Chapter 15: A call and a little bit of treatment

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Back again with a new chapter :) 

Have Fun <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

Yibo and Xuan Lu behaved differently as usual. Somehow I had the feeling they fought and I was the reason for it. Maybe it was just my guilt talking to me but I felt terrible. I didn't want to go and ask Yibo because that meant I had to talk to him. And asking Xuan Lu was also not an option.

After some time I thought whatever the reason was they fought, it couldn't be me because Xuan Lu treated me as usual. Maybe even a little better than before. Yibo on the other end tried to keep a distance but now and then I would feel his eyes on me.

"Xuan Lu?" I called Yibo's wife after talking to Zhou Cheng on the phone. The Officer seemed to be fine so far which meant that Haikuan was behaving. For now.

"Hm?" Xuan Lu smiled at me. After dinner, we both were sitting in the living room together watching a movie while the little boy was fast asleep.

"Do you.... I mean, is there something wrong? I somehow...." I stopped and tried to find the right words. "I have the feeling you and Yibo are... in dispute?"

She sighed but then chuckled. 'Maybe I saw wrong?'

"No, we are not. We have only a small disagreement. Don't worry." She answered.

"W-what happened?" I wanted to know.

"Yibo happened."

"O-okay?" I said and she laughed.

"How should I say it? Yibo is a good man. He is perfect. His life was not always easy but he managed to sit through. And he is very righteous. He hates it to owe someone something. That is why he never borrowed money from anyone during his school life. Not that his family is poor. Not at all. His parents gave him a monthly allowance and when he used it up, he had to wait until the next month. But he never complained." Xuan Lu said and then laughed. "Well, except once. He wanted to go to a concert but had no money left. His parents didn't want to give more so he borrowed it from me. He complained about himself borrowing money and it almost made me go nuts."

I listened to her and smiled at her laugh.

"Anyway, he is very righteous. But sometimes he is just far too stubborn and even I can't bring him to his sense. I don't think anyone can except himself. That is the only bad thing I can say about him." She shook her head in amusement while stroking her son's head. "I am worried about my little sunshine. I fear he is going to be exactly like his father. He is already a daddy boy. I don't mind him taking after Yibo but this stubbornness.... might be a problem. And him being a troublemaker, of course. I don't want to boast but when I was at FanXing's age I was a little angel. This means the part about making trouble he has from his father. But obviously, I still love him."

I watched her and even when I told myself I would forget about Yibo and everything that had something to do with him, I couldn't prevent myself from being hurt seeing the love between Yibo and Xuan Lu. But being the idiot I was I always did something to torment myself with. My next sentence, for example. "You and your husband seem to love each other a lot."

She smiled and then looked at me curiously. "Hmm.... Xiao Zhan, do you love someone?"

"No." I shook my head and Xuan Lu stared at me for a long time before she frowned.

"You are lying." She said and watched my reaction. She smiled shortly after. "Why are you lying?"

"How did you know...?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"It's too obvious when you do. You blush a little and look away trying to look as innocent as possible. It's cute." She laughed when I blushed. "It's one of my skills to see through people. Unfortunately, not through everyone though..." She let out a long sigh before looking back at me.


"Want to tell me about your love?" She asked gently and I fought with myself for a while before I decided to tell her. I wouldn't say Yibo's name or make it obvious it was him. But I needed to talk to someone. It didn't matter who it was. I had the feeling I would feel better afterward.

"You know I am gay, Xuan Lu, right?" I confessed and she nodded with a smile.

"Don't be shy. I will not judge you, Xiao Zhan. Love is love."

I smiled and started to explain to her my love life. "There was someone I loved. Actually, in my thirty years of life, I fell in love with three people. Four times when I count the first one who went abroad after my confession but as I was still very young I would call it crush rather than love.

Anyway, you know the saying All good things come in threes? I thought that the third one would be it. The one I spend my life with. Because I was madly in love with him. More than with my first two boyfriends." I shook my head. "It didn't happen."

