Chapter 10: The confident Wangs and a naughty little boy

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Sorry for the delay! I am currently getting help from Wattpad regarding my log-in issue and hope it will work out. I am still not able to log in like usual. How I managed to get in now I am not sure .... I hope this issue is going to be solved soon. 

Let's see if this story will get uploaded. I hope you will enjoy this new chapter and hope there are no mistakes. 

Have Fun <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

As I walked out of my room I tried to figure out a way to stay away from Yibo because no matter what I tried to tell myself, I still loved him. Should he really do what he just said, I had to admit that the chances of me losing against him were quite high. But I couldn't give in. Yibo was married and he had a son. No way will I be the one who destroys a family.

I nodded to myself and walked into the living room where I found Zhou Cheng. I widened my eyes when I saw his condition. He had a badly cracked lip and his knuckles were wounded.

"What happened!?" I asked him and saw him grinning when I sat next to him on the couch.

"What do you think? I got that asshole! He tried to flee so I went after him. He struggled and I beat the shit out of him." He announced proudly before we both heard a shocked voice.

"That were two bad words! In this house, bad words are not allowed! If mommy finds out...." FanXing looked at us seriously until he started to grin. "... she is going to beat the shit out of you."

Zhou Cheng and I widened our eyes and FanXing giggled.

"What is so funny?" Xuan Lu asked amused as she entered the living room. Both, Zhou Cheng and I nervously looked at each other but it was FanXing who answered.

"Nothing. Officer's lip looks funny." He answered.

"Don't say that, darling. I am sure it hurts very badly. So don't laugh at that." Xuan Lu reprimanded her son.

"Hey, Officer," FanXing called Zhou Cheng and climbed between us on the couch. "Where do you live?" He asked him.

"In an apartment in XX street. Why?" Zhou Cheng asked, obviously glad the little boy changed the topic.

"No, I mean right now! You always here pretty fast so you must live close to here."

"Oh, down the street in the house of a high-ranked but now retired police officer."

"Where exactly? Down the streets are many houses..."

"Why do you want to know?" He asked confused and looked at FanXing slightly suspiciously. FanXing was quiet for a while until he answered the question. To me, it looked like he was searching for the perfect answer so I started to ask myself what this little boy was up to now.

"So that I can run to you for help when I am in danger." He smiled brightly and blinked innocently with his eyes. While Zhou Cheng nodded understandably I frowned. 'Something is fishy...'

"I live in the big blue house down the street with Mr. Yuen." Zhou Cheng said and FanXIng nodded.

"So you live with Uncle Steven? He is a funny uncle. He was a police officer?"

"Yes, he was. He is still one of the best in the history of our police department and also a former Admiral of the Naval Forces."

"Woah! Cool! Mommy, I want to visit Uncle Steven and talk with him!" FanXing jumped up and down and Xuan Lu sighed.

"We will see about that. Now I have to leave for work. Later your uncle will come by and check on Xiao Zhan so be a good boy today, okay?" She said and FanXing frowned.

"But I am always a good boy..."

"Oh, really? Your father told me about your little water experiment in the kitchen yesterday." Xuan Lu raised her brows.

"It was just an accident!"FanXing hid his blushing face on my chest. Xuan Lu sighed but shook her head in amusement before turning to the door. "Yibo, are you coming? You wanted to drive me to the vet." She called for Yibo who appeared 30 seconds later.

"I am ready." He said to her before looking at me. I quickly looked away and started to have a conversation with Zhou Cheng, asking him about last night and his mission.

"Daddy will go to work, FanXing. When I come back, I want the kitchen- no, I want the whole house to be in the condition it is as we speak. Okay?"

FanXing did not dare to look at his parents but he nodded. Once they were gone he grinned mischievously. I chuckled. "Keep your promise, FanXing." I warned him and he nodded innocently. He looked way too innocent so I decided to keep an eye on him.

I turned to Zhou Cheng. "You said you beat up... that criminal?"

"Yes." He smiled proudly for a moment until he frowned. "But he wants to sue me. The police chief was not happy and removed me from all missions until Meng Yao was caught."

"He will sue you!?"

"He can try but he will achieve nothing. I did nothing wrong... well, I might have hit him stronger than necessary but in my opinion, he deserved it. I hate criminals. If they stole something I don't mind. But if they hit, rape, or kill people I sometimes lose my self-control."

