Chapter 11: Song Ji Yang's problem

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This chapter is about Ji Yang and HaoXuan and had about 6000 words. 

It took me a while to write this chapter because of my damn brain! I tend to get good ideas when I go to sleep. But then I am too tired to get up again and write them down. Especially when I have to get up early the next day. So the next day most of the ideas are gone.... 

This brain of mine knows how to irritate me... 

Anyway, as I said beforehand, this couple will have a different timeline than the other two couples. I just hope I will manage to not make too many mistakes with that. That is why I will try to not let them meet Xiao Zhan too often because it would be kind of difficult considering the different timelines. ^^

HaoXuan's POV

"Why do you glare at me?" B. asked me amused but when he realized that I was really moody today because of lack of sleep, he stopped mocking me.

"What did you mean you found out something interesting about the doctor's problem?" I wanted to know.

"Right to the topic, huh? You sure are impatient but I can understand when the boss is thinking of taking your head if you can't succeed. But hey, I doubt he would kill you or something. You are the best men we have. You never disappoint him, are trustworthy, no one trained as many goods as you. So it would be-"

"B!" I warned him and he laughed.

"Okay, fine! So when we got to know about Dr. Song not being able to perform the most important act in a man's life, I got curious and wanted to know the reason for that so I looked it up. It's called erectile dysfunction. I can't believe something like this exists. I mean, I am a scientist but never heard that someone could have that. Erectile dysfunction is when a man cannot get, or keep, an erection that allows him to take part in sexual intercourse or other types of sexual activity. I looked it up. So apparently most men experience it at some time in their life, and the causes can be physical or psychological." He explained and then grabbed his chest. "I hope I will never have such a problem! Just imagine having a goddess of a woman in your bed and you embarrass yourself when you cant give her want she needs! Horrible!"

I stared at him annoyed and he rolled his eyes.

"So physical causes include heart disease, diabetes, and raised blood pressure. Alcohol, smoking, and illegal drugs, as well as some prescription medicines, can also cause erectile problems. Worries about work, money, your relationship, family and not getting an erection can all be factors. There are a lot of factors. The thing is there are a lot of ways to help with such problems. For example sexual health clinics. They treat problems with sexual health. Many sexual health clinics offer a walk-in service, where you do not even need an appointment. They'll often get test results quicker than when you have an appointment in a normal hospital.

Treatments for erectile dysfunction are usually effective and the problem often goes away. There are also specific treatments for the causes of erectile dysfunction. For example when the cause is side effects of some prescription of medicine just talk with the doctor and change the medicine."

"I am not a doctor nor a freaking scientist. Just tell me what you found out." I demanded and he sighed.

"Be patient! Anyway, so there are a lot of causes but also a lot of treatments. I dug a little into that Song Ji Yang and found out he is seeing a doctor since the age of 14. So how is it possible that a doctor can't help him with his problem at all?"

I frowned. "Maybe is bad as his job?"

"He is smart and famous, HaoXuan. He works at the biggest hospital in Peking and because he is the best, he is mostly working for politicians, celebrities and rich businessmen. There is no way he wouldn't be able to help. So I hacked into their system and drew out Dr. Song's medical file." B. grinned and waited for something.

"What? You want me to praise you? Are you a dog?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulder and barked. He barked! "Good job, you asshole. Now continue before I will punish you like a dog." I said with a laugh and he grinned.

"Even I need praise from time to time, my friend." He said and then opened Dr. Song Ji Yang's medical file. "I read the whole file and it says that the erectile dysfunction is in Dr. Song's DNA and there is no treatment to help him to get rid of it."

"So?" I asked and B. shook his head.

"I took a look at all the tests he went through. Saliva, blood, and even his pee. I checked the reports of the results multiple times." He answered and then looked at me. "I am a scientist and a pro when it comes to developing drugs. I know how drugs look like in reports and Dr. Song's blood contains drugs. He went to the doctor frequently and the number of drugs in his blood did not once decrease. He is still going for a check-up and the last one was ..... let me see..... ah, three months ago."