"Go on." She smiled and looked at me curiously.

"The first person I fell for I dated about two weeks before we.... Ehm... I was 22 back then and hadn't much experience in dating and stuff. I still don't have it now, though. When we wanted to go to the next step I found out about his girlfriend. They knew each other far longer than he and I did. I talked about this with him but instead of feeling guilty, he didn't care. I broke up right away."

Xuan Lu listened quietly but with a slight frown and I sighed.

"It took me a while before I was confident enough to date again. I dated the second person for three months. I wanted to make sure to not make the same mistake again and waited a little longer. And indeed, there was no girlfriend." I chuckled humorlessly. "But that person was even better at keeping secrets than my first boyfriend. He was already married! I found out the night we wanted to spend together for the first time. His wife came home unexpectedly and was she furious. I would too if I had been in her place. She screamed and started to hit me. Her husband didn't protect me. I run away in shock but soon there were rumors about me. That I would seduce married men. I had to move away but I swore to myself I would never fall in love again."

I saw Xuan Lu frowning even more hearing about my story. She opened her mouth but closed it again after looking down on her son. "My God, I almost cursed." She said in shock. "Sorry about that. Getting betrayed by the person you love and trust, I know how that feels. It's terrible and breaks your heart into thousand pieces. What about the third one?" She asked and I bit my lip.

"The third one.... I really thought that this time everything was different and not only because I fell madly in love. I did love my first two boyfriends but my feelings weren't as deep as with him.

We met in a restaurant I worked at. He was a customer and I washed the dishes. We probably wouldn't have met if the waiters weren't so scared of him. He was a ... difficult customer. I definitely wouldn't be here today if I hadn't met him."

Xuan Lu raised her brows but I continued. "I served him and I think I fell for him the first time I saw him. He seemed to have liked me too. Probably because I was the only person who talked back to him. He was an ass-" I quickly looked at the sleeping FanXing and stopped at the last moment. Xuan Lu grinned. "He was very ungrateful. I am not even sure why I fell for him.... But from then on he always asked for me and later we met outside the restaurant as well. I was always the last person to leave but one day he waited for me only to tell me his name. He could have waited until the next day, this idiot." Xuan Lu laughed silently

"We then met more often and like a stupid teenager in love I was always counting the hours until we met. It was the best time of my life." I sighed and stopped smiling. "We only knew each other three weeks but I was 100 % sure that he was the one. I was so sure that I didn't even mind that we had our first night at a hotel. I know, it's not very romantic but back then I didn't care about that. For me everywhere would have been romantic as long as he was with me.

I gave him all I had, even my..." I blushed. "but I am not stupid, Xuan Lu. I might have been almost blinded by love but I still remembered my previous lovers. How could I not? I asked him, Xuan Lu. I asked him if he had a girlfriend, he said no. I asked him if he was married, twice, and he said no. I trusted him but in the end, he betrayed me as well."

I didn't even realize I was crying until Xuan Lu washed my tears away. She looked like she was about to cry as well so I forced a laugh. "He was already married. He even had a child! I found out on the same night through coincidence. I asked myself why he would lie to me. I told him that I had bad experiences in my previous relationships and wanted to be sure yet he still lied into my face. Before I found out I felt like the luckiest person and thought I found my true love but everything was fake. That night I had fully enough. I gave up finding true love and left."

Xuan Lu teared up. It looked like she wanted to say something but nothing came out. She was speechless and I wasn't surprised.

"That was 5 years ago. I would love to say I am over it but.... it would be a lie. That is why I am envious of what you have with your husband. This unconditional love." I winked at her and stood up, careful to not wake the sleeping boy. "Keep this story a secret, okay? I don't want anyone to find out and use it against me. Thank you for listening, Xuan Lu. I feel better now. Anyway, I will go to sleep now. See you tomorrow."

