Chapter 20: I love you, Zhou Cheng

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I was a bad girl..... I am so sorry...

I should have updated last Sunday but because I can't sleep well for some time now I am tired and couldn't write much. Please forgive this author T_T

Now I am back with the new Chapter and I really hope you will like it. <3 <3

Enjoyy :) :)

3rd POV

They all met in the living room. Once Haikuan saw Zhou Cheng entering he smiled and patted on the spot next to him. Zhou Cheng, of course, ignored the doctor and took a seat next to Xiao Zhan which happened to be the spot farthest away from Haikuan. Xiao Zhan didn't mind but the two Wang brothers weren't all too happy about it. While Yibo just frowned Haikuan pouted and looked straight into the officer's eyes.

"I saved the seat next to me for you, Zhou Cheng. Why are you sitting over there? Shouldn't you be more comfortable around me by now?"

"Hmpf!" Was Zhou Cheng's answer but instead of being disappointed, Haikuan grinned.

"That is my Zhou Cheng" Haikuan acknowledged and that made Zhou Cheng so annoyed that now he ignored the doctor fully and started a conversation with Xiao Zhan. Yibo watched them for a while before turning to his brother.

"Your Zhou Cheng?" Yibo asked surprised and a little confused.

"That is right. He is mine, I already marked him. Got a problem with that?"

"Shut up!!" Zhou Cheng cursed at the doctor who winked at the blushing officer.

"Wait! Marked!? As in-"

"Don't listen to him, Mr. Wang! He is talking nonsense!" Zhou Cheng said and glared at Haikuan who frowned.

"Are you still mad at me? What nonsense? I am talking the truth. Whereas I could understand if you had forgotten our first encounter due to being drunk, last week in the hospital you weren't. Don't pretend you forgot our moments." Haikuan started to smile. "You are blushing. I love when you do that. Isn't he cute?"

Zhou Cheng indeed blushed out of embarrassment. How could Haikuan tell others what happened in the last week? He wouldn't allow that! It was way too embarrassing. He even called him cute in front of others. While Xiao Zhan more or less knew a little about the things that happened, Haikuan's brother didn't.

"Brother, you and the officer...?" Yibo asked slowly and Haikuan now grinned.

"You are right. We are a couple. Well, at least I want it to be but he is still being stubborn even after what happened the last week. Hey, Zhou Cheng, stop being embarrassed and tell my brother about us. No, cancel that. Be even more embarrassed. I love when your cheeks turn so red."

For Zhou Cheng, it was too much and he got up. He turned around, left the room, and entered the closest bathroom to get some space between the others and him.

"Stop being mean, Haikuan." Xiao Zhan said and earned a confused look.

"I am not. I am just telling the truth. My Zhou Cheng is a little shy and I like him like that but I want him to finally acknowledge our relationship. It's not like I sleep with just anyone..."

Yibo, who was shocked about the revelation, raised his brows. "You do! I can give you the names of at least five of your nurses with whom-"

"Don't! Okay, fine! I did sleep around. But that is in the past, okay?"

"Since when are you gay, anyway?" Yibo wanted to know and Haikuan rolled his eyes.

"I am not. I don't need to be gay to like Zhou Cheng. He is the only man for me. I don't even want to think about sharing the bed with another man." Haikuan explained and grimaced at the mere mentioning of something like this.

"But mom and dad-"

"...are from the last century and still obsessed with their rules and laws. They need to adjust to the 21st Century, little brother. And I am going to help them with that. They can't do anything about me being in a relationship with a man."

"They can! What if they call you sick!? What if they want to send you to the hospital!?"

"I am in the hospital every day." Haikuan laughed but Yibo didn't look like he was in the mood for games.

"I am talking about the psychiatry, brother! They will not accept it and might send you there!"

"I am an adult and can make decisions on my own. I don't care what they think about this. It's my life, not theirs. I will do everything to make sure I will be happy. If they can't accept this so be it. Albeit it will be very sad, I do not need them in my life to be happy."

"But they-"

"Yibo! What is wrong with you? I don' know why you are and our parents are on bad terms but I am not. Why do you think they would react like this? You can't know before I told them about me and Zhou Cheng. Or... is that what you think? Are you that much against me being with a man!? Sorry, but I don't care what others think about that. That includes you too, little brother. It's my life. I hope you can accept that and be happy for me. Now excuse me, I will go and look for my boyfriend." Haikuan stood up and when he caught the look on Xiao Zhan's face he chuckled. "He is my boyfriend. He will soon stop being so shy and accept it. Trust me." He winked at Xiao Zhan and walked out of the room.

