y/N), everyone aboard this ship already knows you have those kind of eyes. The doctor took a look at them and couldn't help but open his big mouth."

"Well then," I sighed as I put the contacts back, "I guess I'll save these for another time then."

The automatic door opened and I boy with brown hair and reddish-brown eyes walked in. "Is the Black Dragon awake?"

She shushed him as he walked over, "So I see she is."

"How did you know that?" I asked sternly.

"Well," the boy spoke, "Your red eyes where a dead give away and according to Yuki's observations, you shot at the Martians with the fierceness and speed of a dragon."

The Black Dragon, it was a nickname I picked up due to my skills and personal attributes. I am one of the best gunslingers and shooters known to both the Terrans and Martians. I was a stealthy shooter. I was precise. I knew how to kill but I only used it when necessary. I'd never really showed myself until now. "So now what?" I said as I sighed, "You going to put me in jail or something?"

Yuki laughed nervously, "Excuse my little brother. He can be a bit...nosy at times."

I started to put back on the (e/c) contacts. Yuki looked at me, "You don't have to put them on, everyone--"

I cut her off, "It's okay, Officer Kaizuka, I just want to get use to them." The younger boy stuck out his hand, "Inaho Kaizuka," he said emotionless.

"The Black Dragon, or (Y/N) (L/N)," I said as I shook his hand but at the same moment, I quickly took out my trusty hidden piston, "So are you going to take me to jail now or something? Because if you are, I've got better things to do."

He looked at me with a dull look, completely unfazed by the gun that was inches away from his face.

"(Y/N), please put down the gun," Yuki laughed nervously, "We were actually going to ask if you wanted to join us in the war effort."

I put down my gun and cocked my head and stared at her with my now (e/c) eyes, "Why? I'm only good on ground level."

"We know," Yuki said, "That's why we need you. I saw how you defeated those Martians and how you left without a scratch. We need that kind of strength on our side."

I found this as the perfect chance to search for that hideous kataphrakt. "I'll do it. I'll use my skills to help you."

Both of them looked shocked, even this emotionless Inaho looked shocked. But Yuki's shock turned into happiness. "Great new! I'm sure Captain Magbaredge will be quite pleased. Come on, Nao-kun, let's leave our new ally to rest."

The two left the room as I held the necklace my mother left me in my hand. I went up to a mirror and looked at myself. I looked at the necklace I had worn on my neck my entire life. It was a collar necklace, with silver blue chains and a garnet stone in the middle. The garnet stone was surrounded by iridescent ginger rings. I put my mother's princess style necklace on.

"I promise you, Mother, Father, I will avenge your death and complete the goal that you both wanted so dearly."

End of Flashback

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