Chapter 13: Xiao Zhan stands up for himself

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Here is the new chapter with over 7000 words and lots of happenings. ^^

Enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

"How about we sit down and talk?" He asked everyone. Soon the elderly couple, Xuan Lu and Yibo sat on the couch while I took a seat in the armchair. FanXing was a little confused about where to sit before he decided that the spot in front of me was a good place.

"Lu Lu, you know that in a few weeks our yearly family meeting will be held right?" The elderly woman asked her daughter who sighed immediately.

"Not again, Mom. You know I don't like these meetings. I didn't go for 7 years and I will not start this year." Xuan Lu answered.

"But you have to go. Together with Yibo and FanXing."

"Mom, I am not going-"

"Lu Lu! You are part of this family. You loved these meetings in the past. I don't know why you lost interest in them but it's time to stop behaving like this. Family is important."

"I am not saying the opposite, mom. I don't have much in common with the others. My family is sitting here in the living room. And right now I want to take care of FanXing. He was kidnapped not long ago and saw things he shouldn't have. FanXing is more important than the others."

"I hope he is seeing a psychologist?" Xuan Lu's father asked but Xuan Lu shook her head.

"Not anymore. He saw one in the first two weeks but he didn't see any problem after talking with FanXing. Of course, we are still in talks with him and tell him about FanXing's behavior but there is no problem. Since he knew that Xiao Zhan would move in with us for a while he is even happier." Xuan Lu answered and then winked at me. "He might as well move in with us for an even longer period."

I smiled but I already knew that this was not going to happen. Once Meng Yao was caught I will move out immediately. I am not sure where to but I will think about it when the time comes.

"I would love that. I think that would be a good idea. Xiao Zhan is always welcomed here and can stay as long as he wants." Yibo said and looked at me. I ignored him and looked down to FanXing who was cuddling my healthy leg.

The elderly woman smiled at her grandchild before turning back to her daughter. "So the family meeting...?"

"Mom! Why do you want us to go there so badly?" Now Xuan Lu was a little annoyed. I never saw her like this and thought it didn't suit her.

"Darling, drop it. I told you she will not take part in it and I also told you that I think that is a good idea. Don't force her." Xuan Lu's father reprimanded his wife who pouted.

"Why is that a good idea? She always had a good relationship with them, especially with her cousin. He even asked for you, Lu Lu."

"Enough!" Her husband said strictly and she pouted even more.

"Fine..." She mumbled and I saw Xuan Lu sighing in relief. "But I really wanted to show off."

"Show off?" Xuan Lu asked confused.

"Yes. I wanted to show my sister just how lucky I was that my daughter married a good-looking, wonderful and successful husband. You two are a perfect match. You both earn good money and you have a handsome little son who comes after his father. I bet he is going to be a prosecutor in the future as well. I just wish he had a little more inherited from you, Lu Lu. Not just the nose and the birthmark on his neck." FanXing's grandma said and turned to FanXing. He listened to the conversation halfheartedly as he was too busy climbing onto my lap while making sure to not touch my abused leg.

"Mr. Zhan, so FanXing is sleeping with you when he has nightmares?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Y-yes. Sometimes he comes down in the middle of the night and sometimes he goes to sleep in my room directly. Last night he slept in his room though." I answered politely.

"Sleeping with big brother feels good. If I have a nightmare I can hug him and he will protect me."

"But it's been a while since you had one," I said to the little boy who pouted.

"But I like sleeping with you. It's better than being alone." He answered happily and Yibo cleared his voice.

"You will have to get used to sleeping alone again, son. I don't allow you to always sleep with him." Maybe I misheard it but he somehow sounded annoyed.

"Wait." Xuan Lu's mother raised her hand and looked at her grandchild. "If you have a nightmare and don't want to be alone then why are you not going to sleep with your parents?" She asked confused.

"Mommy and daddy don't want to enter their bedroom. They want to be alone." FanXing answered annoyed and his grandma squealed in delight.

"Does that mean I am going to hold another grandchild soon?" She asked excitedly.

"Stop it, mom!" Xuan Lu groaned and shook her head.

"Why? Don't be shy, Lu Lu. I really want the next child to be a girl. FanXing looked so cute in that dress Yibo bought him but it would be cute being worn by a girl." She laughed and gave a thumbs up to Yibo. "Fighting!"

FanXing clenched his little fist and turned his back to his parents and grandparents. He hid his face in my chest mumbled. "I don't want a sibling... I am going to stop them."