Yibo looked at his older brother until he disappeared. He was shocked. Xiao Zhan didn't know what just happened but he knew that Haikuan misunderstood his brother. Yibo wasn't against Haikuan being with a man, or against gays for that matter. If he was, he would never have slept with Xiao Zhan in the past. Yibo frowned and now looked defeated. He suddenly stood up and left for his office.

Xiao Zhan was worried but he wouldn't dare to follow Yibo. He was rather relieved to be able to put some space between them. Right now he was more curious about what happened between the officer and the doctor. He already kind of knew what happened between them but he guessed they still needed to talk about it. Xiao Zhan decided he would wait and hope that at the end of the day these two would have cleared out their relationship.

When Haikuan found Zhou Cheng in the bathroom bowing over the sink washing his face he had many thoughts in mind and none of them was youth-free. Seeing how Zhou Cheng was unconsciously spreading his behind out was making Haikuan itchy and thinking of different ways to have his way with the officer.

Zhou Cheng didn't know yet he had an audience. Only when he felt a pair of hands on his back and something hitting his behind did he lookup. In the mirror, he saw Haikuan looking at him the same way he did when he was eating him up in the hospital. Zhou Cheng was angry. Angry because he couldn't help but think about what would happen soon. And he wanted it. He could say otherwise and he could deny it as much as he wanted. But it didn't change the fact that he was excited.

"This is the right position, don't you think, Officer?" Haikuan asked and barely could stop himself from pulling on Zhou Cheng's clothes.

"G-go away!" Zhou Cheng got nervous. He knew that when Haikuan decided what he wanted to do, Zhou Cheng had no way to escape. Especially when he wanted it himself. How did that happen? Was it at the hospital? Or when he met the doctor the first time after the night in the club? Or... could it be it was since the first time he met Haikuan in the club? Was that why he did what he did back then? In the end, maybe it wasn't just the alcohol... could that be? Zhou Cheng didn't know and right now he didn't care.

Haikuan grinned when he saw Zhou Cheng's reaction towards him. He had him for good and when he realized that he stopped being courteous, grabbed Zhou Cheng and pulled him closer until he could slip his tongue inside the other's mouth. It was warm and wet, making Haikuan thinking of so many dirty things he could and would do with the officer, that it scared him a little.

Zhou Cheng was even angrier now because he got hard. Out of nowhere with just one wet kiss the doctor got him where the doctor wanted him to be. It was embarrassing that it was so easy for Haikuan to bring Zhou Cheng into this situation so fast.

Just as fast Haikuan tore off Zhou Cheng's shirt, roaming his hands all over the other's chest. He eyed those beautiful buds he had so much fun with not long ago making him moan in anticipation and hunger. "Tonight there is no way to stop me, Zhou Cheng. No matter how much you beg, no matter if you have enough or lost consciousness. I will have you until I am satisfied." Haikuan whispered and bit the officer's neck.

Zhou Cheng got goosebumps hearing the doctor's words and when he felt that bite he groaned loudly. But before this got out of hand he pushed Haikuan away what made the latter growl at him. Zhou Cheng panted. "Not here, asshole!" He muttered at the glaring man in front of me.

"Where then?"

"S-steven is not at home today..." Was Zhou Cheng's answer making the doctor smirk.

"Only on one condition."

"W-what?" The officer asked nervously.

"You will wear your uniform this time. I want to do you when you wear it." Haikuan answered with a big grin. "I need a good reason to stop now and wait a few more minutes before I can have you. So either that or I will do you here and now. Your choice, Officer."

Zhou Cheng widened his eyes. Wearing his honored uniform while doing such a dirty act? That was despicable! But doing it in someone else's house while they could hear them? No. The hospital was bad enough.

"Let's go." Zhou Cheng mumbled and let Haikuan pull him out of the backdoor, down the streets towards Steven's house where he took him to Zhou Cheng's bedroom, closing the door and pointing towards the closet.

"Wear it! And I want to watch you when you do it. Hurry!" Haikuan ordered impatiently and devoured the undressing officer with his eyes.

Zhou Cheng's face turned red it the color wouldn't go away for a long time. He was shy and embarrassed but he wanted it. He was sure it wouldn't hurt as it did during his first time last week.

