Chapter 18: Announcement

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Right on time with the new chapter. 

Enjoy <3 <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

"Xiao Zhan..." I widened my eyes in shock and looked into the mirror. Behind me stood Meng Yao smiling at me. "I am happy to see you."

'How did he get in here!?' I thought terrified and slowly turned around to face him.

"H-how...." I stuttered and he smiled. It was one of these carefree smiles he gave me when we came back from work in the evening and he would ask me what we should eat. It was the same smile yet I felt different than in the past. Now I was scared.

"Why are you looking like that, Xiao Zhan?" He frowned at me. "I am here to talk with you but you are looking as if I would jump on you any moment. I will not hurt you."

"How can I be so sure of that?" I asked and gritted my teeth in anger despite the fear I felt. "You killed people, Meng Yao! Two of them in front of my eyes! You wanted to kill FanXing! You kidnap women, rape them and then sell them. You do drugs and sell them as well. You-"

"Xiao Zhan!" He called me and looked angry. "Why do you think of me like that!? Yes, I killed people. But they deserved it for trying to take away the business I build and live off. They want to push me into a corner and I have to try my best to not let them take away the business I build. I already said I did not want you to see me like that. Seeing me killing those two women. I am sorry." He apologized and stepped closer.

"But! I never raped women nor did I do drugs. I earn money by selling them. Producing drugs and training women... I let others do that."

"It's not training. Meng Yao! Its rape!!! Stop glossing it over! And so what!?! Does that mean you are not guilty? You think because you let others do that you are innocent!?"

"I never said that. I know that I am guilty." He sighed. "I know many people see me as evil. I probably am. But I don't want you to think like that as well."

"Then stop and turn yourself in!!"

"I can't. They will send me to jail for the rest of my life. I don't want to go to jail even if that means I have to continue to live like I do now."

"Stop making it sound you would like to stop but are scared of jail, Meng Yao. If you are scared you shouldn't have started it."

"In the past, I had my reasons to start all this. The reason does not exist anymore but I can't just stop it now." He explained. "I am used to this lifestyle now. There are so many organizations trying to take the lead ... I employ a lot of people who need a job and I also earn a lot of money and-"

"So it's because of the money? You killed people and you destroyed lives because of your business! And you only care about money and those people who are as evil as you don't lose their job?" I screamed in his face. I was shocked about how he thought. Was he always this kind of a person? How could I befriend someone like this?! "You always was this kind of person.... Why didn't you let me alone? Why did you have to step forward, pay my bills in the hospital, befriend me and take me in? WHY!?"

"Xiao Zhan, I ...."

"Oh god... my bills... you paid them with the money you earn from your organization, didn't you?"

He bit his lips and I paled. "The donations.. you donate to various charities... you used that money too?"

"No!" He shook his head. "My company, the company you also worked in as my secretary. It's a legal business and I used the money I earned with it to donate. That company is legal!"

"That doesn't make it better, Meng Yao! Turn yourself in! That is the only way."

"Like I said. I cant and I will not..."

'He can't be saved. He does not want to repent for what he did. He will not change.' I thought and stared at him. "The police will arrest you sooner or later and your damn organization will be dissolved. You will-"

Suddenly the door of one of the stalls opened and FanXing came out. "Big brother...?" He called me and started shivering the moment he saw Meng Yao. Meng Yao turned around and looked down on the little scared boy.

"It's you...." Meng Yao spatted and glared at the shivering boy. "I can't stand you."

"Let him be, Meng Yao! He didn't do anything," I warned him ready to protect FanXing should Meng Yao try to hurt him.

"I hate his father! That fucking prosecutor! And that boy looks like an exact copy of his father which makes me want to hurt him." Meng Yao said and took a step closer to FanXing. I immediately stepped forwards as well and grabbed Meng Yao's wrist, making him stop going any nearer to the little boy.

Meng Yao was surprised and turned around to look at my hand on his wrist before looking at me. His eyes softened and I used this moment to signal FanXing to leave. The boy widened his eyes and stayed where he was.

"Go!" I hissed angrily and he flinched and run out of the bathroom before Meng Yao could stop him. Then I glared at the man in front of me. "Now you will not be able to hurt him. The police will be here soon. You still have the chance to turn yourself in, Meng Yao."

