Chapter 14: The night in the club

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Okay, so this chapter is mostly about Haikuan and Zhou Cheng. As I said it's going to be a little spicy^^ Hope you like it. 

Enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

Zhou Cheng had food poisoning. It was so bad that they had to clean out his stomach and Zhou Cheng was to stay in the hospital for the next week.

"But he is fine now, right?" I asked Haikuan worriedly who nodded.

"Yes, he is. I am curious what he ate that he become like this...." He mumbled and I frowned.

"I think I already know. Tell me, Haikuan, I know you use FanXing to get information about Zhou Cheng but don't you think poisoning him with food is a good way to get closer to him? And even using your nephew for that? That is just wrong." I told him off and Haikuan frowned.

"What are you talking about? I know it's childish using FanXing for information but I would never tell him to poison someone. I am not evil. Why do you thin-?" He stopped and looked at him in shock. "Don't tell me he was cooking with Steven again? Did Zhou Cheng eat it?"

I nodded. "Apparently. Xuan Lu told me the porridge FanXing made disappeared. Now that I remember, the boy took a little box with him when we went to visit Zhou Cheng yesterday but I didn't know what's inside and I also forgot about it later on."

"That is not working. We have to tell this brat about his cooking skills. I don't care if we hurt his feelings. He is a danger to humanity." Haikuan said.

"Brat? Just a few days ago you two were so close. Now you call him a brat?"

"That was before he almost killed his future Uncle! With that, he declared to be my enemy! FanXing is a brat to me!" Haikuan complained.

"Call my son a brat one more time, brother!" Yibo hissed and Haikuan and I turned around.

"Didn't you hear!? He almost killed Zhou Cheng! Why are you so late!?"

"I was talking with Dr. Song, asshole! Also, FanXing didn't know that his food was this dangerous." Yibo answered and Haikuan nodded in agreement.

"He didn't know because you and your wife didn't want to hurt his feelings. You two are at fault! When you go home, explain to FanXing what his food will do. If not, I will! You and Xuan Lu are my enemies and a danger to everyone!" Haikuan pointed his finger at his little brother.

"Grow up, will you!? Why are you so concerned about that officer anyway?"

"I am concerned about all my patients, Wang Yibo!" Haikuan hissed and turned to me. "As Zhou Cheng has to stay here for at least a week, my brother will be your guard from now on. He may not be a police officer but he is good at shooting. Now please excuse me, I need to look after my patient." With that, he left and I was left alone with Yibo.

He stood there and didn't move nor say anything. I got annoyed and walked ahead. I waited for him in the garage for him to show the way to his car. During the whole drive back to his house, it was quiet.

It might have been stupid but I expected him to say something. Anything. But he kept quiet until we arrived at his home. I was about to step out when he caught my arm and stared at me. I bit my lips and waited for what he wanted to do. When nothing happened I looked into his eyes, the first time since our confrontation.

"Xiao Zhan, I....." He said and I held my breath. "Everything is a mess... I am sorry...." I looked at him in shock. He was sorry?

"For what?" I asked him. I waited for him to say something but he looked away. That hurt and I freed my arms and climbed out of the car. I entered the house and went straight to my room.

Why was I hurt? I already knew he was an asshole so why was I feeling even worse than before?

'Because you still love him and hoped he did not play you. You want him to return your feelings at least a little bit.' My inner voice answered me and I told it to shut up. It wasn't like that.

I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I indeed felt hurt but there was another feeling. I couldn't really describe it but hearing Yibo saying he was sorry made me feel calmer. I wasn't necessarily happy because Yibo just admitted he played with me.

I just thought that if I had heard these words a lot earlier I might have not felt so terrible the last 5 years. Now I had the feeling I could let go.

"You can forget about him now, Xiao Zhan. It's over. Well, not that it ever started. You two never had a chance in the first place but what done is is done. It's been 5 years already." I told myself and smiled. "Now that everything is cleared out it's time to finally move on. You can do it!"

I took a deep breath and left the bathroom only for my bedroom door to open and a moody FanXing to enter the room. "What is wrong?" I asked him as he climbed on the bed.

"A lot! I was not allowed to watch daddy cleaning the chicken run today. Mommy kept me with her. That is unfair! How can I be sure that daddy did his work right? How can I be sure he did it in the first place? Maybe aunty cleaned it and daddy pretends he was the one?"

I laughed and sat next to him. "Do you think your daddy would do something like this?

