Chapter 8: Yibo's announcement

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Here we gooo with a longer Chapter.^^

Hope you enjoy <3 <3 

HaoXuan's POV

It was not difficult to find the doctor. He was sitting at the bar and drank. When I approached him he must have had a few glasses of whatever he was drinking already as his head was laying on the counter and he was sobbing silently.

'Poor Thing...' I thought amusedly, sat down, and ordered a beer while keeping an eye on Song Ji Yang.

"Your beer." The barkeeper gave me a bottle of my favorite drink and I nodded at the sobbing guy next to me.

"What's with him?" I asked innocently and the barkeeper shrugged his shoulders.

"Got dumped. It seems to have been happened a lot to him so he is-"

"HAH!" Song Ji Yang jumped off and glared at us. "So I am what? Pathetic? Is that it? You talked to her, didn't you? She said the same thing when she left me! Like all the others too. Why am I pathetic? WHY?"

"Here we go again...." The barkeeper mumbled. "Don't ever say the p-word." He warned me and quickly walked away. I grinned and looked at the drunk man who was still glaring at me.

"Your girlfriend said that? That you are pathetic?"

"You make fun of me!?" He growled, wobbled up to me, and grabbed my shirt.

"Nah, why should I? I am just thinking that maybe the expectations of that woman are too high. It's not always our fault, you know?"

The doctor mumbled something and sat down on the chair next to me.

"Ever got dumped? This is not a good feeling, I tell you. Got dumped a lot. 18 times. Am a pro." He muttered and then laughed. "I won. I am the champion. Get me my badge!" He shouted, took his glass, and drank the ingredient in one shot.

I had a hard time not laughing. This guy sure was funny when he was drunk. "Woah, 18 times? How do you do that? Can you give me some advice? Might use it when my next girlfriend is clinging onto me." I said with a serious face.

"NO!" He shouted. "No. No. No. Being dumped is bad. Don't wish this for anyone... except all those who dumped me." He grinned and raised his hands to call the barkeeper over.

"Hey, buddy. How about you drink some beer, huh? It's not as strong as your drink but tastes just as good." I suggested and filled his glass with the beer I ordered.

"Beer? Oh, beer is good." He mumbled and took the bottle out of my hands. I was surprised but then shook my head in amusement before taking his glass to drink from.

"What was the reason for them dumping you? I mean, you are one hell of a funny guy. And a good-looking one too." I asked innocently and saw him frowning. He looked at me suspiciously and then giggled.

"Am a bad man. I am bad. Not good enough. Cant give them what they want."

"I doubt that," I told him and thought about the real reason for his failed relationships. His newest ex-girlfriend revealed this secret only when B. fucked her hard until she couldn't even remember her name. B. looked as innocent as a man could look and seldom loose control but when he did.... It's one hell of a show. "Tell me, what is the secret?" I asked the doctor after he drank the bottle empty.

"Oh! Pee! I have to pee, drank a lot." He mumbled and got up. When he was about to walk towards the toilets he stumbled and almost fell face-first on the floor. But before that happened I caught him.

"Be careful, buddy."

"Need to pee..." He whined and I shook my head before helping him to walk.

I brought him towards the urinal and let him relieve himself. I watched him and looked at the item in the doctor's hand. It has a perfect size, not too small and not too big. 'What a pity...' I chuckled and observed the doctor in amusement.

Song Ji Yang looked down on his cock and glared at it. "You're at fault! You asshole! Can't you behave like the others! Peeing you can but not giving pleasure!? What a joke!" He said and took his hands back. His cock hang back at his place and the doctor was peeing on his pants. Thankfully only a little before his bladder was empty.

"You peed yourself," I told him and he glared at me before coming closer and holding my shirt yet again.

"WHY IS IT MY FAULT!?" He yelled angrily and the sobbed. "He is just not doing what he is supposed to do! Why can it only pee? What about the other things it's supposed to give?! I watched porn! I had my girlfriends! Why cant it get hard!?"

