Chapter 21: Taking what one desires

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Okay, so here is the new chapter. Unfortunately, I still can't sleep well and I am always tired... But soon I have a vacation again (two weeks, heck yeah!!)  and I hope it will help me. ^^

As for this chapter. I have to be honest, I am not 100 % happy with it but I still hope you will like it. :D :D

Enjoy <3 <3

 Xiao Zhan's POV

At some point, I realized that Zhou Cheng and Haikuan left. Yibo locked himself up in his office and I decided to watch some TV. Unfortunately, there was nothing worth to watch so I turned it off sometime later and took a book out of one of the shelves. I decided to skip the exercises for my leg today because I had an appointment with Dr. Song the next day anyway. One day less will not hurt anyone.

I didn't know how much time passed when I heard Yibo entering the living room. "I will prepare lunch now. Is there something you want to eat?" He asked me.

"Can you even cook?" I asked back which earned me a snort.

"I will just pretend I didn't hear that. So? Anything you want?"

"Ehm... I don't know... Just cook anything. I am not a picky eater." I answered a little embarrassed and concentrated back on the book in my hand. 'Of course, he can cook, you idiot. He is living with Xuan Lu for a long time already.'

"Then how about Tuna casserole and as dessert a ... fruit salad?"

"Sounds good," I answered and Yibo left. I tried to continue reading but I was too curious to see what Yibo did that I put the book away and sneaked towards the kitchen. I watched him preparing the food and was amazed at how easy it looked. 'Maybe I should try to learn cooking as well?'

"You can come in and sit down if you want to watch. That would be more comfortable, don't you think?" Yibo said without turning to me.

"H-how did you know?" I stepped forward and sit on one of the bar stools which was the farthest away from Yibo.

"I just knew it." Was his answer. After some time he turned to me. "Did you never watch someone cook?"

"I did. But I never saw you doing it and I also couldn't imagine it. I was curious how it would look like." I answered straightforward.

"Do I look good?"

"Hmm... yes..." When I realized what I just said, I looked away.

Yibo smiled. "I guess I have to do my best so it will even taste good." He turned back and continued. Once the Tuna casserole was in the oven he turned to me. "Now we have to wait."

It was quiet and I started to feel uncomfortable so I left the kitchen with him following me. Back in the living room, I once again turned on the TV. There happened to be a crime drama airing so I decided to watch it. Yibo soon joined me. At some point, he snorted what made me flinch slightly.

"That is nonsense. No prosecutor I met has this kind of personality." He shook his head. "They are all cold-hearted, especially to a newbie. They were like that to me too."

"Maybe you just deserved it?" I asked with a light smile. He frowned.

"I didn't. When I first stepped into the prosecutor's office they already judged me."

"Why would they?"

"Because I was very young. I became a prosecutor at the age of 19. I was smart but mostly I was persistent when it came to learning."

"And you think that is the reason they judged you? I doubt so... You were probably just a pain in the ass. Proud to be the youngest prosecutor in the building."

"Exactly. I had enough reason to be proud. But they didn't like that. They thought I was too young. They said that because I wanted to become an adult as fast as possible I would imitate them." He explained and then looked at me with a weird expression.


"Because they were prejudiced and would always complain about me imitating the adults I was as careful as I could. I tried to make them stop thinking of me like this. I ...." He stopped.

"Yes?" I asked and he bit his lips. "Come on, don't just stop talking in the middle. You did what?"

"They saw my wedding ring and started laughing so I took it off as quickly as I could, pretending I wasn't married." He said and I frowned. "Only the head prosecutor knew of me being married but as he was an old acquaintance he never exposed me. Since then I never wore the ring when I left the house. When Xuan Lu heard of their behavior she was about to storm the prosecution and make a scene. Not because she was mad that I took of the ring, she didn't mind that. It was their behavior she hated. I stopped her on time and told her I would show them what I was capable of."

I looked away when he finished speaking. "So?"

"I didn't lie to you on purpose. At least not when I met you the first time and the three weeks before ... that night. I never wore my ring, Xiao Zhan. I didn't hide it from you because I wanted to pretend I was single and deceive you but because of my colleagues."

"It doesn't matter. You still lied, Yibo." I told him and got up to get some space between us. Yibo jumped up and held my arm.

"I know! I didn't want to deceive you, I didn't want to lie to you when you asked me but... I didn't want to lose you."

