Chapter 4- nightmare of a night

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Chapter 4- nightmare of a night

    I SIGH AFTER SHE LEAVES FROM THE TREE AND LANDS INFRONT OF ME. "Why are there so many questions but no answers" I ask Jasmine. She shrugs and says "I don't know but I guess it's just part of life". We stay silance for a few minutes then she stands up."I'll see you tomarrow" she says then she teleports to some place. I walk back inside Clarks home. Ahggg My dance is tomarrow this is so not the best time for a dance. I know I should go to keep a low proffile so no one knows my parents are deceased.

                "Star since I went to the same school as you when I was your age I know about the dance. You can't hold on to them you have to move on, if you go you'll feel alot better" Clark says. I take a bite of my dinner and wonder how he looked as a child. "Fine I'll go, my mom got me a new dress for my birthday to wear. This doesn't mean I'm forgetting about them" I say.

                      The next day Clark takes me home so I can get ready for the dance. I but on black eye shadow,black eyeliner,maroon lipstick,and maskara. I slide the black dress on and it only went to my knees. I look in the mirro and see that I have an hour glass figure, which means I look like a fashion model. I smile at this and I slide lace finger-less gloves on my arms. I slide a cute pair of high heel boots on that go to my knee's. I brush my hair again with the extra brush I have and then I walk out of my room. I run over to our cookie jar and pull fifty dollars out of it, then I shove it in my boots. I also put the black book inside the cookie jar so I can come back and use it in the H.Q.

                       "Clark I will walk because I can't be seen with a thirty-somthing year old driveing me to the dance.I will make me seem weirder then I already am" I say.After a few minutes of argueing he agree's to let me walk. "I'll pick you up at eleven in the woods behind the school got it" Clark says. I leave and walk to the school at seven at night. Once I get there I see a boy stareing at me and I smile. 

                  He walks over to me and says "you look beautiful,umm-". I quickly say "Star and thank you", he nods to the dance floor. "Care to dance Little Star" the boy says. I nod trying my best to hold back fis of laughter. But in the end a slight giggle excaped my lips and the boy smiled at this. A slow song starts playing and the boy say "I'm Jason by the way". I nod we continue danceing.  No one in the room seemed to notice the boy I was danceing with.

         I hear someone scream and I turn around to see a man pointing a gun towards me. I look at him and realize it was the man that killed my parents. I punch him and he grabs my arm. As his deadly cold hand grips my arm a chill creeps up my spine. I pull my arm away and he points the gun at some girl and pulls the triger.

            The man smiles at me and I hear some people gasp. I turn around the see Superman, then I glance back at the guy and his whole body fades till it was compleatly gone. "Star your comein with me" Superman says. I sigh and walk out, a few people stared at me but I didn't care. I sit outside on a rock while Superman says things into his communicator. I wasn't realy listening.

                   " Your comeing to the watchtower, Star"superman says. A mili-second later were in the watchtower.Clark notices me being quiet and gets this worried  look in his eyes. "What happend" he demands in a quiet voice. I stay silent for a few and say " he felt so famillar.When he touched my arm... His grip on my arm was light like he was trying not to hurt me". 

               Batman walks up and I felt all my blood freeze. "This the girl you were talking about" Batman says."Yes" Superman says and nods towards a cornner. They chat quietly and they both share glances at me. I stand silently looking around. I see Green Arrow walk over to batman and Superman. 

             Ahggg this can't be good.... Wonder what there saying. I take a step forward trying to hear them. I realize that Green Arrow was no longer with them. I felt something warm touch my sholder. "Kid good-luck" GA says (GA is Green Arrow) then he walks over to a table with a can of soda and laptop. Thats probley Green Arrow's stuff. Why am I thinking about this stuff?

                     I walk over to the two heros and my silance seems to slice a hole in their thoughts. I wait for some one to speak but the silance continues. "Your a target thats all we know because we found the note from someone" Batman say. I look at the letter.

   "I need Star Sterling!!!!  She is the power,strength,heart, and soul. She is the magic to connect her real family to what her so-called family does. She will see when time comes that I am in the shadows, that I am the water,fire,earth,the stars. I need her she is the soul, mind, heart of the universe. -You Will Never Know"

               After I finished reading it more thoughts raced through my mind. "We need to know who he is and what he means by that" Superman says. "What my family does, I ...I know what that means but I can't tell YOU" I say. Batman notices how dark my voive sound at that moment.

                "Star you need to tell us or we don't know what were up against"Batman says. I shake my head beacuse I can't tell them. "Why can't you tell us" Superman says. "Clark the promise I made to my parents five minutes before they died was to wait. I must wait to find the truth,the secrites, and how things go. I will wait and when the times right I can't tell you, I need to go back home to figure what goes down. I just hope to god I have another vision" I say.

        I watch Batman scowl at me because he wants to know. I can't tell them since I don't brake promises. If I do then it wouldn't be a promise would it."I need to wait" I say  under my breath feeling unsure about my own words. "This could probaly be what we need to know" Superman says.

          "Clark I can't, I just can't" I say.I realize the world stars to blur and gets quieter. I see Jason gettin stabbed in the throat and I hear myself gasp. "Star" Superman's voice is muffled but I can still hear it. The picture of Jason fades and I see the two heros infront of me again. "You okay Star" Superman says and I look at them blankly. "I think I had another vision" I say barely over a wisper.


                The world gets hazzy again and I feel my body go numb. I see Jason getting stabbed in his arm and my ankel braclet wraped around the knife. "Star stop whats wrong with you" Jason screams. I hear my own voice scream "You lied you lied to me". I stab him in the throat and he coughs out some blood."He lied" I say before falling to my knees. I can feel tears streaming down my face.


              I feel something touch my arm and I snap out of the vision. "Star what was its about" Batman says. "Nothing never mind" I mutter and pull my arm out of his grip. "What was it about" Batman demands but I still don't answer.

              "It was nothing" I mutter again getting more fusturated then ever. "Clark just take me back home" I say my own voice sounding desperated. I leave with Clark and I turn to see Batman lost in thought once again. 

             "Can you just leave me here for the night I need some time alone to think. Please Clark just leave me alone!!!" I stammer wanting more answer then I got.  We aruged for a few and Clark seemed to not trust me being alone. "Fine but I'm comeing back in twenty minutes to check on you" Clark says. 

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