"You are not able to..." I didn't finish the sentence as he sobbed against my chest and I let him be for a minute before holding him away. "Hey, maybe you just didn't found the right person yet. When she comes it will naturally do what it should." I told him and managed to not laugh. I couldn't even imagine my life without sex. It's one of the best things after all.

The doctor sobbed more and shook his head. "Useless! I am useless. I am not a man! A failure!" He cursed himself.

'What a poor guy....' I thought amused and patted his back. "Now now... how about you dress properly and then I will bring you home? Where do you live?"

It was hard work to bring this drunk man home. When we sat in the taxi he kept telling me about his tries to please his former girlfriends and how they laughed at him when he couldn't. He sobbed, then yelled in anger and started to hit his cock while cursing at him. The taxi driver was confused but had his fun watching the doctor from the rearview mirror.

"If you keep behaving like this the whole world will know about your little problem," I whispered amused in Song Ji Yang's ears and he shut up immediately. I glared at the driver and he paled instantly, not looking through the rearview mirror again.

In front of a big apartment complex, the taxi stopped and I helped the doctor out after telling the driver to wait for me. Song Ji Yang was quiet for the last 10 minutes and was half asleep. I managed to bring him to the 7th floor and in front of his apartment, we stopped. The doctor entered his password and seconds later the door opened.

"Good night, buddy. And stop drinking so much." I told him and wanted to leave but before I could do so I had a strange feeling. It was as if someone was watching me. The feeling came from behind me and as the doctor stood in front of me and the CCTV was on the end of the hall, it couldn't be because of them. I turned around but there was no one. Only the door to another apartment. Every floor had two. I walked up to the door and the feeling grew.

'Ah, it seems he has a nosy neighbor.' I thought and turned back to the doctor who still stood at the same place. I approached him again and then it happened. He threw up. On my coat which I bought only a month ago, and on the floor.

"Come on! Was that necessary? Couldn't you do that in your home?" I complained but the doctor just giggled. I shook my head and suppressed the urge to press his head in his vomit. Instead, I brought him inside his apartment and sat him down on the couch where he laid down and watched me with sleepy eyes.

I took off my coat and put it on the coffee table before searching through the apartment to find a bucket and a mop. Once I did, I cleaned the mess the doctor made and I put the things back where I found them. Then I left. After closing the door I looked over to the door of the next apartment but the feeling was gone.

I shook my head, left the building, and climbed into the taxi that brought me home. After taking a shower I went to bed but only slept for a few hours before I got up again to prepare everything for the move as I bought a new house with the gold card from my boss. One that was already fully furnished and only needed a clean-up. So I hired three companies to do that for me within the day. And while watching them I tried to figure out how I could approach the doctor the best.

At 11 pm the cleaners left with a huge loan after doing their job perfectly. I unpacked the boxes with my clothes, books, my DVD's and other stuff and went to bed the next day at three in the morning.

I still had no plan how to approach the doctor and if I didn't figure that out soon, the boss is going to be super mad at me.

Only 4 hours later I woke up as my phone rang. And when it didn't stop after minutes I growled and answered the call.

"It better be important or I am going to kill you, B!" I threatened.

"Come in right now!" B. said excitingly and ignored my threat.

"What for!? Listen, I only slept for about 10 hours in the last two days okay? Yesterday I moved and had a lot do to and the day before I was with that doctor until late at night! I am fucking tired!"

"And what if I tell you that I found out something interesting about our doctor's little problem? Something that might help you with your mission?" B. asked amused.

"Will be there in 30. And I dare you to disappoint me!"

Xiao Zhan's POV

I woke up with strong pain in my leg. I almost screamed but managed to stop myself at the last moment. When Haikuan told me that this would happen I never imagined that it would hurt this much. When I understood him right this pain means my leg is slowly healing.

