Chapter 2- Superman and Black Leather Book

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Chapter 2- Superman and Black Leather Book

      THE NEXT DAY I RIDE MY BIKE TO KENT FARMS WHICH IS FOUR BLOCKS AWAY TO THE EAST OF MY HOUSE. I set my bike down by the porch steps and walk up the steps. I knock lightly on the door knowing that I'm about ten minutes early. "Hello Star ya know your early care for some lunch" the kind Mrs.Kent says. "Uhh thanks Mrs.Kent but I already ate". She smiles sweetly and motions for me to come inside the house. Clark just cleans his plate off as soon as I walk in. "Hey Star ready to work" Clark says. I laugh and say "born ready"

                    Clark takes me to the stables and we feed and groom the horses."Whats this ones name" I ask pointing to a black baby pony. "We were thinking of a name for it but none seemed to fit" Clark says. "Well if I may This pony looks more like it should have a nocturnal or night time name.Like umm... Mid-night or Black Wing" I say. They both sounded gothish but I just thought of it in  like two seconds.He nods appearently he likes one of the name. "How about insted of Black Wing its Black Hawk" I nodded because I liked that name it sounds like a video game.

       We feed the pigs,cows, and chickens. Then after about four hours of work Clark says "want to take a brake and ride the horses on the trail. I  nod  and we pick our horses. We got on a seprate brown horses and he guides me to the trail. We road to a little pond surrounded by trees lightning bugs light around the pond. "This is beautifull" I say looking at the pond. Clark says "I found this hidden pond when I was ten we usally go swimming after work till I was sixteen then I got bussy and moved to Metropolis but I came back for the summer".

                           I nod and say "Whats it like to meet all these famous people and write about them?" Clark says "it nice but I like it better here". I like Clark because he is kind and nice, always trys to see the good in people just like Superman. "Clark I was thinking are you Superman" I say. He laughs and says "sadly no,but I have to ask where did you get that idea from". I sigh and say "your always kind and you try to see the good in people and I know your not clumsy, you also don't even need glasses" He  has a look of shock on his face then quickly changes it to a fake smile. "You know your a terrable lier, Clark" I say. Then I continue "I'm the only one who can connect that because its really noticable if you take your time and think about it".

       "Fine, I'm Superman but you have to promise not to tell any one" he says. I can't belieave I"m makeing  a promise with a thirtysix year old. He trusts me even though I'm about to be an eight years old.Wow I could ask him for his debit card's pin number and he will give it to me. Nahhh I won't do that. "Star promise" Clark says, I reply "ohhh ahh yea I mean promise". Wait was I seriously correct that Clarks Superman!

                 Then my mom calls me and says I have to go home."Hey Clark I will come back tomarrow for more work" I say. "I have to come a little later tomarrow around two" I say and I ride my bike back home.When I get home I eat dinner and go to sleep. Hopeing to try out some of the wepons in the HQ. I wake up in  the morning and run down to the H.Q. I grab a silver looking flashdrive and plug it into my laptop that I brought down from my room.

               Some documents apeared others were locked I open the first one. I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn around. "So you found my flashdrive I left for you last night" my mother says. I nod and say "I decided to look at some files, haven't gotten far yet". She smiles and says "I know I aways forget your birthday but this time I got something for you. Yes I'm a day early but I want you to have it. It has all the password to files, seceret room codes,and other codes". She gives me a black leather book, this book can open things most humans can't. 

                          "This is the power most people don't deserve to get. I just want it to be safe with you, so happy birthday" my mom says. "Mom, can I tell Clark Kent about this because I know I can trust him" I ask. My mother smiles and says "Clark is trustworthy I knew him and we grew up has friends but then we grew apart. But wait till you learn more about what we do before you tell him, you need to understand why we have to do it. You need to wait for a while and then you may tell him, you'll know when its time when it happens". I nod and finish going through the files so I go back upstairs. I grab a snack and leave for Kent farm.

 "Hey clark I was wondering if when we get done with the work we could go swimming like my mom used to remember. My mother was your friend a long time ago and she went swimming with you". After I say that Clark grins and says "your mother was actually my first girlfriend then we broke up because we were really just close friends that I kissed once". I felt myself blush because I think he didn't want me to know that.Clark gives me a wraped box I open it and see a cool looking camra. "I heard how you like to take pictures" Clark says.I thank him and we finished our work so we start to go to the pond so we can swim.

"Come on Star you coming in" Clark says brakeing my train of thought. I climb into the water and start swimming. We dry off and Clark shows me more of the horse trail before I leave.Once I get home I open the black leather book to see what was inside and a picture falls out. Me and that girl that I tryed to save was on the picture. Oh what did I call her since she refused to say her real name. "To Star from Jasmine I missed you so much we will meet again soon" the back said. I called her Jasmine and we were in a photoboth takeing pictures three days before she left. Wait "we will meet again SOON!!" that means she is comeing back.

           I run to my room and stop when I see Jasmine looking at a picture. "I never got to meet your family but that can wait. You need to be carefull something bads gonna happen but I know you have to protect that black leather book and all of its secerites" she says. I stare in disbelief that she is here and when I go to ask her what she means but she vanishes. I sigh totally confused. I start reading the black leather book and I soon fall asleep. 

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