Chapter 22: Arranging a kidnap and being kidnapped

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The title is long and sounds boring but I couldn't find a better one^^

Anyway, enjoy this update <3 <3 

Song Ji Yang's POV

Once I greeted the staff I entered my office. HaoXuan was right behind me drawing all the nurses' attention to him. I rolled my eyes.

"My office is nothing special. It's a normal one like any other as well." I said but HaoXuan only shrugged his shoulders and grinned. Then he passed me and entered the room. I sighed in defeat but honestly, I was amused.

Today is my first working day after my one-week vacation. If someone would ask me I would say I needed at least two more weeks. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job. But the past week was so amazingly relaxing that I wasn't all too happy about going back to work. Especially when I was reminded of the time I spent with HaoXuan.

I spent the whole week at HaoXuan's house near the beach which was big enough to harbor a whole soccer team. We had breakfast in bed, showered together, and then either watched movies, played games, or walked along the beach. We also cooked together but it was always HaoXuan who washed the dishes.

But what we have done most of the time.... I didn't need to explain, right? Be it after we woke up, in the shower, or during the night. One time we even did it at the beach. It was enthralling but I also was very nervous and scared that we might get set seen by someone.

Anyway, I had to admit that I irrevocably fell in love with HaoXuan and got addicted to him and his amazing ways to pleasure me. I knew he had a lot of women in the past from where he probably learned all his knowledge but so did I. Well, except the part about the knowledge, obviously. We never talked about our past lovers. No one cared because we had each other now. HaoXuan was addicted to me as well. I knew that for sure because I wasn't the only one who would take the first step. Sometimes out of nowhere he would pull me to a comfortable place to have his way with me. And I loved it.

"You were right...." I heard HaoXuan mumbling. "This office is like the others except for one thing."

"And that is?"

"It smells a lot like you." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Does that mean I am smelly?" I asked him playfully.

"You do have a special smell on you. A smell only I will ever know of. And if it's mixed with mine... " He didn't finish his sentence but I still knew what he meant.

"You are an idiot." I chuckled and started to prepare the files for my patients.

"What is over there?" HaoXuan asked and walked towards a closed door.

"Just a small resting area. I tend to take a nap when I don't have any appointments."

"A bedroom in your office? Smart..." He nodded and walked inside to take a look. In the meantime, I turned on my Computer and opened all the programs I needed. Then I sat down and looked through the files until I felt HaoXuan's presence.

"Hey! These are not for your eyes." I complained and covered the documents.

"Yeah, I know." He answered and stepped away. Then he looked at me pensively and I raised my eyes.

"What is it?" I wanted to know.

"Nothing. I am just curious when you will start to work. I mean, when does your first patient arrive?"

I looked at the clock. "In 15 minutes."

HaoXuan grinned. "I can finish in 10." He said, grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards the resting area.

Just like he promised he was done exactly 9 Minutes and 34 seconds later. God, I stopped the time... Anyway, he seemed to be super satisfied and left me with the promise to pick me up after work.

I, on the other hand, was not yet done. I wanted more and he knew that. But of course, this sadist left just like that leaving me behind like this. I tried to not show anyone that I just had one intensive quicky in my office and I would say I was pretty good at hiding it. I felt uncomfortable but once my first patient came in and I started to concentrate on him, the heat decreased and I could work as if nothing ever happened.

The nurses had only one topic to speak of the entire day. Wang HaoXuan. I already introduced him before I went on vacation but somehow this time everyone is super excited. They asked me questions as to where I met him, how we got together, and if he has any good-looking siblings who happened to be single. I was amused by their behavior and told them the sad news that HaoXuan was an only child.

Then finally the closing time arrived and when I walked out of the hospital, he was already waiting for me. I tried to pretend to be angry at him but there was no use. He brought me a bouquet and told me he had cooked for me.

"It's your favorite food." He hinted and I suppressed a smile.

"I will forgive you this one time," I told him and he laughed.

"What a lucky man I am. Then let's go."

"Wait!" I said and he looked at me questioningly. "I need to go back to my apartment and get some things."

"You have everything you need at my house..."