"Sometimes?" A voice asked amused and I looked at the door where Haikuan stood.

"Okay, fine. Maybe sometimes more often but I don't feel bad about it." Zhou Cheng answered not realizing that it wasn't me who spoke.

"Anger management issues are no joke, officer. You could hurt innocent people. Especially once you are drunk." Haikuan said and I saw Zhou Cheng frowning before glaring at my doctor.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed and Haikuan nodded towards me.

"Checking on my patient but..." He looked at Zhou Cheng's lips and hands. "It seems Xiao Zhan is not the only patient in this house."

"Uncle!!" FanXing ran up to his uncle who picked him.

"How did it go?" He asked silently but I still heard him.

"I don't have to take a bath for three days." FanXing grinned and Haikuan winked at him.

"So it worked. Now, what about my payment?" He asked his nephew and I heard how FanXing told him about the place Zhou Cheng was living in. I shook my head when Haikuan let his nephew down.

I grabbed my crutch and walked up to him. "You use your nephew to get information about Zhou Cheng?" I whispered and he shrugged his shoulders with a grin.

"There is no way Zhou Cheng will tell me himself. Difficult times require tough measures." He answered before looking at my leg. "How is it going?" He asked and nodded when he saw my face.

"Do you mind if I take care of his wounds first before concentrating on you?" He asked as he pointed at Zhou Cheng who tried to ignore Haikuan's existence.

"If you tell me what happened between you two. You know each other before you met in the hospital."

He smiled. "I met him in a club about 5 months ago. Our meeting was.... instructive. At least for me."

"What happened?" I wanted to know.

"Hmm... he was throwing kind of a tantrum because of his work. He also drunk a little much and I had to attend to him when he picked up a fight. Anyway, that is enough for you to know. Let's just say... I am more than happy to have met him again. I had a lot of fun that night." He smiled mischievously before patting my shoulder, taking his bag, and walking up to the officer who looked at him suspiciously.

I really wanted to know what happened between them but I also understood that it was their privacy. I kind of knew that whatever it was that happened, I doubt it was suitable for minors. But my curiosity was stubborn.

"Big brother!" FanXing whispered as he tugged on my pants. "May I go out?"

"Where to?"

"I want to play with aunt's animals. She lives not far from here." He explained and looked up at me with puppy eyes. I wasn't sure if he was allowed to just leave on his own so I called Xuan Lu who told me that it was fine as long as FanXing announced his arrival.

"I will call her and let her know FanXing is coming over." Xuan Lu said and two minutes later FanXing was gone. Xuan Lu told me that the aunt FanXing was talking about was not only a neighbor but also an old friend and also a client of hers. She has four dogs, seven cats, a pig, two horses, six bunnies, a rooster, and a lot of hens. When I heard that I knew why FanXing loved to stay over. As a kid, I loved playing with animals as well.

Once FanXing was gone I decided to watch Haikuan and Zhou Cheng in the living room. I did not want to be nosy but I was very curious how Haikuan wanted to court the officer who was not very fond of the doctor. Probably because of whatever happened in that club months ago.

Haikuan sat next to Zhou Cheng who gritted his teeth and wanted to get up immediately but the doctor pulled him back. "Let me treat your wounds properly."

"They will heal on their own, Dr. Wang. I would appreciate it if you let go of me."

Haikuan chuckled. "You do sound pretty good being all politely but I have to say I like the grumpy and coursing officer a lot better."

"I have no time for your jokes, doc.! Let go!"

"Joke? Do you think this is a joke? How about the night in the club? In my opinion, it was far from being a joke. To me, it looked very serious."

"Stop mention the club, you asshole!" Zhou Cheng hissed and wanted to get up.

"I told Xiao Zhan I would treat you first before I would concentrate on him. But if you don't let me treat your wounds, Xiao Zhan's turn will never come. I would feel too guilty, thinking I failed to be a good doctor as I could not treat someone's wounds. I might as well quit my job and leave."

I shook my head hearing Haikuan using me to get Zhou Cheng's obedience. I knew the officer only for a few weeks and he might look very intimidating and others might think he is a very aggressive man but once you got to know him you will figure out that is just something Zhou Cheng wants others to see. Very deep inside is a normal and friendly man. So it didn't surprise me that the officer sat back on the couch while glaring at Haikuan as if he wanted to kill him.