"Yes!" He answered immediately hid my grin. "You know me, don't you, big brother?"

"Hm? Yeah, so?"

"And you know mommy and daddy, right?"

"Well... kind of. Why?" I asked uncomfortable and a little confused.

"Now tell me, who am I more like? Mommy or daddy?" He asked and looked at me seriously.

"Your daddy," I answered without hesitation.

"See!? If I am the devil, who do you think I inherited this from?"

Now I laughed out loud. "So you know that you are evil?"

"That-! ..... sometimes....." He mumbled with red cheeks before he frowned. "But that is not all that happened! Daddy was angry with me. He said that the officer is in the hospital because of me. Because he ate my porridge. I didn't want to hurt him, big brother. I didn't know my porridge would make him sick."

I sighed and ruffled through his hair. "I know. No one said you did it on purpose. Your daddy is just worried about you. What if you make another porridge and hurt someone else? What if you eat it yourself? What if you are suddenly the person who has to be sent to the hospital? That is why your daddy is angry with you. And your mommy too. How about you promise your parents to never cook something again without them being present?"

"Okay... But can I cook with you then?"

"Eh... better not. I am not the best cook." I answered with a smile.

"Okay..... I feel bad now. Because the officer is at the hospital. Mommy said it's nothing serious but I still feel bad."

"Then how about you apologize to him the next time you see him?"

"Won't he be angry at me?" FanXing looked scared so I quickly pulled him into a hug. Zhou Cheng would definitely be angry. Not because he got food poising from FanXing's porridge but rather because he has to stay in the hospital where Haikuan would diffidently pay him a few visits. And Zhou Chen has no way to escape.

"I don't know but I doubt he will be angry at you," I said and then had to smile. "If he is, come to me. Or go to your uncle. I think he is happy he can spend some time with the officer."

"So it was a good thing that he at my porridge?" He asked and I frowned.

"No, it was not! No more cooking without your parents, okay?"

"Promise!" He grinned. "Do you really think my uncle is happy?"

I sighed. "Maybe. But I know a person who is definitely not happy about his situation."

3rd POV

Haikuan walked back into Zhou Cheng's single room in the VIP section. He fought hard to get this room for the officer so the latter could recover better and had his privacy. He sat down on a chair next to the bed and took the information chart to read it once more before sitting back and watching Zhou Cheng sleeping.

When he heard that Zhou Cheng fainted and seeing him all pale and in pain, he was scared for a moment, immediately ran down and took over before anyone else could. Even it wasn't light food poisoning, he was still relieved it wasn't something even worse.

5 minutes later Zhou Cheng moved and slowly opened his eyes. Haikuan leaned closer and greeted him with a smile. "The sleeping beauty woke up? Couldn't you wait until I kissed you?"

Zhou Cheng frowned and gritted his teeth. "What the-? What happened? And why the hell are you here?"

"You had food poisoning due to the porridge of FanXing and you fainted in Dr. Song's office. We had to clean out your stomach so and it will take a few days for you to recover. But don't worry I will take good care of you. If you feel unwell or need something, tell me."

Zhou Cheng closed his eyes and groaned. "The first thing I need is a different doctor!"

Haikuan smiled innocently. "Sorry officer, I am the only one available. All doctors in this field are busy."

"All doctors in this field-!? Then get me a doctor from a different area of expertise. At this point, even a gynecologist would do." Zhou Cheng answered and Haikuan smile grew wider.

"Lucky you. I studied Gynecology as well." Haikuan answered amused and Zhou Cheng almost screamed at him.

"What is your problem!?" He hissed at the doctor.

"I? I don't have a problem. I am just worried about you so I might act a little too protective. And you know what? With me as your attending doctor, you got very lucky. As I am trained in various areas of expertise I can help you with different discomforts. And I have a lot of time. I will stay with you most of the time and have to leave only when the hospital is short at hands and need me. Great, isn't it?" Haikuan almost laughed at Zhou Cheng's grimace.

"Where is FanXing!? I need more of his porridge. A lot more!"

"If you want to spend time with me you just have to ask. No need to get yourself admitted into the hospital permanently."

"Just kill me...." He groaned and closed his eyes again hoping the next time he opened them he would wake up from this nightmare. His wish was not fulfilled and his mood suffered.

"I love when you frown. You look handsome. But I think it's not good for your skin." Haikuan smiled.