I was about to step out of the room when Xuan Lu called my name. "You said you wouldn't be here today if you hadn't met that man. What did you mean with that?"

"I had an accident that night while running away from that hotel. I was sent to the hospital and later met Meng Yao. It's not that man's fault for meeting Meng Yao. I was just very unlucky." I smiled and went to bed.

For the next 7 days, I felt a lot better. After talking to Xuan Lu my mind was calmer and I smiled more often. I didn't know at first until Xuan Lu pointed it out one day at breakfast. I wasn't happier, though. I just didn't think about my past as much as usual and I was sure I could forget it someday.

The wound on my leg is pretty much gone. I did have a big scar but I could live with it. Just my walking ability did not improve much, unfortunately. I walked at least 2 hours a day but I slowly started to believe I wouldn't be able to walk probably anymore. I visited Dr. Song 4 times and every time I got a telling-off because I wasn't working on the stretching and massage well enough.

Dr. Song seemed to be in a good mood lately. He was a lot happier than before. He laughed a lot and brightened the mood of other people. Even me. Despite the telling-offs. I asked him once what happened but he only blushed and giggled at that. I guessed this change was due to his relationship with his boyfriend. I was happy for him.

But today I think Dr. Song was a little frustrated. Not with his boyfriend but with me.

"Xiao Zhan! Are you really doing the stretches as I told you? And the massages?" He asked and looked at me strictly.

"I do! Really!"

"Then why don't I see a difference? Ther should have been an improvement. It's been a week now and nothing changed..." He said and I mumbled an apology. "An apology will not help much. Look, I get it. It hurts a lot and you feel uncomfortable. I also know you are not that strong but you could have gotten help from others. I know that Officer Wang is still at the hospital and Dr. Wang is busy too. But Wang Yibo is there too, right? Why don't you ask him? He looks like he has enough strength. Don't you want to walk normally again?"

I kept my mouth shut and did not turn around. Since Zhou Cheng had to stay in the hospital it was Yibo who escorted me to the hospital. I didn't like it but there was no one else.

"I will help him, Dr. Song," Yibo said and that made me turn around.

"Thank you but that isn't needed."

"Yes, it is!" Dr. Song groaned. "I am not sure why you wouldn't ask for help but if you keep up this attitude then your leg is going to stay like this. Do you want that?" He asked me and I shook my head. "I thought so. Listen, it is really important to stretch and massage your leg properly."

"I am doing so..." I mumbled but shut up seeing Dr. Song glaring at me.

"Mr. Wang, I will be on vacation the upcoming week. I want Xiao Zhan to continue with his treatment but I am not sure if it's okay to send him to another doctor in this situation. That criminal is still not found and who knows how many people he has. You saw what I did the last few times, right? Do you think you can help Xiao Zhan while I am gone?" Dr. Song asked Yibo.

"No!" I said.

"Yes," Yibo answered.

Dr. Song sighed. "I will not even ask. It's not my business. But Xiao Zhan, if you care about your leg and its health I advise you to get Mr. Wang's help."

I bit my lip because I knew he was right. "Do you happen to know when Officer Wang will be released from the hospital?"

"No. In my opinion, he recovered fully but you have to ask his doctor for more information. I am not specialized in that area so I am not sure."

That was what I did. I found Haikuan on his way to the cafeteria. "Haikuan, wait a moment."

"Oh, Xiao Zhan. Are you here to visit Zhou Cheng?"

"Eh, no. I had an appointment with Dr. Song. But regarding Zhou Cheng, when can he be released?"

"Did Zhou Cheng asked you to ask me?" He asked me a little suspiciously.

"What? No. I just need help with my treatment as Dr. Song will be on vacation." Haikuan laughed,

"I already heard that you seem to have difficulties. Dr. Song told me he will go on vacation with his boyfriend. Did you know he was gay? I didn't but I am happy for him. He did change a lot in the last days." He answered amused but then looked at me seriously. "Anyway, the truth is, Zhou Cheng can already be released. He fully recovered for two days but he and I... we are... you know?" He winked and I understood what he meant.