"Didn't you mean you didn't want to stop what we were doing?"

"No!!" He hissed. "Don't tell me you believe I was only after sex? Please, Xiao Zhan. Don't tell me that is what you think."

"I don't know what to think, Yibo. You were in heat. You were aroused and-"

"And so was you, Xiao Zhan. But that doesn't mean I would deceive you to get you to bed!"

"Fact is you lied."

"If I would have told you the truth... what do you think would have happened? Would you have stayed with me?"

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. "I was in love with you. I was aroused and wanted you badly. Maybe I would have stopped you, maybe I would have ignored my sanity. I don't know and we will never find out." I told him and it was the truth. I didn't know what I would have done back then. Maybe I would have still slept with him?

"Xiao Zhan...."

"No matter what your colleagues did, no matter how long you have not worn your ring outside your house, there is no way you would have forgotten that you have a wife at home. We met each other for three weeks and you want to tell me you never once thought about telling about Xuan Lu who was waiting for you at home? She was even pregnant! You want me to believe you loved me that much that you forgot your love to her?"

"I didn't forget. How could I!? And I didn't even know she was pregnant."

"You slept with her, Yibo! Was it while you were meeting me or was it before that?" I asked him and then chuckled. "I am not even sure why I am so mad thinking you did that. I wasn't your wife. It was just an affair. By the way, was I just a little adventure or are you bisexual?"

"It wasn't just an adventure and you weren't just an affair. Everything is not what you think it is."

"How can you be so sure when-"

"I am gay, Xiao Zhan!!" He said energetically. It wasn't a yell or something but he said it very loudly. I blinked at him. "Yes, I am gay. I realized that when I had a crush on a male classmate in middle school. After that, I used to have crushes on boys only. I kept it a secret and only a bunch of people knew about that."

I gaped at him. "You are lying." I was shocked.

"I tried to keep it a secret from most of the people, especially from my parents. But they found out and weren't happy. We are not on good terms ever since albeit I doubt they know why I loathe them so much." He smiled sadly. "I don't know exactly when but I fell in love with you back then. It wasn't just a crush. So I wanted to get to know you and the more we met the deeper I fell for you. That night in the bathroom in the bar... when that kiss happened... I wanted you. Badly. I knew you wanted me too, I could feel it. When you asked me if I was married, I lied. I am sorry, Xiao Zhan. I didn't want it to end. When we spend the night together I was so happy especially after hearing that you loved me too. I still love you. I am so sorry for lying...."

I couldn't believe what I heard. That he loved me wasn't even the most shocking part. It was the fact that he was gay. But he was married, wasn't he? Did Xuan Lu know? I doubted so...

"I believed you when you said you weren't married. Even after my previous experiences, I believed you. Maybe it was because I knew that that time my love was far deeper." I freed my arm and sat down again. I thought that I should tell him about my POV that night. I had nothing to lose and once everything was cleared out, all of us could move on.

"Xiao Zhan....?" Yibo called me.

"When you went into the bathroom to take a shower your phone rang.... It happened three times and because I thought it was something important I wanted to bring the phone to you. I happened to look at the screen when a message came in. Xuan Lu texted you and she was saved up as wife. She wrote that she was pregnant and wanted you to come home as soon as possible. Do you even know how I felt when I read that? How shocked and ... and terrified I was?" I asked him and he let his shoulders hang while looking at me guiltily. "And do you know what I thought that night for a millisecond? I thought what I did wasn't that bad because all I did was sleep with the man I loved. I thought that for a millisecond before the guilt made itself noticeable."

"Forgive me, Zhan..."

"I wanted to leave as fast as possible and because you destroyed my shirt I stole your hoodie where I found your wedding ring. I left it behind together with that little bit of money I had left. What you did to me was ... it made me look like a prostitute, Yibo. I didn't want to be seen like that so I left the money on your bed to make you look like one. I don't even know if that makes sense. Anyway, I left. Too bad that I could never forget you..."

"When I came out of the bathroom you were gone. I was calling you but then I saw the money. I did not once think that you used me for fun because when you confessed to me that night I knew you were telling the truth. I wouldn't be a good prosecutor if I can't even figure out if someone is lying. But I was mad that you left just like that. Now I know why and I hate myself that I even got mad. After that, I was looking for you, Xiao Zhan. I went to your workplace because that was the only place I knew you could be. But you never showed up after that. I used my identity as a prosecutor to find out where you lived but you moved out already. No matter what I couldn't find you."

