Chapter 12: Visit from the grandparents

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I wanted to make this chapter longer but I am too tired to write more so I will update already :) 

Don't worry, the next chapter is coming out on Wednesday. 

I hope it will not be too boring ... 

Enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

Today I could breathe. I was alone with FanXing and Zhou Cheng half of the day before Xuan Lu came back at 2 pm. I really liked her. She was friendly and treated me like a family member. She even offered to help me to go out for a walk in the neighborhood. It seemed that Haikuan told her that I have to move my leg more often these days.

We walked through the neighborhood and passed various houses. One of them was the house where the rooster lived and FanXing begged me to go inside so I could meet piggy, his best friend. The big pig looked pretty bored and just laid in a pile of dirt.

"No, FanXing. You played yesterday the whole day with him, that is enough. Or else you will take a bath the whole day." Xuan Lu said and FanXing obviously wasn't into playing with piggy anymore.

Before we left I visited the rooster. It eyed us suspiciously but stayed where it was. I somehow wanted to see its reaction upon seeing Yibo and I was not the only one.

"Let's bring daddy here next time so we can play with him." FanXing grinned and I heard Xuan Lu chuckling.

"I doubt daddy will go near it one more time, darling."

"If daddy won't come here we will just take the rooster and bring it to daddy." The little boy shrugged his shoulders.

"Darling, the rooster will stay here, you hear me?" Xuan Lu asked strictly but seeing her smiling she imagined what would happen if FanXing would take the rooster once more to their house. He mumbled something and nodded. He seemed to be in a bad mood now and I tried to find a way to make him happy again.

"Xuan Lu, is it possible to visit the house Zhou Cheng is staying at?" I asked and FanXing instantly stopped sulking.

"Yes, mommy. Can we visit uncle Steven? Can we?"

Xuan Lu nodded. "If it's not too much for you, Xiao Zhan?" I smiled and told her to lead the way.

Uncle Steven was a retired officer in his late sixties but still very energetic. He threw FanXing in the air a few times after we introduced ourselves and then they started to fool around. Zhou Cheng acted as a babysitter and Xuan Lu and I sat in the living room watching them.

Then after just a few minutes, I couldn't hold it back anymore. "Xuan Lu, where is Yibo?"

"At work. I heard he is interviewing someone from Meng Yao's company. I think it was the new CEO. It seems he took over the company a few months ago and the prosecution is checking the documents to see if this is correct. They also want to find out if that CEO is somehow connected to Meng Yao in any way despite taking over the company. Or if he meets him secretly."

"I see..."

"Don't worry, Xiao Zhan. Sooner or later that man will get caught. The police and prosecution are working on it with all available people." Xuan Lu reassured me and patted my arm.

"Will he be home late tonight?" I asked and prayed to hear a positive answer.

"I don't know. He will stay there for as long as the interview lasts. But he told me he is going to work from home in the future." She answered and frowned seeing uncle Steven and FanXing disappearing in the kitchen. Zhou Cheng came to us and explained that FanXing wanted to cook together with the neighbor.

"Please no...." Xuan Lu mumbled unhappily.

I couldn't concentrate as I tried to think of a way how to survive the day when Yibo works from home. It would be bad being alone with him. Sure, FanXing would be there and Zhou Cheng as well, but still.... I can only hope he has enough work to do so he had no time to pester me.

Yibo arrived a few minutes after dinner was ready. He had a lot of files with him and brought them into his office before joining us at the dining room. After dinner, he told us that they got nothing new after investigating the new CEO and they let him go after hours of interviewing him.

"Maybe he is innocent." Xuan Lu said but Yibo shook his head.

"Never. He behaves way too confident. He answered every question as if he knew he would get asked that. As if he was prepared all along. He was smiling the whole time and even winked at us once he left the prosecution after getting a call that one of his employees had an accident at work. I am 100 % sure he knows something but I can't prove it and had to let him go. Dammit!"

"Yibo!" Xuan Lu hissed and looked at FanXing who sat still and listened. "Darling, you will not say this word ever! Daddy was wrong, wasn't you, Yibo?"

Yibo looked strictly at his son. "I was wrong. You better don't repeat after me."

"Daddy needs a punishment then... If I would have said something like this I would have gotten one." FanXing said and Xuan Lu nodded.

"You are right. I will wash the dishes for one month. How is that as a punishment?" Yibo asked FanXing who thought about it.

I shook my head.

"In my opinion that is not a punishment because he washes the dishes all two days anyway. How about he has to clean the chicken run at you neighbors?" I suggested. Yibo stared at me in shock and FanXing applauded.