"No matter how often you say it, I can't." Meng Yao answered and with a quick move he pressed me against the wall." But you can come with me now, Xiao Zhan. That way you can make sure I will not kill more people."

"I will not come with you. You are a criminal and I don't want to have anything to do with you."

Meng Yao looked hurt. "Aren't we friends? Best friends even?"

I snorted. "Not since I witnessed what you did and found out who you really are," I answered. "Why did you have to approach me? 5 years ago, you wanted to pay my hospital bills so badly and I let you do it. But why couldn't you leave me alone after that? Why did you have to take me in, seeing you as my best and only friend, and then make me lose you again after finding out what kind of person you are? Just why?!" I asked him. I really wanted to know but I also wanted to buy time for the police to come.

"Xiao Zhan.... I know you for far longer than you think. Yes, we officially met 5 years ago but I knew you beforehand. I know you for many years. I watched you frequently. I didn't like you at first but the longer I watched you the more attracted I became to you."

"W-what.... What do you mean?" I asked confused. I met him for the first time in the hospital 5 years ago. I was sure of that. So what did he mean he knew mew beforehand? "Tell me! What do you mean!"

But instead of an answer he lowered his head and laid it on my shoulder. I saw something black in his ear. It was an in-ear-plug and suddenly I had the feeling the police wouldn't be able to catch him today. It looked like he came prepared. "There is so much you don't know yet and I will tell you everything, Xiao Zhan, but not now. I have to leave here before the police comes."

He looked up at me and smiled. "Don't worry. I promise to tell you everything you have to know next time even if that means you will hate me even more. I will pick you up soon..." He caressed my cheeks and left without another word.

 I didn't know how long I stared into nowhere but soon the bathroom door opened and the police entered led by Yibo who looked like he was about to kill someone. Once he saw me he immediately walked up to me. He pushed me left and right, turned me around, and when he was sure I was not hurt he pulled me into a hug.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have let you alone." He whispered and all I could do was nodding. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded again.

"Mr. Wang! He fled." One of the officers said and I was thankful that FanXing was not here to hear his father curse this badly. "We will keep looking for him. He can't be that far. But we have to take Mr. Xiao's testimony."

"Can you do that?" Yibo asked me gently.

"I have to. Let's go." I said and left the bathroom. Once FanXing saw me run up to me. He cried and it looked like he did so for quite some time as his eyes were red and swollen. I picked the little boy up and tried to soothe him as well as I could.

Yibo took three bags with the things he bought and put them into the car while I climbed inside it with FanXing in my arms. Yibo soon joined us and he drove us to his house.

"Why are we here? I have to give my testimony."

"We will do it in my house. The police are right behind us and as I am the prosecutor in this case I have to be present." Yibo answered and left the car. Xuan Lu stood at the front door but Yibo passed her without once looking at her.

Xuan Lu waited for me and FanXing to get out as well.

"Oh god! Are you okay?!" Xuan Lu asked and I nodded with a weak smile.

"I am but FanXing is still in shock," I answered and handed FanXing over to her before following Yibo into his office. A lot of files were lying scattered on the desk and floor and I had to be careful to not step on them. Soon a police officer entered and we started the interview.

They asked me a lot of questions and some of them they asked more than once while using different words but finally, after three hours I could leave for my room. I was exhausted and confused. Meng Yao's words were still in my head but no matter how long I thought about it, I was sure to never have met him before.

During dinner it was quiet and as soon as everyone was done, Yibo vanished into his office. Xuan Lu washed the dishes and I helped FanXing taking a bath.

After it, he wanted to go to bed. Not in his room but in mine. "I hope that is okay?" I asked Xuan Lu a little while later when her son fell asleep on my bed.

"Of course. As long as you don't mind." She answered and looked at me worriedly. "Are you sure you are okay? Did that man do something to you? Are you hurt?"

"No, he didn't. He said some weird stuff as you probably heard from Yibo already but that was it."

"I am glad you are fine. I am sorry for asking you to go out..."

"You don't have to. I was happy to do so. It was fun. Well... until Meng Yao showed up. Did the police catch him?" I asked despite knowing the answer already.

"No, they didn't. The CCTV broke just at that moment and they are sure it was Meng Yao's work."

"I see..." I asked dejectedly. I was scared of what Meng Yao said. That he would tell me everything next time. This means we would probably meet again.