Haikuan on the other hand just smiled innocently while taking out pads, a bottle of fluid which was probably alcohol, some cotton swabs, and ointment. "There you go. I like obedient patients the most."

Zhou Cheng growled at him and Haikuan chuckled. "Sorry, of course I mean I like you the most."

I flinched when Zhou Cheng raised his hands to hit Haikuan but the latter managed to avoid it at the last moment. "Now, now. I don't mind you hitting criminals but don't you dare to hit innocent people."

Zhou Cheng started shaking and it obviously was out of anger. "For what you did in the club shows you are a damn criminal!"

"Oh! Now you were the one who mentioned the club! I am not allowed but you are? Okay fine, whatever my officer wants. But please get the facts right, Zhou Cheng. What I did was not a crime. It's not like I made you drink or forced you to do anything you didn't want and when you think hard you will realize what I say is the truth. You on the other hand could pass as a criminal. That brings us back to hitting innocent people."

Zhou Cheng was very angry right now and Haikuan frowned. "Stop chewing on your lip. Let me take care of that crack, alright?" He then smiled before clearing the wound and starting to apply the ointment. The officer flinched a few times and one could see the ointment did not make things better. It seems to sting pretty much and I felt sorry for him. But only a little because what gave him the pain was a crack on his lip and later the bruises on his hands. I, on the other hand, had a far deeper and bigger wound so he didn't really deserve my pity. I was the one who needed it. Especially now that my leg started to make himself noticeable again.

While Haikuan turned to Zhou Cheng's hands the latter frowned and moved his lips more than necessary. Even the toughest police officer can feel pain.

"Stop that, will you?" Haikuan said.

"It hurts!" Zhou Cheng hissed.

"The pain will go away at some point. By the way, if you hate pain so much why do you beat up people and get hurt yourself?"

"None of your business, doc!" Zhou Cheng then tried to wash the ointment from his but Haikuan grabbed his hands before he could do so.

"Be good!" Haikuan said and didn't blink when Zhou Cheng once again glared at him as if he wanted to kill him.

"I don't care about the wound. The ointment stings so I want to remove it. Let go!"

Both men stared at each other for a while before Haikuan sighed and gave in. "I am not strong enough to deny any of my precious officer's wishes. I will remove it for you."

Zhou Cheng was visibly surprised that Haikuan gave in but in the next moment, the look of surprise was replaced by a look of shock. Haikuan let go of Zhou Cheng's hands, placed his own hand on the officer's neck, and pulled him closer before he stuck out his tongue and licked the ointment from Zhou Cheng's lips.

I gaped at this bold move and watched them as Zhou Cheng got furious and charged at Haikuan. He pushed the doctor on the couch, grabbed the base of his neck, and raised his hand as if he wanted to hit him. But thankfully he didn't move and just kept this position while glaring at the doctor beneath him.

Haikuan did not show any fear and smiled innocently. "Don't you think this position is comfortable? If our roles were switched I would like it even more." He winked at Zhou Cheng who growled. "Why are you so angry? I just removed the ointment. How about you calm down again and let me treat your hands so I can take care of Xiao Zhan?"

The officer wanted to beat Haikuan up, I could see that clearly but he gritted his teeth and sat back on the couch before Haikuan treated the wounds on the officer's hands. I frowned seeing Haikuan even more satisfied than before and once he finished his work and the officer left the room with clenched fists, the doctor approached me.

"You... that was rather bold, don't you think?" I asked him a little shocked and he grinned.

"You may not know it but the bolder someone is, the more confident he is about achieving his goal. I am this bold because I am confident to make Zhou Cheng mine. Anyway, did you see it? Whenever he is angry his whole face turns red but once he is embarrassed or gets shy, his neck will change color as well. When I licked him he was both angry and shy. Isn't he cute?" He smiled happily.

I shook my head. He was a strange guy. "Eh.... Sure...if you... if you say so..." I stuttered and he grinned.

"Let's check on your leg, shall we? Where is your room?" He asked and I pointed towards the room I was staying in. He nodded and walked up to it while I followed him.

"Lay down and I will look at your leg." He said and I followed his order. He then pulled down my pants and took a look at the bandage. "I will remove them and late give you new ones. Let's see...."

He put on latex gloves, carefully removed the bandages, and checked the wound. I looked at it too and had to say it was not as big as before but I could see that it would leave a pretty big scar. With his fingers, he started to touch around my leg and then nodded.

