Chapter 19: Earrings and a goodbye

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Let's go straight to the next chapter :) Have fun <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

Tomorrow was the day Xuan Lu and FanXing would leave. The little boy repeated multiple times he wanted to stay here but he couldn't deceive me or the others. FanXing was excited to visit his grandparents and the nearer the departure time came, the more obvious it became.

It was 11 am and I was on my way to the garden when I saw FanXing running from the living room where Xuan Lu was currently folding the laundry to Yibo's Office only to run back into the living room several minutes later. It seemed he was trying to achieve something and was trying to persuade his parents. I chuckled and sat down under a big tree before taking out a book I borrowed from Xuan Lu.

I didn't come far when FanXing came running out of the house. He was out of breath but seemingly very happy.

"I will get an earring." He grinned brightly and I raised my brows.

"An earring? Why?"

"Because they look good. Mommy and Uncle have them too."

"Did your parents really allow you to get your ear pierced?" I asked doubtfully. "Aren't you a little young?"

"I am almost 5!" He pouted before he started grinning again. "Daddy was against it first but after mommy persuaded him he agreed. He is still not very happy and only allowed me to get a one at one ear. I wanted both ears but daddy said one or none."

"I see. Do you think you can handle getting your ear pierced? I think it will hurt." I told him and FanXing frowned.

"Did daddy told you to say that?"

"What? No. Why?" I asked amused.

"He said the same thing to scare me. But mommy said it would only hurt at the beginning."

"Well, maybe you are right. I am curious how you will react. When I was young I also wanted one but my parents were a little strict and didn't allow it." I chuckled and FanXing grinned brightly.

"Then come with us! You can get one too."

"Ah... I will pass, thank you."

"Why? I thought you wanted one too? Or are you scared?"

"No, I am not... okay, fine. Maybe a little." I admitted and FanXing giggled.

"Big brother is scared..." He laughed and I frowned.

"Being scared is not a crime..." I said but when FanXing giggled even more I felt challenged. "Okay, I will get one too. But only a small one."

"Yayy!!" FanXing cheered and jumped up and down. "We can get the same one, big brother. I will choose one, okay? Okay?" He asked excitingly.

"What is going on here? Did the boy won in the lotto or something?" I turned around and saw Zhou Cheng walking up to us.

"Zhou Cheng!" I called him. "When did you get out of the hospital?"

"Yesterday. That doctor kept me longer than necessary." He answered and sat down next to me.

"Hey, officer, you want to get an earring too? I will get one today and big brother will get one too."

"Aren't you a little young?"

"I am almost 5!!" FanXing pouted again. "And mommy and daddy allowed it!"

"Okay, okay." Zhou Cheng raised his hands. "I didn't say anything. What kind of earring do you want?"

"Don't know yet. Do you want one too? I could choose one for you."

I laughed. "What are you? A salesman?"

FanXing frowned. "What is that?" he asked before turning back to Zhou Cheng. "Will you get one too?"

"You sure are excited, aren't you? Well then, why not let you chose one for me. I will accompany you anyway. But hey! Nothing childish, you hear me?"

"You will come with us?" I asked surprised.

"Did you forgot already, Xiao Zhan? I am a police officer here to protect you. I heard what happened a few days ago. I hate that I had to lay unnecessarily in a hospital bed while Meng Yao was so close to you. This will not happen again. I will not leave your side when you are outside."

I sighed. I knew that this would happen. I didn't mind being watched by the police for my own safety but it was a little annoying. I decided to not leave the house too often anymore until Meng Yao was caught.

"Officer, what is this? Are you hurt?" FanXing suddenly asked and pointed at a dark spot on Zhou Cheng's neck, halfway hidden under his shirt. Zhou Cheng immediately pulled his shirt up. I raised my brows and chuckled when Zhou Cheng glared at me with a soft blush.

"Yes, I am hurt." He answered FanXing's question. "Your uncle hurt me." He mumbled and FanXing jumped up.

"Uncle should save people and heal them! Not hurt them!" He complained angrily.

"Next time you see him, tell him that, alright?" Zhou Cheng said and the boy nodded violently.

"Zhou Cheng..." I warned him amused.

"Not one word, Xiao Zhan! Not one word!" Was his answer and I laughed.

"FanXing! Are you coming? I am ready to go." Xuan Lu stepped out of the house and waved at her son.

"Yayy! Let's go. Come. Come. Come." FanXing pulled Zhou Cheng's and my arm until we made our way to Yibo's car.

"Mommy! Big brother and the officer will join us. They will get an earring too."

"Alright then. Get it." Xuan Lu smiled. "Yibo will stay home." The three of us nodded and I was about to climb into the car when I realized I forgot my phone. I wanted to fetch it but Xuan Lu stopped me. "You will not need it anyway."

I nodded and got in. "Let's go. Let's go. Let's go." FanXing cheered and Xuan Lu rolled his eyes.

"Xiao Zhan, can you help FanXing to buckle up?"

Zhou Cheng and I sat on the sofa at the jeweler and waited for FanXing to chose an earring for us. Xuan Lu followed him and made sure he wouldn't make trouble.