"Can we stop talking about these unnecessary things?" Yibo asked his in-laws and the elderly woman frowned.

"Having another child is not unnecessary. I bet you want a daughter too. Why else would you buy a dress?"

"It was just a joke, mother!" Yibo answered and she shrugged her shoulders.

"A joke or not. I will root for you two and hope to hear good news soon. Darling, shall we start buying baby clothes? But for a girl, of course. If they have a boy he can wear FanXing's old clothes. You still have them, don't you? You didn't throw them away, right?"

"Why would we throw away perfectly fine clothes? Of course, we still have them but we don't have plans for another child so let's stop talking about it, okay?" Xuan Lu said firmly.

"What? Why? You two-" Xuan Lu's mother was interrupted by his husband.

"Darling, enough! Don't you see how uncomfortable they feel? Whether there is going to be another child or no, it's their decision. They seem to not plan another one so stop talking about it, will you?" He reprimanded her strictly.

"Am I your wife or them?" He asked disappointed. "How come you are always on their side?"

"I am not." He answered but earned a frown from his wife.

"Yes, you are! Always! Whenever we talk about something important you are against me!"

"I love you, darling. Stop frowning or you will get wrinkles." The elderly man said and his wife blushed.

"Stop it. I already have wrinkles. A lot of them."

"But you are still the most beautiful woman out there." He smiled at her.

"You! You rogue." Xuan Lu's mother hit his husband's chest and giggled. The elderly man took her in his arms and secretly winked at Xuan Lu and Yibo.

'All of them are indeed a perfect match...' I thought and suddenly felt dejected. FanXing was still annoyed and I poked his cheeks.

"Didn't you hear your parents? There is no sibling planned." I whispered and he looked up at me.

"That was what my friend's parents told my friend as well. But only weeks later they announced to him he would get one. Parents are liars!" I mumbled.

"Those were your parent's friends. But we are talking about yours." I smiled encouragingly. He stared into my eyes for several seconds making me uncomfortable because they reminded me so much of Yibo's. Finally, he stopped and turned back to face his parents and grandparents.

"I have to use the toilet. Excuse me." The elderly man said and left the room.

It was quiet for a while until Xuan Lu's mother started to speak again. "I am happy that you both are still so lovey-dovey. I was a little worried after seeing the situation at my sister's side but now I feel better."

"Did something happen? Is aunty okay?" Xuan Lu asked worriedly and her mother widened her eyes.

"You don't know yet? Your cousin is getting a divorce." She said and shook her head. "It was obvious that he and his wife are not on good terms anymore. At the last family meeting, the atmosphere was cold and your aunt did not once boast how lucky and successful her son is. I think the only reason they lasted another year was due to his wife's pregnancy. I still remember how much my sister boasted once the pregnancy was revealed. It still hurt my ears!

Well, at least she was not as obnoxious as 7 years ago when she announced that her son would get married to the granddaughter of the CEO of the third-largest company in china. I still remember how your cousin suddenly behaved so cold and arrogant to everyone. As if he was better than others. We all knew he was too confident and I already expected their life will go downhill pretty fast. Albeit I am surprised they lasted 7 long years.

Your aunt probably thought it's normal and once the baby is born everything would turn back to normal but she was wrong. They constantly fought and weeks ago they announced they would get a divorce. Pah! Deserves them right after pretending they were better than anyone else just because of money." She explained and laughed.

Xuan Lu did not say anything and I saw Yibo holding her hand. They smiled at each other and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I ignored it.

"I want to show my sister what a happy family looks like. This time I wanted to boast and she should listen to it. That was the reason I wanted you to go to the family meeting so bad. I kind of wanted to show off how you two and FanXing. That sounds selfish, I know." Xuan Lu's mother admitted.

"It's okay..." Xuan Lu mumbled. "I know how you suffered when aunt constantly talked down on you."

"What happened?" Xuan Lu's father came back and looked confused. "I was just 10 minutes gone and the atmosphere is suddenly so bad. Darling, did you say something unnecessary again?"

"No. I just told them about her cousin's divorce."

Xuan Lu's father groaned. "That is unnecessary. Why would you tell her something like that?"

"Why not? Sooner or later she would have found out anyway." She turned to Xuan Lu. "Should he call you, don't take it. I know you know you two were close in the past but after he got married he never called us or wanted to meet or anything. He behaved like a spoiled brat just because he married someone from the high society."

"What is going to happen next? What about their child?" Xuan Lu asked her parents.

