Chapter 16: Falling in love

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Hey guys, here is the update I promised. It's long but I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to make one last chapter about Ji Yang x HaoXuan before I concentrate on the other two couples. Of course, mostly YiZhan. 

Hope it's not too boring and you will enjoy it <3 <3

Song Ji Yang's POV

"Doctor, two patients canceled their appointment in the afternoon, one of them asked for a new one in three weeks. Today you have 6 patients but the next one will be late by at least 20 minutes. We got a call two minutes ago."

"Is the patient after him already here?"


"Then send him in. If the other patient comes, tell him we switched the appointments. It's his turn after I am done with this one."

"Yes, doctor." The nurse left and I smiled at my next patient who entered the room.

Usually, I had between 10 and 15 Patients each day so with just 6 patients today it was rather quiet. Of course, I would stay in the hospital in case we would get a call for a short-term appointment request. Just because I was done did not mean the end of work for me.

"Dr. Song?" Someone called me and when I turned around I saw that man, Wang HaoXuan standing there smiling at me.

"Ah, it's you! I wanted to call you but forgot because of work." I said and smiled back.

"I was visiting my secretary and wanted to see you. How are you?"

"I am good," I answered and his smile grew wider. "I have found your jacket, by the way. You didn't lose it but forgot it in my apartment last time. You said it was your favorite so I wanted to give it back to you. It was dirty so I cleaned it up. Now it looks new. I forgot to bring it, though..."

"Oh, really? Then how about I will pick it up this evening? Actually, I have movie tickets and need someone to go with me. How about you join me tonight? And when I bring you home I can pick up my jacket. How does that sound?" He asked me and I blinked a few times.

"You want me to... see a movie with you?" I asked him and he grinned.

"That is right."

"But why?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

I was not stupid. I knew what it mean when someone asked the other out to watch a movie. Especially when it was in the evening. But in this case, it was a man asking me, not a woman so it couldn't be a flirt attempt, right?

I must have looked at him in a weird way or something because he laughed. "You really don't know? My bad. Maybe I should have been more direct." He took a step closer and reached for my hand at which I widened my eyes. "Dr. Song, would you go out with me tonight?"


"You heard me." He smiled and like an old-school gentleman, he kissed my hand.

"Whoa! Wait! I am a man!" I said and took my hand back in surprise.

"I can see that, Dr. Song. But what is the problem with that?"

"P-problem? No, I mean... well, you are a man and I am too. I am not gay and you like men, Mr. Wang?" I asked carefully. I had nothing against gays, I was just surprised.

"I don't know. Rather not. I only dated girls before but ... I like you so I want to go out with you tonight. There shouldn't be a problem, right? Oh, and call me HaoXuan. Mr. Wang sounds good but I would like to wait and see if something is going to happen between us which I hope so. If yes, then you can call me Mr. Wang as a pet name. It sounds sexy when you say it." He chuckled and stared into my eyes.

This was a first. Usually, I was the one who made the first step in a relationship and my girlfriends went with the flow. There were a few who flirted with me too but this man in front of me was pretty direct. Not that he and I were in a relationship!

"So? Is that a yes or a no?"

"I... I don't think-"

"At least give me a chance, Dr. Song. It's just one movie..." He said and suddenly being this close to him got me all nervous. "Yes or no?" He whispered and I said the first thing which came into my mind

"But I have to work until 7 pm...."

"That is okay. The movie starts at 8:00 pm. How about that? I will pick you up 7:20 pm and we will drive straight to the cinema? Is that okay?"


"You don't want to?" He asked sadly. "You don't want to give me a chance?"

"I..." He looked at me so intently that I got goosebumps. "O-okay, fine. T-then pick me up tonight."

He showed me a bright smile and kissed my hand once again. "See you tonight, Dr. Song."

I gaped at him as he left and was confused at what just happened. 'Did I just agree to see a movie with a man I met only twice before? How did that happen?'

HaoXuan's POV

I was happy that Dr. Song agreed to it so fast. Once I had his answer I left for the company as the boss said I had to at least pretend I was working. The prosecution still had their eyes on me.

Someone knocked on the door and entered the office without waiting for an answer. There was only one person who would be so rude. "Yo. HaoXuan. How did it go?" B. asked me and sat down on the leather sofa. He laughed at me once he saw my face. "Yes, yes. Got it. Wang HaoXuan rarely fails."

"What do you mean with rarely!?" I asked annoyed and he raised his brows. "It was only one time, okay?! And that woman was a rude bitch!"

"You only say that because you couldn't make her fall for you." B. laughed. "Anyway, what is your plan now? Seducing him? Will that even work?"

"Mind your own business, B!"

"Okay, okay. No need to get moody. Boss told me to help you in any way so come here. I want to give you a few things."

"What things?" I asked curiously as I walked over to him and set on an armchair next to him.

"First of all, these here," B. answered and put some books on the table. "It might help."

I took one and when I saw what it was I threw them at B. "Are you crazy?!" I yelled at him but he just laugh.

"Why? They may help. You never did it with a dude after all."

"I told you it will not be much different. At worst I will figure it out myself." I hissed and pointed at the gay porn magazines. "Take them with you, you asshole!"

"But ... do you really don't need-"

"B!!" I yelled his name and he raised his hands in amusement.

"Okay, fine. I will take them back. No need to get aggressive. I just wanted to help. Figure it out yourself then." He chuckled and put the magazines back into his back. "But you will definitely need these." He gave me a pack of condoms and a lube at which I frowned.

"I don't plan to sleep with him so soon."

"Oh my... don't tell me you are scared!?" He grinned and I glared at him. "If not, then forget what I said. But why not?"

"He just agreed on a date. Why should I sleep with him immediately!? What if he pushes me away?"

"Since when are you interested in what your bed partners want? You sleep with them first then make them fall for you. What is so different now?"

"Hello!? One mistake and everything is over. If I don't have his trust we can't get information!" I answered and he raised his brows.

"That is the only reason?"

"What else should there be?!" I asked and then frowned. "I am not scared just because it's my first time with a man! That is what you are referring to, aren't you!?"

B. laughed "Just kidding, my friend. Just kidding." Then he became serious again. "Take them with you. Just in case."

"Whatever. Anything else you got for me?" I couldn't believe I took them.

He took out another few items. "Well, I have some toys you could-"

"Goddammit, B!!" I yelled again staring at the things in his hands. I was embarrassed! Not that I would tell B. about that. He would only make fun of me.

"You don't need these either? I read in the magazine that they are quite useful..."

"B... don't tell me you read these porn magazines?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, I did. I was curious." His cheeks turned slightly red in embarrassment. "If you dare to tell anyone, I am going to kill you, HaoXuan!" He threatened and I grinned.

"Is that all you have?" I asked him and he took out another item. It was a bottle and I was about to yell again but B. spoke before I could.