"Shut up!" Zhou Cheng answered annoyed before he remembered something. "Wait! Where is Xiao Zhan!?"

"Hey, I am sitting right in front of you and you ask about another man? Want to make me jealous? Well, congratulation. It worked." Haikuan pouted. Zhou Cheng jumped up, grabbed the doctor's collar, and glared at him.

"Stop this bullshit! Where is Xiao Zhan!?! My job is to protect him, for god's sake! Where is he!?"

"Calm down! He is back at my brother's. Yibo agreed to protect Xiao Zhan for as long as you need to stay in the hospital."

"I am leaving!"

"No, you will not," Haikuan said firmly and frowned seeing Zhou Cheng trying to leave the bed.

"Yes, I will! I don't need to stay here!"

"You do! You need time to recover. I am the doctor so you will listen to me. Xiao Zhan is safe with my brother and your colleagues as well as my brother's are working hard to arrest Meng Yao. All you have to do is stay here, listen to me and recover. If you want to go back to work that is the only option."

Zhou Cheng didn't care what the Haikuan said. It was his job to protect Xiao Zhan so he would do justice to his job. When he still tried to push Haikuan away and leave the bed, the doctor got moody as well, jumped on the bed, straddled the officer, and pinned him to the mattress. This time it was easy to overpower Zhou Cheng as the officer had no power left to fight against Haikuan.

"Haikuan!!" Zhou Cheng hissed making the doctor grinning.

"If I had known I just have to pin you down on the bed for you to call me by my first name, I would have done so earlier. I guess this means you are warming up to me and I call you Zhou Cheng as well. That makes me happy." He laughed at Zhou Cheng's shocked and annoyed face. "Anyway, listen here, Zhou Cheng. I will not allow you to leave this room until you fully recovered. Xiao Zhan is in good hands. He is safe and my brother will make sure it stays like that. Now be a good boy and behave, okay? Ah, and do you mind calling me by my first name again? It sounded really sexy."

"Get off me!"

"Or what? There is nothing you can do." Haikuan laughed seeing the irritation in the officer's eyes. Zhou Cheng pressed his lips together as he knew there was nothing he could do. If he tried anything Haikuan would annoy him even more and Zhou Cheng could do without that.

The doctor looked down on the officer who seemed to have relaxed. This was a good thing but Haikuan was a little disappointed. Usually, it took more than that to calm the officer down. He stared down at him and the longer he did, the more uncomfortable Zhou Cheng got. Until Haikuan discovered with delight that the officer was blushing.

"G-get off me..." Zhou Cheng mumbled in embarrassment. It was his right to be as the position both men were in was extremely intimate. Haikuan smiled but didn't move. He wanted to enjoy this position a little more and was reminded of the night in the club.

"Do you know what I am thinking right now, Zhou Cheng?" He asked softly but didn't wait for an answer. "You know I like you, don't you? You know I want to make you mine. But you are quite stubborn. Don't get me wrong, I love it when you are moody and stubborn but I do hope you can warm up to me faster. Say, don't you feel anything when you are with me? Nothing at all?"

"You are a pain in the ass!" Zhou Cheng hissed and Haikuan chuckled.

"Already? Oh boy, what will happen once I make love to you?"

Zhou Cheng glared at him. "Dream on, you pervert!"

Haikuan laughed at the officer's red ears. "I do. Every night. And that is why I desperately want you to finally accept me."

"Stop harassing me, Dr. Wang!"

"It's Haikuan for you, Zhou Cheng. And if you call this harassment then what about the night in the club? That is what I call harassment and you started it. May I remind you that I never reported you to the police? Did you never ask yourself why? Of course, you didn't. The answer should be obvious. I liked every minute of it. And remember one thing. You. Did. Too!" Haikuan smirked seeing Zhou Cheng turning beet red as he remembered the incident 5 months ago.

5 months ago, Club "Sexy Vipers" in Beijing

Haikuan sat on the bar and drank his Mojito and watched the people in the club. His mission tonight was to get laid. He desperately needed it after his parents tricked him into a stupid blind date. His mother called him this morning and wanted to meet. She send him the address of a famous restaurant and asked to meet him there. As he didn't see his mother in a while he wanted to make her happy he decided to meet her despite being busy at the hospital.

Little did he know that not his mother would be awaiting him there but a young lady. He forgot her name already but he knew her from pictures in magazines. She was a model and just turned 24 this year. He wanted to leave but it was too late as that woman spotted him the moment he stepped into the building.