"The wound is healing pretty good and I can remove the stitches today. The pain you are feeling are mostly the muscles inside. I can't do anything about that for now. We have to see how your physiotherapy with Dr. Song will turn out. I advise you to move your leg more often from now on. It will help a lot. Albeit it will not help you to walk normally right away. It will probably take a while until that happens. Do you want me to remove the stitches here? Or do you want to go to the hospital with me?" He asked and I looked at him seriously.

"When can I take a bath? Or at least a shower?"

He laughed. "That seems to be the most important thing for you now. Once I removed the stitches I will apply an ointment which should be absorbed fully. I advise you to wait a few hours before you take a bath and when you do make sure the wound will not get wet. At least not today"

I sighed in relief before I frowned. "How am I supposed to bathe when my leg is not allowed to get wet?"

"Someone has to help you take a bath. Do you want me to send in a nurse? Or maybe my brother can help you." He said while preparing the utensil to remove the stitches.

"Neither!" I said and he looked at me in surprise.

"Why? The nurses are trained to help and they already saw you naked anyway. If that makes you shy, then my brother could help. He is a man himself and shouldn't make you shy."

I shook my head and he frowned confused. "Then you can't take a bath because I might sound selfish but I will not allow it that Zhou Cheng helps you!"

I blinked and shook my head. "You are a doctor and should do the best for your patient. It's the wrong place to get jealous."

He looked at me all serious and I sighed. "Then how about you help me?"

"I really don't understand why you don't want my brother to help you. There is nothing he didn't see already as he is also a man and I am sure Xuan Lu doesn't mind either." Now I looked at him seriously and he shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. I will help you then. That means I have to wait here and can spend some more time with Zhou Cheng. I hope he gets jealous...." He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"Then it's a deal. Let's start." I said and when he was getting closer with his utensils I stopped him. "Wait! Will it.... hurt?"

"Maybe a little but you have to endure it. I am not going to give you sedatives for this" He explained with a soft smile and I closed my eyes.

"Be gentle, okay? I am already in pain and don't need more. How many stitches are there?"

"I will try. Only 17 stitches." He answered and patted my healthy leg.


He laughed. "Is that a lot? I don't think so... it shouldn't hurt much. Now don't move."

Removing the stitches wasn't as painful as when he applied the ointment. 'Think about the bath. Think about the bath.'

"Okay, it's done. How are you feeling?" He asked me and I snorted. "Well, you do look pale. How about you get some rest?" He asked amused.

I nodded and before he left I called him. "Don't annoy him so much."

"I won't. But a little bit of teasing should be fine. Anyway, when will FanXing coming back from the neighbor?"

"Around 5 pm,"I mumbled and fell asleep.

When I woke up a few hours later I wanted to amputate my leg. Haikuan heard me wailing and came in a few seconds later. He reached for my leg and started to massage it. "That is why I told you to move your leg more often. I advise you to go to Dr. Song tomorrow. He will help you find the perfect exercises so the cramps are not as bad as now. Are you using the ointment I gave you every morning and evening?"

"I try to," I answered sheepishly.

"Trying is not enough, Xiao Zhan. Believe me, it will help do reduce the pain and the cramps. I will tell my brother to make sure you use it frequently"

"No need! I will do it, okay? No need for him to babysit me." I said but he shook his head.

"Better have him check on you. Now tell me, how is your leg?"

"Fine, thank you," I mumbled.

"Good. It's almost 6 pm. I did not want to wake you up when you were sleeping so peacefully."

"Sure, that was the reason. It definitely had nothing to do with a certain officer... Tell me, is he alive?"

"I am a doctor, Xiao Zhan. I save patients. I do not kill them. Zhou Cheng is doing just fine. He is ignoring me though...."

"What a surprise..." I mocked him and he grinned. "Hey, is FanXing back?" I asked alerted and he nodded.

"He came back an hour ago, don't worry. It seemed he had a lot of fun as he is giggling to himself the whole time. Yibo and Xuan Lu will come back together any moment."

"I see...."

"Now how about a bath?" He asked amused.

"God, yes please!"

He filled the bathtub with water and helped me inside while making sure my upper leg is not exposed to water. I felt still shy letting him see me naked but this was better than Haikuan sending a nurse or when Yibo would help me.