"It's perfume." He said and I shut my mouth again. "I investigated that doctor a little and found out that this is one of his favorite. He has a few he uses and I chose this one because I think it suits you the most. It's called Coach Fragrance. Listen to the description: Black pepper oil, juniper berries, and pineapple. The heart note reveals a very unusually nuanced masculine aura with floral notes. Noble wood nuances such as cashmere, patchouli, and sandalwood form an intense contrast and give the fragrance a very sensual and elegant signature with an irresistibly accentuated, leathery vanilla accord in the base.

Don't you think it suits you?"

"Let me smell it." I wanted to take it but he pulled away.

"Not so fast. Do you think I would just give you any perfume?" He asked.

"It's not?" I asked back and he shook his head. "Then...?"

"I put in some aphrodisiac. Don't worry! It will not affect you but the people around you in a radius of 3 meters. Even on me, so I dare you to use it now!"

"I don't need drugs for Dr. Song," I said annoyed and he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you do. If you use this perfume and Dr. Song smells it, it should stop the drug he was given from working."

"Dormies will stop working?"

"Yes. If he was given the drug recently, you have to use a little more of the perfume on you. If it has been a while since he took Dormies then a one or two pump should be enough."

"And how do I know when he took it the last time?"

"Am I a god? How would I know?" He chuckled. I glare at him and he sighed. "We can't know. It would be best to use a little at first. If you use a lot directly and it has been a while since he took that drug he might get a strong reaction immediately. Oh, and please remember that due to aphrodisiac this fragrance will only last on you for about two hours."


"Sorry but that is all I can do for you for now. I think it would be best to find out who gave him the drug so we can make sure it will not happen again."

"So I need to find out who and why.... " I mumbled.

"Albeit I am curious about the reason as well it's not really important as long as we get what we want," B. answered and got up. "Well then, I will go back now. I need to handle the organization's affairs. Boss said there would be a new delivery of women soon and I have to take care of it. You do know that too much work will result in me getting stressed, right? So make sure to finish your mission soon so you can take over again."

"I will not see you off. I need to look for new clothes."

"Fine, Ignore me. I am not hurt at all...." He grumbled. "Wait, new clothes? You sure give your best for this mission, huh? Well, good luck. Boss is getting more impatient. Wouldn't be surprised if he tries himself to get his hands on his lover."

"I told him it would take time! I have this mission only for a few days." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, it shouldn't be a bad thing for him to try it himself. That way no one will be suspicious of me. Now go! I need to prepare for my date. Thanks for the perfume."

"Yeah, yeah. Call me if you need anything. See you later."

When it was time to leave I wore some new expensive casual clothes. Standing in front of the mirror I congratulated myself for looking this sexy. I winked at my reflection, took the perfume, and left the company with my car to pick up Dr. Song at the hospital.

Song Ji Yang's

Currently, I was in front of the hospital waiting for Mr. Wang. I was not sure agreeing to see a movie was a good idea but I was excited. I seldom went out with others. The last time I was at a cinema was... god, that was at university. My girlfriends usually wanted to go to expensive restaurants or a wellness resort. Most of them wanted to go to clubs or just make a movie night at home.

As shocking as it might be I had no friends except for Wang Haikuan. But I didn't go out much with him. From time to time we would go to clubs but that was it. Often I would hang out with my sister too. So me going to the cinema for the first time in years was exciting and a little scary. Especially when it was with a stranger.

Suddenly there was a loud honk and when I looked up I saw a red Porsche. I gaped at the car. I knew a little about cars and this one was expensive.

"Hello, Dr. Song. Glad you did not change your mind." He greeted me with a big grin. He walked around the car and opened the passenger seat for me to get in.

"T-thank you but I could have done that myself..." I mumbled sheepishly.

"I wanted to do it. I hope you don't mind."

"No, I don't."

"Great! Then let's go." He climbed back into the car and we drove off.

"Popcorn?" He asked me and I nodded. "I will get it. Anything you want to drink? A coke, maybe?"

"A coke would be great," I answered and he disappeared only to show up a fine minutes later with a big bag of popcorn and two cokes. I quickly took one of the drinks before something would fell.

"How much was it?" I asked but he shook his head.

"It's my treat. Don't even think about paying." He said and winked at me. "Now let's go inside. The movie will start soon."

I followed him to our seats and was surprised that not many were present. We sat in the back while a bunch of people sat in the front. I saw a lot of couples and only a few single women and men.

"Mr. Wang? What movie are we watching?"

"Already calling me by the pet name? I like it." He said and grinned.

"What? No! I-I mean HaoXuan."

"Oh... what a pity. But I still have a chance, right?"

"I don't know...." I mumbled shyly. What else should I have said?

I looked up when the room darkened and the screen showed trailers of different other new movies. The seats in the back were all empty as most of the people sat in the front. 7 minutes later our movie started and once I read the title I looked at HaoXuan.

"A romantic movie?" I asked and he moved closer.

"I wasn't sure if I should choose a romantic or a horror movie."

"Horror?" I asked.

"Yes. I imagined you getting scared and hold onto me but I thought as we do not know each other much yet, I thought it might make you feel uncomfortable so I chose a romantic movie. I heard it's a good one and if you want we can start holding hands first before you jump into my arms when we watch a horror movie next time." He whispered in my ears and I was astonished at how confident he was. I heard him chuckle. "You are blushing. Was that too direct? Sorry, I was just being honest." He winked and then leaned back to concentrate on the movie.

We shared one big bag of popcorn and almost every time I grabbed some popcorn his hands were there brushing against mine. At some point, he leaned closer to me. "Your hands are very soft. I want to hold them."

I blinked and felt him taking my hand in his and stroking it gently. Forgotten was the movie. How could someone be as confident and direct as him? I wasn't offended. Not at all. I was just surprised and... amused. I was used to others talking ambiguous or just giving hints such as My hands are a cold. My girlfriends did that hoping I would get the hint and held their hands. But HaoXuan just said what he thought. I chuckled and he raised his brows at me.

In the middle of the movie, he leaned closer. "Do you like this movie so far?"

"Yes. It's a good one." I answered and he nodded.

"That is good." He smiled and continued to watch. I suddenly smelled something familiar on him.

"Your perfume smells good."

"Really? I like it too. It's called Coach Fragrance. The smell is indeed very nice but I chose it mostly because it said it would make me sensual, elegant, and irresistible. Tell me, does it work? Am I irresistible to you?"

Now I had to laugh. "Was that the only reason you used it?"

"Well, kind of. So? Does it work?"

"Maybe a little?" I answered amused.

"Only a little?" He asked and leaned closer to me so I could smell it better.

'He is very funny.' I thought and concentrated back on the screen. HaoXuan kept holding my hands so I couldn't eat popcorn.

"Want me to feed you?" He asked seriously and I laughed again until he actually fed me.

"What are you doing?" I suppressed my laugh.