Yes, I wanted my leg to heal but I could do without the pain, thank you. I grabbed the sheets and gritted my teeth for the next 7 minutes before the pain finally stopped. I took deep breaths and reached for the ointment I was given when leaving the hospital. I had to take it every morning and every evening but I remembered I didn't use it yesterday at all. So I sat up and caught up on that.

While doing so my door opened and FanXing ran inside. "Good morning!" He cheered and I laughed at his cheerfulness.

"Morning, FanXing. Did something happen or why are you so happy this early?"

"We are baking today!" he answered and jumped on my bed. "But what are you doing?"

"I have to use this so my leg can heal properly."

"Does it hurt?"

"Yes." I smiled and he pouted.

"I hate pain..." He mumbled and then frowned. "You are sweating. Did you have a nightmare?"

"Something similar, yes," I answered and looked down at myself. 'I desperately need a bath....'

"Breakfast is done. Good morning, Xiao Zhan." Yibo stood at the door and looked at us or rather looked at me. I felt uncomfortable and when I got up from the bed I turned to the boy.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him and he nodded before jumping down and running out of the room. I wanted to pass Yibo but it was not possible as he blocked the door.

"Why don't you look at me?" He asked and because of the way he said it, it sounded as if he was mocking me I immediately looked straight into his eyes.

"Happy now? May I leave and eat breakfast?"

"Not until you tell me the reason for your lying. You remember, Xiao Zhan. Don't try fooling me."

"I don't have time for this, Mr. Wang."

"Then you have to take your time." He answered and did not move one inch. I was super frustrated and sighed in relief when I heard Xuan Lu approaching us.

"What is taking so long, you two? FanXing is already fearing he will die of starvation if he can't eat in the next 30 seconds."

"We can't have that, can we?" I said and managed to pass Yibo. Once I entered the dining room I saw FanXing staring at his pancakes as if he wanted to hypnotize them. Once everyone sat down and Xuan Lu nodded with a smile FanXing started to eat. I watched him and chuckled.

"Slow down, FanXing. No one is taking your food away." I said and I saw the boy blushing before slowing down.

"Xiao Zhan, I don't know how you do it but FanXing does whatever you say. When we tell him to slow down he is ignoring us." Xuan Lu pointed out and this time I blushed.

"Oh... I don't do anything, though..."

Xuan Lu laughed. "I am just teasing you."

After breakfast, I decided to call Haikuan to ask him when I could take a bath or at least a shower.

"I will come and visit you tomorrow. Let me check on your wound first before I can give you an answer." He answered and I sighed.

"Fine," I said and was about to cut the call when he called my name.

"Say.... do you happen to know where Officer Wang is staying at?"

"Eh... I don't. I only know it's somewhere down the street. Why?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to make sure he is protecting you. See you tomorrow." He cut the call and I shook my head. Who knew what this doctor has in mind. Properly dying to tease Zhou Cheng.

When I left my room again I saw Xuan Lu wearing her coat and kissing her son on the forehead. "Be nice and listen to Xiao Zhan, okay? And please, I want to come home seeing my kitchen in one piece." She then waved at me and left the house. Yibo seemed to be in the living room and talking on the phone. I turned to FanXing.

"Can you bake?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I help my mommy whenever she bakes."

"Good. Because I cant so you have to help me and remember, I cant move freely with my leg. Did you chose what you want to bake?"

"Muffins! A lot of muffins. We have a book with many recipes." He said and run into the kitchen. I followed him and he showed me the book he was talking about. He opened it and then looked through it to find a recipe FanXing wants to try.

"Xiao Zhan." Yibo entered the kitchen and I flinched. "Do you know someone called Wang HaoXuan?" He asked me seriously. Somehow the name HaoXuan sounded familiar but I couldn't remember where I heard it so I shook my head.

"Who is that?" I asked and when he showed me a picture I remembered.

"I know him. I saw him once when he picked up some papers in my office. Why? What is with him?"

"He is the CEO of the Meng Yao's company for two months. Did you know?"

"Meng Yao never told me he gave up his position as the CEO."

