Chapter 3-Dead Family and black chains

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Chapter 3-Dead Family and black chains

    THE NEXT MORNING MY FAMILY WAKES ME UP TO GO TO BREAKFAST FOR MY BIRTHDAY."Where do you want to go for breakfast" my father asks. I say "ummm... How about C's Walffels". We all agreed to it and we drove to it. I got blueberry pancakes and  drenched it in mapple syurp.My brother got chocolate chip walffels and my father got eggs,bacon, and hashbrowns. My mother got eggs,toast, and bacon.

             After we get back home my brother gives my a present wraped in a shiny red with blue stirpes. I open it and see a beautiful black dress."I heard the school has a dance on the first day and school starts in two weeks" my mother says. Even though every year we have a dance this is special because I'm going into fourth grade which is in another  building, the middle school. I thank them and try it on acting like I'm a fashion model on the catwalk. 

                 Later that night, around 11:09, I hear a knock on the door and I go to answer it. "Is your mom and dad here I need to speak with them" a man says cloaked in black. "If your the tax collectors we already payed our taxes" I say and go to close the door. He sticks his foot between the door and say "I have to speak with your parents". I sigh and call my mom and dad over here. "Star go to your room,now!" my mother orders but insted I sneak beside the couch.

             "Give it up we know your hideing it" the man says, his face is hidden so I can't see his features. "We don't have it anymore your kind took it back" my mother said calmly. Then my father appears. "You know where it is Sydney and your husband Drake will pay for it" the man says angerly."Leave my house now" my father says and my dad pushes him out.

          My parents don't realize I'm hideing behind the couch because they didn't say anything. My sleepy brother walks downstairs to get a glass of milk and the man pulls out a gun. He shots him and then my parents. The man threw my now dead family infront of me and I screamed in fear and saddness. The man smiles at me, but it looks more like a grin. His body starts to blur because of tears weilding in my eyes.

            Superman shows up a few minutes after the man leaves he see's my dead family and me crying."What happend Star" Superman asks. "H..He ki.. Killed them" I say barely able to choke out the words. "Did this man say what he wanted or why he killed them" Superman asks. "Clark th..There dead" I cry not answering his question. I cry for a few minutes as Clark comforts me trying to calm me down. "What did the man say"  he asks again. I say "he said that they have something and my parents said something about how his kind took it back". He nodded realizeing that was all there was before they were killed. "Did you know who the man is or what he looks like" Clark asks. I shake my head not really knowing what he looked like.

       I was really tired but my family just died and now I can't sleep. Clark was letting me come to stay at his house incase the man comes back. I have a bookbag filled with clothes,toothbrush with toothpaste, brush, a book, and my mp3 player. I glance at my bed and see the black leather book, I quickly shove it in my bag and run down stairs. Clark flies me to Kent farm. He tells Mr. and Mrs. Kent about what happend and I sit silently in a chair. Thoughts were clouding my mind and I couldn't think straight. Tear stain my face as more tears are slideing down my face.

          Clark showed me the room that I would be staying in and then he leaves haveing to do something with the other hero's. I pull out the black book and stare at it. "Mom,dad,James I promise I won't fail you to protect this book and make something more of my life" I say to the book as if it could send the message to them. Why didn't he kill me,he knew I was there? Why did he kill my brother,did James know something I didn't? What wern't my parents telling me before they died? Who was that guy? What did he think my parents have?What if it has something to do with the H.Q? Why do I feel so alone.Thoughts just swirled around in my head and not one question could I answer.

            Later in the morning (I still haven't fallen asleep) Clark comes back and I tell him about how a week before I started haveing the same dreams about my families death. I tell him how it was identical from my dreams and the dreams felt so real. "That must mean you see visions in your sleep, Star they might have known about your powers and hoped you wouldn't find out" Clark say. "Or Jasmine's chain gave me powers" I say after I see a obsidian chain on my ankel. Jasmine had a neaklace maybe she made another one and gave it to me.

"Jasmine is a girl I ment three years ago at the begining of spring, she always wore a silver chain neaklace. Maybe when I tryed to save her when she was drowning she choose me to have powers, like she tested me to see my courage.After I got over to her I couldn't swim because I dove in and she grabbed me and within seconds we were on the dock. Her chain must have telaportation then and mines visions. She wouldn't tell me her real name so I called her Jasmine, thats when we hung out. But four days after the drowning thing she left and didn't even say good bye" I say.

               "Just last night at mid-night I went into my room and she was there waiting for me and she didn't want to meet my parents so she snuck up there somehow. She warned me to becarefull and keep the gift my parents got me safe" I say. "What was the gift" Clark asks, I reply "I can't tell your because my parents said I can't tell you it till I'm ment to and I know it won't be for a while". 

                I look down and say "I need to learn more by myself now and discover the secerites of it". It was more to myself then to Clark. He realized I didn't sleep last night so he tries pulling the sleep card on me."You need some sleep Star,later we will continue this" Clark says leaveing the room. I soon fall asleep but my dreams are full of darkness.

               My first silent dream this month, that means I was seeing visions and now I don't. I wake up feeling like something was touching me it was soft, really soft.I open my eyes to come face to face with a black cat. "Ahhh your adorable, how did you get in here little kitty" I wisper and start petting it. I felt a lot better knowing someone was there for me, even though it might be a cat, it gave me hope. It gave me strength.


             "Jasmine why did you give me powers and how did you give them to me" I say to no one. I was sitting on a rock by the pond Clark showed me. I sat alone by the lake hopeing Jasmine would reapear. I wanted her to tell me why she gave me the powers. "I never gave you powers, you were born with them. I just gave you the anklet to match my necklace" Jasmines voice says. I turn to see her sitting on the tree branch. I say "Then how did you do all those things". She smiles and says "I have powers I just didn't give you any. I can only teleport and when you tried to save me I forgot to use my powers till you dove in".

                  Now I wish she didn't come because she just added two new questions to my very long list."How did you get your powers" I ask hopeing her oragin will be use full. "I don't really know I was at a magic show when I realized I had powers and the magican lost her powers. I think every now and then that some how I stole her powers" she says. Not very usefull either but every bit helps. 

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