"Feeding you. I know you want to eat it and I want to keep holding your hand so that was the best solution that benefits both of us. Unless... you want me to let go?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Do what you want." I grinned and he nodded before leaning closer and kiss my cheeks. I held it in shock and looked at him.

"I wanted to kiss your lips but I thought the cheek would be more innocent." He winked at me he pointed at the screen. "Let's continue watching."

I blinked at him and then looked back at the screen. It should have been weird but ... it wasn't. I just felt a little ... shy?

I looked at him secretly once in a while but his eyes were glued to the screen while he held my hand. It didn't bother me but at some point, I felt a little weird. I couldn't describe it but I guessed I probably needed to go to the toilet so I excused myself.

Once at the men's room, I went to the pissoir immediately but nothing happened. The feeling was gone too.

'Strange...' I thought and went back. Once I sat down, HaoXuan took my hand in his again and without taking his eyes from the screen. That felt almost a natural thing to do and I didn't complain at all which stunned me.

The next scene was an erotic one. I quickly looked at the other people in the front. They had different reactions. The singles covered their faces with their fingers but spread them lightly to peep out between them. A few men were looking at it intently. As for the couples.... Most of the men tried to cover their girlfriend's eyes so they wouldn't see it and the girlfriends were trying either to break free, accepting their fate, or would cover their boyfriend's eyes as well.

But there were normal people as well who were looking at the screen calmly. I sneaked a peek at HaoXuan and he was one of these normal people. I raised my brows in surprise but didn't say anything. I watched the erotic scene bored and usually I would be fine but not this time. This time I felt uncomfortable and I couldn't explain why. Even HaoXuan stroking my hand felt different now.

"Is something wrong?" HaoXuan asked me curiously and I shook my head.

"No, it's nothing." I smiled at him and looked back at the screen.

After the movie, we left the building and walked towards the car. HaoXuan held my hands the entire time and I didn't try to free myself once. Only when we climbed into the car did he let go. He drove me to my apartment and when we arrived he insisted to escort me up. I shrugged my shoulders and let him.

In front of my door, we stopped and when I turned around to face HaoXuan he looked at me intently. Strangely I got goosebumps. I thought he waited for me to say something so I did.

"Thank you for tonight, HaoXuan. I had a lot of fun. The movie was good too."

"Really? How come? Didn't your eyes were on me most of the time?" He asked amused and I blushed immediately.

"T-this.... I do that o-often. Watching the reactions of others in a specific moment." I stammered and he grinned.

"Then did I pass?"


"Didn't you watch me to see how I would react most of the time? Wasn't that to test me? So... did I pass?"

God, I was so embarrassed. "Y-yeah. You passed." I answered and looked at the floor.

"Nice! What do I get?" He asked. "I passed so I need a reward."

"Eh... I-I don't know..." I stammered not knowing what to do but in the end, it was HaoXuan who decided for me. He used his index finger to raise my chin and .... kissed me!?

HaoXuan kissed me. Not on the cheeks but the lips. I widened my eyes in shook as HaoXuan wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. It was a deep kiss. One that I would usually share with my girlfriend. I almost couldn't breathe but then HaoXuan stopped and let me go. I stared at him in shock.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly and I slowly shook my head. "Good. I got scared for a moment." I kept staring at him unable to comprehend the situation. We looked at each other for a long time. I was staring in shock and he smiled at me.

"Ji Yang, remember how I said I couldn't decide which movie we should watch? I actually bought tickets for both genres." He suddenly said and that brought me back from my trance.

I did remember what he said and I just had to roll my eye. "Let me tell you, HaoXuan, I am not a scaredy-cat! Don't think I will jump into your arms and hide." I said to him.

"So you agreed to another date? Great! I will pick you up at the hospital tomorrow at the same time as today. See you tomorrow. Sleep well." He grinned and ran off.

"H-Hey! When did I agree!? I just said-" I shouted but he was already gone. I was pretty sure I already thought this today but... 'What did just happen?'

I was about to go to sleep when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was HaoXuan who came back to fetch his jacket he forgot once again, I opened the door but it was my sister indeed. I was a little disappointed.

"Hey, Ji Yang. How are you?" She asked me with a smile.

"I am tired which is not surprising because it's very late. What is the matter?"

"Nothing. I just.... I thought I heard you screaming and wanted to see if you are fine."

"Screaming? I might have been a little loud but I did not scream. I am fine so you should go to bed."

"I will. I will." She said and put a strain of hair behind her ear. She does it often.

"Wei Wei, how about cut your hair short? That why it will not bother you as it does now."

"Do you like short hair? Do you think it would suit me?"

"I don't know but it's not about me. I just suggested it because I thought that way it wouldn't bother you anymore. I like your hair how it is."

"Really? Good, I want to keep it that way." She grinned. "By the way, you remember we will spend the weekend together, right? Just the two of us having fun and you forget about that woman who dumped you. You remember, right?"

"Yes, I do. But the weekend starts on Saturday, tomorrow is Friday and I have to work. I need sleep. Go back, okay?"

She nodded and smiled at me before going back into her apartment opposite mine. I closed my door and turned around. My eyes fell on HaoXuan's jacket and my lips went automatically to my lips. 'Once he escorts me back tomorrow, I will have to give it back to him.' I thought with a smile and went to bed.

I couldn't explain it but I was looking forward to tomorrow.

HaoXuan's POV

"What's up buddy? Is your date over already? So soon? Did anything happen?" The nosy B. asked me the moment I dialed his number.

"Shut up, It's none of your business."

"Hey, since when are you keeping secrets in front of me?" He asked amused.

"Since now! So shut up and listen. Ji Yang has a neighbor. He or she is always looking out of the peephole when I am there and is watching me. That is getting on my nerves! Do you know something about who lives there?"

"Are you two already on first-name-basis? It has been just one date." He laughed and I called his name in annoyance. "Just kidding! I don't know who lives there but I will find it out. Once I did, I will call you. So.... what is your next step?" He couldn't stop himself and asked.

"Can't you count? What comes after date no. 1? Right, it's date no. 2." I answered with I chuckle. "Your job is finding out more about that neighbor now. Call me if you find anything but please not tomorrow evening. I have a date!" I cut the call and stepped into the shower before going to bed.

Song Ji Yang's POV

There is someone who lost his mind. Who? That would be me! Yes, me. How did I know? Easy.

My day started as it usually did. I woke up, stayed in bed until I thought I was dangerously close to falling asleep again before I got up and took a shower. Once I was done I would brush my teeth and do my bed. So far so good. But instead of grabbing blindly into my closet to pick anything I got a hold onto, I opened the closet fully and looked at every piece of clothes before deciding what I would wear. It took me 20 minutes to decide! I never did that before, so why now?

Exactly! Because I officially lost my mind. It could have something to do with a certain event this evening as well but.... Well, why should it? Just because I enjoyed the day before? That doesn't mean it will today. So it can't be because of that.