"I really need help regarding my treatment, Haikuan."

"Then ask my brother. He can help too. He is pretty strong as well. I will release Zhou Cheng soon but before that, I want more time with him alone."


"Xiao Zhan, finally I have his attention. You can't believe how happy I am to be able to hold him in my arms. Yes, he is still grumpy and fights back but he is changing. Slowly but eventually he is going to be fully mine. Pretty please help me a little, okay? I know it's wrong to keep him here but... I need to do that. Please?" He asked, even whined a little.

I talked with Zhou Cheng a few times and I already knew that something happened between them in the last seven days. Even if Zhou Cheng pretended he was annoyed, I knew the truth. Haikuan was also happy. Just because I couldn't have what they had I shouldn't be selfish but I don't think it's a good idea that Yibo helps me. We would spend more time together....

"Please, Xiao Zhan? Hm? Pretty please..." Haikuan begged me and I sighed in defeat.

'Fine... let at least one of us be happy.' I thought nodded at him. Haikuan grinned widely hugged me.

"What are you two doing?" Yibo asked behind me and I froze. Haikuan looked confused but answered his brother.

"Xiao Zhan did me a huge favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"None of your business, little brother. Now I have to go and take care of my favorite patient. Make sure to keep Xiao Zhan safe and help him with his treatment. See you." He laughed and left. I chewed on my lips until I heard Yibo's voice.

"Let's go." I turned around and walked ahead with him following me closely like a bodyguard. Well, technically he is. 'I really hope Meng Yao will be caught soon.'

We climbed into his car and drove off. As usual, it's quiet inside. There was nothing we could talk about so I leaned back and looked out of the window. Everything was as usual but then I realized we were taking a different route.

"Yibo, where are we going? This is not the way to your house." I said. These were the first words I directed to him in the last few days.

"Change of plan. We are being followed." He said and while I looked back he dialed a number on the phone. "Hey, it's me. Can you look up a license plate for me?" He asked before naming the number.

"It belongs to... oh, it's a stolen car." Yibo cursed.

"We are being followed. Send out as many people as you can but stay low for now. I will shake them off and the police can follow them."

"Is it only one car?" The guy on the phone asked and Yibo looked into the rearview mirror.

"I don't know but if it's Meng Yao, I doubt it's only one. That's why you have to stay low. I will talk to you later."

"Take care of yourself."

"I will." Yibo cut the call and looked at me. "It's going to be okay. Hold on tight." I nodded and grabbed the handle before Yibo stepped on the gas. Yibo would get a lot of speeding tickets for sure.

While he concentrated on driving I kept turning around to look back. By now I knew which car was following us. It was a white sedan but there was something else.

"Y-yibo, since the last 5 minutes there are two motorcycles behind us. I am not sure if they are following us but they have no licensee plate." Yibo suddenly sped up more changed the lanes and drove around many corners trying his best to shake them off.

"Still there?"

"Yes," I answered and Yibo dialed a number.

"We have sent out 7 cars of different types. They have been following that white sedan for a while. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but I want to shake them off now. There are two motorcycles following us. No license plates."

"We will keep that in mind. Drive to the XXX Supermarket. It's 7 km away from your current location. Someone is waiting in the parking area with the same type of car as yours. Once you drove in, hide and let them drive out. Make your you keep a big distance between you and your followers."

"Got it. Thank you." Yibo cut the call again and stepped on the gas again. It was so fast that I had the feeling to throw up.

Soon Yibo drove into a parking lot. In front of us suddenly appeared a twin of Yibo's car and Yibo parked his own in a dark spot. We watched as the other car left the parking lot and waited two minutes before the white sedan passed us followed by the motorcycles seconds later. We waited over 20 minutes and no one said a word.

Suddenly Yibo's phone rang." Yeah?"