"Yes! That is going to be your punishment, daddy! Clean the chicken run for the next month starting tomorrow."

"That it has been decided." Xuan Lu announced amused.

"Xuan Lu!" Yibo called her in shock but she shrugged her shoulders.

"And would you please clean the dishes?" She smiled innocently and left the dining room where we heard her laughing out loud. Yibo turned to his son.

"Can we-?"

"No! You heard mommy. It has been decided!" FanXing grinned and got up. "Come, big brother, let's watch a movie." I followed the boy quickly and left Yibo behind feeling a lot better now despite him glaring at me.

After an hour FanXing fell asleep on the couch and Xuan Lu brought him up into his room where she stayed to check if he has any nightmares.

I turned off the TV and went into my room. I spent around 15 minutes in the bathroom to wash, brush my teeth and change into my sleeping clothes. I could feel that I overdid it with walking because my leg hurt more than yesterday. But Haikuan said that was normal and I had to bear with it.

'I should call Dr. Song tomorrow so we can start the therapy....' I thought and left the bathroom only to feel someone grabbing my wrist and pressing me against the wall.

"That was mean, Xiao Zhan." Yibo whispered in my ear. "You know exactly that the rooster and I are not the best friends..."

"It's supposed to be a punishment not for you having fun. Now let go!" I answered.

"You smell good." He said as he sniffed at my neck.

"Let go of me, you asshole!" I hissed and tried to push him away to no avail.

"When are you finally admitting that you still have feelings for me?" He asked and looked into my eyes. I met his gaze and saw him raising his brows.

"I will tell you this one last time. I don't want to have anything to do with you! Now let me go!"

"Xiao Zhan...." He sighed and stroked my cheek. "Do you want me to be the one who says it first? Okay, fine. Xiao Zhan, I loved you 5 years ago and I still lo-"

I lost it and slapped him before pushing him away. I glared at him and hoped it looked intimidating. It didn't, because he did not look intimidated at all.

"Leave my room!" I ordered and he sighed while holding my cheek.

"I am not giving up, Xiao Zhan. It's only a matter of time. I wish you a good night." Saying that he left the room. I let myself fall onto the bed and stared into nothingness while holding my chest where I could feel my heart racing uncontrollably.

I saw it. The determination in his eyes. He sure as hell will try it again. I was scared.... Because I feared he was right. It was only a matter of time until I would give in once he started whatever he planned to do.

What was wrong with me? He lied to me. He used me. He hurt me. Yet I still loved him. That was not normal and I thought that maybe I should make an appointment with a psychologist to check if something was wrong with me.

'Maybe Dr. Song can recommend me one. I should ask him.' I thought before taking the ointment and massaging my leg with it before going to bed.   

I couldn't remember what my dream was about but I sweated a lot. When I finally woke up the first thing I saw was FanXing looking down on me with a grin. He wished me a good morning and when I asked him why was already awake at 6 am he answered he couldn't sleep anymore.

"Did you have a nightmare again?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, but you look like you had one." He answered and pointed at my wet shirt.

"It seems so .... I guess I need a bath." I said and got up. Upon hearing the word bath he grimaced and left the room faster than I could laugh at his face. "Really now... baths are the best. How can someone not like them?" I asked myself amused, took the crutch, and went into the bathroom to fill the tub with water. Once I climbed inside I needed 5 minutes to adjust myself so I sat comfortably. I did not have much time because Haikuan told me that I shouldn't overdo it with baths until he said so.

Therefore I bathed only 15 minutes before climbing out of the tub and getting dressed. When I stepped out of the bathroom FanXing sat on my bed.

"You came back?" I asked amused and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Mommy is preparing breakfast and daddy is jogging. I didn't want to join him so I waited for you."

"I see. Then how about we set the table for breakfast to help your mommy a little?" I stretched out my hand and he took it before we both went out into the dining room. In the end, FanXing set the table on his own as it wasn't easy for me while holding a crutch.

"Thank you, sunshine." Xuan Lu smiled as she entered the room. Then she looked at me and chuckled. "Too difficult?" She asked amused.

"Well.... I put a plate on the table. That counts as helping, right?" I asked sheepishly and she laughed while FanXing tugged at my pants.

"Big brother, I cooked porridge yesterday with Uncle Steven. It's in the refrigerator. You want to taste some?"

Before I could answer Xuan Lu grabbed my arm. "I already made breakfast, sunshine. We can it that tomorrow, okay?" FanXing pouted but nodded and when he left the dining room to wash his hands Xuan Lu looked at me seriously.