'It's Friday. That must be it. It's Friday and I took the weekend off so I have two days for myself.' I thought and nodded to myself. One last look into the mirror, and an annoyed frown at my reflection, and I left my apartment.

"Ji Yang." My sister called me. "Want to hang out after work?"

"No, I already have something to do," I answered.

"Oh, okay. What will you do?"

"Going to the cinema," I answered and continue walking towards the elevator.

"Really? Cool, it's been a while since I went to one." She said and I nodded. It was quiet while I waited for the elevator until my sister spoke up again. "Ehm... can I come with you? We could meet at the cinema."

I strangely was a little annoyed with her for the first time ever. I even frowned at her. "No, WeiWei. I am already meeting with someone. Next time we can go." I told her as the doors of the elevator opened. I stepped in and pressed the button. "Have a good day."

"O-okay. Until tomorro-" The doors closed and I sighed. 'Seriously! I need to find her a boyfriend.'

"Good morning, doctor." The nurse greeted me and looked at me surprised.

"What? Am I too early?" I asked worriedly and looked at my watch. I was on time.

"No, no. It's just... you look a little different today."

"Really? How so?" I wanted to know.

"I don't know. You look more ...." She stopped.

"Yeah?" I followed up with raised brows.

"It may sound weird but you look more handsome than before. Your clothes are neater than before too."

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked amused and she giggled.

"It seems something happened for you to have such a good mood. And no, I am not flirting with you. There are only two men in my heart. My husband and the future soccer champion right here." She pointed at her big belly and stroke it.


"He is already training his kicking skills. I have to say he has the best chance to get into the national league. All that at the costs of my well-being, of course." She answered and I laughed.

"Then I should make sure I get his autograph before he gets successful. When are you due, by the way?"

"In three weeks. Don't worry, my replacement is already hired." She winked and looked at the chart in her hand and started to let me know about today's appointments. I was unhappy that she would go on maternity leave soon. She was the best nurse I can have. She loves her job, does it perfectly, and makes no mistakes. I heard that her replacement was just as good and was from a large hospital in Shanghai but that did not make me happy to let my nurse leave so easily.

She was probably already annoyed with me as I asked her every day if she would come back once her maternity leave was over. I just wanted to make sure. Thankfully her answer never changed.

The day passed quickly and at 7 pm my last patient of the day left. Shortly after my nurse's husband came to pick up her wife. She loved it when he did that but would always pretend to be annoyed.

"I need to make sure the doctor won't tie you up here." He said and grinned at me.

"But I already bought the tape!" I said playfully.

"Not gonna happen." He laughed and I waved at them once they left. I quickly organized my desk and when I was done I left the hospital where the red sports car was already waiting for me.

"I didn't agree for another movie," I told him as I got closer.

"And yet you are here. You look handsome, by the way." HaoXuan grinned and opened the passenger door.

"You are not my butler nor chauffeur. No need to do that." I said and laughed when he made a 90° bow. "Now you are overreacting." I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"Laugh as much as you want, Ji Yang. It might not be so funny later." He hinted and I shook my head.

"I told you I am not a scaredy-cat." I said and he laughed.

This time there were even fewer people. HaoXuan and I just entered the hall with a big bag of popcorn and two cokes, just like the day before.

"Look at that. The movie must be really scary. Let me hold your hand." HaoXuan said and grabbed my hand. Strangely, it felt so natural.

"I am not scared," I said and he looked confused.

"No, but I am. Hold me, Ji Yang." He said seriously but then couldn't keep the straight face and grinned.

"You are an idiot!" I laughed and he shrugged his shoulders. Shortly after, the movie started.

I told the truth when I said I wasn't scared but that didn't mean I liked to see people getting killed in the most brutal way so I often had to look away which resulted in me hiding my face on his shoulders like a girl. I was a little embarrassed at myself, especially seeing that HaoXuan didn't seem to have a problem with what he saw on the big screen. That amazed me.

I probably stared at him for too long because after a while he looked back at me. "Didn't you say you weren't scared?" He asked amused.

"I am not but it's not a nice view seeing how these people get killed," I told him and he nodded understandingly.

"Then you can look at me whenever they show something like that. I don't mind. I like having your eyes on me." He winked at me and I quickly looked back on the screen to hide my red face.

He leaned closer. "I saw that you blushed." He whispered and I glared at him.

"Screw you," I whispered back and he grinned at me which made me smile as well. "Concentrate on the movie, will you?"

"But you are more interesting." He said boldly.

"What exactly is more interesting?" I wanted to know.

"Hmm...." He mumbled and traced my face with his hands. I didn't dare to move. I let him do what he was doing and it surprised me that I wasn't against it. "Everything is interesting but .... I feel like your lips are seducing me whenever you speak" He whispered.

"W-hat do you mean?" I asked sheepishly and he grinned as he stared at my lips.

"Yes, exactly like that." He answered and closed the gap between us. It happened rather slowly. I could have moved out of the way but I didn't. Why? Simply because I didn't want to.

This kiss was hotter than the day before in front of my apartment. He used his tongue to separate my lips before sliding it between them. His hand laid on my neck and pulled me closer and closer. I kissed back. Slowly at first but soon he infected me with his hunger and I slid my tongue into his mouth.

'Goddammit, what am I doing? We are in a cinema!' I thought but didn't stop. This was one of the hottest kisses I had. Probably because we were sitting in a room with people and could get find out any moment. Not that we were loud but it sounded like that in my ears.

At some point in the middle of our make-out, I had the urge to go to the toilet. Just as the day before. I didn't want to leave and stop what we were doing but... it seemed to be pretty urgent so I stopped and moved out of his reach. "Sorry, but I need to go to the toilet," I mumbled.

"Hold it in. I am not done yet." He said and chased after my lips.

"It's really urgent."

"Fine. But only if you call me by my pet name." He grinned. "Go one. Or else I am not going to let you go."

"You behave like a child, Mr. Wang. Now let go, please. I really need to go." I said and he chuckled before letting go. I jumped up, left the cinema hall, and run into the men's room.

I run into one of the stalls and got ready to pee but once again nothing happened. It wasn't a surprise because I went to the toilet before I left the hospital and I did not drink much of the coke yet.

I was a little annoyed with this wasteful run to the toilet when I could have been doing something more exciting inside.

I waited a few more minutes before going back to HaoXuan who was engrossed in the movie. I was disappointed because I thought we could continue what we did before I had to leave for the men's room. Kissing HaoXuan was more interesting than watching how people get slain on screen.

But HaoXuan took my hand in his and stroke until the movie was over. Once the movie ended we walked out of the movie theater towards the car and like usual he opened the door for me. Once he joined me, he started the car and we drove off.

The entire drive I sneaked glances at him. I couldn't stop myself. Not only because of the kiss we shared. Why did that happen anyway? Why did I let him kiss me? Why did I kiss back?