"Song Ji Yang is taking drugs? Are you sure? He didn't look like a junkie." I stated and B. nodded.

"I doubt that too. The drug in his blood is called "Dormies" and means sleep in Latin. This drug is specially made to prevent men to get aroused. That is the only effect it has, well of course there are side effects if you use it too often. As Dr. Song is frustrated about his condition and wants improvement so there is no way he is taking this drug willingly."

"Someone is drugging him? Why? Shouldn't the doctor realize something like this from the tests?"

"Who knows? Maybe the doctor wants to earn money by letting Dr. Song coming frequently? Or maybe he is paid to keep quiet. The reason I naturally don't know. If we find the culprit then we will find out the reason too. An ex-girlfriend? But, no, that cant be. He was already like this before he got his first girlfriend. Maybe his family? They wanted him to be a priest and gave him the drug to make him impotent so he can concatenate on his training?"

"First of all, even priests are allowed to get married and have children so there is no use in drugging their son. Secondly, he has had no contact with them for years as they have a bad relationship. How would they be able to drug him? I don't think it's his family." I answered and stared at the screen for a while. "How does this drug work?" I asked B.

"It's a very strong drug. Once you take it you will not be able to perform the sexual act. You cant even get hard. As for the duration of the effect, it depends on your body. Usually, the effect lasts about a month but depending on how strong your immune system is it can last less than a month or even longer."

"So he is getting drugged every month? We just have to find out who he is meeting and we will find the culprit." I said. B. raised his brows amused but shook his head.

"It's been 10 years now. No matter how strong your immune system is, there is no way your body will not change after taking the drug for so long. Moreover, he was 14 when it started. His body and immune system were still growing."

"That means?"

"Well, his body must be used to the drug by now so he has to get it more often than just every month. When I look at his body and health probably once a week. His last visit to his doctor three months ago showed his blood still contained the drug. Another thing is the side effects. One will feel less pain but once you stop taking it your body will get extremely sensitive. And I am not only talking about pain here. But most importantly...." He said and looked at me sadly. "... there is no way he will be able to produce an offspring. Infertility is one of the side effects if you take the drug too often. He took it for 10 years so he has no chance."

"Whoever did this is sick..."

"Totally. Imagine no sex your entire life? And no children!?" B. shook himself and I raised my brows.

"What? Don't tell me you want children?" I asked him and he looked at me in surprise.

"Of course I want! I want to get married and have one or two kids. Maybe even more." He said as a matter of fact.

I laughed out loud and he frowned. "What the hell? Why are you laughing, you asshole? Don't you want to have a family?" He crossed his arms and looked at me.

"What? I? A father? No way! I wouldn't be able to be without sex, that is for sure. But a child? I wouldn't wish anyone to be my son or daughter." I answered and had to laugh again. "I can't anymore. Imagine me holding a baby." I couldn't stop laughing once the picture was in my head. It took me a few minutes before I could calm down and concentrate on my mission.

"Anyway, what do you want to do regarding Dr. Song? Did you achieve something when you met him in the club?" B. asked once I stopped laughing.

"He was drunk and I brought him home," I answered absentmindedly while staring at Dr. Song's picture on the screen. Suddenly I had a weird thought and grinned. "I guess I will have to help him with his little problem," I said and B. looked at me.

"Help him? That is actually a good idea. Find out the culprit and tell him about the drug. Once he finds out and stops taking it he will naturally be able to pleasure his next girlfriend. That way he will be very thankful to you and you can ask him for help regarding Xiao Zhan."

"I have a better plan. Say, is there an antidote for Dormies?" I wanted to know.

"No, there is none. The only way to get rid of it is to stop taking it or using something to make his body react despite the drug. A strong aphrodisiac, for example. The amount of it depends on when he was last given Dormies." He explained and looked at me thoughtfully. "You want to use one of our women again, right? But if you do you need to make sure nothing like with Dr. Wang will happen again or boss is going to be furious." He warned me and I chuckled.