"It's literally two shirts, one pant, two pairs of socks, and about 3 briefs." I snorted.

"Exactly. That is all you need. In the worst case, you just walk around naked. I am open-minded." He wiggled his brows.

"No, you are a pervert!" I laughed. "Drive me to my apartment. I need to get some more clothes."

"Fine...." He mumbled and started the car. I leaned back and closed my eyes to get some rest.

About 30 minutes later I frowned. "We should be there by now..."

"We are but I didn't want to wake you up so I drove around the block," HaoXuan answered. This made me smile.

When I got out of the car HaoXuan wanted to follow me. "I can go on my own. I am already grown up." I laughed.

"Why don't you want to take me?"

"Because I know you. Once we would step into the apartment we wouldn't leave it anytime soon."

"Let me remind you that you would welcome it with open arms." He answered amused and I stuck out my tongue before going my way. Once I was in my apartment I grabbed a bag and took everything I thought I needed and put it inside. To be honest, I had the thought that it would only be a matter of time until HaoXuan and I would move in together. I mean, I more or less lived in his house already. Yes, I was that confident.

I looked around and when I was sure I didn't miss something, I walked out of my apartment. When my gaze fell on my sister's door, I frowned. I didn't hear from her since I started my vacation. The last thing I knew was that she was mad at me for spending my time with HaoXuan instead of her. She was really angry. No matter how many girlfriends I had before, Wei Wei was never as furious as this time.

On my last workday before going on vacation, I went back here to get a few things before I would spend one week at HaoXuan's. He was waiting downstairs at that time. I was surprised when I opened the door to my apartment and saw my sister sitting on the couch. The living room smelled like freshly popped popcorn, on the coffee table was a bottle of red wine and the TV was turned on, showing the start of my favorite movie.

My sister smiled at me and greeted me with a hug. She wore make-up, a strong perfume, and a black dress which was way too short for my taste. She said she waited for me to have a movie night with her. I was confused because I never said we would have one. She told me she wanted to surprise me before she sat back on the couch and crossed her legs where I happened to see her lingerie for a short moment.

That was embarrassing and if my sister would have pulled such a show in front of someone else than her family or boyfriend I would be very mad at her. She didn't seem to have realized what happened as she reached for both glasses filled with wine and offered me one.

I told her that I couldn't spend time with her because I would be with HaoXuan during my vacation. She was upset at first and tried to change my mind but I didn't listen. I wanted to spend my time with my boyfriend rather than with my sister. That made her really angry and she accused me I would prefer a man I had only known for a short time over my sister. Well, she was right but I didn't feel guilty about that.

Like a child, she pulled on my arm and begged me to spend time with her as well. She wanted to hang out, watch a movie, and talk. When I declined she asked to spend at least that evening with me. She offered me the glass of wine and looked at me with pleading eyes.

'She was really clingy. It never happened before. Whenever I spent time with my girlfriends she smiled and wished me fun. But this time it is different.' I thought. Was it because HaoXuan was a guy? It shouldn't be. She was open-minded and I knew of at least two male friends she had who were gay. Then a thought hit me.

"Was she jealous? Could that be?" I asked myself. "But we have spent so much time together.... Especially whenever my girlfriends broke up she offered me to stay with her and talk about it while drinking into oblivion." I mumbled to myself. Not that I ever drank with her. I don't know why but somehow I didn't dare to do it. Probably because she was my older sister and a nun. I chuckled.

Anyway, Wei Wei and I had a little confrontation the day I left with HaoXuan so I thought that I should talk with her again. At this time of the day she was definitely at home so I knocked on her door. When nothing happened I rang the doorbell. When she didn't open it I frowned and called her phone.

'Is she still mad at me?' I thought worriedly when she didn't pick up.

"Hey, where are you?" HaoXuan asked me from behind.

"Sorry, I wanted to talk to my sister because we had a confrontation. But it seems she is not at home."

"Her car is parked downstairs. Maybe she is listening to music or is sleeping."

"Probably." I shrugged my shoulders and was about to leave when HaoXuan stopped me.