"Your aunt is fighting for the child's custody but I already know she will not get it. Not only because the mother of the child has a better environment and better lawyers but also because the child needs his mother. Moreover, it doesn't look as if your cousin is much interested in raising his child. He is letting his mother do the fight while he sits back and probably just expects to get the child handed over. He is such a mommy boy, I tell you." Her mother answered.

"Is being a mommy boy a good or a bad thing?" FanXing suddenly asked confused. "Am I being bad for being a daddy boy?"

Yibo laughed. "Neither one is a bad thing, FanXing. I love to hear that you are a daddy boy. Just continue to be one."

"Hey! That is not fair! You better don't forget to give me just as much love, young man! It wouldn't hurt to be a mommy boy once in a while." Xuan Lu said and laughed as well.

"Our sunshine is a daddy boy, you hear that, darling?" FanXing's grandpa said and grinned at FanXing.

"All children in this family are daddy boys or girls. I was one, you were one, Xuan Lu is one, and FanXing is one as well." Xuan Lu's mother said amused.

Xuan Lu pinched Yibo's cheek gently. "This mister right here was a mommy boy."

"Not anymore," Yibo said and smiled.

"Don't tell me you and your parents are still on bad terms?" Xuan Lu's mother asked. "What happened between you? I mean, sure, they were as shocked as we were when you suddenly announced the wedding but everyone could see they were happy at the end. Especially your father. So what happened?"

"Nothing," Yibo answered shortly. It seemed he did not want to talk about it.

"I see... Well, anyway. Should your cousin call one of you, ignore it. He only calls when he wants something." Xuan Lu's mother said. Then they started to talk about various other things but mostly wallowing in memories. I felt uncomfortable and therefore announced I would take a walk outside. I also had to call Dr. Song.

"I will come with you," FanXing said and reached for my hand. "Can we visit the Officer?" He asked and of course, he meant Zhou Cheng.

"Why do you ask me? You have to ask your parents." I smiled and FanXing used his best puppy look to ask for permission.

"Look at that." Xuan Lu's mother laughed. "This is something he has from you, Lu Lu. You always used this gaze to get something from us. In the beginning, you asked your father and me alternatively but when you found out your father would never say no, you stopped asking me and went to him directly."

"Daddy's little girl." Her husband grinned and she rolled her eyes.

"You spoiled her way too much. It's a miracle she turned out to be such a wonderful young woman." She poked her husband's chest.

Xuan Lu smiled and turned to her son. "Go ahead but don't make it too difficult for Xiao Zhan. Behave yourself, okay?" FanXing grinned and run out of the room. I bowed and left as well.

As FanXing said he needed to fetch something I waited at the front door.

"Want me to escort you?" Yibo's voice sounded behind me and I answered without turning around.

"I don't need a babysitter."

"Just because there is CCTV outside and everyone entering this neighborhood will be checked thoroughly doesn't mean nothing can happen. Meng Yao is still out there so please be careful. If it's dark outside when you come back, ask Zhou Cheng to escort you back here. Just in case."

"Like I said. I don't need a babysitter. And just for your information. I know Meng Yao longer than I know you and therefore I am 100 % sure he would not hurt me."

"He kidnapped my son and he killed people, Xiao Zhan!"

"I know! I was there and saw it with my own eyes! But in all these 5 years I knew him he never hurt me. Just because I am a witness doesn't mean he will hurt me."

"How can you be so sure? Because he has feelings for you? Do you think his feelings will stop him from killing you? Do you trust him that much!?" Yibo asked annoyed.

"I do!" I hissed and glared at him. "He never hurt me once before and I know he will never do so in the future." 'Unlike someone else...' I thought and turned my back on him, hoping he would just go away. But of course, he didn't. He never did what he was told to unless he likes what he heard.

He stepped up to me until I was pressed against the front door. "Do you still think about us? About what we had?"

"Are you crazy? Why would I?"

"So you want me to believe you forgot about everything? Just like that? How is it that you can forget but I can't? Is it because of Meng Yao? Were you two more than just friends?"

"Of course!" I answered annoyed. When his eyes darkened I realized what this must have sounded like so I quickly corrected my sentence. "We are best friends. Didn't you read the files?" I asked him and pushed him away.

"Best friends? That is all?" He wanted to know and now I was becoming very irritated. It was none of his business!!

"Why do you care about my relationship with others? How about taking care of your own?"

"Because I love you."