A week ago

Zhou Cheng was not amused that Haikuan was in his room around the clock and he never thought that the mere presence of one person could make him feel numerous things at the same time. For once he was annoyed because Haikuan only left when he was called. Zhou Cheng had no time for himself. But that also made him feel a little relieved because that way he was not alone all the time and had someone to talk to. Not that he did talk to Haikuan. Oh no, he wouldn't do that because he knew if he did, nothing good would come out of the other's mouth.

Zhou Cheng also felt tense because he somehow thought that Haikuan was planning something. The way the doctor watched him made him feel uncomfortable and nervous. Yet, Haikuan never approached him and that made Zhou Cheng feel irritated. Because he felt all these things he couldn't fall asleep easily.

"Don't you want to go to sleep? Or are you feeling unwell? Do you need something?" Haikuan asked him after he came back. Zhou Cheng was tired but he was sure he did not look as tired as the doctor. The officer witnessed in the last three days that the doctor was called often to help with numerous surgeries. When he was called he would leave for two to five hours and when he came back he was called again after around half an hour.

That was the moment Zhou Cheng started pitying Haikuan. It was a positive thing to be smart and educated in many areas but it was also a curse because once the hospital was short at hand, Haikuan was needed a lot and was called for help. So the officer knew that Haikuan didn't sleep a lot in the last three days but instead of catching up on sleep, he sat here caring for a patient. Without any reason, he wouldn't allow anyone to enter his hospital room. Not even a nurse. Haikuan did everything on his own.

"Are you stupid?" Zhou Cheng asked the doctor annoyed. "You are more tired and exhausted than I am, yet you ask if I am feeling unwell? What if I am? What will you do about it?"

"I am a doctor, Officer Wang. I will help you, of course. What do you need? I will get it for you?"

"Okay, either you are stupid or a masochist." Zhou Cheng shook his head. His statement made the doctor chuckle.

"I am neither." He answered in amusement. "I am not stupid but very worried about you and want to help you feel better again. If that means I will have to cut my well-being a little short, so be it. And I am not a masochist. If any I am a sadist and once you finally accept me you will find that out soon enough."

Zhou Cheng couldn't believe the outspokenness of that doctor so for a moment he was at a loss for words. When he was finally able to say something the pager of the doctor called for him.

"I guess I am needed. Let's talk later. Sleep a little. You need it." Haikuan said and was about to leave the room when he heard Zhou Cheng's answer.

"You need it more than me, asshole..." Zhou Cheng mumbled annoyed and that made Haikuan's tiredness go away.

"Oh my, oh my. You are worried about me. That is better than winning in the lottery." Haikuan smiled and walked up to Zhou Cheng's bed.

"What do you want!?" Zhou Cheng asked alarmed but the doctor just laughed-

"Nothing. Just trying to get some energy from you. Don't look at me with those big eyes. With the blush on your face, it makes my body feel things. And if I listen to my body you will be the one who might lose out." When Zhou Cheng's eyes grew bigger out and his face reddened even more Haikuan's heart skipped a beat so he leaned closer to Zhou Cheng. "Don't provoke me, for god's sake." He whispered and stole a soft kiss from the officer before turning around and leaving Zhou Cheng to himself.

Zhou Cheng stared at the closed door while touching his lips. He was annoyed that Haikuan dared once again to steal a kiss from him. This time he was so angry that he felt the temperature of the room going up quickly making him leave his bed and walk to the bathroom located at the other end of the room. The food poisoning was terrifying but due to the medication and admittedly good handling of Haikuan, Zhou Cheng felt a lot better. He was sure he was able to leave the hospital the next day or the day after tomorrow. But that was only Zhou Cheng's opinion.

Once he was in the bathroom, he washed his face. When that didn't help, he took a shower. Once he stepped out of the bathroom half an hour later the temperature in the room was normal making the officer sigh in relief. He went back to bed and tried to sleep.

Two hours later he was almost falling asleep when he heard the door opening. Due to his profession as a police officer, it was natural he would wake up alarmed and look through his narrowed eyes to take a look at the intruder. Zhou Cheng almost rolled his eyes when he unsurprisingly saw Haikuan entering his room. Now he was in a bad mood because the doctor was the reason he was awake now.

The officer was about to complain but when he saw how tired the doctor was he stopped his intention and closed his eyes quickly when he heard the doctor calling him silently before walking up to his bed. Soon Zhou Cheng felt a hand softly caressing his forehead. He sighed unconsciously.