"Don't you want to check on her? Maybe something happened?" He said and I chew on my lips.

"I am not sure. I mean, yes. She is my sister but she is still a woman. What if she is taking a shower or something?" I pointed out and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Probably. She never missed your calls, right? Then let's go." He walked towards the elevator but I didn't follow him. "What?" He asked confused.

I glared at him. "Great! Now I am worried! I can't just leave without checking on her:"

HaoXuan rolled his eyes in amusement. "Then ring the bell again. If nothing happens go inside and check on her. If she is taking a shower you will hear it and can leave immediately. I will wait downstairs. Hurry up." Then he left.

I rang the doorbell again, then entered the code into the screen and opened the door slowly and carefully. I saw right away that she wasn't taking a shower because unlike in my apartment her bathroom was not located in the bedroom but in the hall.

"Wei Wei?" I whispered a little louder and carefully entered her apartment where I almost fell over a pair of shoes. I didn't pay them much attention and walked towards her closed bedroom door. I knocked on the door and when nothing happened I opened the door slowly and quietly.

"Hey, you came back faster than expected. Was she at home? Is she still mad at you?" HaoXuan asked me the moment I climbed into his car and he drove off.

"Don't know."

"Don't know what?" He asked but I shook my head. "Hey.... what happened? Why are you red in your face?"


"That doesn't look like nothing. Wait, did she hit you!?" He asked angrily and I quickly shook my head. "Then what happened!?" He wanted to know.

"Wei Wei.... has a gotten herself a boyfriend.... I guess...."


"I went into her bedroom. She was sleeping and next to her was a man. Shit, why did I have to go in there!?" I asked frustrated.

"So what? They were sleeping. It's not like there were doing something more erotically. She has a boyfriend now. Isn't that what we wanted?"

"We? Why did you want her to have a boyfriend?" I asked confused but then shook my head. "You will not understand it. She is my sister! Knowing she has a boyfriend makes me want to protect her. And I had to see her like this...." I groaned embarrassed.

"Was she naked?"

"Are you crazy!?" I glared at him. "Why would I check on that!? Firstly, that man covered her, and secondly, I would never look too closely. I am not a pervert and she is my sister!"

HaoXuan grinned.

"You are the pervert!" I hissed and he laughed. Then I frowned. "But to be honest I never expected her to have such a weird and grotesque taste in men. I know, I shouldn't judge people by their looks and I don't do that normally. But that man.... god, he was just ugly."


"Yes. I noticed he has a lot of tattoos. Not only on his chest but his head as well. Also, he is bald and his face..... his face was disfigured with a scar or something. And if I saw it right then one of his earlobes was missing. He was so .... so ugly."

"He is a monster," HaoXuan mumbled with a weirdly amused tone.

"Yeah. Maybe even worse. Is there a worse word than a monster? I don't know but I wouldn't want to meet him anywhere. He had a creepy and kind of dangerous vibe. Thank god he was sleeping." I said and shivered. "How did my sister land such a man?"

"Who cares? As long as she is happy let her be." HaoXuan answered with a smile and I nodded.

15 minutes later we arrived at his house and once I entered it, I could already smell the delicious food.

We were about to eat when HaoXuan's phone rang. He excused himself and stepped away to have a private chat. I could still hear him talking though.

"I already heard. Good job." HaoXuan praised whoever called him. "You can go back now. Make sure you leave nothing behind."


"What do you mean?"


"Of course she did! You gave her B's little present, right? It's only natural she reacted as she did."


"Good to hear you had fun..."




"Listen, that was not the plan! You were supposed to give her the present and spend some time with her. Now it's time to go back!"


HaoXuan sighed. "I don't have time for a debate! Sort it out yourself!" He cut the call and came back.

"What was that?" I wanted to know while chewing some chicken.

"Just a co-worker who is getting on my nerves." He sat down and when he saw my questionable gate he shrugged. "Let's just say he had a job and he did it perfectly. Now it seems he has lost his mind."

"What was that B's present?"

"You heard the conversation!?"

"Only your part. Why? Is there something I am not supposed to know?" I asked amused.