"Boss said I am not allowed to use the goods anymore so I won't."

"Then? Where do you want to find a woman who will agree to help you? You can't just go into the club and chose anyone. We have to do a background check on her and make sure it's okay to use her."

"We don't need to look for someone in a club," I answered and now B. was confused.

"Then what do you want to do? It's not like you will be the one who seduces the doctor." He said and widened his eyes when he saw me grinning. "No way.... YOU? You want to go and seduce him? Are you crazy? I thought you are not gay!?"

"I am not. But I don't have to be gay to seduce a man. It's not like I want a relationship with him. Just a few nights and once he fell for me I will be able to get his help to bring back Xiao Zhan."

"I am sorry, my friend. I shouldn't have prevented you from sleep. The lack of sleep seems to have gotten the best of you. How about you sleep a few hours and once you woke up you will feel better, I promise." B. said and I shook my head in amusement.

"I know what I am talking about, B," I said. "We don't have time to search for someone suitable. It's easier when I will do this job."

"HaoXuan, you....-." He took a deep breath. "Listen, that doctor is 100% straight. There is no way you will be able to go through him and make him fall for you."

I looked at him with raised brows. "He believes he is straight but what happened until now? He had 19 girlfriends and his body never reacted once resulting in him getting dumped. But what do you think will happen when he gets aroused when I am with him? Hm?" I asked him

"You want to turn him into a gay?" He gaped at me.

"He will start to believe that he never reacted because he simply wasn't as straight as he thought he was. He will start to believe he is gay. And what do you think will happen when I will be the first person who can give what he craves for the whole time? If I gave him the pleasure he wants so desperately and makes him feel as if he was in heaven?"

He stared at me with an open mouth. "You are sick." He said and started to grin. "You are totally sick but you wouldn't be HaoXuan if you wouldn't think of something like this. God, for real, you are a fucking genius. Now I am getting excited to see the results of your little... let's call it to experiment. But HaoXuan, since you aren't gay and never slept with a man before how do you want to do it? You have no experience." He asked me and then frowned at me. "Let me get this straight. No matter what, I will definitely not be your guinea pig!"

I laughed. "I don't need a guinea pig, B. I slept with so many women in every imaginable position there is. If I fuck a woman or a man from behind doesn't matter. An ass is an ass. So it shouldn't be a big deal."

"Gosh, you are fucking sick!" He said and I could see he was getting excited about the upcoming experiment. "Now tell me, how do you want to do it?"

Before I could answer my phone rang and I accepted the call. "Yes, Wang HaoXuan speaking?"

"Mr. Wang? My name is Ping Jing and I am a prosecutor. We want you to come in for an investigation regarding your company."

I raised my brows. "My company? Why? I didn't do anything illegal for you to summon me to the prosecution. Moreover, since when is it custom to call on the phone and summon someone?"

"This call is not an official summon but a friendly invitation. You don't need to follow it. We will send the summon should you decline." That prosecutor said and I frowned.

"That sounds like a threat to me, Mr. Ping Jing. I don't like threats. But anyway, I have nothing to hide so why should I decline this invitation? I am gladly ready to help you in your investigation."

"That is good to hear. How about you come in right away?" He asked and I almost laughed

"Sure. Will be there in an hour." I said and cut the call.

B. smiled. "It seems they don't want to give you any time to prepare for this meeting."

"They are stupid. It's not like we did not expect them to summon me." I shook my head. "Guess I will have to go to the prosecution."

"What about Song Ji Yang?"

"Hmm... I shouldn't postpone my mission any longer. The easiest way to approach him is visiting him at the hospital."

"Too dangerous. They will suspect something when you go to the same hospital as Xiao Zhan."

"The hospital is the closest one to the company, isn't it?" I asked B. who nodded. "So.... when something happens to one of my employees during work and he will send to that hospital, a good employer would be worried and visit him, right?" I asked B. who chuckled.