"They followed the car for a while and when it was far away from the supermarket we parked it. Once they realized they have followed the wrong car they disappeared. We lost the car but our men are still following the motorcycles. We didn't see Meng Yao. I will keep you updated."

"Thanks. Good luck." He cut the call again and looked at me. "Let's go."

"W-where to?"

"Home. I am hungry." He smiled and I looked at him in disbelieve.

"You're kidding me, right? We just have been followed and might have been almost killed and you say you are hungry!?"

"I didn't eat since this morning!" Yibo defended himself as he started the car and left the parking lot. He looked around and made sure no one was following us.

"You are not normal," I said and closed my eyes.

"Yes, I am. If you are not hungry after all that then you are not the normal one. Food is important."

"Not as important as my life. Thank you." I answered.

"Without food, you will die. No life without food."

I stared at him and then looked out of the window. "Just shut up!" I hissed and was surprised I could even talk normally with him. Well, if you call that normal.

Suddenly my phone went off and accepted the call without looking at the Caller-ID. "Yes?"

When there was no answer I frowned. "Hello?" I asked again but still got no answer. "Listen, I am not in the mood for this. Who is there? Hello!?" Yibo looked at me with raised brows but I ignored him. Just when I was about to cut the call I heard him.

"It's good to hear your voice again, Zhan." Meng Yao said and I could hear he was smiling.

"Y-you.... how did you get my number!?" I asked shocked. I got this number after I woke up in the hospital weeks ago. He shouldn't have it.

"It's been a while since we talked to each other and yet that is the first thing you want to know? Aren't you curious about me?"

"Curious? About you? Why should I!? I heard a lot of you from the police. I can't believe that you ... that you are this kind of person ..." I answered and Yibo immediately glared at my phone. He signaled me to keep up the conversation and put it on speaker while he tipped something in his phone.

"This kind of person? Zhan, it's me. Your best friend."

"You killed people, Meng Yao!! In front of me even! I was shot as well! Is that was a best friend does? No! Not even a human being would do something like this."

"That wasn't planned, Zhan. You weren't supposed to be down there! I don't know which idiot kept the door but once I find out-"

"What? You will kill them too?"

He sighed. "Zhan, I am sorry. I never wanted you to find out. Especially not that way. My life is a little different from what you-"

"Are you kidding me!? You are the head of a drug organization! You kidnap women, rape and then sell them!? You call that a little different!? You are not human! Don't you feel guilty? Do you even have feelings at all!?" I yelled at him.

"I never raped anyone, Zhan! Never! And you know I have feelings. You know what I feel for you."

"How can you say that!? After everything you did, after everything you are still doing!?" I asked in disbelieve. "Stop it, Meng Yao! Please, if you really have feelings for me then release all the women you kidnapped. Stop your damn business and turn yourself in."

"I can't. This is my life." Meno Yao answered and then sighed again. "There is so much I want to tell you."

"Then turn yourself in and I will listen to whatever you have to say." I pleaded with him. I wouldn't be able to call him my best friend again. Not after all he did. I didn't know why he lived like this but the least I can do for him as a former friend is trying to persuade him to turn himself in.

"I will tell you everything slowly when you come back." He said and I gritted my lips.

"I will not go back to you, Meng Yao! If you want to talk to me, turn yourself in!" Yibo listened to what I was saying while he grabbed the wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"We will reunite soon. I will tell you everything once you are back." Meng Yao said and cut the call. Yibo spoke into his phone.

"And?" He asked impatient.

"It was a burner phone. We couldn't locate it. I am sorry." Was the answer. Yibo cursed and hit the wheel numerous times.

"I am tired," I said sometime later and Yibo started the car without saying anything. I could see he was still angry. I could understand that. That was the best chance for him to catch Meng Yao. Especially after he couldn't find anything regarding Meng Yao's company and its new CEO.