I could see in his eyes he was telling the truth. "I had an accident that night. I was hit by a car and was in the hospital for some time." I confessed and saw how Yibo's face grew paler.

"I remember you said that. I didn't want that to happen. I feel so guilty about that...."

"It's no big deal. I didn't look at my surroundings and it wasn't you who hit me so you don't have to feel guilty for that part."

"No, Zhan. It is my fault. You wouldn't have been hit if I would have told you the truth from the beginning. I am sorry, Zhan. It's all my fault. Please... forgive me... Zhan, please forgive me." He pleaded and I sighed loudly.

"It may sound weird but I kind of already did," I said and meant it.


"I forgave you but the memories can't be forgotten easily. I will probably never forget what happened 5 years ago... But it doesn't matter now anyway. The past can't be changed but we can direct the future. Let's just not talk about it anymore. Let's keep the past in the past." I said and smelled the air. "By the way, I think it's time to take out the tuna casserole."

It looked like Yibo wanted to say something more but then he nodded. "Alright. I will go. But Zhan... there is more we need to talk about. It's important." With that, he left for the kitchen and I was left alone.

I felt calm. I thought I would get mad at Yibo but I wasn't which was kind of weird. Maybe I used up all the bad feelings in the past 5 years? It's also strange that I can't hate him even after what he did. When it came to feelings, even the simplest things can get complicated. Well, maybe feelings themselves are just too complicated.

"Zhan, it's done. Come eat." Yibo called me and I smiled slightly. I noticed it before already but in the past, it was only Meng Yao who called me Zhan. I liked that Yibo was calling me like that. Stupid, I know. I shook my head and went into the dining room where Yibo was already waiting for me.

The food was delicious and I was amazed by Yibo's skills. When he saw my reaction he looked more proudly than ever and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get arrogant," I told him.

"I don't. I am just happy." He grinned. I thought the mood right now was weird. We just had this heart-to-heart conversation not long ago and we were already behaving as nothing happened. I mean, I did say we should do that but that it would be this easy .... I didn't think it would be possible.

When we were done with the lunch, or maybe you could call it early dinner because it was already 4 pm, Yibo carried the dishes to the kitchen and washed them. I went back to the living room where Yibo followed me to after he was done. He wanted to say something but his phone rang and he took the call immediately. He stepped away and I followed his steps with my eyes. From time to time I happen to hear a little of the conversation he had with the caller.

"You told her already?...... I shouldn't have let it come so far.......Not everything, no .... It will be difficult for her ....... Of course, I saw them......sign them....."

Soon he cut the call and came back. Whatever he heard, it probably wasn't good news. Maybe something happened at his office? Despite being curious I didn't ask him.

When he opened his mouth I had the feeling he would start with again with our past so I quickly got up.

"Ehm... how about I prepare the dessert?" I asked and when he raised his brows I frowned. "It's just cutting fruits. I don't need cooking skills for that." I told him and went back to the kitchen. He followed me.

"I didn't say anything."

"Your face did!" He chuckled and when I glared at him he raised his hands.

"I will help." He said quickly and took out everything we need to prepare a fruit salad. Once again it was rather quiet. The whole time he wanted to say something, I could feel it. I just wasn't sure if it was something I would like to hear. Probably not and the next words proved me right.

"I didn't marry Xuan Lu because I loved her." Yibo suddenly said and when I was about to yell at him he shook his head. "Wait, that sounds wrong. I do love Xuan Lu but that was not the reason I married her."

Yibo confessing his love for his wife in front of me hurts but it wasn't something new so I didn't show any reaction. "Shut up, Yibo. I don't want to talk about this topic. Didn't we say we wouldn't talk about it anymore?"

"But I have to tell you this. You have to know the whole story. About Xuan Lu, FanXing, and-"

"Does Xuan Lu know bout you being gay?" I interrupted him. I really hoped she does because she will be very hurt if she ever finds out. I didn't want her to be hurt.

"She does. Back then I even told her about my night with you. I told her everything because the reason we got--" I was so shocked that I accidentally cut myself. I hissed and let go of the knife. "Shit! Are you okay!?" He asked as he examined my finger.