"Xiao Zhan.... I know that your life is dangerous right now and that he wants you back. I know he will try it again." Xuan Lu started and took my hand in hers. "But please know that you can stay here as long as you want. He will not be able to step into this house. You are safe here. Also, I don't want you to leave. Even when they caught him."

I widened my eyes and she chuckled. "What? So surprising for me to say that?"

"Other would have kicked me out by now..." I mumbled and Xuan Lu frowned.

"I am not the others. I want you to stay. I mean, if that is okay with you."

"Well... until they caught him I can't go anywhere anyway. And after that...." I answered and stopped. '... I would like to leave here and bring some space between me and Yibo.' I finished the sentence in my mind.

"Think about it. Okay?" She asked and I nodded what made her smile. "Good. Oh, and by the way, Haikuan called and wants me to tell you that Zhou Cheng will be released from the hospital sometime tomorrow."

"Already?" I asked surprised.

"Right? Knowing Haikuan, I thought he would keep him there for a little longer." Xuan Lu giggled and I gaped at her. "What? You thought I wouldn't see how Haikuan behaved in front of that officer? I know more than others might think." She winked and then looked into my room. "Take care of my little sunshine tonight as he might get nightmares. I would like to do it myself but he was set on sleeping with you tonight." She sighed, wished me a good night, and left.

I took a quick shower and went to bed as well. The moment I put my crutch on the floor, the door opened and Yibo came in. "I have to massage your leg."


"You heard me."

"But FanXing-"

"To not disturb him we will go to the living room. Hurry up and come out." Yibo ordered, turned around, and left. I frowned but followed him outside after making sure FanXing was alright. He didn't have a nightmare and that was good.

Yibo didn't talk. He massaged my leg and then stretched it afterward. If I didn't know it better I would have thought he was doing it professionally. He seemed to have a good memory to be able to do it this well after seeing Dr. Song doing it only a few times. My leg didn't hurt anymore for a while now but I still wasn't able to walk properly without a crutch yet.

When Yibo was done I got up and was about to leave when I heard him calling my name. I stopped and turned around.

"I will not let him get his hands on you." He said and stared at me.

I nodded.

"I am sorry, Xiao Zhan. I should have protected you better. It was my fault he was able to get so close to you. And the police wasn't able to catch him...."

"No need to apologize. I will go to bed now." I said but before I could do one step forwards Yibo grabbed my arm, pulled me closer, and pushed me down on the couch. I looked up at him in shock only to see him lowering his head and capture my lips with his.

This movement was out of nowhere and I had no chance to react and push him away. The kiss this time was different than the ones before. He wasn't gentle and even bit me hard. His tongue slipped between my lips into my mouth and Yibo's hands were roaming over my body. I tried to push him away but he was too heavy.

"Yibo..." I called his name once I was able to escape his lips. "Stop! What are you doing!?"

"I am so sorry, Zhan." He mumbled and captured my lips once again. It felt good. Too good that I didn't want to stop. But no matter what my heart wanted, my mind knew what was right and what was wrong. And so I used all my strength to push Yibo off me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I hissed at him. He looked at me with such an intense gaze that I got goosebumps.

"I will not let him take you away from me." He answered.

"Goddammit, Yibo! Stop it, will you!" I ordered and glared at him. "I am not the same person I was 5 years ago. I slept with you back then and that was a freaking mistake! I shouldn't have slept with you but I only realized that when I found out you were married."

"Zhan, I-"

"Stop it! Don't call me that! Not everyone is allowed to call me by my nickname. Don't you realize what you have done? You cheated on your wife. Your wife, who was waiting for you at home. Your wife, who was pregnant with FanXing already. How dare you give me false hope and use me like that!? You not only betrayed the woman you love and married but also me, who was madly in love with you but had to find out that his dream to live his life with you was just wishful thinking!"

Yibo bit his lips and listened to my rant quietly. A look into his face and everyone could see how he felt. Sadness, guiltiness, hurt. The same feelings I had when I found out the truth 5 years ago.

"I can't leave here until Meng Yao is caught but I will leave the moment he is behind bars. I don't know why you keep playing with me but it's time for you to stop. Think about your wife and son who both loves you madly. Do you really want to destroy your family? I doubt so and even if you really think of doing that, I won't allow it. So please stop these jokes, got it?" I asked him seriously and then left for my room.