'Because you like him.' An inner voice said and truth to be told, it was right. Oh, man! I started to like someone so shortly after my girlfriend broke up with me. But why a man? Why him?

'Because he is funny, easygoing, and he knows about your little problem but doesn't care.' The inner voice said. 'Oh, and he is handsome!'

I sneaked another glance at him again and this time all I could think of his how handsome he was.'Thanks for that!' I cursed inwardly.

"Am I good-looking?" He asked me with a grin.

"How did you know?" I asked as stupid as I was and heard him laughing. Now I was even more embarrassed and looked away from him out of the window. I didn't dare to look at him again until we arrived at my apartment.

"May I come up with you?" He asked and I nodded. I still had to give him his jacket after all so we took the elevator up and when the doors opened I could have sworn I saw my sister's door closing.

Anyway, we walked up to my apartment and as I unlocked the door, HaoXuan looked around in the hall. His eyes fell on the opposite apartment door. He frowned slightly before turning his attention back to me. That was the moment I opened the apartment door and signaled him to come in.

"You are indeed a doctor." He said as he close the door behind us.

"Why so?"

"It's so neat. Last time I was too busy attending to you and cleaning the mess you made." He said and I had to laugh.

"Does that mean your apartment is not tidy?"

"I recently moved into a new house and albeit I cleaned everything up, I still have some boxes standing around." He answered and continues to look around. I waited until he was done. "It's pretty here. You have a good taste in interior design. I love it."

"Thank you." I smiled and pointed at the sofa. "Look there."

"Oh, my jacket." He grabbed it and then smiled. "That must have been a lot of work getting all the dirt out of it. I could have just bought a new one, you know?"

"First of all, it was me who dirtied it so it's only natural I clean it. Secondly, you said it was your favorite so I wanted to give it back to you. Thirdly... are you crazy!? I looked up the price!"

"Ups... you found out?" He asked amused and I was about to hit him. "Okay, okay."

"I don't know and I don't care how much money you have but remember one thing. Stop wasting it!" I ordered firmly.

"Yes, Sir!" He chuckled and looked at me in amusement. I met his gaze confidently and slowly the temperature in my apartment raised. I wanted to turn around to check if I accidentally turned on the heater but HaoXuan stopped me by taking my hands in his.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing. You are just very handsome right now. Very, very handsome." He said and my heart skipped a beat. I repeat. My. Fucking. Heart. Literally. Skipped. A. Damn. Beat!

Now I lost my mind for sure. Why would my heart do that? I just broke up with my girlfriend not long ago! Moreover, he was a man. A man! I am not gay.

'You like him.'

Shut up.

'You kissed him.'

I said shut up!

'And most importantly you-'

I dare you to finish that sentence! I threatened myself but soon that was not important anymore. Because while I was busy fighting with that inner voice of mine, HaoXuan approached me and pressed his lips on mine. I kissed him back immediately. It was like a reflex.

HaoXuan got more confident, if that was even possible, and pulled me closer, wrapped his hands around my waist, and pressed my body against his. I didn't know where my confidence came from but I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. It felt too good to stop now. His lips soon moved down to my neck and I gave him access to it. I smelled the perfume he wore the day before as well. It was one of my favorites and it smelled really good. So good that I wanted to bite him. I didn't.

'Good God!' The breakup with my girlfriend must have broken me completely for me to make out with a man. And I even liked what I was doing. I liked it so much that I forgot about everything except him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it.

At some point, I felt his hands on my butt and pretty soon I laid on my back. I opened my eyes and found myself in my bedroom. HaoXuan was above me and kissing my soul out of me. The kiss got hotter as each minute passed. My lungs screamed for air but I didn't want to stop so I tried my best to breathe through my nose.

His hands slowly went to my pants and it needed only one quick move to open them. I quickly grabbed his hands what made him stop. I panted as I stared at him.

"You know I can't give you anything. I can't-... you know what I mean!" I said helplessly.

"Yeah, I know. You can't give me anything but that doesn't mean you can't take it from me." He answered and kissed my face multiple times. "Just let me do the work. All you have to do is enjoying it." He whispered and pulled me into another passionate kiss.

I was enjoying it. Greatly. But was he really okay with the way I was? I wanted to ask him again but he didn't let go of my lips as he slowly took off my clothes until I laid there stark naked for him to stare at. And he did stare at me intently. I liked it. I liked it a lot. And I thought having his attention on me was satisfying enough but at that point, I didn't know what would happen in the next couple of hours.

"God...." He mumbled in astonishment. "You are so .... breathtakingly beautiful." I was sure my whole body turned red in embarrassment.

"T-take off your clothes." I stuttered and I grinned at myself.

"Suddenly so eager to see me naked? Don't worry, I will not disappoint you."

"That is not what I meant! I just.... think it's unfair to be the only one naked...." I mumbled and tried to look away. He held my chin, turned it back, and pecked my lips before he slowly took off his clothes. I held my breath and watched how he got rid of each piece of clothes until he wore nothing anymore.

I did see naked men before back in school when we had swimming lessons or PE. It's just I never reacted as I did today. Being all shy, staring at another men's tail and wanting to touch it. My wish must have been written all over my face because HaoXuan took my hand and led it to his private part for me to touch.

'Oh. My. God.' I thought as he wrapped my hands around it and we started to stroke him. He woke up. I saw and felt how it raised in my hands. This feeling....

'What the hell was I doing!?'

"Breathe, Ji Yang." He whispered in my ear and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. HaoXuan bit his lips as our hands, my hand, moved faster. He then stared at me so intently that I let go of his tail and pulled him in for a deep kiss. At this point, I could as well say that I was addicted to it.

"Ji Yang..." He mumbled as he licked my lips. "I want to touch you too... May I?"

I knew what he meant. It was obvious. "You know I will not-"

"It's okay. I don't care. Just let me touch you. Not only there but everywhere."

I but my lips and gave him a small nod. His hands started at my chest, roaming around, flipping my two buds, and squeezed them a little before wandering down to my stomach, kneading it. He then kissed my lips and trailed kissed down my neck, over my chest towards my stomach. His mouth moved even deeper down to that lifeless part of my body. I flinched when I felt his lips down there and grabbed HaoXuan's hair in shock when his tongue stroke over my tail, taking it into his mouth.

He didn't do much. He just licked it and sucked once or twice. That was all he did. Nothing my girlfriends didn't do as well. But this time the feeling was different and then it happened.

Something that never happened before and my doctor said it would never happen.

"Wait! HaoXuan!" I called out in horror but he didn't listen. He didn't even flinch when I got hard. All he did was opening his eyes and looking into mine. I bet he was surprised. I was as well. No, I was rather shocked than surprised. "H-haoXuan, t-this is- Ah!" I kept my mouth shut not wanting to let out a sound.