But Yibo failed in getting more information. It wasn't his fault, though. Meng Yao knew what would happen once he called me and used a burner phone. I couldn't believe he called me. Despite knowing the police would try to track him down he still called. As if he wanted to mock them. Meng Yao's confidence... angered me.

Once we were back I wanted to go into my room to be alone. Yibo passed me and disappeared into his office. He slammed the door shut which alarmed Xuan Lu.

"Was that Yibo? Did something happen?" She asked worriedly.

"We had a situation on our way back..."

"What kind of situation?"

"We were followed. We shook them off but I got a call from Meng Yao." I explained and she immediately walked to me to check if I am fine. "Nothing much happened. Well, except for the shock. Yibo, or rather the police, couldn't track them down. Now he is pissed ..."

She sighed and looked at me. "Are you sure you are fine?"

"I am just tired," I answered and she stared at me for a long while before she nodded.

"Then take a rest. I will talk with Yibo once he calmed down."

"Where is FanXing?" I wanted to know after realizing it was unusually quiet.

"He wanted to play with that pig of our neighbor. When he looks at me with these well-trained puppy eyes I can't deny him anything..." She answered and then laughed. "Well, next time he will think twice before going over to play."

I was confused for a moment but then chuckled. "Good thing it's not my job to bathe him," I said and Xuan Lu stopped groaned.

"This time it's Yibo's turn! I am not going to do it!" She said and turned to leave for the kitchen to prepare lunch

During lunch, it was only Xuan Lu, FanXing, and I as Yibo went out when he got a call from the prosecution. Because Xuan Lu had to prepare lunch she asked me to make sure that FanXing took a bath so I helped her with that. Not that FanXing needed any help. He was a good boy and took a bath without complaining.

"FanXing,  we all know you hate baths. Why are you behaving when Xiao Zhan is present but make a ruckus when you are with daddy or me?" Xuan Lu asked sulkily at the dining table.

"I am always behaving," FanXing answered as he took a spoon of his soup. Xuan Lu gaped at him and then

"Liar! That is not true and you know it, sunshine."

"I know that I am a good boy and always behave. Right, big brother?"

I kept my mouth shut and pretended to not hear anything while trying my best to not laugh as Xuan Lu pouted and FanXing giggled.

"Mommy, where is daddy?" The little boy wanted to know after we were done with lunch.

"At work, darling. He will come later." Xuan Lu's answered as she cleared the table. "How about you help mommy washing the dishes?"


"That's my baby boy." She kissed her son's forehead before he ran into the kitchen and looked at me. "Thank you for helping me with FanXing's bath."

"Of course. I must be able to help in some way. I can't just let myself be served by you, right?" I smiled sheepishly. "I would like to take a stroll in the garden. Or do you need me for something?"

"No, no. Have fun and make sure to walk a lot. How is your leg, by the way?"

"Good. Better than weeks ago. But ...." I looked down at the crutch and she patted my back.

"Hey, it's okay. It will take some time but it's going to be fine. Hm?" I have to say, Xuan Lu was the best. She is like a little sister to me and I felt good having someone around who cared about me.

Did I ever mention that I liked the garden in Xuan Lu's and Yibo's house? It was very beautiful so it's no surprise that I spend there the rest of the day. I walked around, sat for a while, and then walked around again. I tried once to walk without my crutch... It didn't go well.

At sometime FanXing came to spend time with me. Seeing his little mischievous grin I knew right away that he made trouble again. I didn't have to wait long until he started to boast about his latest prank.

"Mommy wasn't very happy but I was. Foam and bubbles were everywhere. It looked so cool!"

"Yeah, but I hope you helped your mommy to clean this mess up. It would be unfair that she has to do all the work while you are sitting here having fun when you were the one who caused it. It's hard work to clean up and then dry the kitchen. It's her favorite place after all."

FanXing didn't say anything but pouted. 'So he didn't help.' I sighed.