He let her lead the conversation most of the time and only answered when she asked something. Because he had no interest in her he did not once tell her something truthfully. Unfortunately, that woman got brainwashed by her parents, and his parents probably helped with that, and she found a liking for him. It even looked like she thought they would suit each other very well and already planned the next date.

After an hour he pretended to have a headache and left. It took his mother only 5 minutes before she called him and asked how he found her. It was the first time in his life he cursed at her. She was not happy but he didn't care.

She then started to brag about his younger brother who got married early and even had a child already. So what? He was not Yibo. He was Wang Haikuan who would get married only when he wanted to. And right now he didn't! There is no one he is interested in.

Now he sat in this club waiting for the perfect woman so he can get laid. Unfortunately, she did not yet appear. He looked around while drinking his cocktail when suddenly a turmoil broke out a few meters away.

"Shit! Not again..." The barkeep mumbled and turned to his colleague. "Tell the security to get ready but wait first. Maybe he will calm down on his own like usually."

"Roger!" The other said and ran off.

"Hey!" I called the barkeeper. "What is happening over there?"

"Nothing much. Just a regular customer of ours who seemed to be in a bad mood again."


"It happens often but most of the time he manages to calm down after a while. Most people here know him and keep a distance when he is in a bad mood but some people don't know him or some idiots still provoke him. It should be fine today because I made sure that he did not drink too much alcohol." He answered as he kept an eye on the situation.

"Why do you still let him in?" Haikuan asked confused. If this was his club he would have definitely kicked him out long ago.

"He is not a bad person. He is a police officer, you know."

"So? Because he is one he is allowed to behave like that? He should be kicked out."

"I know Officer Wang for a long time now and he never hurts anyone. He comes here only when he got suspended from work." The barkeeper smiled.

"Does it happen that often? Must be a bad police officer..."

"You got it all wrong. Listen, he is a good man and doesn't hurt innocent people. Do you know why he gets suspended at least 3 times a year? Because he beats up criminals. Officer Wang is someone who admittedly gets easily provoked. Especially when he arrests people who suddenly brag about their wrongdoings. I have a friend within the police and he warned me that Officer Wang would come tonight. Officer Wang and his colleagues arrested a rapist and that asshole talked about all the disgusting things he did. He literally bragged. He also groped a female officer and said some pretty nasty things. In the end, Officer Wang lost it."

"Oh?" Haikuan listened intently. "And then?"

"That's it. He beat that asshole pretty bad who then filed a complaint about him. Thankfully they had a lot of witnesses and CCTV too so he couldn't pretend he was beaten up without any reason. But still, because of that incident, Officer Wang got suspended for a while. Now he is here and pretty mad about everything." The barkeeper explained and Haikuan nodded.

Just Haikuan heard a crash and people yelling. "Uh-oh, that doesn't sound good." He mumbled, jumped up from his stool, and walked towards the scene of the crime. There he saw a man who looked a little younger than him so he must be in his mid-twenties. He was surrounded by people who watched him in shock as he threatened a group of three young adults with a broken bottle. His hand was hurt and it looked pretty bad. It must have happened when he smashed the bottle against something.

As Haikuan was a doctor the urge to treat the man's wound was big but he did not want to make any unnecessary moves and provoke the man in front of him even more

"That's officer Wang Zhou Cheng." The barkeeper whispered behind me.

"Didn't you say he wouldn't hurt innocent people?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I did and it's true. You see the three boys he is threatening? They already stood out a few times for harassing young women. I don't even know how they came in here! They have a house ban. These stupid doorkeepers..." He mumbled annoyed.

"Anyway, usually they would look for a woman they like and start flirting. Sometimes they are lucky and get what they want but most of the time they don't. But they hate being rejected and get pretty brazen. Look, the woman behind Officer Wang! Her skirt is ripped and the shortest of the three has a piece of it in his hand. Obviously, they got rejected by her and tried something." The barkeeper said and Haikuan watched the scenario unfolding. But of course, he did not let the hand of that officer out of sight. He was bleeding a lot and needed medical help.

"What is wrong with you, asshole? Get out of our way! If you want a woman, look for someone else. That one is ours!" One of the three men said annoyed but one could see he was scared of the officer in front of him.

"Call me an asshole one more time and I will make sure to show you how yours looks like." Zhou Cheng said. It was a little difficult to understand because he was slightly drunk.

