The Hidden City Part 2

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"How are we supposed to get out of here?" asked Ella. "I don't know if we could."

Amy looked around. "There's got so be some way out. Unless... Of course."

Amy took out her hair clip out of her hair and fiddled with it for a while. She was eventually able to use a sharp edge to get out of the cage. She then used it to help Ella and the other woman out as well.

"I didn't get your name," Amy said to the woman. "What is it?"

"It's Tabitha," said the woman. "We have to..."

Suddenly, a bright light appeared and knocked Ella to the ground. Amy ran over to her sister at once. "Ella! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," said Ella. She wasn't hurt, only winded.

A silhouette in the shape of a teenage girl appeared. It was glowing purple. The silhouette materialized into a girl with wavy blonde hair and glowing purple eyes.

"Who are you?" asked Amy.

"It's Princess Katherine!" said Tabitha.

"How dare you intrude in my palace!" said Katherine in a strange voice.

"Your Highness, we didn't mean to..." started Amy.

Katherine screamed as if she was in pain. The twins shivered and drew closer to each other.

"What's happening?" asked Ella.

"Wait a minute. Remember that Disney Channel movie where there's a magic school?" asked Amy. "I'm not talking about Hogwarts."

"Oh yeah, Upside Down Magic," said Ella. "The protagonist's best friend got corrupted by Shadow Magic."

"Do you think... Her powers corrupted her when she got angry?" asked Amy. "She was sheltered and didn't experience the real world."

Tabitha looked at the twins as if they were speaking in a different language. "Can you two read each other's minds or something?"

"What? Of course not!" said Ella. "That's a common misconception of twins. We are talking about a movie from back home."

Amy went up to the princess cautiously. "Princess Katherine? I... Know that you're upset, but it's okay. You didn't mean to hurt your brother."

Ella slowly went up to Katherine. "Yeah. But you don't have to be like this. I don't know much about your magic, but I know that you can fight this. You're not alone."

Suddenly, something happened. Katherine started screaming louder than ever. A huge flash of light shone, causing everyone to cover their eyes.

When the light faded, the girls saw Katherine lying unconscious on the ground. Her face was really pale and she looked skinny.

Tabitha approached her. "Your Highness? Are you okay?"

The girl coughed really badly before opening her eyes, which shone a brilliant silver. "What happened?" she asked in a breathless voice.

"We have to get you some fresh air," said Ella.

Tabitha gently carried Katherine, which was an effort for the latter was as fragile as glass.

Fortunately, the group managed to find a way outside. The princess kept coughing, which was concerning since she obviously had fragile health.

"She will be okay, won't she?" asked Amy.

"We should call 911," said Ella.

"Ella, we are in a place where there's no technology," said Amy. "Besides, even if we could get service, Katherine would die before the ambulance can arrive."

Katherine smiled slightly. "It's okay," she said. "I will be with my brother again."

The twins looked at each other. They couldn't help but feel bad for this princess who...


A flash of thunder woke the sisters up. They found that it was raining and they were both soaked. "Oh no," said Amy. "We have to get home."

As the twins ran home, they thought of their adventure. Was it all a dream? Or was it real somehow?

However, it didn't matter once their parents scolded them for going out without telling them. And the next day, the twins woke up having the flu.

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