"I would like it when you were this open to my touches when you are awake, Zhou Cheng," Haikuan whispered before daring to shove the officer a little to make some space on the bed for the doctor to lay down next to him. "Let me take a nap next to you, okay? I promise once they call me again I will get up. The next morning, at the latest." Haikuan mumbled and fell asleep almost immediately.

Zhuo Cheng didn't move for the next 20 minutes, checking if the doctor was just pretending. But no, Haikuan was fast asleep. He watched the sleeping doctor next to him for a long time.

"If I wasn't so tired I would have kicked you off the bed. You should feel lucky, idiot." Zhou Cheng mumbled and tried to make himself feel comfortable which was a little difficult considering there were laying two people in a bed made for one.

When he closed his eyes he heard Haikuan's pager and frowned. 'What the hell? Don't they feel sorry for tiring him out? They should consider his well-being first before accepting more patients while knowing they are short at hands and only Hiakuan was able to help in numerous areas.' Zhou Cheng thought, took the pager, and turned it off. He nodded to himself and decided to try to sleep again. Only this time it happened a lot faster than before.

The next morning Zhou Cheng was the first one to wake up. A look at the clock told him it was 8:30 am. He looked at the still sleeping doctor and frowned when he realized he was being hugged by him. While he was trying to figure out of he should kick the doctor off the bed to get to the bathroom Haikuan woke up. First, he was confused but when he realized what he was doing and that Zhou Cheng did not seem to mind the closeness, he grinned at the officer.

"Good morning, Zhou Cheng. What an amazing way to wake up."

"Shut up and get off!" Zhou Cheng ordered but the Haikuan ignored him and snuggled a little closer.

"Don't want to. It feels too comfortable to leave just yet. How come you didn't kick me out of the bed?"

"I did but you climbed back inside all the time, you asshole!" Zhou Cheng answered making Haikuan laugh.

"If you say that again while looking into my eyes, I will believe you. Albeit I think that if you really would have kicked me off, I would have climbed back inside."

"Whatever. Get off! The bed is too small for two people!"

"I don't think so. There was no problem during the night. I feel comfortable."

"I don't! It's too tight. So go off before I kick you!" Zhou Cheng answered.

"Really? Hmm...." Haikuan said and grinned. "Maybe it will feel better like this?" He asked and with one move he laid on top of the shocked officer.

"Are you crazy!? Get off!!" Zhou Cheng growled and tried to push Haikuan off him. The doctor didn't want to get off. The position he was in was not only comfortable but made him think about the night in the club. He stared down at Zhou Cheng and gulped seeing the first two buttons of the officer's garments open, revealing a few of Zhou Cheng's chest hair.

"You-!?" Zhou Cheng widened his eyes in shock right before Haikuan jumped off him.

"Sorry about that. My body is just reacting to you. It's not my fault that you look so ... tempting this morning." Haikuan didn't even try to hide his hard-on which was pressing against his pants. He winked at Zhou Cheng who jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

"You are sick!" He yelled before closing the door and taking his time to use the toilet, take a shower, and brush his teeth.

Haikuan on the other hand decided to not let the pain continue and took out his precious gem. While he was stroking himself he thought that it was unusually quiet this morning. In general, he found it strange that no one called him last night. So he took out his pager and was surprised to find out that it was turned off. For a moment he was confused because he was sure he had charged it not long ago. But when it turned on without a problem and he saw that he got called three times last night, he frowned only to start grinning figuring out how it happened that his pager was turned off.

He put the little object away and greedily stared at the closed bathroom door. He knew that Zhou Cheng did not lock the door and hearing from the sounds he also knew that the officer was taking a shower just at that moment. Haikuan did not enter the bathroom as much as he wanted to. He knew for sure that Zhou Cheng had feelings for him. Or at least he was about to have them and if Haikuan would enter the bathroom now.... Zhou Cheng would be pissed and all Haikuan's effort would be lost.

So all he did was stare at the door, listening to the sound of the shower, and imagining the naked Zhou Cheng washing himself in slow motion. All that was enough to make his cock harden even more and while Haikuan was busy making himself feel good he prayed for one thing to happen. Only this time his prayers were answered.

After Zhou Cheng brushed his teeth and got dressed he stepped out of the bathroom and immediately wished he hadn't. What he saw on his bed was definitely not youth-free.

"Y-y-you f-freak!" Zhou Cheng stuttered in shock. Haikuan grinned and looked straight at him.

