Chapter 23: The truth

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Like promised here is the next chapter. I first wanted to make it longer but then I wouldn't be done by today^^ 

Hope you enjoy it <3 <3

HaoXuan's POV

One could think it should get boring to watch a person sleeping but it wasn't like that. I liked it. All Ji Yang's movements, from a frown to a twitch of his eyes to a small smile. I missed nothing and I could watch him all day long. But then my phone rang and I answered the call as fast as possible to not wake the doctor up. With fast steps I walked out of the room into the living room, leaving the sleeping Ji Yang behind.

Once I was sure I wouldn't wake him up, I moved the phone to my ear. "Yes, boss?"

"I have him," Meng Yao said and despite him trying to sound as he usual did, I didn't miss the excitement in his voice.

"Congratulations, boss." I chuckled.

"If today's mission had failed I would have killed you, HaoXuan."

"No, you wouldn't." I laughed. "Anyway, I am happy that you got your lover back. Now make sure to not lose him again."

"You did a good job."

"I always do." I grinned.

"Not always. May I remind you that we lost a few girls because of your reckless behavior?"

"How was I supposed to know that the brother of the prosecutor would be this smart..." I rolled my eyes. "But didn't it turn out good after changing from that brother to Ji Yang?"

"...." He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "You and especially B. can find out a lot of information. When you saw that Wang Haikuan was a very skilled doctor it should be obvious that he is smart as well!" He said with a slightly annoyed tone. But then he sighed. "Anyway, I will forget that this happened. That will be your reward for bringing back Xiao Zhan to me."

"What an honor... Then what about Ji Yang? Shouldn't he get a reward too?" I chuckled.

"Idiot...." Meng Yao mumbled. "Your mission is over. Good job. Now kill that doctor and come back. I have a few girls waiting to be trained and I also have potential buyers."

My amusement was gone and my smile froze on my face. Suddenly I felt cold and annoyed for an unknown reason. "Ex-...excuse me?"

"Did you lose your hearing or what?" He asked slightly irritated.

"N-no. I just... I think I misheard you or something...." I tried to explain and heard him sighing.

"I told you to kill that doctor and come back to train the newly arrived girls. Oh, and make sure no evidence will be left behind. You know what I mean, right? No fingerprints, no blood, no DNA. It would be even better if no one finds that doctor's body. Without a corpse, there will be no crime."

"Kill Ji Yang?.... I?" I asked and felt sick. When I heard the next words of Meng Yao I was about to throw up.

"Are you deaf!? Yes, you have to kill him! Who else should do it? Want me to send someone to do the job?" He asked irritated before he suddenly started to yell. Not at me but as someone next to him.

"Don't you dare to touch him! I will do that! Go out!" He ordered before turning his attention back to his phone. "Hurry up and come back as soon as you killed him." With that, he cut the call.

I stood in the middle of the living room of my newly bought house. I was in shock. Killing Ji Yang? I have to kill Ji Yang? Why? Why should I? The answer was obvious. He knew too much. I didn't think so because I didn't tell him anything nor did Ji Yang know who I was. But Meng Yao thought otherwise and would never risk something that would hurt his business or him.

Sure, I knew that my mission would end like this. When I started this job I had no problems with that. I might have never killed someone before but I beat up a lot of people in the past. Whenever they dared to anger me, I freaked out and beat the shit out of them. Especially when they dared to look at the girl I dated back then.

But now that the time has come..... I hesitated.

Ji Yang.... was my boyfriend. Wouldn't that change things?

'He is not your boyfriend, idiot! That was part of your plan to bring Xiao Zhan back to the boss. You forgot?' My inner self spoke to me and I shook my head. Yes, it was a plan. A plan which succeeded. Now it was time to end this play but... I didn't want to. I didn't want to kill Ji Yang.

Yes, it was an act. In the beginning, it was but not anymore. I wanted that doctor. Ji Yang was mine! He wanted me too. He loved me. We belonged to each other. Why would I kill him? No, I wouldn't do that. I couldn't. Never!

'If you don't kill him, Meng Yao will....' My inner voice said and I frowned. Would he? Maybe.... Sure, he would think that Ji Yang is a danger to him but when I take him back with me and promise him that Ji Yang would stay with me there was no way Ji Yang could be a danger to him.

I stood there in the middle of the living room having a conversation with myself to find reasons for the boss to allow me to keep my Ji Yang. Because no matter what, I wouldn't kill him. I simply couldn't because... because I loved him?

I didn't know what love was but if it was what I felt that moment, that I never wanted to be apart from him, that I wanted to keep him by my side forever, to sleep with him every night, to pamper him all his favorite things, to make him happy until the day he would die peacefully in my arms ... then yes, I loved Ji Yang.

Boss would understand that. He loved Xiao Zhan. He did everything he could to get him back because he loved him so much. Boss would know how I was feeling and allow me to take him with me. He would allow Ji Yang to stay by my side, live in my quarters, and be with me 24/7...

Meng Yao's POV

I cut the call, put away my phone, and looked down at the sleeping Xiao Zhan. Something was bugging me. Not about Xiao Zhan but the phone call with HaoXuan just now. There was something that didn't fit. Something was different about HaoXuan. He behaved differently than before. But... what was it?