Because I was bored and curious I turned to Zhou Cheng for a little questioning. "So.... you and Dr. Wang, huh?"

"No!" Zhou Cheng answered a little too fast and I laughed.

"That sounded different when he talked on the phone last time. And he said you two-"

"Why would you believe in someone like him?" He asked. "There is nothing between us. He is just a doctor who treated me."

"Then he treated you a lot better than anyone else." I grinned and nudged him with my elbow. "Did you drink while staying at the hospital?"

"No. Why do you ask?" He asked confused.

"I thought you were so drunk that you forgot that you told me a few details about the two of you. I may not look like that but I am smart and a good listener. You don't need to feel embarrassed about your feelings for Haikuan."

Zhou Cheng glared at me but I could see he was shy. "I told you we are not a couple!"

"Maybe not yet. Anyway, you don't need to be in a relationship to sleep together. But hey, it's your life. Just don't regret it when he gives up on you because you were so restrained." I smiled when he frowned.

"I am not restrained!" He defended himself. "And he is definitely neither...." He then mumbled and I held back a laugh. I already had a feeling what these two were up to the last week but I wouldn't comment on that. Like I said it was their life and I am happy for them.

"Big brother, look!" FanXing run up to me and showed me two identical little objects. "I want them!" I took the small black earring in form of a bunny out of the little boy's hand and had a look at it. FanXing stared at me in anticipation and I chuckled. I thought that the bunny was a little childish for someone like me. I was thirty after all. But if it made him happy, so be it.

"Alright then. Let's take this one. But what about him?" I pointed at Zhou Cheng and FanXing opened his other hand.

"I chose this one for him. Mommy helped me!" He answered proudly and showed Zhou Cheng his choice.

"This...?" Zhou Cheng looked at the light blue object with a frown.

"It will look good, Officer. My Uncle has the same one. Mommy said you and my uncle like each other so I wanted you to have the same earring as him. You like it?"

I gaped at FanXing and then looked behind him at Xuan Lu who winked at me. I shook my head in amusement and waited for Zhou Cheng's answer. First I thought he would decline but then he pressed his lips together and nodded slightly.

Now that our answers were positive nothing could stop this troublemaker and he impatiently pulled on our sleeves for us to move and follow him to the jeweler.

If you thought that FanXing was not scared you were wrong. When he saw the little machine he got nervous and asked us to go first. So I sat down and let the jeweler do his work. It stung a little but that was it.

"See? It didn't hurt." I told FanXing and the boy looked at Zhou Cheng who smirked slightly before sitting down and getting his ear pierced. He didn't flinch or showed any facial expression. When he was done he looked at FanXing, shrugged his shoulder, and nodded at him.

"M-my turn? O-okay..." FanXing said and sat on my lap.

"Hey, if you don't want anymore you don't have to. Right, Xuan Lu?"

"Yes. Darling, don't force yourself. If you changed your mind-"

"No! Big brother got one too. I want it!" FanXing answered and held his ear close to the machine. He pressed his eyes close and waited.

"Alright. I will do it on three. Ready, young man?"


"Okay, 1....2...." The moment he said two there was a click and he put away the little machine. "Done. You are very brave."

FanXing flinched and held his ear in shock but didn't cry. I was waiting for him to do so but all he did was turning around and pouting "You didn't say three!! That was unfair!"

"I know... I am sorry... I am quite old already and sometimes I forget how to count." The jeweler winked and gave FanXing a mirror. "Here, young man. You can have a look."

For the rest of the day, FanXing couldn't stop touching his ear. Not because it hurt but because he was excited about his new accessory. Once we were back home he run to Yibo's office immediately and didn't come out for a long time.

"I will go now. I will be at Steven's again. If you need me, call me. You are not allowed to leave the house without me or Mr. Wang. Clear?" Zhou Cheng said and I nodded.

During Dinner I caught Yibo multiple times looking at me with a chuckle. Or rather looking at my pierced ear. I ignored him.

After dinner, I took a shower and went to bed. I didn't sleep yet but read a book. Only when FanXing climbed on my bed did I decided to stop for the day. Tomorrow he would leave with Xuan Lu. I would miss him a lot, to be honest, but at the moment all I could think of was Yibo and how to avoid him.

"Xiao Zhan?" Yibo called me and sat down on the couch next to me. I raised my brows but didn't run away despite feeling like it. It would be impolite anyway. He looked at me and I figured out he was nervous.

"What?" I asked carefully and waited for him to speak.

"I have to tell you something. Or more like, I have to give you an explanation. It's about ...."

I frowned. "Yes?"

"It's about the night 5 years ago."

I almost groaned in annoyance. I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't even want to hear about it but I didn't say a word nor stopped him from talking. I didn't know why. Maybe I hoped for a better explanation than what he told be me until now. And a better apology. So I kept quiet, waiting for him to start talking.

He was nervous. He opened his mouth and shut it again seconds later. I waited. It's not like I had a lot to do anyway. Yibo looked at me, then avoided eye contact.