"Something like this is normal. Remember how you helped me with this back in the club? I helped you too." He laughed seeing how Zhou Cheng's face turned into a deep red color. No matter how much he tried to, Zhou Cheng could not take his eyes from the scene in front of him. That made Haikuan more confident. He got up and walked up to the shocked officer, all the while stroking himself.

"G-go away!"

"I am in pain, Officer. Would you help me with that?"

"Go away!"

"It really hurts, Zhou Cheng. You have to help me. It's your fault that I am like this after all." Haikuan said and reached for the officer's hands.

Zhou Cheng couldn't do anything. He couldn't escape, he couldn't look away, he couldn't stop Haikuan from taking his hands, and even worst, he couldn't take his hand back once it reached its destination. Haikuan leaned closer. "Help me, Zhou Cheng. Touch me..." The doctor breathed into the officer's ears.

The temperature went up quickly and Zhou Cheng felt hot despite the shower he took just minutes ago. His hand wrapped around the doctor's tail on its own almost immediately.

"That is right. Now move, Zhou Cheng. But move fast..."

Zhou Cheng didn't know what Haikuan did for him to follow his wishes. He couldn't believe what he was doing. But most of all, he couldn't believe that he was reacting with his body as well. He ignored it, at least he tried to but it was difficult. Especially when Haikuan was watching Zhou Cheng with eagle eyes.

"This tells me all I need to know." Haikuan grinned at Zhou Cheng's private part and pulled him into a hot kiss until he came into the officer's hands with a breathless groan. Zhou Cheng stood there like a statue looking at his hands. It was the sound of Haikuan's pager that made both men come back to reality.

"Thank you for worrying about me and turning off the pager for me to get some sleep. Zhou Cheng. I really needed it. Almost as much as I need you right now. But it seems I have to go back to work now...." Haikuan sighed and put back on his pants. "When I come back later.... We will continue where we stop now. I promise." Haikuan breathed the last part into Zhou Cheng's ear before leaving the officer to himself.

Zhou Cheng was still staring at his hand before reaching to the part between his legs. He bit his lips and took a long breath but didn't touch himself. He was shocked about what happened moments ago but the most shocking thing was... Zhou Cheng was not disgusted at all. Why did he let Haikuan go that far? Why did not fight back? Did he actually like what just happened?

In any way, all that didn't matter at the moment. Now he was only trying to figure out how he would escape Haikuan before he would come back later. But the question was... did he even want to escape?

12 hours and 4 surgeries later, Haikuan was done for the day. That was what he decided for himself before he went into the last OP-Room. But when he came out, one of the other doctors was standing in front of it waiting for him and seemingly in a bad mood. It was Dr. Huang. He was a good doctor and pretty smart. But the problem was he was lazy and often uses his background as the son of the chairman of the hospital to get other doctors to do his surgeries. Not because he was busy but because he wanted to go out and have fun. He was definitely not professional.

"Dr. Wang, where were you last night? I paged you but you did not respond! Dr. Lee and Dr. Xing also paged you. They needed your help as well." Dr. Huang said annoyed. He was angry but seemed to hold himself back upon seeing his father, the chairman, approaching.

"What is going?" He asked. He just came out of another OP-Room because even if he didn't need to take part in surgery, he didn't care even if he was the chairman. If someone needed help, he would go into the OP-Room himself if that meant life could be saved. Because of him, Haikuan decided that this hospital was a good one. In other hospitals, the chairman wouldn't get out of his comfortable chair.

Before Dr. Huang could complain and say nonsense, Haikuan stepped forward to answer the question. In the past, he didn't care much about it and would have helped the moment he was paged. But because of that everyone would rely on Haikuan a little too often. Even when the surgery was an easy one, he would be called. 'But that is the end of it now.' Haikuan thought, inwardly smiled, and thanked Zhou Cheng for turning off his pager.

"Sir, I am sorry but I think there are some things I need to clarify," Haikuan said and the Chairman raised his brows in surprise.

"So? What is the matter, Dr. Wang?"

"I don't want to sound arrogant but... I am smart and more knowledgeable than most of the doctors in this hospital." Haikuan started making the chairman laugh.

"I know. That is why I desperately wanted you in my team."

"Thanks for that, by the way. Anyway, I am good at what I do and I like that everyone is asking for help when they don't know how to proceed further. I love saving people and don't mind helping my colleagues. But!" Haikuan took a short breath.