"You heard what I said! Despite you leaving me behind in the hotel room without saying goodbye, despite you using me for a little quicky and then disappearing after leaving behind some cash, I still love you! You used me as a one-night stand, Xiao Zhan! Well, if what you said is true and you never had feelings for me, that is. But I do not believe that part of your story. Why did you lie to me?" He asked and wanted to stroke my cheek but hearing his accusations I lost it.

I pushed his hand away and slapped him hard. Harder than this morning. His cheek was red and he looked pretty shocked.

"I lied?" I asked and laughed humorlessly. "What about you then? Why did you lie to me?"

"I never lie-" I slapped him again and he looked even more shocked as he held his cheek.

"This was yet another lie!" I hissed. "I asked you that night, Yibo! I asked you if you had a girlfriend or a wife. You said no!!! I told you that I had bad experiences and didn't want to sleep with someone who was already taken. I didn't want to be a fling or a side affair and I did not intend to share my boyfriend with anyone else. I was honest and told you all that but you still lied to me!!"

He paled and opened his mouth to say something. I waited but nothing came out. I snorted.

"What? No more lying? Why are you so shocked? Aren't you smart, Yibo? Shouldn't you know that I found out about your lie that night? At the latest when I took your hoody as a replacement for my ripped shirt? I took out your wedding ring, you forgot already!?" I hissed and he stumbled back.

"I gave you everything that night, Yibo. My heart, my body, my virginity, and even the last bit of money I owned after finding out you used me. And you say what? I was the one who used you?" I laughed despite feeling terrible. I didn't know why I suddenly had all the courage to tell him everything but it felt good. Finally, I could let out everything I piled up in the last 5 years. If I wasn't so pissed, frustrated, and dejected right now I would have been worried about him as his face lost all its color.

"Big brother!" I heard FanXing calling me and quickly turned away from Yibo towards the dining room where the little boy came out seconds later. "I have everything. We can go now." He announced with a big grin and held a box in his hands. I smiled and opened the door for him. Once he stepped I followed him but not before looking back to Yibo.

"Whatever. It's in the past anyway. I don't want to think about it anymore. Let's just forget it and move on. Don't worry, I will not tell Xuan Lu that you cheated on her but I advise you to be honest to her before she finds out herself. I wouldn't want to be the reason for a fight between you two. Think about your son as well. " I said to him and left the house.

"Are you okay? You look... a little pale?" Zhuo Cheng asked me once we were alone. FanXing wanted to play with his uncle Steven so we went out for a walk after I called Dr. Song for an appointment Thankfully there was a free spot the next day.

"Nah, I am fine. My leg is killing me but Haikuan already told me it will. I just have to get used to it. I bet Dr. Song will tell me the same once I meet him."

"If you say so..."

I chuckled and looked at him. "What about you? Are you okay?"

"Sure. Why shouldn't it?"

"I don't know. I just thought that you and Haikuan seemed to have gotten pretty close the last time you met."

Zhou Cheng frowned. "What close? That doctor is a nuisance! He does what he wants without thinking about others. I should arrest him for sexual harassment!"

I smiled and nodded. "Maybe. If that is what he did, you should do that. If what I understood is right then it wasn't even the first time, right? That night in the cub, for example..."

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Zhou Cheng's face turning red and I knew him well enough that it was out of embarrassment rather than out of anger. "W-what do you mean? H-he... What did he tell you?" He asked me and seemed to be pretty nervous.

"Nothing much. As far as I understood you two met in a club a while ago. You seemed to have been in a bad mood and then something happened after you got drunk."

"R-right!? I was drunk so it doesn't mean anything. Do you know what happened?"

I laughed. "How am I supposed to know? No one told me anything and it is not business anyway. But Haikuan is acting so mysteriously and whatever it was .... it must have been something meaningful as he seems to be serious about courting you."

"Pah! Courting me? He is just a pervert who is bored and thinks it's fun to joke around."

I looked at him and smiled. "Hmm... we will see about that."

"Why? Did he... did he do something? Or is he planning something? If so then tell me because I have to be prepared." Zhou Cheng demanded and I shook my head.

"What is there to be prepared?" I asked and when he frowned I laughed again. "I don't know if he planned something but...."

"But?" He asked nervously.

"Well, let me advise you to be careful what you tell FanXing about yourself. He is a little chatterbox." I chuckled.

"That pervert sent his nephew to get information!?" He shouted out and this time the redness in his face was not embarrassment.