"Got it. Who shall it be?"

"It can't be just any employee. The best would be someone close to me."

"How about your secretary?" B. asked.

"I have a secretary? Cool!" I grinned and he laughed.

"Good. I will arrange everything. You will get a call during your interview. Anything else?"

"Not for now. I am going." I answered and left for the prosecution.

Song Ji Yang's POV

When I woke up I felt like dying. My head hurts and once I moved just a little bit I felt so sick I jumped out of my bed and run to the toilet.

When I was done throwing up I felt a little better but only after a long hot shower could I call myself human again. After getting dumped for the 18th time I have to say my drinking habits got better than 8 years ago when I first started. There is one thing I hate about my body. Well, two things actually because nothing can beat my useless lower body. That part I hated the most.

But another thing I hated was my freaking brain! No matter how much I drank I always remembered what happened when I was drunk. Always without exceptions. I think it started after I got dumped by my 7th girlfriend.

So here I was sitting on my bed freshly showered with a freaking headache and had to remember the embarrassing things I did in the club the day before. After the first two glasses, I had enough encouragement to flirt with a woman sitting next to me who was at least 40 years old. I had to thank whoever called her on her phone before I could do anything stupid. Not that I would have slept with her. I mean... not in my condition.

After a few more drinks I then started to cuss at some girls who were giggling a few meters away from the bar and were pointing at me. They fled pretty quickly. And then there was this man sitting next to me and started a conversation.

I had to hit my head a few times to punish myself for telling a stranger about my secret. How could I do that? I didn't even know him. What if we were a reporter for a stupid boulevard magazine and would tell the world about me and this useless thing between my legs?

'You are not that important for reporters to write an article about you. Don't get arrogant, Song Ji Yang!' I told myself.

And if that was not embarrassing enough I peed myself in front of him and when he brought me home I threw up at him. I even let him clean it up. God, how embarrassing!! I really should stop drinking...

For the entire morning, I not only pitied myself for getting dumped once again but also this embarrassing encounter with a stranger. Half an hour later I made my way to the hospital. I don't know if I am paranoid or not but I somehow had the feeling that everyone was weirdly looking at me. A few even avoided me. I was clueless until I met Dr. Wang.

"Hey, Dr. Song, stop scaring the nurses, please." He greeted me with his usual bright smile.

"Huh?" I asked and he laughed.

"You are glaring at anyone who passes you." He answered and I smiled embarrassedly.

"Am I? Sorry, had a bad.... day yesterday."

"Everyone can have one. Even I."

"Probably true. But did you came only now or are you going somewhere?" I asked when I saw him wearing his jacket.

"I had the night shift and am on my way to Xiao Zhan to check on his leg. After that, I will go home. I need some sleep."

I laughed and he winked at me before leaving the hospital. I went into my office where a nurse was already waiting for me. "Good morning, doctor. Your first patient is here already." She greeted me and I nodded.

"Give me five minutes and then let him in."

"Yes, doctor." She answered and left my office. I sighed and prepared everything for the day. A look at my schedule told me that I had quite a lot of patients today and will not get off work until 9 pm. But that was not that bad because that way I would stop thinking about my breakup. I really thought this time the relationship will hold longer. I thought she would be different.

I laughed to myself. One would think I should have gotten used to it by now but that is not true. Which person would get used to a breakup no matter how many times it happens?

I sighed one more time before the door opened and the first patient of the day entered.

"Good morning, Sir. Please sit down."

When I came home at 11 pm I fell into bed almost immediately. The only thing I managed to do was taking a shower and brushing my teeth. While passing the couch I noticed a jacket laying on the armrest of the sofa. I didn't recognize this jacket but was too tired to check on the piece of clothes. 'Tomorrow...' I thought and went to bed.

The next day I overslept. It happened from time to time when I got drunk. It was a bad habit but at least the president of the hospital did not found out yet. I really need to stop drinking too much. Just when I stepped out of the bathroom I got a call. It was Dr. Wang.