"Enough is enough. Because everyone thinks they need my help I will be called every 30 minutes and I help in a lot of surgeries. I also have my own patients. Just because I am smart and good at what I do does not mean I do not get tired. I need a break as well. So last night I turned off my pager. Maybe it was not the best way to show my point of view but it had to be done. I was tired and needed sleep. Last night I got more sleep than the last two weeks together."

The chairman frowned. "What does that mean? A doctor needs to get enough sleep or else something might happen later on. Why didn't you come to me right away?" He asked and looked at his son. "I know that you have a lot of time because you don't have many patients. As of now, you will take over more surgeries."

"But Dad! I-"

"It's called sir! Right now I am the Chairman rather than your father. Don't think I don't see that you get lazier by the day. As of now you will do more than you do now and trust me, I will make sure to check on that myself!" The chairman said and turned back to Haikuan. "I am sorry that it went so far and as of now things will change. But you are at fault too. You could have said no or come to me with your issue. Turning off the pager can be dangerous. What if there is someone who desperately needs help?"

"Well... I know..." Haikuan answered nervously. "I am sorry...."

"I know. Make sure you don't do that again. You will start no surgeries between 8 pm and 6 am unless it is an emergency. If a surgery started at 6 pm and it takes 4 hours or more, you will naturally finish them. We will hold a meeting with all the doctors and nurses tomorrow where schedules will be adjusted. I am sorry that it went so far, Dr. Wang. But next time I want you to come to me if there is something you don't like. I would hate it to lose such a good doctor as you. If you excuse me now." The chairman patted my back and left. His son, Dr. Huang, was moodier than before but Haikuan didn't care. He went into the staff room and took a shower. He changed into some comfortable clothes and once he was satisfied with everything he made his way to Zhou Cheng's room. 'Tonight...,' he thought in anticipation, '...I am going to make Zhou Cheng mine!'

As Haikuan walked past the reception the nurses nodded at him with a smile. Only the heard nurse seemed to be annoyed.

"Who angered my angel?" Haikuan asked her amused.

"You patient did!" She answered with a frown.

"Which one?"

"You know exactly which one I am talking about, doctor!" He said and turned towards Zhou Cheng's room.

"What did he do?" Haikuan wanted to know.

"He came to me and wanted me to handle him the discharging papers. I told him that he needed to stay at least for a few more days so we can be sure he is taking his medication properly and getting the rest he needed but he kept pestering me. I get it, he is a police officer and a tough one at that, but he is still a patient!"

"Did you let him leave!?" Haikuan asked shocked and probably a little upset.

"What are you taking me for, Dr. Wang Haikuan!? I am in my job far longer than you. I know how to handle stubborn patients. Of course, I did not let him leave! I threatened I would give him sedation if he comes to me one more time or he would leave on his own. My job is to take care of people not to send them away when they need help the most." The head nurse answered and was visibly angered by Haikuan's accusation.

"It was just a question, my angel. I love you!" Haikuan grinned and kissed the older lady on the forehead making the other nurses giggle.

"Too bad I am way too old for you. Now get out of my sight, you troublemaker. Take care of your patient before I will take over. Just for your information I already prepared the sedation just in case."

"That will not be needed, trust me. Excuse me now, I will go and take very good care of that cute stubborn patient." Haikuan grinned.

"Hey! I never said he was cute.." The head nurse said and Haikuan laughed before leaving.

"This doctor..." The head nurse shook her head and turned to the giggling nurses. "Don't you have work to do? Stop drooling over Dr. Wang and do your work!"

Haikuan entered the room without knocking. As expected, Zhou Cheng stood in the middle of the room, ready to complain about everything.

"Did you wait for me?" Haikuan asked flirtatious making the officer frown right away.

"Why would I?"

"You look angry. Sorry for being late..." Haikuan chuckled and loosened his tie.

"I told you I did not wait for you. And I am angry because the head nurse is unreasonable! She is so freaking stubborn!"

"So are you." Haikuan smiled what earned him a glare from the Officer. The doctor shrugged it off and walked up to Zhou Cheng who stepped back a few steps.

"Wait!" He demanded and Haikuan raised his brows. "I told you numerous times that I am not into men. Didn't you say you weren't either!?"

"I did. So?"

"Do I look like a woman to you!?"