I bend my legs for HaoXuan to have more access because damn! I loved what he was doing. He sucked me and touched my balls at the same time. I came immediately. My first time ever!

I leaned back and stared at the ceiling. "That... that is not possible... I shouldn't be able... to react like never did.... never... and ... and my doctor..." I panted in shock.

"Forget that loser. It seems he needs to have his license withdrawn." HaoXuan said and hovered above me. "So that was your first time ever?"

I blushed. "S-stop asking. You know the answer!"

He grinned. "Then that means I got to taste your first ejaculation ever. Now if that doesn't make me happy." I widened my eyes horrified.

"What!? You did-!? Shit! Why did you not spit it out!?" I asked him but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"It's not poison. Why should I spit it out? The taste was special but good." He licked his lips and smirked at my red face.

"How can you say that? Don't say it! And stop licking your lips!" I said embarrassed and he laughed and kissed me. This one kiss made me calm down a little.

'I had an erection! For the first time in my life. It never happened before. It felt so freaking good. But why!?'

"Ji Yang..." HaoXuan mumbled between kisses. He slid his tongue inside my mouth and scouted the inside. At the same time, he took me into his hands and stroke me. I flinched but didn't reject him. It took only three strokes until I came into his hands. I couldn't say anything to defend myself for that because HaoXuan kept kissing me so deeply that I had to breathe through my nose once again.

"I want to come too." He mumbled and soon I felt something slippery poking the entrance of my behind. "Right here."

'Wait! Was he trying to-!?' I arched my beck and groaned into his mouth as one finger entered. He was slow in pushing it in and out. His finger was slippery and I guessed what that slippery thing was. He soon stopped kissing my swollen lips and latched onto my neck as a second finger joined the first one.

"Argh-! Hao-HaoXuan, this-" I wasn't able to say more, too engrossed in feeling everything he did to me. His lips on my neck, his right hand stroking me, and meanwhile three fingers inside me. I shook. I grabbed HaoXuan's and bit my lips hardly.

Then he stopped and leaned back. I stared at him through my half-closed glassy eyes. I grabbed his hand who left my entrance. I didn't want him to stop. It felt too good!! "Don't stop! Please...."

"I won't" He answered and his voice changed. It was deeper than before, almost a growl. He took his eyes off me, grabbed for his pants on the ground, and took something out. A condom.

'Oh my god. Is it going to happen? My first time? So many firsts today...' I thought. I was excited but also scared. I always expected to live my life as a loser. I never imagined my first time would be with a man. I never thought I would be able to have sex but now it would happen.

I saw him ripping open the packing, taking out the little slippery object, and rolling it onto his sex. He was hard and seeing that made my heart racing in anticipation. He leaned closer and positioned himself.

"Ready?" He asked me with a deep growl. I didn't trust my voice to I nodded and soon I felt the tip of his sex pressing against my hole. "I am going in."

"Oh god!" I arched my back and grabbed HaoXuan's arms as he entered me slowly but without a pause.

"You tight!" He pressed out when he was halfway in. My breath fastened and I tried to ignore the pain. I heard from others it would be painful first but the pleasure would follow soon. Then again, that was what women said when they have slept with their boyfriends. I was a man doing it with one! Would it even be the same?

"Ji Yang." He called me. "May I go take you in one blow? You are too tight and I can't enter you fully when I am going in slow."

"Do it." I pressed out and my grip on his arms strengthened.

"Here I come." He warned me and pushed in with a hard blow making me scream in shock and pain. He kissed me quickly and massaged my butt-cheeks softly. "You okay?"

"M-move! Don't stay still. It h-hurts." I hissed in pain and he pecked my lips.

"It will hurt first but I am going to make you feel good soon."

"D-do it," I said and he moved slowly. I hissed but told him to continue. He almost pulled out and pushed in all the way. He repeated that action until he hit something that made me moan in pleasure.

HaoXuan smirked. "Here we go. Hold tight." He warned me and soon he started to penetrate me faster, always hitting the same spot inside me. First I tried to keep it down but soon I couldn't care less who heard me. The pain was still there but the pleasure overtook the pain quickly. I just felt too good that I did not want to stop anymore.

Sometime later my doorbell rang. That annoyed me but I tried to ignore it and concentrate only on the pleasure HaoXuan gave me. I lost count on how many times I came. First I was shocked but then I understood I let out what I had pent up for years. Which was a lot.

"Ji Yang? Are you inside? Is everything okay?" I heard Wei Wei's voice. She must have heard the sounds I made which were not silent at all. I tried to keep it down but gave up at some point.

"Who is that?" HaoXuan growled as he pounded into me. It seemed he didn't get tired at all.

"J-just ignore it. Please... feels so good... don't stop..." I begged and pulled him down for a kiss.

After 5 minutes the ringing stopped, Wei Wei went back into her apartment and HaoXuan, and I kept going for some time more until I was too exhausted.  

HaoXuan's POV

I got up slowly so as not to wake up the doctor. I stepped over the half dozen used condoms on the floor and walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower before leaving for the kitchen. I looked around and when I didn't find anything to eat, I ordered a big breakfast. While waiting I looked at the sleeping Ji Yang on the bed.

It took a long time before that doctor had enough and was too exhausted to continue. I had a lot of stamina but it was my first time seeing someone as needy as him during the first time. I am not complaining. I surprisingly had a lot of fun last night. I thought I would feel disgusted and change my plan to not sleep with him. I wouldn't have thought doing a man was that fun. But just because I enjoyed last night did not mean I would fuck other men in the future. Never going to happen.

The blanket laid on the floor. Ji Yang must have kicked them away because it was so hot last night. Seeing his body having a lot of marks I was shocked. 'Did I do that? Wow....' I thought and chuckled. I really must have enjoyed last night. Well, except for one short moment when a woman rang the doorbell and asked for Ji Yang. 'Who was that?'

Suddenly I heard something at the door and because I thought it was the food delivery I walked towards the door waiting for a soft knock, I told them to not ring the bell but knock on the door softly so I would know they were here and leave. I didn't want to wake Ji Yang up. But no one knocked and that was why I decided to take a look through the peephole.

There stood a woman in front of the door pressing his ear against it. I couldn't see her face. She then took a few steps back and walked back and forth. I had a glimpse of her face and thought she looked familiar. He stared at Ji Yang's apartment door and walked towards it only to press her ear against the door again, trying to hear something.

'What is she? Ji Yang's stalker?' I thought annoyed. Suddenly she looked towards the elevator, sprinted back into her apartment, and closed the door. Soon I heard a weak sound and seconds later the delivery man stood in front of the door. He put the huge box of food down, knocked on the door softly, and then left.

I bet that stalker was looking through the peephole so when I heard the elevator doors closing I opened the door immediately and took the food inside. I let that have woman a good look at my nakedness. She probably already knew what Ji Yang and I were doing last night. We weren't quiet. I stretched myself before closing the door and looked through the peephole again. She opened the door a minute later with a red face. She stared at Ji Yang's apartment door in shock, then frowned and slammed her door shut.