"I thought so. Meng Yao does not seem to be someone who gives someone else control over his stuff. At least not to someone he doesn't trust" He said and dialed a number on his phone. "It's me. Send him a summoning. We need to question him. I will come in now. Dig some more into the guy's background and also into the company. Find anything that might look illegal." Then he cut the call and when he turned to me seemed he wanted to catch up on our conversation from earlier.

"I found something!" FanXing announced and I quickly concentrated on him. A minute later I heard the front door opening and after a while closing again.

"Mr. Wang just left. What are you doing?" Zhou Cheng's asked me and I widened my eyes. "Why are you surprised? It's my job to protect you so naturally, I will not let you alone. Anyway, continue with what you two are doing. I will sit in the dining room and read some files. If you need me, call me."

"Hey, Officer!" FanXing called him and Zhou Cheng turned around. "Are you only protecting big brother? What about me?"

"Of course I will protect you too." He answered and I saw a light smile.

"Can I get your number too? So I can call you when I am in danger?"

"You are just about 5 years old. Why do you have a phone?" Zhou Cheng asked and even I looked at him surprised.

"I got one a few days ago. They told me to use it when I think something is not right or I am in danger." FanXing answered and Zhou Cheng nodded. "So can I have your number?" Zhou Cheng thought about this for a while and then decided to give his number to the little boy before leaving the kitchen.

"What kind of muffins do you want to bake?" I asked FanXing and he pointed at the recipe.

"My mommy loves them a lot and never shares them with anyone."

'Nut muffins?' I thought and remembered something. 'Yibo is allergic to nuts... and if FanXing is his son he is probably allergic to them too.'

"How about we make some chocolate muffins too?" I suggested and the boy widened his eyes.

"I love chocolate! But is it okay to bake so much?"

"Why not?" I asked amused. "Let's just do it. What's done is done, right?"

"I bet I am not allowed to eat them all..." He mumbled and I laughed.

"Not all in one day, no. But a few should be fine and no one will know if we snack a few while making them." I winked at him and he giggled.

It was hard work baking all the muffins, especially as I couldn't stand for too long before my leg complained, and it took us the whole day but we had fun. It's been a while since I laughed that much. During lunch, Zhou Cheng cooked something that tasted amazing.

Then, around 5 pm we were done and the muffins looked yummy. The only problem we had was the dirty kitchen. It looked like a bomb went off. Sugar and flour were on the counter, on the chairs, and on the floor. Eggshells fell on the ground and were trampled on multiple times while spilled milked was not cleaned up.

"Hmmm.....maybe we should hurry up before your mommy comes home," I suggested to FanXing who nodded in agreement. Just as I wanted to limp towards the sink I slipped due to the flour on the ground. But before I could fall someone caught me and I sighed in relief.

"That was close. Thanks, Zhou Ch-" I froze when I looked straight into Yibo's eyes.

"Be careful or else your leg might take longer to heal." He was so close that I got goosebumps but I quickly stood up and pushed him away.

"Th-thank you, Mr. Wang."

"Daddy is home!" FanXing and cheered before throwing himself into his father's arms. Yibo picked him up, kissed him on his cheeks, and then let him down again.

"Yes, I am and that means your mother is going to be back soon too. What happened to her beloved kitchen?" He asked and FanXing nibbled at his lips. "I guess we have to clean up real fast. You are going to help daddy with that, right?"

FanXing nodded and Yibo turned to me. "FanXing and I will clean this mess. You go and rest your leg. I bet it hurt by now."

Indeed. I didn't feel anything before because I concentrated on the muffins but now I did so I quickly left for the dining room. Not only to rest the leg but also to escape Yibo.

Zhou Cheng was sitting at the table with a few folders in front of him. After taking a closer look I saw they weren't about Meng Yao but about a rapist who chased after women during the night.

"What is this?" I asked him and he frowned.

"Just an asshole that needs to get caught. There was a tip from a witness who claimed to have seen him. A team is going out this night and I will join them."

"Is he dangerous?"