"Listen, FanXing. You said you don't want a sibling, right? That is why you do all these pranks. I am sure you have your reason for not liking the idea of another baby but instead of pranking your parents you should go and talk to them. How do you know they are planning to expand the family? Because of your friend? Shouldn't you trust your family more? And even if they want another baby, that only shows how much they love each other. It shows how much love they have and want to share it with one more person."

"But... but what about me!? I need their love too! Aren't I enough?"

"Parents have so much love, most of them don't want to give it to only one child. Moreover, imagine they give you even more love than now? It sounds good to everyone and would make everyone even happier but don't you think they spoil you too much already? You get everything you want and you only need to use those puppy eyes of yours. Any more love and you can't be stopped anymore."

FanXing grinned because he knew I was right and he seemed to be proud. I chuckled.

"Say, FanXing, do you like me?"

"Of course! You are my hero, big brother! I want to become just like you when I grow up."

"That makes me very happy." I laughed and looked at him amused. "That means you already regard me as your older brother. And you know what? You are also like a little brother to me... I mean, if you ignore the little age gap between us." I winked at him.

"If you are happy I am too." He said excitedly.

I laughed. "That is good. You accepted me, an outsider easily as part of your family. So if you accepted me what is so bad about accepting another baby brother or sister? One who will not only share the same blood as you but probably also the personality." I looked at him in amusement. "Or is that it? You are scared the sibling turns out to be a big troublemaker just like you? Scared you can't handle him?"

He pouted. "Not true....I would show him who the boss is in this house." He grinned proudly.

"The boss? I hope you are talking about your parents... " I laughed at his red cheeks. "Anyway, think about it, okay? And please, for the sake of your parents, I want you to stop doing these pranks."

"Okay." He agreed.

"Promise?" I asked surprised.

"I promise."

"Wow. That is good. Now I want you to go back inside and help your mommy in the kitchen as you were the one who made that mess in the first place. Oh, and apologize, will you? You are a good boy after all." I nodded at him and he disappeared into the house.

I sighed loudly. I suddenly had the thought that being a father would suit me a little. 'I wouldn't mind having a child on my own...' I laughed at myself. 'You are slowly going crazy, Xiao Zhan.'

I sat in the garden and daydreamed. Only when the lights in the garden turned on did I realized how much time went by. I should go back inside but I was too lazy to stand up.

"You will catch a cold if you sit here even longer," Yibo said, and shortly after he sat next to me.

"It's 27 degrees," I answered. "I am not going to catch a cold"


"You went to the prosecution.... did something happen? Were you able to catch him?"

"No, Meng Yao is nowhere to be found. But we followed those two motorcycles to a small house outside the city. Unfortunately, they escaped but at least one of them was shot in the shoulder. We asked all the hospitals to inform us when a patient with such a shot wound seeks help."

I listened intently.

"In that house, we also found three women who went missing a few days ago. They gave us a description of how their kidnappers looked like. It wasn't Meng Yao. Well, I doubt he would kidnap women personally anyway. We found the DNA of different women, all are still missing. It seemed that many kidnapped women were brought to that house first before they were transported on. I bet it's not the only house so we are looking for more in and outside the city. We hope to have more clues soon. Until then we have to wait and try our best to find Meng Yao and keep you safe." Yibo explained before he turned to me.

"What?" I asked and he reached for my leg. "H-hey! What are you doing all of the sudden!?"

"Your treatment."

"I told you I don't nee-"

"You do. Dr. Song is the doctor and he said you have to do this. So I will help. If you want to be finished before dinner, let's start." He said and didn't listen to my protests. "Let's take it off."

"No!" I hissed and grabbed my pants protectively. "I will catch a cold!"

"It's 27 degrees. Those were your words, remember? So you will not catch a cold."


"We can go in your room and do it there if you want. But I will help you with the massage no matter what."

I glared at him and he met my glare calmly. I was the first who looked away. "I will take it off myself...." I mumbled.

When my pants were off and I sat there in my brief.