"Where are you?" He asked me and chuckled when he heard my answer. "Then I guess it would be a good idea to come to work in the next 30 minutes. We don't want to keep your patients waiting, do we? And by the way, I gave your number to Xiao Zhan. He will make an appointment in the next few days regarding his leg. Or are you too busy?"

"No, not at all. Yesterday was an exception because one of the nurses just gave away appointments without giving me time for a break." I told him.

"Which nurse?"

"The one with the long legs. What was her name again? Ming or something."

"Ah, Ming Lan? Why is she working with you? Wasn't she supposed to work with Dr. Lee?"

"You sure know every nurse in the hospital by name, don't you? Dr. Lee was on vacation until yesterday and she was assigned to me for the time being. But she went back to Dr. Lee as he will be back today."

"I will not comment on the first part of your answer. I decided to change myself now." I could hear his grin. "Anyway, the wound on Xiao Zhan's leg is better. Good enough to slowly start with physiotherapy."

"That is good. Once he calls I will give him an appointment. But now I will cut the call before my patients will get even more unhappy about the delay. See you later." I cut the call and left the house 5 minutes later. On my way to the hospital, I bought myself a coffee and a sandwich as I had no time to make breakfast.

20 Minutes later I entered my office, finished my coffee, and looked at my schedule before telling the nurse to let in the first patient. 'At least today it's not going to be half as busy as yesterday.' I thought and smiled and the grinning little girl who sat in a wheelchair and was rolled in by her mother.

"Good morning, Jin Mi. Seeing your mood I guess you already know that you won't need a wheelchair any longer."

"Yes, doctor. But my mother still thinks it's better to sit until my legs got more rest."

I smiled and shook my head. "Your mother is worried and that is a good thing. But there is no need for a wheelchair. Now stand up and show me how you walk." The girl smiled brightly and followed my instruction.

I took a break at 3 pm and walked through the hospital after eating in the hospital's cafeteria. I greeted nurses, other doctors, and even a few patients who were staying here for a longer period. I loved my job but somehow I was a little bored with it. Or maybe I was bored with my life?

If I wasn't at the hospital I would be at home or my girlfriend's home. Well, now that I was single again my life would get even more boring. I needed an adventure. Maybe I should finally take a vacation? I still have 10 days after all. But what should I do during that time? Usually, I would spend time with my girlfriend....

Often I would spend some time with my sister too. I always felt bad for getting on her nerves but she would always assure me that she didn't mind at all when I spent time with her because she loved it.

I was not sure if she told the truth or was just trying to not make me feel bad but in any way, I shouldn't pester her too much. She has her own life after all. Maybe I should help her get a boyfriend? I never see her with someone...

I was deeply thinking about my boring life when I caught a glimpse of a familiar-looking person. I stopped walking and took a closer look. A man was walking a few meters ahead and I recognized him immediately. I was not sure why I suddenly panicked but I did and therefore looked for the perfect spot to hide. I found it on my right side in a corner behind a drinking machine. As he wasn't looking to the front he didn't see me and that made me sigh in relief.

The man I saw was the person I not only told my darkest secret while I was drunk but I even puked on him greatly. I was not sure which of these two things made me feel the most embarrassed but it shouldn't matter right now because he came closer.

From the place I was hiding, I could watch him walking towards the spot I was standing earlier when I spotted him. I heard his phone ringing and saw him answering it. He listened and whatever the caller said made the man chuckle before his eyes moved towards my hiding place. I quickly moved deeper into the shadows and only a minute later did I allowed myself to take a look again.

The man was gone.

I sighed in relief but then frowned irritated. 'Why am I even hiding? So what I told him my secret? He doesn't know me and probably didn't care what kind of problems other people had. Also, I was drunk when I told him. Did I puke at him? Next time I see him I will just apologize!'

I shook my head and stepped out of my hiding place before walking in the opposite direction the guy early went. It doesn't hurt to take the long way back to my office. I mean, I was sitting often so walking was healthy, right?