"This little-! What should we do, brother? He wants to take our girl?" The shortest guy complained and stepped back when Zhou Cheng moved the broken bottle towards him.

"Yours? She is not an object you can own, freaking bastard. Get lost before I lose it! If I see you guys again I will make sure that you three rot in jail for a long time, got it!?" Zhou Cheng growled and stepped closer to the trio who suddenly got scared.

"L-look! Brother, he is a cop! Let's leave quickly!" The shorty said and tugged on his friend's or brother's jacket.

"GET LOST!" Now Zhou Cheng screamed and the three young adults run away. Haikuan quickly took his jacket and gave it to the victim to wrap it around her lower body. Her skirt was ripped and one could see her underwear when she moved.

Unfortunately the moment Haikuan was done tying the sleeves around the young woman, Zhou Cheng turned around and attacked him thinking he wanted to take advanced of her.

He raised his abused hand and wrapped it around Haikuan's neck. "Another pervert!? You bastards are everywhere!" He growled and started to squeeze Haikuan's neck.

'Woah... pretty strong even for a drunkard' Haikuan thought surprised. But he was even more shocked that Zhou Cheng didn't seem to be in pain at all even when he was squeezing the doctor's neck with a hand as damaged as his. The victim covered her mouth as she stared at the cop who was still trying to protect her. She wasn't shocked at all or scared for that matter.

Haikuan had enough and with one strong move, he managed to free himself from Zhou Cheng's grip, twisted his arm lightly, and pressed him against the wall. "Listen, Officer. I am many things but not a pervert. I just gave her my jacket to cover her ripped skirt. Now calm down and let me treat your wound, okay? I am a doctor." Haikuan said and turned to the barkeeper. "Is there a first-aid kit somewhere?"

"Y-yes. In the staff's break room. It hangs on the wall next to the door." He answered and Haikuan nodded before turning to the victim who was still staring at the cop. Haikuan realized that she admired him and shook his head in amusement. It surprised him every time how easy it was to impress young girls.

"Hey, you! Yes, you." Haikuan called her and she tore her gaze away from the cop to looked at the doctor. "Take the officer to the break room. I will follow right away." That girl nodded and Haikuan let go of the writhing Zhou Cheng. Once they were gone he turned to the people watching the whole scenario.

"Okay, guys. The show is over. This is a club so go back dancing, drinking, flirting, or whatever else you want to do. Next time you should help instead of just watching! The victim could be your sister, wife, or daughter. You don't want any harm to them either, right?" Haikuan said and waited until the crowd dissipated before turning back to the barkeeper who grinned at him.

"Thank you. Don't worry, I will clean up the mess." Haikuan nodded walked towards the staff's break room. He entered it and when he closed the door and turned around he frowned. Zhou Cheng sat on the couch with his healthy hand in the victim's hair who sat on his lap grinding herself on him. The doctor's jacket was laying on the floor.

"You are my hero, Zhou Cheng..." The girl mumbled as she devoured the man's lips.

"Hm. 'welcome, Xiao Ying." Zhou Cheng mumbled back and deepened the kiss.

'Ah, they know each other.' Haikuan thought and for a moment didn't know what to do. He was pretty jealous because his mission tonight was to get laid and yet he stood here and had to see someone else getting laid instead. Life truly was unfair.

When he saw that girl opening Zhou Cheng's pants he had enough and cleared his voice to get their attention. The girl turned to look at him while Zhou Cheng didn't care about anything else but to have fun. So he turned the girl's head back and kissed her, making the girl moan in satisfaction.

'Oh, come one!' Haikuan thought annoyed. 'I could also imagine doing something else than standing here and watch but that hand needs to be treated!'

"Miss, how about you leave the room for a while so I can take care of the Officer's hand? I will call you in once I am done." Haikuan said and it seemed that woke the girl up.

"Right! That must hurt." She said and got off Zhou Cheng's lap much to the latter's dissatisfaction. "Then please take good care of him. I will wait outside." She said and left. Haikuan sighed, took the first-aid kid, and started to treat the cop's hand.

When he was done 5 minutes later he looked at the results and smiled. He then cleaned up, closed the first-aid kit, and stood up to put it back where it belonged. He didn't come far as Zhou Cheng grabbed Haikuan's hand and pulled him back. The kit fell on the floor and the doctor fell right into the cop's lap.