"I know he will ask you several times to taste his porridge but I advise you not to because neither Steven nor my son can cook. It doesn't taste good and you might end up sitting on the toilet for the whole day." She warned me and I must have looked pretty stupid because she burst out laughing.

"Was that a joke?" I asked her nervously.

"No, it wasn't. I mean what I said so you better not eat it. But in the end, it's your decision. But don't say I didn't warn you." She giggled and went back to the kitchen. I shook my head in confusion and left the dining room only to run into a half-naked sweaty Yibo who just came back from jogging. He saw me and smirked when he caught me staring. I didn't need a mirror to know that I looked like a tomato right now and because I didn't want him to mock me or something I quickly went into my room. Thankfully he didn't follow me and I could calm down which took me a while.

"I definitely need to see a psychologist," I mumbled and went into the bathroom to wash my hands before leaving for the dining room.

"Liked what you saw?" Yibo asked as he stood next to my room. He was now freshly showered and wore a shirt and jeans. 'At least he wore something.' I thought while ignoring his question. Unfortunately, it seemed he did not accept me not answering as he pulled me towards him making my back colliding with his chest. He then turned me around and looked into my eyes. "You liked it?"


"I don't want to. I want to hold you." He said and I started to struggle. "You took a bath? Why didn't you wait for me? We could have taken one together." He whispered as he sniffed on my neck. Then, without any warning, he pressed me against the wall and kissed me.

I widened my eyes in shock as his tongue slipped through my lips into my mouth. His hand wandered behind my neck and pulled me closer while his body pressed against mine.

'This is not good. This is definitely not good.' I thought and struggled as his other hand slipped under my shirt wandering up my stomach towards my chest. His kiss became rougher and I felt how I was slowly losing my will to fight. It's been five years yet my body still recognized his touches.

"FanXing, wait for daddy and Xiao Zhan before you start eating." Xuan Lu's gentle voice sounded out of the dining room and that made me finally snap out of it. Hearing her voice I had enough strength to push Yibo away. He stared at me and licked his lips and when my eyes tried to avoid his I looked down. I happened to see something which made me blush even more and I quickly walked into the dining room away from Yibo. I wished I was able to run...

When I stumbled into the dining room Xuan Lu looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"W-what? Yes. S-sure. I am fine." I stuttered and sat down on my seat. Xuan Lu seemed to not believe me as she walked up to me to feel my forehead.

"No fever." He sighed out in relief before taking a seat at the table. "Where is Yibo?" She asked and I flinched upon hearing his name.

"I-I don't know," I answered and stared down on my plate hoping my face didn't change its color again. We waited 10 minutes and just as FanXing wanted to get up to fetch his father Yibo entered the room with a smile.

"Oh? Did something good happen?" Xuan Lu asked amused. Yibo didn't answer but his smile grew wider making me furious.

"Let's eat," Yibo said and dug in. The others followed except me. I wasn't hungry anymore and because it would be rude to just leave I stayed seated. After 5 minutes Xuan Lu's phone rang. She excused herself and answered the call after leaving the dining room. It was quiet for some time until we heard Xuan Lu raising her voice.

"Why would you do that!? You could have called yesterday so we knew you were coming!.... What? No, of course not but-..... Mom, please.... What do you mean? Where are you right now?... Already!? Mom, you are really- ... Hopeless is the word I wanted to say but what you said is more accurate.... Do I have another option? .... Thought so...."

When she came back she sighed as she sat down and Yibo raised his brows. "What did mother-in-law want?"

"She and dad are coming over today. They are already on their way and will arrive in about 20 minutes."

"Grandma and grandpa are coming? Yayy!" FanXing cheered, stood up, and run out of the room.

"FanXing, your breakfast!" Yibo shouted but FanXing was already gone. "They did that on purpose. Calling minutes before they arrive. Why would they do that? Why are coming now?" Yibo asked slightly annoyed.

"So we wouldn't make them change their mind like the last few times. They miss FanXing and want to see him, especially after FanXing was kidnapped. But I doubt that is the only reason, my mother sounded amused rather than worried."

"Do we have to be scared?" Yibo asked worriedly.

"We are talking about my mother, Yibo. Yes, we have to be scared."

"Then let's pray father-in-law can help us handle her." He sighed and Xuan Lu laughed.

"We will see. I will go and make sure FanXing is dressed properly."

"Why? The last time he looked cute." Yibo grinned and Xuan Lu rolled her eyes.

"He wore a dress, Yibo!"

"Your father liked it."

"My mom almost got a heart attack and so did I. I advise you to remember that FanXing is your son and not a doll you can do with what you want. Don't let him wear a dress again."