"Hey, the boy is not at fault so you better not let your anger out on him," I warned him and he snorted.

"I know that child is innocent. But his uncle isn't. That pervert will regret getting on my nerves soon enough!" He hissed and I looked skeptical. In my opinion, Haikuan was set on making Zhou Cheng fall for him and therefore I am sure he is not at all scared of the officer. It even seemed he liked to annoy the hell out of Zhou Cheng which was not understandable. 'Maybe he had a death wish?'

I didn't understand what was so special about this officer but who am I to judge Haikuan's thoughts and feelings? I am not any better as I still had feelings for the biggest asshole in history. I really hoped he would stop his behavior before I made a fool out of myself by falling for him all over again. Not that I ever stopped.

But I did not want to be an asshole. It was my fault for sleeping with a married man and I did not want to repeat the same mistake and hurt Xuan Lu who was innocent and did not deserve any of that.

"Officer!" FanXing called Zhou Cheng when we entered the neighbor's house an hour later. Zhou Cheng looked suspiciously at the little boy and seemed to be prepared to not give and more information about himself. I felt bad for telling him Haikuan's little secret but Zhou Cheng did not deserve all this secrecy. I would hate that too. Moreover, didn't Zhou Cheng deserve a fair game?

"Excuse me, Mr. Yuen?" I asked the neighbor who raised his brows.

"Steven is enough, young man. What can I do for you?"

"May I use your bathroom?"

"Of course. But unfortunately, it's upstairs. The second door at the right. Wait, I will help you." He offered and I gladly accepted. My leg still couldn't bend over and walking was very painful so taking stares is impossible without any help. It took me 5 minutes to climb up all 22 steps and I was already out of breath when I arrived upstairs.

"I will wait for you here. Take your time." Steven smiled and I smiled back before disappearing into the bathroom. Once I was done, I washed my hands and also my face. Then I sat down on the toilet seat for a while. Sometime later I heard a knock on the door.

"Is everything okay in there? Do you need help?" Steven asked worriedly.

"Yes, I am fine. I just needed a break." I answered and opened the door. "Sorry...." I mumbled in embarrassment.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. In the past, I was shot in my behind and needed a lot of help. And I am not only talking about walking." He winked and I blushed even more. He laughed. "You sure look handsome when you blush."

"T-thanks." I stuttered and let him help me down the stairs back into the living room.

"FanXing?" I called the little troublemaker. "How about we go back home?"

"Already?" He asked disappointingly.

"Yes. Next time you can visit Uncle Steven again but I am tired and need a nap." I told him and he nodded with a frown.

"I always thought once I am an adult I don't need to take naps anymore...Mommy and daddy are always forcing me."

I grinned. "Believe me, FanXing. Once you are an adult nothing would make you happier than a little nap during lunchtime. If you reached my age I will ask you again and I bet you will think the same."

"I second that!" The neighbor said. "Taking a nap became my hobby. Nothing is better than a nap. Except for a long bath, of course."

FanXing frowned. "Adults are strange."

I laughed out loud before we both bid goodbye and left the house and went back to FanXing's.

"Ah, you are back already? Did you have fun?" FanXing's grandma asked and the little boy nodded before looking around.

"Where are mommy and daddy? Grandpa is gone too?"

"All three of them are in your daddy's office. They have been talking for a while now and I am about to barge in and make a scene." She answered with a sparkle in her eyes which told me how much fun that would be for her.

"Too late." FanXing giggled and pointed at his grandpa who was the first to step out. Right after him followed Xuan Lu and she looked angry. Because of that and because I did not want to meet Yibo so shortly after our conversation I went into my room where I stayed the rest of the day. The door opened only once when Xuan Lu's parents bid farewell. Her mother hugged me tightly and thanked me once again for saving her grandchild. I felt uncomfortable hearing this over and over again but the hug felt good. Xuan Lu's father strangely looked at me. As if he wanted to say something but decided not to.

"Grandpa, I will bring you to the car!" FanXing cheered and soon everyone was gone again.

"Xiao Zhan? Are you awake?" It was Xuan Lu who knocked on the door.

"I am," I answered and she opened the door.

"It's been quiet for a while. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine. Just tired." I answered and gave her the best smile I was capable of.

"That is good. I am here to tell you that Dinner is ready."

"Ah.... I am not very hungry at the I will pass..."

"But you hadn't lunch either. You need to eat something, Xiao Zhan." She insisted but I shook my head.