"Heaven.." I sighed and heard him chuckling. Then the door opened and FanXing came in. I widened my eyes seeing him covered in mud.

"Eww, why are you bathing?"

"Because I need and love it. And the way you look right now you require a bath as well. What did you do?"

"I played with piggy." He grinned.

"Let me guess, the pig?" I asked and he nodded. "You need a bath, FanXing."

"No! I don't need to bathe for two more days! Right, uncle?" He asked Haikuan who sighed.

"Usually I would be on your side, FanXing, but not this time. You are covered in mud and need a bath. You are a human, not a pig!"

"But-" He tried to argue but Haikuan shook his head firmly. He stomped with his feet and glared at Haikuan. "Fine! Then I will take a bath..."

"Good boy." The doctor smiled.

"... together with the Officer!" FanXin finished his sentence, stuck out his tongue, and ran outside. I laughed out loud while Haikuan frowned.

"This little piece of-"

"Haikuan!" I called him in shock and he looked annoyed. "He is just a child."

"A little devil he is."

"Are you really jealous because FanXing will see him naked?"

Haikuan's expression brightened and he grinned. "Who cares? I saw Zhou Cheng naked already." He nodded satisfied and ignored my shocked and questionable look.

After 25 minutes the bath was over. It was quite embarrassing having Haikuan watching and helping me to wash.

"Do you think I can bath alone next time?" I asked him and he grinned while I put on the bathrobe.

"You don't have to be shy in front of me. I am a doctor and you have nothing I don't have. Careful, the floor is slippery." He warned me and helped me to walk out of the bathroom while I held his arm. I stopped when I saw Yibo standing in the middle of the room.

"Why are you here?" He asked his brother rather unfriendly.

"Checking on my patient, what else?"

"So you following him to the bathroom?"

"He wanted to take a bath and without help, he can't so I helped him. What is your problem, little brother?" Haikuan was confused about Yibo's reaction but before he could dwell on it we heard FanXing's small voice.

"Let's take a bath next time again."

"FanXing! Don't bother the officer! He has work do to and has no time to play with you!" Haikuan ran out of the room and I was alone with Yibo. It was quiet and I stayed in front of the bathroom as I couldn't walk without my crutch which was leaning against the wall opposite if my bed.

Yibo walked up to me and I instinctively moved backward. I was punished for this immediately as my leg gave in and I was about to hit the floor. Yibo caught me in time and helped me to the bed. I didn't say anything, not even a thank you.

"How about I will help you taking a bath next time?" He asked and I stared at him in shock.

"No need, thank you! I can bathe on my own. If not then I will ask Haikuan or Zhou Cheng."

"Why not me? Do you know that behaving like this makes it obvious for your feelings for me?"

I snorted. "You are wrong, Yibo. I never had feelings for you not will I ever have them. It was just one night! I was sexually frustrated that time, okay? You were there and I thought why not taking advance of that. Stop imagining weird things and leave so I can get dressed." I answered and somehow it felt easier saying these words.

"You can say what you want but I know better. Your words and reactions that night.... You are lying right now. I will make you tell the truth soon enough, Xiao Zhan." He said and when I glared at him he moved closer and pressed a kiss on my lips. Before I could push him away he pulled back and licked his lips. "You still taste the same...." He said and left.

I was angry right now but I also felt weak. I was determined to make him stop behaving like this but just one fucking kiss was making me weak already! I hated myself for that when I actually should hate Yibo.

He was the one who tried to cheat on his wife using me for that. He did not change at all in the last 5 years but why can't I hate him? Why is he so confident? He is even bold enough to kiss me while his wife is at home?

I remembered Haikuan's words. 'The bolder someone is, the more confident he is about achieving his goal.' Did I do anything that makes him believe I would give in to him?

I wouldn't! No matter what. But despite this decision, I still caught myself how I secretly stole glances at Yibo. Especially now when I sat across from him at the dining table after Haikuan and Zhou Cheng left and Xuan Lu cooked dinner. He didn't look at me first but seeing him smirking out of nowhere I knew he saw it. I quickly looked away.

While FanXing talked about how he had a lot of fun at the neighbors today and Xuan Lu listened to him with a smile, I avoided Yibo's eyes when he looked at me and pretended to listen to the little boy's story.

Just then I felt a foot caressing my healthy leg. I widened my eyes when the foot moved upwards until it poked against my crotch. I hit the table loudly and everyone looked at me.