'She knew? She knew the man she loved was gay and even cheated on her. Yet they are still married? Wasn't she mad at him?' I looked at Yibo who was still holding my hands to examine my finger. As I looked at him I slowly understood. 'Of course... Didn't I forgive him too out of love to him? Xuan Lu loves Yibo as well so of course, she would forgive him for that mistake. She is that kind of a person. Also, they have FanXing. She probably doesn't want to make her child fatherless. And the way I saw them the past weeks.... it's obvious she isn't mad at him at all.'

"Zhan, I am sorry. Again. It's my fault you got cut."

"No, it's not. I wasn't careful, that is all. Stop fussing over a small cut that will heal quickly. Let go, I need to clean the wound." I told him and tried to take back my hand. My finger was bleeding a lot so I wanted to rinse it with water. But he didn't let go of me.

I was pretty sure that from this moment everything went wrong. I didn't remember how it happened but I was sure that I was to blame for a large part of it.... or maybe even for all of it?

Yibo took my bleeding finger to his lips and his tongue slipped out. He licked my finger before he took it into his mouth. I widened my eyes when he started to suck the blood out. He didn't look at me but was too immersed in cleaning my finger using his own method.

I wasn't a saint, for god's sake! Since the time I left the hotel room 5 years ago did I try to forget Yibo and my feelings for him. It never worked even after all the curses I threw at him inwardly. When I met him again weeks ago all those feelings came back tenfold yet I still managed to keep a distance even after all his kisses and touches because there was Xuan Lu and also, I still had part of the anger in me on which I concentrated.

But then the anger went away with each day and my feelings were fighting against my good sense. Now he stood there in front of me after all his confessions, sucking on my finger. I felt things I shouldn't. A saint surely would have pulled the finger away and left the kitchen but I wasn't a saint! I was a normal human being who was very close to the man he loved. So when he stopped sucking and let go of my finger I did something terrible!

I pulled Yibo in kissed him.

Funny, isn't it? I, who hated the idea of being a cheater. I, who hated to be an affair. I, who felt guilty just thinking that I was the one Yibo cheated with. I, who was angry whenever Yibo kissed or touched me in the last weeks. I was the one who made the first step. It was wrong and unethical, yet I totally forgot about morals and kissed him. I was to blame for what was to come.

I knew wanted me as he showed it more than once in the past weeks. So when I kissed him I should have known that he wouldn't push me away. He would go through with it. Once a cheater, always a cheater, right? That went for both of us.

He didn't even flinch or hesitate. He was shocked for a millisecond before he deepened the kiss. I still had time to push him away. I could have apologized and gone back to my room to calm down.

At the end of the day, I would be in my room. But not alone and not to calm down.

Everything happened quite fast. 

Yibo and I were not letting go of each other's lips. He pushed me against the counter, palmed my behind, and lifted me up. Out of reflex, I wrapped my legs around him and when our lower bodies collided we moaned at the same time without stopping the kiss. The both of us were barely able to breathe but no one dared to separate our lips.

I was drowning in the heat of the moment and I knew later that nothing would have made me stop what I was doing. 5 long years my feelings for Yibo pent up and tonight they exploded. I didn't see my surroundings anymore. All I faintly noticed was us moving. Yibo walked and walked and soon my back met the softness of a mattress. There was only one bedroom on the ground floor. Mine.

When I opened my eyes I met Yibo's hungry ones. We both inhaled sharply. I did so because Yibo's desire and want for me was too much to handle. Why he inhaled like this I didn't know then but Yibo told me later that I looked at him the same way he looked at me.

I pulled his head down for another kiss, this time even more passionate. Or maybe it was just a hungry one? Anyway, his tongue slid through my lips and soon scouted the inside of my mouth. The way he moved and poked it around almost made me go crazy.

Soon we both pulled on our clothes. It was as if I was a different person. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop. The urge to keep going got stronger each minute. One after the other our clothes fell off and on the ground. I heard a little bang when my pants hit the floor. There was still my phone inside but I couldn't care less.

His hands were hot on my skin and our bodies heated up minutes after minutes. His lips nibbled on my chest, his tongue swirled around my nipple before he took it into his mouth. I grabbed his hair and threw back my head as I let a sound I didn't make in 5 years. Yibo didn't stop but sucked harder once he heard me. I started to pull on his hair and call out his name over and over again. He whispered words and I didn't understand anything except my name.