"I don't ..." 'I don't want to see Yibo so I won't come out.' I thought but of course didn't say that out loud. "I am tired, Xuan Lu. My leg hurts too." It wasn't a lie. It just wasn't the real reason.

"I see.... I am sorry, I didn't know. But you still have to eat, Xiao Zhan. How about I will bring you Dinner to bed? Take your time and I will recollect the dishes later. Okay?"

Before I could answer she left and came back two minutes later with a tray. I thanked her before she left again. Xuan Lu came back an hour later and took the tray with the empty plate back.

"It was delicious. Like usually."

"You know what? I think you should move in here for good. I love hearing compliments about my food but neither FanXing nor Yibo are doing it. I know they might have been getting used to but still..." She laughed and I grinned.

"I will compliment you for it until I move out," I promised her. She frowned but then nodded.

"Perfect. Now excuse me. I am going to nag at the father and son sitting in the living for being so heartless" She winked and left. I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I used the ointment for my leg and when I was about to go to sleep the door opened again. I flinched but it was only FanXing who was already in his pajamas.

"I want to sleep with you." He asked with his best puppy look that I had to chuckle.

"Fine. I will just pretend you had a nightmare and were totally scared." I said and the grinning boy climbed up in my bed.

"Big brother, tomorrow daddy will clean the chicken run after breakfast for the first time. I am going to watch him, will you come too?"

"I can't. I will be at the hospital." I answered. Even if I wasn't I wouldn't have watched him. It's time to stay away from Yibo as much as possible. It's already awful enough that he works from home as of now.

"Oh... Okay, then I will tell you about what happened."

"Why do you think something will happen? I am sure your neighbor will lock the rooster away."

FanXing grinned. "I can't let the poor rooster stay locked up. That would be mean and unfair."

I met Xuan Lu the next morning standing in front of the refrigerator. "Is something wrong?"

"Did you eat it?"

"Eat what?" I asked confused.

"The porridge FanXing made together with Steven?"

"No. Didn't you tell me it would be... kind of dangerous?"

"Thank god. I was scared for a moment because it is gone but Yibo probably got rid of it. I would have asked him but he is still sleeping." She sighed in relief. "Anyway, the breakfast is almost done. I heard you have an appointment at the hospital later?"

"Yes, in two hours."

"Then sit down. I will serve the breakfast in 5 minutes. Is FanXing still sleeping?"

"I am here," FanXing shouted as he run down the stairs.

"Why did you come from upstairs? Didn't you sleep with Xiao Zhan?" Xuan Lu asked her son who grinned.

"I did. I just woke up daddy because I don't want him to oversleep and miss his punishment."

Xuan Lu shook her head in amusement. "You little devil. Stop teasing your father, will you? Now wash your hands and take your seat."

5 minutes later FanXing, Xuan Lu, and I were sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. I felt uncomfortable because I somehow felt Xuan Lu's eyes on me from time to time.

"I-Is there something on my face?" I asked nervously and Xuan Lu blushed.

"No, not at all. I just.... I was just checking if you feel better than yesterday. Because of your leg, you were in your room the rest of the day so I was worried. I mean, we were worried about you."

"I am good. I will meet Dr. Song later. Thank you for worrying about me."

"Your welcome. Your welcome."

10 minutes later Yibo came down and I stood up the moment he entered the dining room.

"I am done, Xuan Lu."

"Oh, but you ate so little. Don't you want-"

"I am still full from dinner yesterday. I will meet with Zhou Cheng in a few minutes anyway."

"Okay. Let everything be on the table. I will clean up later. No buts, Xiao Zhan. Go now. You shouldn't be late at the hospital."

"See you later. FanXing. Behave!" I said but the little boy ignored me and ate his breakfast with a grin. I shook my head and left the house without once looking to Yibo who's gaze I could feel on me.

I was sitting in the waiting room in the hospital and once again looked at the officer. "Are you sure you are okay? Your face is white and it seems you are in pain." I told him but he waved his hand.

"I am fine. It's just a stomachache. Nothing serious." He answered but I wasn't convinced. I stood up, put my phone on my seat so no one will sit there, and went to a nurse.

"Excuse me, my friend over there is not feeling well."

"He looks like he is about to vomit. I will bring you a bucket and I advise you that your friend will get a check-up. He doesn't look good." She gave me a big bucket and I went back to Zhou Cheng.

"Xiao Zhan, it's your turn now. Dr. Song is awaiting you." Another nurse called me. Zhou Cheng got up, walked up to me, and took the bucket before pushing me into Dr. Song's office.