"What the-" Haikuan didn't get any further because Zhou Cheng grabbed his neck, pulled him down, and kissed him. The doctor was shocked and tried to free himself. "H-hey, I am no- hmpf!- open your- ahm-!"

Zhou Cheng didn't let him talk but used his chance to slip his tongue between the doctor's lips right into the wetness. It would be a lie when Haikuan said it was his first kiss but it definitely was his first with a man. He wasn't gay after all. Yet, it didn't feel weird. Haikuan was surprised abd he thought that Zhou Cheng was a pretty good kisser.

When the cop suddenly squeezed Haikuans's butt cheek the doctor flinched and tried to escape once more. He managed to break free from the kiss and tried to talk to Zhou Cheng. "L-listen. I indeed want to get laid but I thought about doing it with a woman rather than with a man. No offense, though. Your kissing is awes-ah! Shit!" Haikuan cursed when Zhou Cheng suddenly bit his neck.

Haikuan thought that the temperatures in the room are rising and he started to get hot. He looked down on Zhou Cheng who raised his hips to grind himself on Haikuan. "Ah- Eh... You seem to be in a hurry, huh? Ehm... I-if you wait a moment I will call for that girl and you can- Woah!!" Zhou Cheng pushed Haikuan to the side and topped him. "H-hey, I don't know about you, Officer, but I am not gay. You are handsome and pretty cute too but for real now, I am into women. How about- Wait! Wait! What are you opening my shirt for!? I don't think this- Ahh!"

Zhou Cheng latched his lips around Haikuan's nipples and started to suck.

"For real!? Hey! Hey! Listen, O-officer this-! S-shit! This is... Oh-! Oh my...." Haikuan caught himself closing his eyes and slowly starting to enjoy it. He got hotter and something was rising and this time it wasn't just the temperature. "D-damn! You sure are....-" Zhou Cheng stopped him with a kiss and that was the moment, Haikuan forgot about things like being gay or not.

He wanted more!

So Haikuan held Zhou Cheng's neck and with a quick move he turned them over before kissing back with passion. He touched the man beneath him and when his hands reached a certain spot he stopped the kiss. "That part seems to be in a good mood as well, huh? Must be uncomfortable. Let me help you with that."

Without any delay, he grabbed Zhou Cheng's pants and pulled them off him together with the underwear. Zhou Cheng moaned when his cock was free and Haikuan chuckled. "Hey, Officer," Haikuan whispered into Zhou Cheng's ear. "The only cock I touched before was my own, you know? But I am pretty skilled with my hands so I am sure I will be able to give you what you need." Haikuan grinned and reached between Zhou Cheng's legs.

Haikuan was surprised that he wasn't disgusted. He didn't feel weird touching another man's private part. 'Is it because I am a doctor?' He thought as he started to move his hands up and down, much to Zhou Cheng's delight.

"Shit... this- ... this feels good actually..." Haikuan mumbled to himself and moved his hands faster while his private part started to feel uncomfortable as well. The man beneath him now started to moan and grabbed Haikuan's wrist. "What? Not fast enough? Have mercy, Officer. This is my first time." He chuckled and moved his hands even faster.

When he felt Zhou Cheng twitching in his hands he knew it would happen any moment so he looked down on that cock in his hands and waited. He waited as he stroke it until Zhou Cheng let out a long moan and white fluid shot out into Haikuan's hand.

Zhou Cheng panted loudly and Haikuan chuckled. "Hey, Officer.." He whispered and zipped open his pants "How about you help me too? Huh? I am feeling uncomfortable as well..." He looked down on Zhou Cheng while slowly taking out his own tail.

Zhou Cheng's face turned red as he stared at it. When he didn't move at all Haikuan leaned down, took the cop's healthy hand, and led it to his little brother. "Help, Officer. Please...." He whispered and breathed demonstratively into Zhou Cheng's ears. He waited and soon enough Zhou Cheng's hand wrapped around Haikuan and he started to stroke him. Haikuan held onto Zhou Cheng's shoulder as he closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

20 Minutes later both men were panting hard as they pleasured each other at the same time. Both men's lips were swollen and they had a few marks on their necks. Haikuan was only wearing his open shirt and Zhou Cheng was fully naked. Both were very close for a release and after a few more strokes both let it all out. Haikuan let himself fall on Zhou Cheng to calm down.

'More...' He thought. For Haikuan it was not enough. He was shocked at what happened but no matter how he looked at it, he liked it. He liked it a lot. Now he wanted to go all the way and when he thought about entering Zhou Cheng it made his body react. His cock hardened and he bit his lip to prevent a growl.