Soon I could feel his hands at my entrance. He took his time inserting his finger one after the other. He took his time to prepare me as his lips once again found mine. After some time which felt like an eternity to me, he took out his fingers and slowly, very slowly his hardness entered me. I hugged Yibo tightly as I moaned into his mouth. Oh, god how much I wanted him.

When he was in he stopped and kissed me like a maniac. I slowly got a little impatient. His tongue played with mine and when I was able to separate our lips for a short moment I begged him.

"Move, Yibo. Please! Move already."

Yibo took my hands in his, pressed them next to my head on each side, and intertwined them. With a hungry kiss, he moved. Slowly. Very slowly he pulled out only to push it back right away. Our nipples were rubbing against each other making me go crazy.

When I loosened up perfectly he stopped moving for a short moment. He leaned back and stared at me. His eyes screamed out his feelings for me. Or was it just a reflection and showed my feelings for him?

"I love you, Xiao Zhan." He confessed with such seriousness that there was no way he was lying.

"Love you, Yibo." I panted and felt how he grew harder inside me. Then he moved again, faster this time. And he got faster, hitting the most sensible spot within me multiple times making us both groan loudly. He leaned back, I arched my back, and together with a moan as loud as an orchestra, we spent many more hours in this bed making love as if there was no tomorrow.

I knew I would feel more than just guilty the next day but that night I didn't care about that. My mind was living in the here and now, feeling the love and desire for the man I loved.

3rd POV

It was around 6 am when a phone rang. It was Yibo's. He woke up instantly and reached for the small object on the bedside table.

"Yibo speaking." He said as silently as possible and sighed in relief when he saw that Xiao Zhan did not wake up.

"Yibo, it's me. We have a track to Meng Yao." Yibo's colleague answered and Yibo was immediately wide awake.


"We went through all the documents and found out that Meng Yao is still the owner of his company. That guy Wang HaoXuan never owned it. The papers are fake."

"Isn't that what we already expected?" Yibo asked a little annoyed.

"Yeah, but now we have proof. We also obtained pictures showing Wang HaoXuan and Meng Yao together in a club. It's the one where a lot of girls went missing. HaoXuan was seen with one of the victims. We asked the workers in that club and showed them the photos. They told us that Wang HaoXuan did whatever Meng Yao said. So they don't just know each other but they also work together."

"That is enough to arrest Wang HaoXuan! Through him, we might find out where Meng Yao is hiding." Yibo grinned. "I will come into the office and once we get the arrest warrant we will visit HaoXuan. Find out where he lives!"

Yibo cut the call and looked over to Xiao Zhan. He didn't want to wake him up but he also didn't want to leave him just like that. Yibo stoke the other's shoulder and smiled thinking about the previous night. He got him back. Yibo finally had Xiao Zhan back into his arms and he was determined to not let him go once again.

But it was too soon to be happy. There is still a lot to do. Xiao Zhan didn't know the whole story yet. Last night both of them gave in to each other's desire without a second thought. He knew that it was his fault once again. Why did he have to suck on Xiao Zhan's finger? He just wanted to make the bleeding stop and didn't think much of how to do it.

Yibo shouldn't have let it come so far but how could he push Xiao Zhan away when Yibo provoked him and wanted Xiao Zhan just as bad? 

He needed to explain Xiao Zhan everything as soon as possible! And there was also Meng Yao. But Yibo decided that once they arrested HaoXuan today and he returned home, he would talk to Xiao Zhan. He needed to!

"Wait for me, Zhan. I will come back as soon as possible. I promise." Yibo whispered and kissed Xiao Zhan's shoulder before leaving the bed as quietly as possible. He took a shower and once he got dressed he left the house to make his way towards the prosecution. In the car, Yibo decided to write Xiao Zhan a text message where he told him that there was more he needed to know and that they would talk as soon as Yibo returned from work. He also asked him to call him the moment he woke up.

Then he called Zhou Cheng. After the fifth ring, the call went through and Yibo's heard a voice.

"Why are you calling Zhou Cheng?! So early at that?"

"And why are you taking the call, brother? I called him, not you." Yibo answered and rolled his eyes.

"We have no secrets," Haikuan said and yawned. "So what do you want? My Officer is still sleeping."

"Then wake him up. I got news about Meng Yao and needed to leave. I don't want Xiao Zhan to be alone at home."

"Oh? Congratulations. May that bastard be caught as soon as possible." Haikuan said. "Don't worry, little brother. I will Zhou Cheng up and we will go over right away."