"Hello, Doctor." I greeted the man behind the desk.

"Hello, Xiao Zhan. Oh my... Officer? You look... sick. Are you okay?" Dr. Song asked worriedly.

"I am fine. Really. I just-" He was interrupted by the urge to vomit. "God, help me." He moaned and held his stomach.

"Officer, you should go up and get a check-up. Now!" Dr. Song ordered but Zhou Cheng shook his head.

"I will stay here. My job is to protect Xiao Zhan,"

"In this state, you can't protect anyone, not even yourself. Get a check-up, Officer."

"No!" He hissed and sat on a chair at the other end of the office. "I will stay here until you are done. Just do your thing." Dr. Song stared at him for a while and sighed

"Fine. But if you throw up once more you will go up, clear? Or I will call someone down."

"Yes. Yes. Now take care of Xiao Zhan. He is your patient." Zhou Cheng grumbled, leaned back, and closed his eyes. Dr. Song shook his head in disapproval and turned to me.

"Let's start." He said and leaned closer. "Once we are done, no matter what he says, make sure he gets a check-up." Dr. Song said.

"I will." I nodded.

"Good. Now show me your leg.... Hmmm.... It is almost fully healed but it's way too stiff. Do you massage your leg regularly?"

I blushed. "I try too but it's not the first thing on my mind."

He shook his head. "Xiao Zhan, it's important that you do that. The muscles need to loosen up. The best way for that is to massage it regularly. Every morning and every evening, at least. Let's do it right away. Sit down and show me how you do it."

I sighed, sat down, and pulled my pants down before taking the ointment from Dr. Song and starting to massage my leg. He watched me for a while and then frowned.

"You are doing it too lightly. It will not work if you don't do it properly. Again, this time uses more strength." He said and I followed his order. I hissed when I felt the pain but Dr. Song nodded satisfied. "That is right. It will naturally hurt at the beginning but once the muscles loosen up, it will get better. It will take a few days, maybe a week depending on how much strength you use."

I stopped massaging and looked unhappily at the doctor. "I can't do it for long if I have to use a lot of strength."

"Maybe you should work at your stamina then." He chuckled and rolled his chair closer. "Let me help. Careful, it will hurt."

Hurt was not the right word. It was agonizing. I grabbed the table and bit my lip hard when I almost screamed. After 5 minutes I thought it should be enough and looked at Dr. Song who seemed to be absentminded. I called him several times until he reacted.

"Ah, sorry!" He apologized and took back his hands. His face was red and he apologized multiple times until I had to laugh.

"It's okay. But why are you so absentminded? Did something happen?" He blushed even more after I asked him which made him look.... I am not sure if cute was the right word for a man but ... yeah, he looked cute. "Maybe another date with your girlfriend?" I asked amused and raised my brows.

"W-what? No, of course not. She broke up with me days ago." He answered and I pressed my lips together.

"Oh... sorry.... " I apologized and felt awkward. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." He laughed. "It's not the first time after all. I had a lot of girlfriends. I am already over it. Well, anyway, please stand up now and try to step on your leg. As if you want to walk."

I followed his wish but when I did, my leg buckled and I almost crashed on the floor if Dr. Song didn't catch me on time.

"I see...." He mumbled and signaled me to sit down again. "I will now try to bend your leg. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable or when it hurts." He said and bend my leg until I hissed in pain.

"Dr. Song...." I groaned in pain and he nodded before putting my leg down.

"You can get dressed again, Xiao Zhan. I want you to come to me every two days as of now. I will make space in my schedule. We will-" He stopped explaining when his phone rang. He looked at the screen and read the message he got. "Of course, I remember. I am not stupid...." He mumbled and put the phone away. But suddenly he got another message and he blushed reading the next message. "What the-!?" He shouted out and his face turned red like a tomato.

I grinned. "Didn't you say your girlfriend broke up with you? Who is that?" I asked curiously. I knew I was nosy as it was not my business but because I couldn't get a happy love life I was too much interested in the love lives of other people. Shame on me, I know.

"N-no one. Just someone whom I met..." He mumbled and put the phone away only to get yet another message.

I chuckled. "She must be very interested in you when she sends that many messages. Do you like her too? Or is it only one-sided?"

He blushed and turned his phone on silent mode. "I don't even know him! It's just.... I don't know."

'He? A man? Wasn't he straight?' I thought and looked at the doctor questioningly. "He? You like men?"