'This is not normal .... but who was normal in my family? Everyone is nuts in one way or the other so it should be fine.' He thought, sat up, and looked down on Zhou Cheng. 'He seems to be still in the mood so why not go all the way?' He grinned and was about to raise Zhou Cheng's butt and enter a finger when his phone beeped.

Haikuan was a doctor. No matter where he was or what he was doing it was his duty to be available at all times. Well, except when he was on vacation. He had to be ready to go back to work any time. That meant even now when he would rather have fun with Zhou Cheng than going back.

He sighed and accepted the call. "Yes?"

While he was informed about the emergency he listened and looked down at Zhou Cheng who seemed to be tired. "Alright, I will be right there. Make an MRT and prepare an OP. I will be there in 10 Minutes." Haikuan cut the call, climbed off Zhou Cheng, and got dressed.

"Sorry, Officer. I have a situation." Haikuan said and winked at Zhou Cheng. "Thank you for tonight. It was fun and .... revealing. I will walk out of this club tonight as a different person than when I entered it." Haikuan took his belongings and turned once more to Zhou Cheng.

"Hope to see you again, Officer. Too bad we had to stop here. But .... if you are interested in another round then ..... I am usually here on Sunday nights. You will find me at the bar. See you

then." He gave Zhou Cheng a last deep kiss and then left.

He felt weird. He wasn't heartbroken or something. For that, he had to fell in love first but he was kind of sad. He really wanted to stay and continue doing some amazing things to that Officer.

The victim from before wasn't at the door anymore. He saw her on the dance floor with another man having fun. It probably took too long for her and she looked for a substitution. Good for Haikuan, bad for the girl because she definitely missed the best night of her life. Haikuan looked away and walked towards the bar and gave the barkeeper 1000 Yuan.

"Oh, it's you! How is his hand?"

"I treated it. It will heal just fine."

"Thank god. But .... what are the 1000 Yuan for? You only had two cocktails which makes 150 Yuan. Wait a moment, I will give you the change right away."

"No need! Take it as compensation for the mess we made in the staff room. And tell the cleaners, I am sorry." Haikuan chuckled.

"Did he lost that much blood!?" The barkeeper paled.

"Hmm... he lost a lot of fluid, yes. But don't worry, he is fine. Just wait until he is out of that room. He is resting at the moment." He grinned at the relieved face of the barkeeper. 'I hope doesn't get a heart attack later.'

"Hey, buddy, what was the Officer's name again?"

"Officer Wang. Wang Zhou Cheng."

"Wang. Zhou. Cheng." Haikuan smirked. "Thank you. See you next time and sorry again for the mess."

Haikuan winked and run out of the club, to his car, and drove to the hospital.

End of Flashback

"I was unhappy that I had to leave, Zhou Cheng, but what frustrated me more was that I never saw you again. Why didn't you come and find me? I told you I would be there every Sunday evening."

Zhou Cheng didn't answer. His face was redder than ever and Haikuan smiled seeing how embarrassed he was. "What is there to be embarrassed about? We are both men. We were horny and helped each other. By the way, Officer, I am horny right now. Can you feel it?" Haikuan asked and he rubbed his lower part against Zhou Cheng's.

Zhou Cheng felt it and that was the reason he laid there like a statue. He didn't want to arouse that pervert on top of him even more. "Get off!" He hissed again but this time not as sharply as before. Haikuan saw him biting his lips and raised his brows.

"What is wrong, officer? You like it?" The doctor whispered amused but stopped rubbing and got off. "You are a lucky man, Zhou Cheng. If it wasn't for the food poisoning and the cleaned-out stomach, I wouldn't have stopped here. Get well soon so we can start where we have left 5 months ago."

Zhou Cheng closed his eyes and hoped Haikuan would leave him alone soon. Thankfully he did but not before looking hungrily at the slightly visible bulge in the blanket where Zhou Cheng's arousal slowly showed himself.

To be continued...

We see you, Zhou Cheng, we see you ^^

Maybe .... our Officer is ready to accept a certain doctor? 

As for Xiao Zhan.... is he really able to forget what happened just because Yibo said he is sorry?  But for what exactly is he sorry? That needs t to be clarified first, don't you think?  

Anyway, we will see what will happen next. I will update on Thursday, the latest. See you then <3 <3 <3

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