"Definitely not," Haikuan answered and grinned. "You are a strong and manly police officer who makes my heart skips several beats each minute. You are someone who seduced me 5 months ago and made me feel things I never knew were possible. You took advantage of me and now that I fell for you you have to take responsibility."

"I never took a-"

"Yes you did, Zhou Cheng. And you know that. But don't worry, I am not mad at you. It's the opposite. I am happy it happened and I was able to fall in love with someone. I don't care if you are a man. You don't either, right? You love me too, don't you? You are worried about me and the way you react to my naughty things tells me you enjoy it just as much as I do."

"So you finally admit that you are naughty?" Zhou Cheng snorted and Haikuan smiled innocently.

"And you didn't deny when I said you love me. You don't know how happy that makes me, Zhou Cheng."The Officer suddenly looked nervous and shook his head.

"You are wr-"

"If you don't want me to punish you, you better don't lie ... No, wait, cancel that. Lie as much as you want. I somehow want to punish you the whole night ... " Haikuan smirked, "... with a lot of naughty things."

Zhou Cheng looked at the door and then to the pager on Haikuan's waistband. 'Just wait for a little and he will be called for sure...'

Haikuan of course read Zhou Cheng's thoughts and smiled. "I met my boss earlier and he told me I don't have to work after 8 pm unless it's an emergency. Which means...." Haikuan took two big steps and stood right in front of the officer. "... I will have time to serve you tonight. Are you excited?" Not waiting for an answer the doctor pulled Zhou Cheng into a deep kiss.

Zhou Cheng tried to find a way to escape what was about to happen. It's not that he hated it. It's because he enjoyed it a lot that he wanted to stop. He wasn't gay. He shouldn't do this. Yet, once Haikuan pushed him on the bed, his will to escape slowly disappeared. He saw Haikuan getting off the bed, taking off his coat followed by his other clothes. He did it so fast as if he was scared Zhou Cheng would run away. And the officer would have run away if he wasn't so distracted by the doctor's flawless and trained body. 5 months ago he saw him naked already but due to being drunk and the dim light, he didn't see that much.

"Seeing that you didn't run away and you look at me like a 5-course-menu I assume you are ready for me." Haikuan grinned smashed his lips on the Zhou Cheng's while his fingers wandered down the latter's body and slipped under the patient's garment. "I like it that you wear no underwear. You must have awaited this and prepared yourself, didn't you?"

"Shut up!" Zhou Cheng said and that made the doctor laugh.

"So you did! I guess I have to reward you for that." Haikuan's tongue entered Zhou Cheng's mouth and while it played with the latter's one, Haikuan's middle finger slipped into Zhou Cheng's butthole. That was more than just unexpected and the officer let out a deep noise that made Haikuan's aroused. He wanted to hear it again so he moved his finger making the officer squirm under him.

"Give me that sound again, Zhou Cheng." Haikuan pleaded but when the officer refused to do so even after moving his finger around, the doctor shrugged his shoulder and entered another finger what made the officer moan.


"I love it that you are still a virgin, Zhou Cheng,"

"I am not!" The officer hissed. "I slept with my girlfriends in university, idiot!"

Haikuan frowned. "That might be true but your ass is still untouched so you count as a virgin to me. And don't you dare talk about your flings when we are together. That hurt my feelings." He said and moved his fingers faster until Zhou Cheng was not able to do anything but moan.

Haikuan kissed Zhou Cheng's lips, sucked his neck, licked his chest, and chewed on his nipples. All these things and the moans of the officer brought Haikuan to his limit. He wanted Zhou Cheng so bad that it hurts. So he did something that would make Zhou Cheng pretty mad at him but at that moment, Haikuan didn't care. He took out his fingers, quickly reached for a condom he placed on the bedside table earlier, and once it was wrapped safely around his cock, he spread Zhou Cheng's legs and entered him.

"Fuck!!" Zhou Cheng moaned in pain and glared at the man on top of him. "You bastard!! That hurts!!" He yelled.

"I am sorry, Zhou Cheng. I know I had to prepare you a little more but I couldn't wait anymore. Forgive me..." He pleaded and stole soft kisses from the other while playing with his buds. That made Zhou Cheng feel good what resulted in him tightening around Haikuan's cock unable for the doctor to suppress his urge to come.

"Shit... Stop squeezing me, Zhou Cheng... I cant..."

"Then hurry the fuck up and move!" The officer growled before he pulled the doctor into a passionate kiss. He knew that if he didn't kiss Haikuan, he wouldn't be able to keep down his voice. Moreover, he liked kissing the doctor.