"Not at all." He rubbed the back of his head. "B is our friend. He gave my co-worker a present for his... girlfriend. Nothing special."

"What kind of present was it?"

"Something fun," HaoXuam answered and smiled at me. "Now stop with all those questions and eat. Or else the food will get cold.

In the middle of the night, HaoXuan's phone rang again. I didn't open my eyes because I had to get up early the next day and I needed sleep.

"HaoXuan... phone... hurry..." I mumbled sleepily. HaoXuan answered with a kiss on my forehead before taking the phone, getting out of our bed, and walking away. The farther he walked, the quieter the ringing became. Then it suddenly stopped. As HaoXuan did not come back to bed, I assumed he took the call on time. I yawned once, rolled to the other side, and continued sleeping.

HaoXuan's POV

I walked away from the bed in annoyance. It was in the middle of the night and that damn phone woke me up from a very nice dream. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember what it was about but what I knew was that I was freaking happy.

And if that wasn't already annoying as fuck, the ringing even woke up Ji Yang who was sleeping peacefully in my arms and I knew he needed to get up early the next day. Who dared to interrupt us!?

I went into the adjoining room and looked at the phone screen. It was strange. I should have calmed down once I saw Meng Yao's name because he was my boss after all. But it didn't. I was fucking annoyed that someone dared to ring me out of the bed and out of the arms of Ji Yang.

Nevertheless, I took a few deep breaths and tried to answer the call with a neutral tone. "Yes, boss?"

"I want Xiao Zhan back by tomorrow." He ordered without any greetings. He was angry. No, worse. He was enraged and that meant he would not accept a no. Despite knowing that, I said the next words.

"I am working on it. Give me some more time." I knew it was a mistake once the words left my mouth. But what could I do? I was angry as well. He might be my boss but ... fuck! He tore me out of the bed and even woke up Ji Yang!!

"Time? TIME!? Don't you think I gave you enough time to bring him back!? I don't care how you do it but I want Xiao Zhan back by tomorrow! I can't let him stay in that prosecutor's house any longer!"

"Did something happen?" I asked him curiously. I knew he had planted something like a bug inside his lover's phone when he left it unattended for a short moment in the hospital.

"Instead of asking me questions which will make me only angrier think about how to get him back, you bastard!" He growled. I suppressed a chuckle. There was only one thing that might have happened for him to behave like this. I could understand. If someone dared to touch even one strand of hair of Ji Yang's I would fucking kill that person on the spot!

"Calm down, boss. I-"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT I HAVE TO DO!!!" He screamed and I had to hold the phone away. Meng Yao hated screaming and noises above all else and that is why he never did it before. For him to scream at me like this.... He was serious so I quickly tried to soothe him.

"Sorry, boss. What I wanted to say is, Xiao Zhan has an appointment with Ji Yang tomorrow at 10 am so we could use that to get him back."

It was quiet for a moment. Then he spoke. "He will be followed by the police and that prosecutor for sure....." He paused and I waited. He seemed to be in deep thoughts. "I will arrange a few things so that prosecutor is distracted. Then I will wait in the parking lot. The police are your job. Remember, Wang HaoXuan, if I don't get him back I swear you will pay for that! Got it!!?"

"Yes, boss. Don't worry. I will take care of everything." I promised and he cut the call. 'Damn! I never saw him this angry.' I thought and shivered. Then I sat down and tried to think of a plan. Sometime later I dialed a number and soon my spy answered the call.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Be in the hospital tomorrow at 8 am. I will send you a photo of a police officer. I want you to distract that person. I don't care how you do it just make sure he will be separated from Xiao Zhan. 5 Minutes are enough. Notify me as soon as that officer is gone. I will do the rest!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Once I cut the call I walked back to the bedroom. Ji Yang did fall asleep again. The blanket slid down and I had a perfect view of his body. Just this sight was enough to arouse me. It scared me because not once before did I get hard by just looking at someone's body. At a man's one at that. My eyes wandered from his head down to his body and stopped at the part of his body that was covered by Ji Yang's brief. I frowned because that little piece of clothes was bothering me a lot but it will be gone in the next few minutes anyway so I tried my best to not get too bothered.