I thought I wouldn't see that man again but I was wrong. I met him again only 10 minutes later and this time he spotted me as well. Either he didn't remember me or he didn't care because he did not walk up to me at all. I doubted he gets puked often so there was no way he didn't remember me. Everything happened two days ago. So maybe he didn't care? But that didn't make me feel better because I felt bad for puking at him. He was the one who cleaned it up without complaining so he was probably not a bad guy, right?

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realize he was walking up to me. His eyes were on me so I got nervous and wanted to run away. "It is you! And the way you behave means you remember me too, right?" The guy said and I immediately bowed.

"I am sorry! I was drunk and couldn't control what I was saying and doing. I am sorry!" I apologized right away. It was quiet for a while before that man started to laugh.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked amused.

"I- ...because I was- ... p-puking on you. I am really sorry..." I mumbled embarrassed and he laughed again. Because of that, I stopped bowing. He didn't seem to be angry at all and when I looked up I understood that he was rather amused than angry. I must have looked shocked or something because he laughed even louder.

"What? You thought I would yell at or attack you or something?"

I didn't answer but I didn't have to. I expected something similar and that must have been shown on my face.

"Hey, if I would have been angry I wouldn't have to bother cleaning up the mess you made. I mean, you got drunk because you had some problems. I am not angry. I would say you even opened my eyes."

I frowned and looked at him questioningly. "O-opened your eyes? By being.... drunk?" I asked confused and he nodded with a smile.

"You loved your girlfriend but she broke up with you. You were devastated and drunk until you got wasted."

"So?" I asked carefully because I did not understand what he meant.

"I had a lot of girlfriends before but I am a person who gets quite bored after a while. So I tend to break up with them pretty quickly and leave while they are still crying and begging me not to leave them because they loved me. Stuff like that. Well, what happens to them after I leave them I do not know but seeing your.... hmm... situation at the bar I think I know now." He answered and smiled at me. "Thanks for showing me this. Ah, don't get me wrong, I am not mocking you or anything. I am just very thankful and decided to not be such an ass in the future" He grinned and showed me his perfect white teeth.

"Y-your w-welcome..."I stuttered. This guy was weird but... if I could prevent him from breaking other people's hearts that I am quite proud of myself. Especially when I knew just how painful a broken heart can be. After all, I was dumped 18 times already. But then again, maybe I should ....

"But I think that you don't have to change at all. Sure, it's not nice what you did but ... Woman are not innocent and not very different from men anyway. They play with your hearts and when they have enough they throw you away and look for a new plaything." I was shocked that I dared to say such horrific words out loud. It's true that I indeed thought about this but I would never have spoken out. Yet I did just that. To a stranger at that.

The guy raised his brows at me and I could feel how I blushed.

"Why do you think so?" He asked me. "Because of your ex-girlfriends? True, maybe one of my exes is also yours? How many did you have again? 18 or 19, right? So it could be that we share someone."

I frowned. "How did you know?" I asked suspiciously before reminding myself that I told him that himself. I bit my lips and probably blushed even more.

"I guess I do not have to answer anymore." He winked. "Stop crying over women who did not recognize a fine man in front of them. You are beautiful, buddy. I am sure you will find someone."

I gaped at him and he raised his brows. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

'He just called me... beautiful?' I thought surprised. "That is the first time someone said I am beautiful. Usually, they call me handsome." I admitted and he grinned again.

"Well, you are both. Except when you puke on people. I have no experience with people puking on me because you were the first one who dared to do so. My favorite jacket suffered a lot."

"I am sorry....." I mumbled and laughed.

"It's okay, I lost it somewhere anyway." He said and came closer. "But shouldn't you be responsible for that incident?"

"Ah... sure... what did the jacked cost? I will pay for it!" I answered and took my wallet out of my pocket. He shook his head.