Haikuan, who heard Zhou Cheng's wish grinned against the latter's lips and started to move. But Haikaun was too impatient and couldn't help but penetrate the officer with a fast speed.

Zhou Cheng was in pain but soon he ignored that feeling and concentrated on the pleasure he felt. He held onto the doctor on top of him and enjoyed the night. 


The flashback to his first time with Zhou Cheng made Haikuan arch his back and come yet again into the officer's tight hole. His body was wet from all their sweat and his and Zhou Cheng's stomachs were covered with the latter's semen. They spend a lot of hours in Zhou Cheng's bed at Steven's house and it was a good thing the owner wasn't home. Not it was evening and both men were tired. 

On the ground next to the bed laid Zhou Cheng's dirty uniform. The officer looked so damn sexy in his uniform that Haikuan could barely control himself. The feeling and sight of making love with Zhou Cheng while he wore his uniform was so freaking arousing. Haikuan was sure he would think of this night whenever he saw Zhou Cheng wearing it in the future. So for Zhou Cheng's sake, he should never wear it in front of the doctor or else he might not let the officer go to work.

The officer's eyes fluttered. He was dead tired but as long as Haikuan was inside him he couldn't fall asleep. Mostly because once the doctor moved, Zhou Cheng would get hard again and there was no way to prevent that.

Haikuan wanted to make his threat real and use the whole night to make love to Zhou Cheng but he wasn't a monster. He loved Zhou Cheng and wanted to make him feel good. Doing him while he was asleep wasn't fair for both of them so once his orgasm was over he pulled out and rolled off the officer. He turned his head to the side and watched Zhou Cheng falling into a deep sleep.

Haikuan was happy that Zhou Cheng accepted him. Well, not fully yet but it was only a question of time. He was pretty mad at Haikuan after their first night in the hospital which was understandable after the doctor didn't hold back at all. It took Haikuan a while before he could make Zhou Cheng forgive him.

The doctor chuckled and watched his boyfriend sleeping. They didn't talk about it yet but obviously, they were boyfriends. Haikuan wouldn't accept anything else.

As the doctor looked down on himself he saw a few dark blue marks on his shoulder as well at his tights. He didn't mind them. Zhou Cheng was strong and used his power even in bed. It didn't hurt at all but made Haikuan only more excited.

'I am curious how my ass looks like...' Haikuan thought amused and remembered how Zhou Cheng grabbed his butt cheeks and squeezed them hard. Haikuan never expected the shy officer to be this aggressive in bed. Even Haikuan's neck might have a few blue marks and the doctor thought of them as love Zhou Cheng's love bites. While Haikuan liked to bite the officer, Zhou Cheng seemed to love to squeeze his boyfriend's body

wherever he could.

'He is so awesomely strong... I am curious how I would feel if Zhou Cheng would enter me...' Haikuan thought for a moment which resulted in him getting hard again. He cursed silently and turned his back to the officer. For one so he wouldn't think of jumping on his boyfriend again but also because he didn't want the latter to open his eyes and see what the doctor was doing right next to him. Not that it would surprise Zhou Cheng. He should be used by that by now.

Haikuan tried to help himself and hoped it would be enough. And sometimes... even the naughty Haikuan was lucky. As he worked on himself as quietly as possible a third hand suddenly showed up and wrapped around Haikuan's cock.

"If you are hard then tell me, asshole!" Zhou Cheng mumbled as he slide closer to Haikuan until his front was colliding with Haikuan's back. Then he used his second hand and stroke Haikuan until the latter came.

"I love you, Zhou Cheng," Haikuan confessed with a smile.

"Hmpf...Hmm.." That was all he heard as an answer but for the doctor that was enough.

For now.

to be continued...

That's it again and I guess Haikuan got what he wanted. And Zhou Cheng....well, it should be obvious that he enjoyed it a lot. If he ever says otherwise I am going to tell on him on Haikuan. I swear! 

I wish both of them a lot of steamy nights <3 <3

The next chapter is about our main couple again. Xiao Zhan will finally hear an explanation for Yibo's behavior but will that be enough? Will Xiao Zhan forgive Yibo or .... maybe he did forgive him already? 

What I am sure of is that Haikuan and Zhou Cheng are not the only ones who are enjoying themselves. I really hope they both know what they are doing and will not regret anything... 

The next chapter comes out next Sunday. See you then <3 <3 <3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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