I climbed onto the bed and on top of the beautiful doctor. My hands started to massage his chest softly before I used a little more strength. Then I lowered my head and began to lick his two little buds who got hard within seconds. Ji Yang started to move, he was squirming underneath me and soon his lips parted making beautifully little sounds coming out of his mouth. He didn't wake up yet except for the part between his legs.

With hands trembling with excitement, I reached for his tail and began to caress it. Then I lowered my head down there and licked it. Only a piece of clothes was separating my tongue and Ji Yang's cock. The smell of his arousal hit me straight into my face and I took it in like the smell of a scented candle.

Then I slowly took off the piece of clothes. The uncomfortableness and the breeze of fresh air must have woken up the men beneath me.

"HaoXuan.." He moaned my name. "It's in the middle of the night." He complained.

"But you want me," I told him amused.

"I didn't! You touched me in my sleep and because of that I got hard!"

"But the fact is, you want me now. Which is a good thing because I am starving."

"I have to go to work tomorrow- ahh!" He moaned again once took him into my mouth.

"It will not hinder your work if we do one round," I said and sucked. Ji Yang hissed as his hand's shot up to grab the back of my head.

"You know- ahm!!... once started- argh! .... we will not stop at one round! Ohh- damn!"

"That was fast...." I said in surprise and laughed. He glared at me but his cheeks were tomato red making me laugh louder. "You are so ... adorable." I kissed him senselessly. First, he resisted but then he gave in. He kissed me back, wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my hips. Then he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss.

"HaoXuan... hurry up and take me..." He mumbled against my lips.

"Your wish is my command," I answered and entered him. "Don't worry, babe. I will call the hospital tomorrow and tell them you are sick." I grinned before moving my hips in a way that made us both crazy with want

Ji Yang was right. We didn't stop at one round. It was frightening to admit but I got addicted to that doctor. I wanted to make love to him 24/7 because it felt so good. Suddenly all those nights with these women were forgotten. All I could think of was Song Ji Yang. The way he moaned my name, the way he would squeeze me inside him .... damn! It felt so right.

Sometime later Ji Yang fell asleep and I pulled out. I stared down at him and smiled seeing him covered with love bites and ... other things. The whole room smelled of sex. I took my time to smell the air while watching Ji Yang sleep. Then I got up, walked into the bathroom, and filled the bathtub with warm water. Once I was satisfied, I took Ji Yang in my arms and put him into the tube. Ji Yang let out a long and satisfied sigh.

I made sure he was sitting in a comfortable position with no way to slide down and drown before walking back into the room to change the bedsheets. I looked at the clock and saw it was close to 8 am. I quickly took Ji Yang's phone, looked for Xiao Zhan's number, and wrote him a short message.

>Because of a sudden important meeting set for today, I need to move our appointment forward by an hour. I hope you don't mind and see me at 9 am in the hospital<

His answer came a few minutes later. 'Sure, no problem. See you at 9 am.'

I heard a splash out of the bathroom and put the phone back where it was before hurrying up and checking on Ji Yang. 'He must have a nice dream. Hope it's about me...' I chuckled seeing Ji Yang playing with the water.

"Sorry, babe. But it's time to go back to bed." I mumbled and carried Ji Yang back to bed after drying him. Once that was done I lay next to him and watched him sleeping while waiting for my spy's message.

When Ji Yang smacked his lips I almost laughed. Then I moved close, licked his lips, and kissed him. Almost immediately he parted his lips to give my tongue access into his mouth.

"As you wish..." I mumbled. It was a long and wet kiss and it was difficult to separate from him. No matter what I did, how deep I kissed him, or how my tongue played with his, Ji Yang reacted to it without waking up. That pleased me a lot.

Sometime later I heard a sound announcing a new message on my phone and I had to part from Ji Yang. He let out an unhappy grunt. "Later...." I promised amused and took my phone.

>I distracted the Officer. Xiao Zhan is alone.<

I grinned and took Ji Yang's phone once again. I thought for a moment about what I should write before tipping it down.