"No need to pay. It was not that expensive. Think about something else and then call me." He winked at me before giving me a piece of paper. "Now I have to leave. My secretary had a little accident at my company and I need to check if she is alright. Make sure to think about how you want to make up to me. I will await your call." He waved and left.

I stood there for a few minutes not quite sure what to think about what just happened. This man, looking at the business card he gave his name was Wang HaoXuan, was weird. But I have to say I am quite relieved he is not angry with me. It's a good thing that he let me off the hook so easily. I just have to think about how to make it up to him. Maybe going out for a drink and pay for it?

Suddenly there was an announcement.

- Dr. Song Ji Yang, your next patient is waiting in your office. I repeated, Dr. Song Ji Yang, your next patient is waiting in your office -

I widened my eyes and looked at my watch. I was late by 15 minutes already. 'Damn it, I forgot the time!' I thought and run back into my office.

I entered my apartment at 7 pm and immediately went to the kitchen to make myself some instant noodles but before I opened one pack, someone rang my doorbell.

"Who is it?" I asked curiously and received an answer right away.

"It's me, little brother. Come on, open up!" My sister said and I chuckled before opening the door.

"What do you want, Wei Wei? It's late already."

"I know but as you just came back from work I thought you might be hungry. I cooked too much and want to share it with you." She smiled and showed me the tray with food.

"Wei Wei, when do you learn to stop cooking too much, huh? I am not your trash bin. Or.... Are you doing it on purpose?"

"You got me, Ji Yang. I just love to cook for you because I like to see how you enjoy my food. Here, this time I made pasta." He gave me the tray and was about to leave but stopped when she seemed to have spotted something interesting. "Do you have a visitor? Whose jacket is that?"

I looked where she was pointing and when I saw the jacket again I understood something. 'That must be the jacket from Wang HaoXuan.'

"It belongs to someone," I answered and my sister raised her brows.

"Your girlfriend is here?" She asked and I remembered that she didn't know yet about me being dumped again.

"I am alone and that woman .... she is not my girlfriend anymore."

"Oh...." She said and patted my back. "Again? Well... It's okay, Ji Yang. If you need a shoulder, you know where to find me. But ... maybe you should stop seeing women and take a break? I can't stand it seeing you so heartbroken all the time. How about we spend the weekend together? Just you and me. I will cook for you and we will watch Netflix or can just .... you know, talk about everything. Maybe you will feel better?"

"Wei Wei, you need a boyfriend!" I laughed but she frowned.

"No, I do not. I have you. That is enough." She answered but I shook my head.

"If you keep hanging out with your little brother all the time, when do you want to get married? Want to wait until I got married?" I asked her amused and she frowned.

"Let's talk about that when we meet on weekend. And give me back the tray! You don't deserve my food today. Pfft!" She said, took the tray, and left for her own apartment.

"She is 3 years older than me but behaves like 13 years old." I shook my head and closed the door before going back to the kitchen. After I ate my noodles I decided to take a closer look at the jacket and was shocked to see that it was of top quality and from a famous brand. He said it wasn't expensive but after looking it up I found out it cost as much as 4 months of my salary.

I quickly looked up how to clean this jacket without ruining it and after 2 hours I finally managed to not only get rid of the smell but also of the stain. It looked like a new one and I was proud of myself.

Afterward, I took a shower and went to bed. I decided to call that man the next day and give him back his jacket. Then there was no need to repay him, right?

To be continued....

That's it for today. So we found out a little more about these two precious people. I can't wait to find out how HaoXuan will 'seduce' Ji Yang. But he probably will, right? 

I would like to know what happens next but the next chapter will be about our main couple again ^^ 

It seems that our little naughty sunshine gets a visit from his grandparents :) I hope that a specific person can behave.... 

And.... is that our tough officer laying in a hospital bed with a grumpy expression? I would like to know who the appointed doctor will be..... 

The next chapter hopefully comes out next weekend. I say hopefully because the coming week will be my last week before my vacation and I might have a lot to do. Especially if one of my colleagues is still on sick leave and I have to take over her work as well. 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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