"I am not gay!" He said firmly before he looked confused. "A-at least that is what I think.... I mean, u-until now..." He ruffled through his hair. "It's complicated."

"What is complicated?" I wanted to know.

"I like girls. I never was attracted to boys. I mean, not that I tried to go out with a boy before but... Argh! As I said, it's complicated."

I looked at him in confusion but did not try to get more information out of him. It was his business, not mine.

"M-may I ask you something?" Dr. Song asked me and I nodded. "I know you are ... gay. When did you find out? Sorry, I don't want-"

"Me? In high school." I answered. I wasn't ashamed that I liked men and had no problem talking about it. "There was this one senior I liked. He taught me maths every Saturday. He was good-looking, friendly, and very smart. I think it was the second time we met when I ... well, he stood behind me and had his hand on my shoulder to make me concentrate on the papers in front of me instead of watching him talking. It was embarrassing as hell when my body reacted to him."


"Well, I got hard." I laughed embarrassingly. "Yep. That was really embarrassing. Fortunately, he didn't notice and I could excuse myself to the bathroom. Anyway, first I thought it was normal. That I was becoming an adult. But days later there was a female classmate of mine who confessed her love to me. I was surprised. It was the first confession I ever got. I said I didn't know how I felt about her because I never thought about it.

So she led me to a quiet corner in the school's library and we ... well, she was eager to show me how much she liked me. But I did not react whatsoever. Not when we kissed, not when she sat on my lap, and not when she made me touch her. She got first embarrassed and then angry when I hadn't the reaction she was hoping for. Then she left and never talked to me again.

Two days later we got a new classmate. It was a boy and I had to show him around, therefore we were late for the swimming lessons. We showered together and yeah... It got hard seeing him naked and washing his body.

Listen, I am not a pervert. I was young and just in the middle of finding out what I liked and whatnot. Being gay is not a bad thing, doc." Dr. Song looked even more confused than before and I chuckled before getting up.

"Moreover, just because you like a man for the first time doesn't mean you are only into men. You said you had many girlfriends before, right? Just because you reacted to a man the same way you reacted to your girlfriends, doesn't make you gay. Maybe that man is just someone special?" I smiled at him. "Anyway, in my opinion, you should give him a chance if he is honestly interested in you. Don't chase him away just because he has the same gender as you. If you like him, give him a chance."

"Hmmm...." He mumbled and stood up as well. "Thanks for your opinion. I will see what I will do with that .... somehow." He rubbed his neck. "Anyway, back to you. Where did we stop..... ah, I want you to come here every two days. I have more time in the morning so how about 10 am?"

"Sounds good," I answered.

"Good. Until then I want you to walk a lot. At least one hour per day. Also, massage your leg every morning and evening. Xiao Zhan, that is important! Your muscles need to loosen up or your leg stays as stiff as now." He said firmly and I nodded when he looked at me seriously. "I also want you to bend your leg as we did earlier. Yes, it is painful but it has to be done. Every day! It would be best you combine it with the massages. I know you do have not much strength in your hands so maybe you can ask someone for help? Zhou Cheng maybe?" He asked and looked to the Officer sitting quietly on his chair.

When he didn't react Dr. Song raised his brows. "Did he fell asleep? Officer Wang!?" He called him again but did not react. He then walked up to him to shake his shoulder lightly. But instead of opening his eyes he slid from the chair and fell on the floor.

"Shit!" Dr. Song cursed and called for a nurse. "Call for a doctor. Tell him we have an officer who lost consciousness. He is to come down immediately."

"Yes, doctor!" The nurse answered and turned to me. "That is your phone, right? You forgot it at the chairs outside. Someone found it and gave it to me." She said and gave me my phone before turning around and running away to find a doctor. I stood there and couldn't do anything but waiting for the doctor to arrive.

To be continued...

Oh no, poor Officer. What happened to him? 

Let's hope the doctor can help cure him and make him feel good... wait, that sounds weird... hmmm... better. Yeah, that was the word. Let's hope the doctor will make him feel good- no, better!! I mean make him feel better! 

By the way, you can say what you want but I am proud of Xiao Zhan for telling Yibo what he thinks! Now let's hope Yibo will step back and let Xiao Zhan be .... (or maybe not? I don't know. It's a YiZhan book after all...) 

What do you think of this chapter? Are you feeling confident in all your theories? Or are there new ones? I am curious^^

The next chapter comes out on Sunday. Hope to see you all again <3 <3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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