"Pah, not for me and not as much as Meng Yao." He said and closed all the folders before looking at me. "Had fun, huh?" He asked and pointed at the flour on my clothes.

"Yes..." I smiled embarrassedly.

"That is good. I went inside to check on the both of you a few times but you never paid attention. I think you should take a shower."

"I wished but Haikuan... I mean, Dr. Wang said I am not allowed yet. I have to wait for him to check my leg before I can. Once he gave the green light I think I might stay in the bathroom for 24 hours. I did not take a shower for almost a week now..."

"I can smell it..." Zhou Cheng teased me and demonstratively covered his nose.

'He can joke too?' I thought surprised.

"Hey! It's not that bad, okay? I do wash in the morning! Just because it's not a shower does not mean I am that smelly!" I complained and he smiled at me. 'He sure is handsome when he smiles.'

"Officer, will you stay for dinner?" Yibo entered the dining room and looked at us.

"No, Mr. Wang. I will leave in a few minutes. I have something to do this night and need to prepare myself for that." Zhou Cheng answered and then looked at me. "I will leave now but will come back tomorrow."

"Good luck tonight," I said and he smiled again. 'I can understand why Haikuan has feelings for him. But then again.... He fell for the grumpy version of Zhou Cheng. That is something I do not understand....'

"I don't need luck, Xiao Zhan. I am more than capable to catch a bastard." He said proudly and then left. I looked after him and hoped he would not get hurt.

"Stop staring. One will think you have a crush on him." Yibo said and I thought I heard the annoyance in his tone. But as he had no reason to be annoyed, I threw away that thought.

"I stare at him as much as I want as long as he is not against it, thank you." I stood up and was about to limp out of the dining room.

"Xiao Zhan, wait! We still have to talk." I turned back and looked at him for a moment before I saw something on the ground.

"The first thing you have to do is to turn off the water tap or else the whole kitchen will be flooded," I told him and grinned when he ran into the kitchen. Two seconds later FanXing ran out of it.

"Step one in my plan to stop them from having another baby!" He cheered and ran away. I laughed and left for my room where I stayed until Xuan Lu came back.

After dinner, FanXing jumped up and announced to bring out the muffins. I got up to help him and when we were alone in the kitchen, I looked at him. "You already ate three today and promised me to eat only two more. Remember?"

He nodded. "Yes! I will keep my promise. I want to give mommy muffins You will give some to daddy" He whispered back and I knew he tried to avoid his father because of the water tap incident. I had no other option than to agree to this so FanXing took one tray while I took the other. It was difficult to keep my balance but I succeeded and was proud of myself.

"Mommy, these are the muffins big brother and I made today. Taste them! They are delicious!" FanXing said and Xuan Lu raised her brows.

"Oh, really? How do you know? How many did you already eat today, sunshine?"

FanXing didn't answer and started munching his muffin. Xuan Lu looked at me and I shook my head. She chuckled.

"I see, I see. You two seem to understand each other very well." She said and then smiled brightly. She reached for her muffin and when she saw it, she frowned. "Nuts?" She quickly looked at her husband who was already eating. When I saw her paling and about to jump up I immediately soothed her.

"Don't worry, Xuan Lu. We made chocolate muffins for him and FanXing." I said and she relaxed before looking at me in surprise.

"How did you know they are allergic to nuts?" She asked and I saw Yibo smirking. He told me about his allergy 5 years ago in a conversation and that means I just gave myself away. 'I need to find an excuse....'

"Ah.... That... FanXing told me earlier today." I quickly answered. FanXing raised his head and looked a little confused. But he just shrugged his shoulder without commenting and continued to eat.

"He did? Usually, he forgets the fact that he has an allergy. We had to bring him to the hospital 4 times because he couldn't take his hands off snicker bars. I am glad he finally starts to realize it." Xuan stroke over her son's head and watched him eating.

Until we left the dining room I refrain from looking in Yibo's direction. I knew I messed up with my statement and he knew for sure now I lied about forgetting about him.