>Sorry, might be a little late. Had a car accident in the parking lot...<

I nodded satisfied. 'Knowing Xiao Zhan's personality and his past he should get worried and look for Ji Yang in order help...' I smiled to myself before I put Ji Yang's phone away after muting it and messaging Meng Yao.

>He will show up soon in the parking lot.<

Now all I had to do is wait for news from Meng Yao. So I leaned back and observed the doctor next to me who started to snuggle up to me. ".....xuan...."

"I am here." I smiled and pulled my cute little doctor closer where he let out a sigh.

Xiao Zhan's POV

I woke up around 6 am. Two things immediately came into my mind. First, I remembered what I had done the previous night. I seduced a married man and once again made him cheat on his wife. Shameful!

And secondly, I noticed the empty spot next to me on the bed. Yibo left the room already which was a good as well as a bad thing. Good, because I had time to collect my thoughts and decide what to do and what to say. Bad, because I felt as if he wanted to get away from me as soon as possible which was understandable but made me feel even worse.

I decided to make my way to meet Yibo so we could talk about this before things would get out of hand. To do that I had to leave the bed first which turned out to be difficult because my back hurts a little. Not because last night was rough. Yibo was very gentle and slow and tender. It's just last night was my first time since the night 5 years ago, which also was my first time ever, so naturally, my body would feel a little stiff.

'It's going to be the first and last time, Xiao Zhan!' I thought to myself and made my way to the bathroom where I took a shower. Once I wore a bathrobe I walked out of the room and looked for Yibo who was nowhere to be seen.

"Yibo?" I called him first shyly but then louder in case he was upstairs. "Yibo? Where are you?"

I waited nervously for an answer but I got nothing. I waited some more and called him a few more times but the result was the same. I wasn't sad that he seemed to have left. No, I wasn't. I was angry!

I knew I had no right to be because I seduced him and made him cheat on his wife just like 5 years ago. Once a cheater, always a cheater, I guess. And I was referring to me, not to Yibo. Albeit I thought he had to take part of the blame because ... damn, he didn't reject me! Not once! But why did he leave? Was he feeling guilty? But he at least needed to speak about it with me. We needed to clarify all of this.

'What is there to clarify? He slept with you but you know it's just one night. He is married and has a son. You know that the thing between you two will end soon' My inner self said and I could only nod. But still! I was mad that he left without saying anything. He didn't even leave a message. He must have known how I would feel. Or was that his way to punish me?

I went back into my room and stood in the middle of it helplessly. Yibo's and my clothes were laying on the ground and the bed was a mess. I was about to change the bedsheets when I heard the front door open. Just as I turned around I saw Zhou Cheng standing at the door looking at me worriedly.

"I called you twice and you didn't pick up." He explained before his eyes fell on the bed as well as the clothes. I blushed and hid my face so he wouldn't see it. But I knew it was unnecessary because the condition of the room spoke more than words. I was surprised that Zhou Cheng didn't ask anything.

"I ... I didn't hear it..." I mumbled embarrassingly and started to look for my phone. I found it in my pants and when I took it out and looked at the screen I saw that he indeed called me twice. "I am sorry..." I apologized.

"As long as you are okay." He said and left the room. He might not say anything but I knew he knew what happened.

"Ahm.... Where is Haikuan? Weren't you two together yesterday?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"He left for the hospital already."

"Oh ... I see...." I wanted to say more but at that moment I got a message from Dr. Song. "I need to leave an hour earlier. Dr. Song moved our appointment forward."

"Why so suddenly?" Zhou Cheng asked suspiciously.

"It seemed he there is a sudden meeting..."

"Stupid doctors. Just because the hospital is calling doesn't mean you to have to run there without caring for yourself..." He grumbled and I was sure this was referred to Haikuan. "Anyway, go and get ready then. We will leave in ..... about 40 minutes." He said and walked towards the living room.

I nodded and went back into my room. I changed the bedsheets and cleaned the room. Then I took another shower and got dressed. When I left my room and was about to walk into the living room I saw that the lights were turned on in Yibo's office. He must have been here before he left the house and forgot to turn off the lamps. I shook my head at this unnecessary power consumption and walked towards the desk to turn off the desk lamp. What I saw there terrified me to the bone.