He started the massage right away and I knew he tried his best to not hurt me. It was quiet and I hated that. I needed diversion! Or else I would remember the last time his hands were this close to my most intimate spot. I didn't want to think about it, I didn't want it to remember but it was difficult not to. My body and my mind remembered on their own.

"Does it hurt?" He asked gently and I nodded.

"Tell me if I use too much strength." He said and I nodded again.

"Does that mean I am using too much strength or does it mean you will tell me if I do?" He asked amused.

"I will tell you, okay? Just make it quick!"

"You know I will always take my time." He smiled and I looked away. "Does I feel good?"

I closed my eyes. Yes, it did feel good but somehow I have the feeling he was just teasing me so I kept quiet. Only when his hands went too close to that part did I glare at him.


He smiled and kept massaging me. He was good at it and soon I loosened up. Just when I started to enjoy it he stopped. "Lay down. We will stretch your leg now." I followed his order.

First, he made me bend my knee, and then he raised it and pressed it against my stomach. Forget about the stretching, in my opinion, Yibo was too close. Far too close and this position was ... too intimate.

"Y-yibo, I think that is wrong. This is-"

"This is the same as Dr. Song did. You had no problem before, why now? Am I hurting you?"

"That's not-"

"Then let me do my work." He smiled and used his weight to press my leg against my stomach. Of course, I hadn't a problem before because it was Dr. Song doing it. Now it was him! Moreover, Dr. Song didn't stare at me that way. His eyes were always only on my leg, not my face!

The closer Yibo got the more nervous I became. My leg was long forgotten. All I could think of was Yibo and the closeness between us. He was so close that if I leaned up I could kiss him. I wanted to! I even moved closer but I stopped and quickly leaned back again.

'When are you finally going to stop this, Xiao Zhan? He is an asshole, remember? He is a married man with a child! You will only hurt yourself! And you will destroy a family. So stop it.' I thought.

But in the end, we still kissed. It wasn't me who initiated it but him. Yibo kissed me and I should have pushed him away just like the previous times. But I didn't. Not this time.  I didn't understand why but knew that didn't mean anything good. 

It was very late at night and I tried to sleep. I couldn't. My mind always wandered back to the kiss in the garden. No, not just a kiss. It was more than that. We literally made out. 'Why didn't I push him away? Why!?' His lips, his tongue, his hands.... They were on my shoulders, my neck, and my face.

I involuntary touched my lips. Now the pictures of that night 5 years ago were all back and ran like a film in front of my eyes. I remembered the act, the touches, and the words. All of them.

I shook my head and cursed at myself. I felt guilty! It felt horrible!

If Xuan Lu didn't call for dinner earlier who knew what would have happened. I am usually very determined. But with Yibo behaving so confident.... I didn't know. I might have wanted more and that scared me. What if I would have ... slept with him?

Alone that thought made me feel so many things at once. Fear, Frustration, hurt, excitement, want, arousal. Maybe I should leave here? I don't have anywhere to go but the police could help me, maybe. But... this was the safest place. CCTV, Guards, police, and even an army camp nearby. Meng Yao didn't know where I was.

I closed my eyes. 'Go to sleep, Xiao Zhan. Tomorrow everything will look different' I told myself and I was right. But different than I thought. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? I didn't know.

To continue....

Things are developing faster than expected. I feel sorry for Xiao Zhan. He is already under pressure because of Meng Yao and now we have Yibo who can't keep his fingers to himself. 

Hey, Yibo, didn't you said something about being sorry? What do your newest actions mean?  Give our Zhan a break, will you!? 

By the way, I am slowly scared of the last paragraph... What do you guys think? 

I think the next chapter is going to be about Ji Yang and HaoXuan again. But it's going to be the last chapter they have on their own. As you heard in this chapter they are going on vacation together. How it became like this will tell the next update. As for what will happen during that vacation... It's not necessary to go into details, right? We all know HaoXuan's mission so a little summary will be enough. 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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