'Well then.... I guess I have to quickly find a solution to this problem...'

"FanXing, it's time for your bath." Xuan Lu announced after dinner and I looked at the little boy in envy. No matter what, I had to make sure I make Haikuan allowing me to take at least a shower!

FanXing did not complain this time and instead, he smiled brightly. 'He is up to something...' I thought and watched how he took something out of his tiny pockets.

"I was at the hospital yesterday and the doctor said I am not allowed to take a bath for three days!" He announced with a proud grin and I quickly covered my mouth to suppress a laugh. I remembered his secret conversation with Haikuan yesterday and was truly amazed by this boy's smartness. Just like that, he found a good way to avoid taking a bath.

Xuan Lu raised her brows and took the medical certificate out of her son's hand. "Oh... I see. I guess you can't take a bath then. Hope you feel better in three days."

FanXing grinned and run upstairs into his room. I looked at Xuan Lu and she giggled. "Well, sometimes I need to reward my son for his cleverness, right? Moreover, Haikuan asked me to let FanXing get away with it this one time." Then she turned to Yibo who came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes. "Next time he tries this you will handle him."

"Why me?" He asked amused.

"Because the cleverness, he got from you." She winked and Yibo smiled.

"He is just trying to survive in this world. Is it a crime to be smart? Now we get punished for it?"

Xuan Lu laughed. "Watch what you say, Yibo, or I might take severe punishments into consideration." Yibo shut his mouth and pretended to zip it. "Good boy." Xuan Lu chuckled.

Peng! It felt like I got shot right in my heart. Seeing them together reminds me of what I wished to have years ago. It reminds me of what I thought I might have gotten when I met Yibo. But it was just not meant to be.

When Xuan Lu left to check on FanXing I quickly limped out of the dining room. It was getting easier to walk on the crutch but I still was not fast enough to escape Yibo who caught up to me before I reached my room.

"Still denying remembering me?" He asked and I sighed inwardly.

'Guess I need to be mean for him to stop mentioning the past. Should I just confront him with the fact that I found out he was married back then? But then I have to confess that I read his messages. It was just an accident but I still did that and something like this is not right. Moreover, I don't want him to know how much he hurt me by lying that he was not married. He even hid his wedding ring in his hoodie. If he remembered the past so well he must know what he had done.... Anyway, it's in the past. Let me be mean once as well.'

"Fine! I remember that night, so what!?" I confessed and he smiled.

"Why did you lie? And why did you run away that night?" He wanted to know and I looked straight into his face. 'Now or never.'

"How would you react when you met your one-night stand from years ago? Of course, I would deny remembering you. As for running away.... I think it was better that way than facing each other the next." I said firmly and felt a little bad saying this but it had to be done.

"One-night stand?" He asked.

"Yeah? What else would you call it? It was only one night so can we forget that it ever happened?"

"You talk as if you did not feel anything for me. But you confessed, remember? And your actions, your reactions... you had feelings for me!"

"Mr. Wang-"

"Stop that! Call me Yibo!" He demanded and I gritted my lips.

"Fine! Yibo it is. I must be a good actor when you thought I actually fell for you when we just knew each other for a few weeks. Don't tell me you also believed me when I said you were my first?"

He looked at me in shock and disbelieve. "What?"

"You did? Wow.... maybe that was because I didn't sleep with anyone in a while back then? Anyway, what happened in the past will stay in the past, Yibo. Past means it's over, okay? I had no feelings for you back then and I don't have them right now. You are married and have a child now. Wair, that reminds me.... isn't FanXing almost 5 years old? Doesn't that mean he was already conceived when we were together? So you lied to me? Well, not that I care about that. Good night, Yibo." I said turned around and entered my room.

Once I closed the door I fell to the ground. My legs were weak and not only because of the pain. What I just said to him probably hurt me more than him. I sat there for a while and only when my sight got blurry did I realize I was crying.