"D-divorcing p-papers!?" I called out in shock and shook my head. "This can't be...." I took a closer look and my legs almost gave in when I saw that Yibo already filled the documents. The date written on it was today.

Did he want a divorce because of me? Because of... what happened last night? How could he do this? Xuan Lu wasn't even here and without talking to her he wants to apply for a divorce!? Oh my god, it's my fault, wasn't it?

"Xiao Zhan?" I heard Zhou Cheng calling for me and I quickly turned off the light and walked out of the office.


Zhou Cheng turned to me. "Let's go- Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

"Nothing.... Just tired...." I mumbled.

"Hmm...okay...." That was all he said as he walked towards the front door. I followed him. "By the way, Yibo called this morning and said he would be at the Prosecution. It seemed they had something on Meng Yao that would make them able to arrest him.

"I see...." I answered absentmindedly.

"Aren't you happy?" Zhou Cheng asked me amused.

"Excuse me?" I asked back in confusion.

"I said they might be able to arrest Meng Yao soon. Aren't you happy?"

"I am!" I clarified. Of course, I was. Once Meng Yao was in jail, the woman he kidnapped would be found and brought back to their families. The drugs he was dealing with would get confiscated and wouldn't harm people anymore. "That means soon everything will return to normal."

 Zhou Cheng and I were currently waiting for Dr. Song. The nurses were surprised to hear that my appointment was moved forwards. That amused me because it seemed that Dr. Song was still with one foot on vacation and forgot to notify his staff. 

Suddenly a man who was about to pass us stumbled and accidentally spilled his hot coffee on Zhou Cheng's uniform. He cursed out loud and the man apologized over and over again.

"That must have burned your skin! You should go to the bathroom and clean the wound." I said worriedly but Zhou Cheng shook his head.

"I am on duty." He said and I rolled my eyes seeing the pain in his eyes.

"But you are in pain which is understandable because that stuff spilled on you was hot coffee. You should take care of it now. I am not joking. The bathroom is just around the corner, not even 10 meters away. Moreover, I am surrounded by doctors and nurses, Zhou Cheng." I said strictly and glared at him.

"Fine!! But you stay here and will not move one inch until I am back or Dr. Song is here! Got it!?"

"Yes, Sir." I smiled and nodded towards the men's room. "Go now."

"I will be back in 5 minutes." With that, he left.

Of course, I didn't intend to leave. I planned to wait here until Zhou Cheng came back but then I got Dr. Song's message.

>Sorry, might be a little late. Had a car accident in the parking lot...<

"A car accident?" I repeated that one word in worry. I know all too well how dangerous a car accident could be. I was in two myself and both had me hospitalized for a long time. I jumped up and dialed Dr. Song's number while walking towards Dr. Song's nurse who looked quite big with her baby bump. She was on the phone herself so I just pointed to my phone, mouthed Dr. Song's name, and then pointed down towards the parking lot.

She nodded with a smile and I left while trying to reach Dr. Song. But he didn't answer which made me worried even more.

Once I arrived at the parking lot I walked around looking for the site of the accident. "Dr. Song?" I called his name but I didn't see him or his car anywhere. But suddenly a car halted in front of me. The door to the back seats opened and I looked into the familiar face of Meng Yao.

"Zhan, finally..." He greeted me with a smile.

I was shocked and slowly walked backward until I bumped into a wall. Only that this wall turned out to be two of Meng Yao's gorillas who were grabbing an arm on each side. I was about to scream but before I could do so I saw Meng Yao nodding his head and something wet was covering my face.

To be continued....

Oh no, I guess Meng Yao's plan worked. Poor Xiao Zhan... 

And poor Ji Yang because he is in for a huge shock in the next chapter. 

How will both men handle their situations? And will Yibo be able to arrest HaoXuan or will HaoXuan take Ji Yang and run? 

That we will find out in the next chapter^^

It will come out either next Sunday or next Monday, not sure yet. Hope to see you next week <3 <3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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