"But you also found it cute." Yibo looked at her with raised brows. Xuan Lu turned to me and rolled her eyes.

"You see what I have to endure every day?" She asked and I smiled at her before she left. As I did not want to stay alone with Yibo I quickly left for my room.

When I heard the doorbell ringing 25 minutes later I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to be rude but I thought staying in my room would be a safer option. When I was still trying to decide if I should come out or not the door opened and FanXing came in.

"What are you doing? Grandma and grandpa are here. Don't you want to meet them?"

"Äh... I am not-"

"Come, I will introduce you to them. They also want to meet the person who saved my life. Come." FanXing pulled on my hand and did not stop until I got up.

"F-fine. Let's meet them...." I mumbled and took my crutch.

"Don't worry. They are a little weird but very nice people." He said and I had to smile.

"What about your other grandparents? Your father's parents, I mean." I asked him and he frowned.

"I don't know. I rarely met them. Daddy and they are not on good terms. If I want to I can meet them occasionally but because I know that daddy is going to be upset once he sees them, I never ask them to meet. But I do talk to them on the phone from time to time."

"Why are they on bad terms?" I asked him curiously but the boy shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know and they don't know either. It seems only mommy and daddy know what the reason is but they won't tell me. Now come." He said and I chuckled. We walked out of my room into the living room where we saw an elderly couple hugging Xuan Lu and Yibo alternately.

"Stop sulking, will you?" The older woman said to Xuan Lu. "Next time we will call earlier, okay?"

"How much earlier? 30 minutes before you arrive? Or maybe even 40 minutes?" Yibo asked and the woman frowned before pulling on Yibo's ear.

"You did not change at all, young man! You have no right to reprimand us, Yibo. May I remind you that you and my daughter told us about your wedding only a week before it happened? You already discussed and prepared everything and I couldn't do anything to help."

"Mom, are you still mad about that?" Xuan Lu sighed.

"Of course, I am. I have every right to be even if it happened 6 years ago. Don't you know that a mother wants to take part in her daughter's wedding?"

"Darling, take a deep breath and calm down." FanXing's grandpa said and his wife glared at him.

"You! How can it be that you are not mad about it anymore? Your daughter kept her relationship with Yibo a secret!"

"So what? It's not like we met Yibo at the wedding for the first time. They have been friends since high school and he came over and ate with us multiple times."

"But they kept their relationship a secret!" Xuan Lu's mother pouted and her husband kissed her forehead which seemed to calm her down. Then her eyes fell on FanXing and she grinned brightly and walked up to us. "Is that my baby?" She asked and took FanXing into a tight hug.

"I am not a baby, grandma. I am 4 and a half!"

"Until you are 13 years old you are going to be my baby." She answered determinedly and then took FanXing's face in her hands. "How are you, sweetheart? Are you okay? You must have been so scared. Do you have nightmares? Want to sleep with your grandma? I am going to shoo away all bad dreams for you."

I almost laughed out loud hearing FanXing's confused question. "Is grandma drunk?"

"No, your grandma is just worried about you and wants to know if you are scared at night," Yibo answered amused.

"Well, I am scared right now when grandma behaves like this. I am not too scared at night. I do have nightmares sometimes but then I will go to big brother and sleep with him." FanXing said and pointed at me. I felt uncomfortable having 5 pairs of eyes on me and naturally blushed in embarrassment.

"Big brother? Are you the one who saved my baby?" Xuan Lu's mother asked me but it was FanXing who answered in my place.

"Yes, he is my hero. But he got shot in his leg...."

"Thank you so much, my son." She said and pulled me into a warm hug. It's been a while since I was hugged in such a motherly way that I sighed with relish. "Is your leg okay? If you need anything, no matter what it is, ask me or my husband. You can ask my daughter and son-in-law as well. Thank you for saving our little sunshine!"

"Mom! Can't you see he is uncomfortable? Xiao Zhan is a rather shy person so calm down." Xuan Lu said and her mother immediately stepped away.

"Ah, I am sorry. I am just so happy and thankful. I hope you don't mind."

"I-I don't mind." I smiled and looked up only to meet the gaze of Xuan Lu's father. He looked at me for a long time with a slight frown before he nodded with a smile.

"How about we sat down and talk?" He asked everyone. Soon the elderly couple, Xuan Lu and Yibo sat on the couch while I took a seat in the armchair. FanXing was a little confused about where to sit before he decided that the spot in front of me was a good place.

to be continued... 

The next chapter will come out on Wednesday and has more information. Also, it might get a little spicy between a certain couple but I am not sure yet. We will have to wait and see :) 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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