'My heart hurts!' I thought and tried to not cry out loud. I thought I had forgotten most of my feelings for Yibo but that was a mistake. They never really left my heart, did they? That means staying here until Meng Yao was arrested was going to be painful.

When I calmed down I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and change my clothes. That took me 15 minutes as it was difficult to handle with that leg of mine. When I came out of the bathroom I flinched when I saw someone standing on my bed.

"Can I sleep with you again?" FanXing asked and I smiled.

"As long you do not get used to it, it should be fine." I climbed into the bed and the boy followed me. He watched me as I pulled down my pants, removed the bandaged, and used the ointment for my leg. I sighed in relief because the ointment soothed the pain.

"Does it make the pain go away?" FanXing asked and I nodded.

"Not fully but almost," I answered and when I was done I snuggled under the blanket. When I covered Yibo's son he was already fast asleep. I stroke gently over his heard and closed my eyes.

"No, FanXing, you are not allowed to eat a muffin for breakfast. Eat the omelet I made for you." Xuan Lu said and her son listened with a pout. "Aren't you hungry, Xiao Zhan?"

I shook my head. "No. Maybe I will eat later." I answered and she looked worried at me.

"You look pale. Are you okay?" She asked me but before I could answer FanXing started to speak.

"He was in pain when he woke up and only after using ointment did it get better."

"Thank you, FanXing, but I still have my voice," I said amused and he grinned.

"Maybe you should go to the hospital... Officer Wang is coming over later, right? Maybe he will bring you to Haikuan."

"No need for that. Haikuan will come over later as well to check on me. Thank you for being worried." She smiled at me.

I watched FanXing and Xuan Lu eating their breakfast and when they were done, Xuan Lu washed the dishes. I offered to help her but she shook her head as she demonstratively looked at my leg.

"I am sure Haikuan said you have to rest your leg as much as you can, right? So FanXing will help me. Aren't I right?" She looked at her son who nodded well-behaved.

I then left for my room, opened the window, and looked out of it into the beautiful garden. That was a mistake. Only a few meters away stood Yibo in the garden pond and .... bathed!?

I could see his naked upper buddy and had a perfect view of his back and his waist. I widened my eyes in shock and was unable to comprehend the situation. As if Yibo knew he was being watched he turned around and looked at me. I gaped slightly at him when he stepped out of the pond. For a few seconds, I could see his buttocks before they disappeared behind a towel. I blinked rapidly and couldn't do anything other than watch how Yibo approached my window with slow but determined steps.

When he reached me I tried to turn around and walk away but he grabbed my arm and prevented that. He leaned in while pulling me closer.

"I couldn't sleep the whole night and thought a lot about what you said yesterday. And you know what? I don't believe you at all when you said you did not feel anything for me back then. I know what I heard, I know what I saw, and I know what felt in that hotel room. So either you stopped have feelings for me over the years or you still have them now. I am going to find out which of them it is. But actually, it doesn't matter because no matter what, I am going to make you fall for me again... or rather I am going to make you admit that you still like me." He said confident and all I could do was stare at him.

Slowly, very slowly he came closer. His moving was like hypnoses, I couldn't move at all, and the closer he got the more confident he became. He came closer and closer until....

"Xiao Zhan? Officer Wang is here." Xuan Lu's voice sounded in front of my room as she knocked on the door. That was my wake-up call. I quickly tore away from Yibo and shut the window. I leaned against it and tried to control my racing heart.

I closed my eyes and tried to not think about what Yibo just said. 'I will not survive in here!'

to continue....

Okay, so Yibo is way too confident! I am on your side here, Xiao Zhan! 

Let us hope Xiao Zhan can handle Yibo ^^

And isn't FanXing totally cute? I love him being all cheeky <3

It seems he and his uncle understand each other very well... somehow I have the feeling that a specific officer might suffer from that someday ... 

And what did B. find out about Song Ji Yang? Somehow I got scared reading that ... Well, we will find out soon enough. 

The next chapter is coming on Sunday.  See you then <3 <3 <3

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