"Thanks." Yibo smiled. "Oh, and no matter what you see, don't ask questions!"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just don't ask questions! Goodbye!" Yibo cut the call.

Once he entered the prosecution everyone was running around. It was chaotic but it was no surprise because they were so close to getting his hands on Meng Yao. All they needed was to arrest Wang HaoXuan and make him tell them where Meng Yao was. And HaoXuan would talk. Yibo was determined to make that happen.

For the evidence to be put together, finding out HaoXuan's address and the approval of the arrest warrant took several hours. In the meantime, Yibo waited for Xiao Zhan's call. He got worried when he didn't get one from him so he tried to call Xiao Zhan himself but the phone was turned off. Yibo decided to call Zhou Cheng.


"Where is Xiao Zhan?"

"We are at the hospital right now. He has an appointment with Dr. Song."

"Give him your phone," Yibo said.

"Then you have to wait a moment. He got a message from the doctor and is probably talking with him right now."

"Why didn't he call me a soon as he woke up? I wrote him a message..." Yibo mumbled silently. "And what do you mean with probably? Aren't you with him?"

"There was a little accident and I had to use the men's room." Zhou Cheng answered. "And the only message he got was from Dr. Song. I was with him when he tried to find his phone under a bunch of clothes. It was a weird situation when I entered his room but ... your brother told me to not ask questions so I will not. Anyway, he never got a message from you."

Yibo frowned and looked at his phone. "I did send him one! At 7:05 am."

"Maybe it didn't go through?"

"Whatever. I want to talk to him. Where is he? And why did he turn off his phone!? He should be reachable at any time."

"He didn't turn it off. I told him wees ago that it must be always turned on Like I said, maybe he is talking with Dr. Song on the phone. That doctor is quite unprofessional. He wrote Xiao Zhan that the appointment would be moved forward by an hour but he is not here on time. He didn't even tell his staff he would come earlier."

"He is not talking on the phone, Officer. His phone is turned off!" Yibo answered annoyed before he realized what Zhou Cheng just said. Yibo started to add one and one together and then his face paled when he understood that something was off.

"Shit!" At the same time, Yibo heard Zhou Cheng cursing breathlessly as he started to run.

"FIND XIAO ZHAN!!" Yibo screamed into his phone before he cut the call.

"Yibo, we've got the arrest warrant." Yibo heard a voice and turned around. The man in front of him filched upon looking into Yibo's face.

"Then let's go." He growled dangerously and walked ahead. Yibo didn't want to arrest HaoXuan but find Xiao Zhan. He was scared that Meng Yao might have got his hands on him. No, he was quite sure of it. But how?


"What?!?" Yibo hissed and glared at his colleague.

"Y-you have to take a l-look at this..." The colleague stuttered and showed Yibo a picture of Dr. Song. First, he didn't understand but then Yibo saw the person standing next to the doctor.

"What the-!?"

"I asked around and it seems he is Dr. Song's boyfriend..."

Finally, Yibo understood and now he was sure that even if he would run to the hospital at lightning speed there was no use. He stared at the phone and concluded. Either Dr. Song is working with Meng Yao or he is helping them unknowingly.

"Send men to Dr. Song's apartment."

"He is not at home." The colleague answered and Yibo glared at him. "We know because our men who are waiting at HaoXuan's house looked through the window and saw him there." Yibo had heard enough and screamed orders around. Now they needed to be fast. To save Xiao Zhan they needed to arrest HaoXuan. If they lose him, everything would be lost.

On their way to HaoXuan's house, Yibo tried to call Dr. Song. He didn't expect the call to go through. If HaoXuan really was using Dr. Song he wouldn't be unprofessional and keep the phone turned on. He was all the more astonished when there was a ringing and soon Dr. Song's voice could be heard. "Dr. Song speaking."

"Here is Wang Yibo. All you have to do is listen to what I say. Do not say something unless I ask you a question. You need to be honest and do exactly what I say. Understood?"

It was quiet for a moment before Dr. Song answered with a confused and worried "I understood."

to be continued....

That's it again and all I can say is ... Shit is about to go down.

The next chapter is about Ji Yang's POV and also explains what happened during Yibo's phone call as well as what happened on Xiao Zhan's side (of course in Xiao Zhan's POV) 

The next chapter is coming next Sunday and I hope to see you again <3 <3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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