"You see.... when I met you..." He started and looked at me. I waited for him to continue but when he didn't I got impatient. Yet, I didn't say anything. I just waited until I had enough 10 minutes later. 'Did I really expect something? Wake up, Xiao Zhan!'

"How about we just stop talking about it. I have enough of this topic anyway." I got up and left.

"Wait! I .... I ... shit!" I heard him cursing as I left the living room. I saw FanXing sitting on his little suitcase in front of the front door.

"Ready to go?" I asked him with a smile.

"Yes. Waiting for mommy." He answered and once again touched his ear.

"Stop touching it." I laughed.

"Can't! I like it too much." He grinned but then frowned. "Are you mad at me?"

"No. Why should I?"

He shrugged. "You look like you are mad..."

"I am. But not at you. Promise." He nodded and got up.

"Wait here, big brother. I will get mommy." The little boy run away and I chuckled. But the amusement didn't last long when FanXing came running back with tears running down his cheeks. "Mommy and daddy are fighting." He cried out and pointed towards Yibo's office. I walked up to the room and heard the angry voice of Xuan Lu.

"This took far too long. You had many chances but didn't use any of them. When will you finally grow up!?"


"No buts! Enough is enough! FanXing and I will leave for my parents now. You have one week, Wang Yibo! One week! Get yourself together and take this chance or else I will do it!" The door of Yibo's office opened and an angry Xuan Lu stepped out. Once she saw me, the anger was gone and she smiled. "Hey, Xiao Zhan."

"H-hey. Is everything alright? You and Yibo ..."

"All is good. Yibo is just being annoyingly stubborn. Don't worry about it."

"Stubborn about what? Well, whatever it is you don't need to fight."

"Unfortunately, a fight is needed for Yibo to finally grow up. Sorry that you had to witness that."

"I am good but FanXing heard it and got scared," I answered and Xuan Lu looked at me in shock before running for her son who stayed at the front door. I followed her and saw her soothing him.

"All is good, darling. Your daddy made me a little angry but nothing we can't clear up. Sorry to have scared you."

I heard something behind me and saw Yibo coming out of his office. He looked frustrated and when he saw me he smiled embarrassingly before going after his wife who just helped FanXing into his jacket.

"Be a good boy and don't annoy your mommy or grandparents, got it?" Yibo said and looked at his son.

"I will!" FanXing answered and turned to me. "Make sure daddy will go to aunty and clean the chicken run."

I chuckled. "Got it. Be a good boy, okay? And don't get sick." FanXing nodded and Xuan Lu pulled me into an embrace.

"You would be an amazing father." She whispered and patted my back. Then she let me go and smiled. "See you in a week. Make sure you stay with Zhou Cheng or Yibo, okay?" She asked worried and I nodded.

After bidding goodbye, Xuan Lu and FanXing climbed into the car and I could see how the little boy got all excited for his upcoming stay at his grandparents. Yibo and I waved as the car drove off. When Yibo turned to me, I turned around as well and entered the house.

"Hey, Xiao Zhan." I stopped in surprise and turned around again to Haikuan who just stepped out of his car.

"What are you doing here?" I wanted to know.

"Oh, I .... wanted to bid goodbye as well but it seems I was a little too late." He answered and looked around.

"They just left!" Yibo said and glared at his older brother.

"Why does it seem you are somehow mad at me? What did I do?" Haikuan asked Yibo but the latter huffed and entered the house. "Why so grumpy suddenly... What did I do to offend him?" Haikuan asked confused.

"He fought with Xuan Lu and is maybe in a bad mood."

"A fight!?" He asked me in shock. "They never were too much lovey-dovey in public but they never fought since they met each other. Do you happen to know what it was about?"

"No. It's not my business anyway." I answered and was amused to see how Haikuan tried to discreetly look around.

"Zhou Cheng is not here," I said straightforward and saw how he first blushed a little but then grinned amusedly.

"What a pity... but his job is to protect you so he will be here soon, right?" He asked, passed me, and walked into the house. I sighed and was about to follow him when I saw Zhou Cheng coming closer.

"Good morning." He greeted me.

"Good morning. It seems you know how to turn up at the perfect timing. Well, maybe a not-so-perfect timing."

"Huh?" He frowned and looked around carefully. "No way Meng Yao knows where you are..." He mumbled.

"No, Meng Yao. Just Haikuan."

"God, please no...." He groaned. He looked like he was about to run away but as his job was to stay close to me there was no other option than to enter the house with me. I felt a little bad but ... shared pain is half of the pain. I didn't want to be alone with Yibo and if that meant that Zhou Cheng had to suffer a little then so be it.

"Come in." I smiled innocently.

To be continued...  

Does anyone remember how they go their ear pierced? I was very young so I don't but as I am very very sensitive to the pain I probably screamed or something ^^

I hope this chapter was not too boring. *blush* 

The next chapter is about Zhou Cheng and Haikuan. 

And in the chapter after the next one, Xiao Zhan and Yibo will be alone in the house.... together... and ... let me say it like this... 

... are you ready for a spicy moment between them? 

The next chapter is coming on Sunday again. I hope to see you there. <3 <3<3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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