'I hate her!'

I turned my back at the door and started to arrange the breakfast when I heard my phone buzzing. I run into the bedroom, took the phone, and retreated as quickly as possible. Ji Yang turned around and mumbled something but he didn't wake up.

I looked at the phone. It was B. calling so I answered the call. "Tell me you have something on that neighbor!"

"I wish you a good morning as well." He laughed. "Why are you so interested in her?"

"I think she is Ji Yang's stalker. She keeps looking through the peephole and just now I saw her pressing her ear against the apartment door to figure out what is happening. What did you find out?"

"Wait a moment. What do you mean with just now you saw her? Are you with that doctor right now? At 6 in the morning!? Oh my- Did something happened between-?"

"Shut up and tell me what you found out!"

"Not so fast, my friend. I asked first so I better get an answer or else I will cut the call!" He threatened.

"That is not important right now!"

"OK, fine. I will cut the call then. See you-"

"I slept with him last night. Satisfied, you asshole!?"

"Fuck!!" He called out.

"Now tell me about that fucking woman!" I hissed and heard him laughing.

"Fine. But don't think this topic is over yet. I have so many questions..."


"That neighbor, right. She is not a stalker but that doctor's sister. His step-sister, actually. I tried to find out as much as possible but it's not a lot. So his sister, Wei Wei, left the monastery about 8 years ago. Funny thing is, her parents don't know yet. I bet they would be very disappointed. Anyway, she moved in only days after the doctor moved into his apartment. Wei Wei doesn't have a boyfriend and she likes high society parties. We saw a picture of her at a party, remember?"

"Yeah. Continue." I said and watched Ji Yang from the living room to make sure he did not wake up yet.

"Now it gets interesting. She doesn't have a job but she spends a lot of money. I dug a little deeper a found out that she meets a man once in a while who gives her a lot of pocket money."

"You mean a sugar daddy?"

"Maybe. Who knows? Anyway, he gives her a lot of money. And with a lot, I am talking about 500.000 Yuan." B. said and I was sure he was shaking his head.

"How do you know?"

"I let someone follow her and coincidentally she met him yesterday again. They disappeared into his house for a while before she went back home. If she earns that much money with only one meet why is she still living in that apartment? Now guess what she spends her money for!" B. asked excitingly.

"Dormies?" I asked surprised. "She is drugging her own brother? Why!?"

"It is just a hunch of mine. I have no proof that she is buying the drug. If she does then the reason should be obvious, right? She moves in only days after the doctor did, she behaves like a stalker and even drugs him with an anti-sex-drug. Why do you think she does that?"

"But they are siblings!"

"Step siblings, HaoXuan. They are not blood-related. But we can't know for sure if she is the one who drugs him and how she does it."

"I will try to find a way to make her leave her apartment. Then you can send someone in to check. Install a camera as well."

"Why?" He asked confused. "Is it that important who the person is?"

"Yes. We just have to make sure Ji Yang will not get drugged again by her. Or whoever it did." I explained.

"Well, true. Or else our progress will be in vain... Got it. I will wait for your call then." He agreed. "So.... what are you going to do with that doctor when he woke up?" He asked amused and I immediately cut the call. I shook my head and continued to prepare breakfast.

Song Ji Yang's POV

The moment I woke up I could feel the pain in my back. But when I remembered the night before I thought that the pain wasn't that bad at all. I was relieved. And I was happy.

I turned around and when I saw the empty bed I was disappointed. No, disappointment was an understatement. I hoped he would still be here and not leaving secretly once we- once the night was over.

"Where are you staring at?" I heard an amused voice. His voice! I turned to him in surprise.

"You are still here," I stated. Well, it sounded more like a question.

"What does that mean? Don't tell me I was just a one-night thing for you?" He asked with a deep frown. "Now that you are found out that you are obviously able to perform the sexual act you want to break up and look for a woman?"

I turned red and shook my head. "No! I was just surprised! I thought you had left! I thought- wait, break up? Are we ... a couple now? Since when!?" I asked shocked.

"I am not sleeping with just anyone, Ji Yang." He chuckled and entered the bedroom. Only now did I see that was walking around naked and I quickly looked away.

"H-how about you get dressed first?" I asked sheepishly.

"Why? Here is no one except us. And you saw me naked the whole last night." He walked up to me and pulled me out of the bed. "And you are just as naked. Hey, I already took a shower but.... How about I will take another one with you?"

I blushed and stepped away. "I am good. I can... do it alone."

He laughed. "Okay, fine. Then hurry up. I ordered breakfast for us. And by the way, be careful with that. It might feel a little uncomfortable."

I looked down on myself and saw that my sex was a little swollen because of last night. I must have overused it for it was my first time. I was so embarrassed that I quickly run into the bathroom to take a shower.

When I came back he was sitting at the table in the dining area of my living room. The table was full of food and my stomach growled.

"Why are you still naked?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Like I said. Only you will see and... Maybe I have a chance of a continuation of last night later?" He winked and signaled me to sit down.

"You wish!" I chuckled and then we started to eat. It was delicious.

"I am glad you like it. I wanted to cook for you but I saw you have nothing here so I had to order something. Do you even use the kitchen? It looks unused."

"I never cooked for myself. Either I am too tired or have no time at all. I usually eat in the Mensa of the hospital or my sister cooks for me."

"Your sister? That woman who shamelessly interrupted us last night?"

"Y-yeah. She lives across from me. She often cooks too much and gives something."

"I see...." He said and continued to eat. It was quiet until we were done and then I couldn't wait anymore.

"We only know each other for a few days..." I started and he grinned.

"So? Does that mean we are not allowed to date? We went out on two days already and then there was last night. We can still find out more about each other every day. Or... is there a problem?"

"No. It's not that. I am... not gay. Okay, maybe I am and just found out yesterday but I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"See, I spent a lot of time with my friends in school. We went out a lot and after PE we would shower together. I never reacted like yesterday. I was never interested in men."

"Hm... maybe you always thought you were straight and therefore concentrated on women? But does that matter? I am not gay either. I still want to go out with you."

I blushed again. "You do?"

"Yes." He smiled, stood up, and walked up to me. "Therefore I want to go out today. Another date."

"Another date?" I asked amused. "I hope it's not the cinema again?"

"No. I want to go out for dinner tonight? What do you think?"

"Sounds good." I smiled. Was I really falling for a guy? 'No. You already fell for him.'

"So it's a yes?" He asked and pulled me up. "I promise I will have clothes on."

I laughed out loud "You better!" I grinned and he kissed me. Oh yes, I think I have fallen for him. It was only a few days since I met him but maybe that was what I needed after the breakup. And obviously, that man was someone special. I mean... last night happened and proved to me that my doctor and I were both mistaken. I was not gay, I was sure of that but ... HaoXuan had something that I found very attractive. Not only because of last night.