"Is something wrong, Xiao Zhan?" Yibo asked innocently and I wanted to cry. 'Why is he doing this!?'

"Does your leg hurt again? Do you want me to call Haikuan?" Xuan Lu asked me worried.

"N-no. It's bearable. Thank you, Xuan Lu." I answered and gritted my teeth when Yibo moved his foot up and down. 'Please... someone help me...' I begged silently.

Suddenly Xuan Lu's phone rang and he took the call after leaving the dining room.

"Big brother, you want me to massage your leg?" FanXing asked, jumped up, and walked up to me. When he reached me, Yibo pulled back his foot and I let out a silent sigh. I flinched seconds later when FanXing's small hands were massaging my leg. Or rather he patted it carefully. Yibo watched his son with a frown.

When Xuan Lu came back she also had a frown on her face. "Where is the little troublemaker?" She asked and looked down at FanXing who tried to hide under the table.

"What is wrong?" Yibo asked his wife who sighed.

"The neighbor called. She told me that she is missing a few animals." She explained and looked back at FanXing. "Darling, care to tell us where you hid them?"

"I didn't hide them. I just took them home to play." He answered.

"You know you can't just take them home with you! That is called stealing."

"I didn't steal, mommy! I borrowed them." FanXing pouted.

"What animals did you take with you? And where are they right now?" Yibo asked strictly as he looked at his son.

"In the garden...." FanXing mumbled and Yibo sighed before standing up. Xuan Lu followed her husband and when both were gone FanXing giggled.

"This is going to be fun. Let's go and watch daddy." He said and pulled on my arm.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" I asked and looked at the boy. "Which animals did you take?" I asked him but before he could answer I heard Yibo yelling.

"Oh, come one!! FanXing! Couldn't you take the dogs or cats?"

FanXing laughed and run into the garden. I took the crutch and followed him only to see Yibo trying to catch a few hens who were running away from him at full speed. I looked at the little boy amused because he was right. This was fun to watch.

"Where are you looking?" I asked FanXing who stared in a specific direction.

"He is coming." He whispered gleefully and pointed at another animal who was running towards Yibo.

The rooster!

And he did not look happy at all that Yibo tried to catch the hens. Once he was close to Yibo he tried to attack him resulting in Yibo running away. FanXing had the time of his life watching his father trying to catch the hens while avoiding the furious rooster. Even Xuan Lu couldn't stop laughing.

"FanXing!!" Yibo yelled and now I had to laugh.

In the end, we had to call Zhou Cheng and also his housemate, the retired Officer Steven Yeun for help. It took them two hours to catch the animals and bring them back to their place. When I saw how the rooster glared at Yibo it was obvious he hated Yibo to the guts.

'I like this rooster. Maybe I should use him as my bodyguard. with him, Yibo will think twice before go near me again...'

FanXing did not want to tell us how he managed to get the animals to the garden. Not even after he got reprimanded by his parents which didn't make him lose the smile on his face.

Once everything was over I went to the bathroom to get ready for the bed. FanXing insisted to sleep with me again and I allowed it. I liked having someone I could sleep with as FanXing was not the only one who had nightmares. Yibo didn't try anything stupid anymore. I understood that Haikuan spoke with him once Yibo came into my room to make sure I was using the ointment. He tried to send FanXing back to his own room but the little boy didn't want to. He almost started to cry.

"Let him, Yibo. He doesn't want to sleep alone. You know what he went through." Xuan Lu said from the door. "Why are you so against him sleeping with Xiao Zhan?"

Yibo didn't answer her question and gave in. "Fine, then. I can't win against the two of you anyway."

"Smart man." Xuan Lu giggled and they left together.

FanXing fell asleep instantly and I followed his example.

To be continued...

I will stop here for today.

I have to say I don't like Yibo's actions. What he is doing right in front of his wife is disgusting! I really hope he knows what he does because usually, it will backfire. Or maybe not?

Anyway, I am not sure when the next chapter will come out but I hope it will be finished by next Saturday (the latest!) and will start with HaoXuan's POV. Here I want to tell you something. The couple HaoXuan and Ji Yang will not necessarily share the same timeline as the other two couples. Sometimes they do, e.g. when they met, but mostly the timeline will be different. 

See you on sunday <3 <3 <3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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