Missing Child

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Note: This idea is not how I planned my OC's backstory to be like, but I like it. So maybe this can be canon to One of The Family.

Maggie Peters waved a stuffed unicorn in front of her newborn daughter's face. "Who's a pretty girl? You are!"

The baby squealed and laughed. Maggie kissed her daughter goodnight.

"Goodnight Paula, love you."

In the middle of the night, Maggie and her husband Gordon woke up to their daughter crying. "Paula?" asked Maggie.

The couple ran to their nursery. To their horror, they found the crib empty and the window open. "Paula!" screamed Maggie.

"Don't worry, we'll find her," said Gordon, though he looked panicked himself.


Twenty years passed, but there was no sign of Paula. Maggie became depressed, and Gordon ended up dying in a plane crash three years after Paula disappeared.

Now Maggie had remarried to a man called Zack Biggs and had two more children. Ollie was twelve and Carson was seven. But she still missed Paula.

Her husband and kids knew about Paula. Ollie was very smart and promised to find a solution to the problem.

One day, Ollie came home from school with a suggestion. She had a newspaper under her arm.

"We could hire a detective to find Paula!"

"Ollie, are you mad? We can't afford a detective!"

"But listen here. The newspaper told a story about a young detective called Victoria Franklin who solved a fifty-year-old case of a jewellery robbery! All the police force gave up on it, but she still refused to give up and solved it."

"Oh, but would she listen to me?" asked Maggie. "All my friends say that I am still living in the past and I should get over it."

"Honey, I think that we should try," said Zack. "We could have a go."

So that Saturday, the young detective was contacted and Maggie arranged a meeting with her.

Maggie was shocked by how young Victoria was. Victoria had rose blonde hair tied in a ponytail and looked like a college student.

"Miss Franklin, thanks for agreeing to this meeting, and..."

"Oh, there's no need to be so formal," said Victoria. "Call me Victoria."

Maggie gave Victoria a photo of Paula. "My daughter was kidnapped when she was a baby. It has been twenty years, so she would be an adult by now. But I want to know what happened to her."

"I see," said Victoria. "Where was your daughter taken?"

Paula's old nursery was now Ollie's room. Maggie told Victoria all about how the window was open. "But other than the fact that Paula was taken through the window, I don't know what happened to her."

Victoria looked around for clues, but there was none, which wasn't surprising for the kidnapping took place two decades ago.

Still, Victoria promised Maggie that she would try. Just then, she saw a photograph of Maggie and Gordon.

"Is that your husband?"

"No, I mean yes. Sorry, he was my first husband, but he died in a plane crash a few years after Paula disappeared."

Victoria looked at the photograph in surprise. For the first time, Maggie noticed that Victoria looked like Gordon. They had the same face, the same rose blonde hair, and the same nose.

"Wait, do you know who your parents are?" asked Maggie.

"I never knew my biological parents," said Victoria. "I grew up in an orphanage and was adopted when I was twelve. I never bothered finding out about my biological parents and was happy with my adoptive family, but now I wonder..."

"We need a DNA test," said Maggie.


The DNA test was positive, proving that Victoria was Maggie's daughter. This meant that Victoria was also Paula.

Victoria made inquires at the orphanage she grew up in. The staff weren't really sure, for Victoria had been left on the doorstep as an infant.

Soon, it was revealed that Victoria had been kidnapped by a woman who had a crush on Gordon when they were in college, but Gordon had chosen Maggie instead, so she took revenge by kidnapping Victoria and leaving her at the orphanage.

Maggie met Victoria's adoptive family and liked them. She knew that Victoria liked her adoptive family as she grew up with them, so she was content with Victoria coming to visit once a week.

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