"I have to go to the company later. My secretary was released from the hospital yesterday and she already wants to work. I have to check if she can do her work and then ... I will prepare for tonight."

"So that mean no more visits at the hospital?" I wanted to know and kissed me again.

"Not for visiting an employee but ... for my boyfriend I could make an exception," HaoXuan answered. Hearing the word boyfriend was weird but my heart still skipped a beat. Maybe I just have to get used to the fact that I was gay. Or at least gay for HaoXuan. 'God, that sounds weird...'

"When will you pick me up? I have don't have to go to work the weekend." I asked him.

"Great! I will pick you up at 5 pm. I will choose a really good restaurant and when we are done with dinner we could go home and spend the rest of the weekend in your bed. Of course only if you are feeling better down there." He winked and I hit him.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Never." He grinned and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. This was so addicting.

I was aware that we both were still naked but I didn't care as long as he didn't. "Does that mean you agree with my plan? You have nothing else to do?" He whispered and I shook my head.

"My sister wanted to hang out. Comforting me after I was dumped. I will call her off."

"I will comfort you in my ways." He grinned and pecked my lips before stepping away. "Now let's clean up. Afterward, I will have to go."

Once we cleaned up the living room we got dressed and I escorted him outside of my apartment. Before he left he gave me another long hot kiss that left me breathless and my legs shaking."I will pick you up at 5 pm. Remember, don't eat or drink anything. The food tonight will be delicious. So keep your stomach empty, okay?"

"Promise." He said and then left. I stood there until the doors of the elevator closed before going back inside. I stood there in the middle of my apartment and smiled stupidly until the doorbell rang. When I opened the door my sister stood in front of it. She smiled at me but that smile didn't reach her eyes so I was worried. 'Did something happen?'

"Hey." She greeted me and entered my apartment. "Are you ready for our weekend?"

"About that... I am sorry, Wei Wei. I already have an appointment." I answered apologetically.

"But didn't we agree we would spend the weekend together? I wanted to cook for us, we would talk and watch movies together?" She sounded a little annoyed.

"I am sorry, Wei Wei. It just happened that I meet with someone else."

"With whom?" She wanted to know.

"You don't know him. It's important for me so I hope you understand. We can hang out next time, okay?"

"But what about me? I was looking forward to this."

"Wei Wei, you know I love you right? You are my beloved sister and I don't mind spending a lot of time with you but it would do you good to meet other people as well. Go out with friends, not only with me. You are 27 years old now. Don't you want to get married? How about you go out more and maybe you will find a boyfriend. I mean, I could try and set up a blind date but... I don't think that is a good idea. It's the 21st century after all. Moreover, I have no idea what kind of guy you like." I laughed but Wei Wei didn't.

She was angry with me. It seldom happened. Once or twice when I was in high school, especially when I got my first and second girlfriend. But after that, she wasn't angry anymore. This meant I did not know how to calm her down and currently, that wasn't what I cared about the most. I wanted to clean up a little and then get ready for my date.

"I need to go to the bathroom!" She said and left for my bathroom for which she had to go through my bedroom.

"Why mine? Your apartment is across from mine. Why not go there?" I asked confused and walked after her. She stopped in my bedroom and stared shocked onto the floor. I didn't clean up yet and she saw what she shouldn't. 'Fuck! That is embarrassing!' I thought horrified, grabbed her shoulders, and pushed her out of my bedroom and out of my apartment.

"Ji Yang!?" She called me in shock. "But you-! Your girlfriend dumped you! A-and you are not able to... to... do that! That is impossible!"

'Great! Why does she have to be so nosy! Shouldn't she be happy that I turned out normal after all?' I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I don't want to be rude but do me a favor and mind your own business, okay? Just because I was dumped again doesn't mean I can't have another relationship. And just for your information, my doctor was wrong and I am very capable of doing- Forget it! Anyway, I don't have time for you this weekend. I am sorry. We can make up for it another time but now, please leave. I need to get ready for my date."


"Yes! Now go. Go. Go. Go." I hushed her out of my apartment and closed the door.

The date was wonderful. He brought me to an expensive restaurant and no matter how much I was against it, he paid for me. We had a lot of fun despite the few times he was distracted by phone calls or when he thought he spotted someone he knew.

Afterward, we visited an observatory and then walked along the nearby lake. I was too shy to hold his hands. I was uncertain if what I had just now, this relationship if I can call it like that, was something serious or not. It was my first time having this uncertain feeling towards a man. I liked him but because of my past relationships, I was careful not to overthink anything. Then again, he showed me that I was a normal human being, that my body was able to do what others could do as well.

Anyway, when we went back to my apartment he stayed overnight. As I was not ready yet for another hot night, we just slept but the next evening I couldn't stop myself to try it again. I couldn't believe what I was missing the last couple of years. I couldn't believe it when others told me this but it's true. Sex was amazingly satisfying and I needed to make sure I would not get addicted to it. Or to the man for that matter.

The next week we met often, went to the cinema, to a restaurant or just went for a walk. We spend the night together twice and I felt so happy when I woke up next to him that I immediately agreed when sometime later he suggested going on vacation together. When I asked where he wanted to go because I didn't want to leave the country he suggested we would stay in his house. It was near the beach and he only had only two neighbors who weren't home most of the time.

"We could tell each other more about ourselves and get to know each other even more. I could cook for us. My cooking skills are not perfect but I can make good food. We also could cuddle a lot." He grinned as he pecked my lips.

"How long?"

"How bout a week? A week just the two of us. Away from work and surely away from your sister who is slowly getting annoying." He said and I nodded.

He was right. Wei Wei was even more clingy than before. I couldn't understand it. She never was like that, not even when I had all my girlfriends. Since days she is cooking more than before and would get upset when I reject the food so I had to put these things into the fridge. I never ate them because HaoXuan was always taking me out for dinner or he would cook for me. I bet the food is already expired.

"I am sorry. I don't know why she is like that but I guess she is lonely. She has not many friends or rather they are mostly busy."

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?"

I shook my head. "I want to find her one but-"

"Don't do that. Your sister is old enough to find someone on her own. Maybe when we come back he will have one?" He cheered me up.

"I doubt that. I never saw her with anyone. If she has gone by the time we are back I'll eat my hat."

HaoXuan laughed and nudged my side. "So does that mean we are going on vacation?"

"It means we are going on vacation," I said with a smile and earned a kiss. I was happy and very excited. Little did I know what an erotic vacation HaoXuan planned for me

To continue...

I will not write much about what will happen on that vacation. Ji Yang will summarize it shortly in the future but as I know you guys, you can already predict what will happen, right? 

That's it about them for now. They will show up later again but now we will concentrate on Yi Zhan (and HaiCheng). 

The next chapter will come out on Sunday and I hope I will see you again. I promise it's shorter next time^^

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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