FanXing was still sleeping peacefully. I joined him and a few minutes later the little boy snuggled up to me.

 "Hey. Hey. Big brother, wake up." I heard a small voice and someone was shaking me.

"Hmm... 5 more minutes...." I mumbled.

"Hurry up, big brother!" FanXing pleaded.


"I am scared..."

I quickly opened my eyes and looked at him worriedly. "Did you have a nightmare?"

The little boy shook his head. "No, but daddy is angry... I am scared he is angry because of me..." He told me and pulled on my arm until I got off the bed. He led me out of my room and we stopped in front of Yibo's office.

I was about to ask him what he meant but then I heard a loud bang inside the office. I flinched and FanXing hugged my leg. "See? Daddy is angry...."

"Hey, you two. Breakfast is ready."

"But mommy, daddy is-"

"Daddy is in a bad mood, darling. It's not your fault, though. He is just very angry at himself."

"Why?" FanXing asked his mother who kept quiet for a moment before answering her son's question.

"Because he was not able to protect you yesterday." Xuan Lu answered and pointed towards the dining room. "He will soon calm down. You go with Xiao Zhan and start eating and I will fetch your daddy, okay?"

FanXing nodded and we both went into the dining room. Three minutes later Xuan Lu and Yibo entered and started to eat as well.

After breakfast, FanXing wanted to watch TV and while I joined him in the living room I saw Xuan Lu talking to someone on the phone. She looked a little sad and I got worried. When she saw me, she smiled and waved before turning away. Sometime later she cut the call and entered Yibo's office where she and Yibo stayed for a long time.

I turned back to FanXing who was currently enjoying watching Spongebob Squarepants. I chuckled, ruffled through his hair, and left for the garden. I massaged my leg and stretched it as well as I could. I would not let Yibo do it anymore. Zhou Cheng would get released today and I could ask him to help me with that.

"Big brother, let's go swimming!" FanXing shouted as he run out of the house towards me about 30 minutes later.

"I thought you can't swim?" I asked him surprised.

"I will use swimming wings. Can you blow them up for me?" He asked and I shook my head in amusement.

"Give them to me." I stretched out my hand and the boy cheered happily.

And while FanXing swam a few rounds using his swimming wings, I watched him. I thought that today was somehow peaceful. Too peaceful, in my opinion. It felt like it was the calm before the storm. This feeling turned out to be right what I found out during the dinner


"I would like to make an announcement." Xuan Lu said and I looked at her curiously. Yibo sighed and looked at her as well. FanXing also stopped eating and looked at his mother in anticipation as he leaned closer to me.

"I bet it's going to be a baby." He whispered and I saw Xuan Lu shaking her head.

"No baby, darling." She answered. "It's about you grandma."

"What about grandma?" FanXing wanted to know.

"She called and says she is missing you a lot. She would like to come here and visit but because of the family meeting in a few weeks she can't visit us." Xuan Lu explained and then smiled. " So I decided to visit her for the next few days."

FanXing frowned. "Then what about me and daddy?" He asked moodily. Yibo wasn't surprised by the news but it was obvious that he wasn't happy. I guessed that was the topic they have discussed in the last hours in his office.

"You will come with me, of course. But your daddy and Xiao Zhan will stay here."

"But I want to be with big brother and daddy too!" FanXing answered annoyed.

"It's only for a week, FanXing." Yibo answered gently.

"You can call them every day. Your daddy has to work and Xiao Zhan has to stay here as well so your daddy and the police can protect him." Xuan Lu answered as well.

While FanXing and Xuan Lu started to talk about their visit I excused myself. I went back into my room and sat down on the bed. Once Xuan Lu and FanXing would go and visit Xuan Lu's mother, I would be alone with Yibo. And that was a really bad idea.

Yibo and me alone for a week? That was a nightmare come true but I told myself to stay away from him as best as I could.

To be continued...

Uh Oh ... Yibo and Xiao Zhan alone for a week?? Is that a good idea? 

But I am happy that Zhou Cheng is healthy again and will return to his job. Maybe we will find out what happened between him and Haikuan in the next chapter.

The next chapter is coming on Sunday again. (maybe even earlier. But only maybe ^^)
I hope to see you there. 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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