Then I noticed something. 'He called that doctor by his first name the whole time .... when he talked about him he didn't sound as bored and listless as when he did his other projects and.... He was reluctant to kill him.' I thought and frowned.

My gaze fell on Xiao Zhan and I smiled as I took his hand and moved it to my lips. Seeing Xiao Zhan laying in front of me made me see things clearer and if my hunch was right I had to do something before it was too late.

HaoXuan was my most trusted man together with B. I couldn't lose either of them. If they were gone, my business would suffer greatly. I wouldn't be able to replace any of them in a short time. I needed them to make sure the girls are well trained and the drugs would flow. With HaoXuan's look to make everyone fall for him and his skill to train the girls so perfectly that they get sold within no time and with B.'s intelligence and his skill to invent a lot of different drugs ... no, I couldn't afford to lose them.

But as things were at that moment, I felt like that HaoXuan was beginning to soften up. He developed feelings for that doctor and feelings would change him. If HaoXuan should fall in love with that doctor he wouldn't be able to do his job anymore. Or at least not as perfectly as before. I couldn't afford that.

HaoXuan was reluctant to kill him which means I indeed had so sent someone over to do the job before its too late. Song Ji Yang needed to die before he could make HaoXuan waver.

I took out my phone and wrote a message. Then I waited and while I did so, I watched the sleeping man in front of me. I was so happy that I had him back but I didn't show it openly. In front of my men, I would never show weakness because that could lead them astray. I didn't want to acknowledge it but Xiao Zhan was my weakness.

I stroked Xiao Zhan's cheeks and smiled. Then I remembered what I heard through his phone after I planted a bug inside not long ago. I never would have thought that the man who hurt Xiao Zhan was that prosecutor. And last night Wang Yibo managed to once again seduce Xiao Zhan. I didn't know what I would have done if I wouldn't have gotten him back today.

Suddenly the door opened and B. came in. "You called me, boss?"

"B., I have a mission for you. Or are you busy?"

"It's not that I am busy. It's just that one of our men didn't come back. I was trying to locate him but couldn't find him yet."

"Who? When did he go missing? And why?" I asked alarmed. I gave my men a lot of freedom. If they needed a break they just had to ask and could take a day off. Not that it happened often. They had everything they needed here and enjoyed it to the fullest. So it was always a bad sign if one of my men went missing because it usually meant they were either caught by the police or they betrayed me by going to my rivals.

Sometimes they also quit on their own without telling anyone which means they are a danger to me and had to be killed before they can go against me.

"It's the monster. HaoXuan asked him for a favor a few days ago and for that, he asked me for one of my toys. Since then he disappeared and I can't find him."

"What kind of toy?"

"I gave him a new drug I developed not long ago. It's a hallucinogen that will make you happy once you take it. It's still in development so I am not sure about all of the side effects but according to the current state of development and seeing the results of various tests it makes you horny and this state will last a while." B. explained. "The monster went missing last night. I tried to call him but his phone is turned off."

I massaged my forehead. "Gave the task to someone else. I have a more important mission for you."

"What kind of new mission?" He asked excitingly and I chuckled. Yes, B. was someone I could rely on. He didn't care about anything but about his love for developing drugs. As long as he could do that without anyone hindering him, he was happy.

"It's about HaoXuan. There is a little problem and you need to fix it for me."

"HaoXuan has a problem? Are you sure?"

"It seems he is about to fall for that doctor and therefore is reluctant to kill him. Visit him and check the progress. If he killed him by the time you arrived there, come back without him noticing you. If he didn't have killed him yet ..." I looked at him seriously. "Kill that doctor and bring HaoXuan back. He has a lot of work to do."

B. snorted. "Ehm... boss, I don't want to accuse you of being mistaken but... HaoXuan is as cold as ice. There is no way he would fall in love. Especially not with a man. You know how much he enjoys playing with the hearts of women."

"I hope that I am mistaken, B," I said and signed him to leave. "Go and do what I told you."

"Yes, boss." B. shook his head in amusement and left. Once he was gone I turned back to Xiao Zhan.

Ji Yang's POV

I heard a phone and then the mattress I was laying on lost some of the weight it was holding. I mumbled my boyfriend's name and opened my eyes where I saw how HaoXuan left the room with hurried steps.

'Work again?' I thought as I stretched myself before getting up from bed. I felt a little stiff but I knew out of experience that it will go away after a few hours. When I noticed that I was still naked I quickly went to the bathroom and dress in a warm and cozy bathrobe. I knew it was silly because HaoXuan already knew every inch of my body but still... that didn't mean I should run around naked. Albeit I was sure that HaoXuan wouldn't mind that at all. I chuckled and thought about last night.

I let him have his way with me once again. I should learn to say no and mean it but HaoXuan is so convincing that it was hard to do that. He was so skilled and makes me feel things... damn! He is a dangerous man...

I chuckled again and shook my head in amusement. But what could I do? It's not only that I couldn't resist him... I just didn't want to. Why should I refuse the one person in my life I loved the most? That reminded me...

'Is it too soon to ask him to move together....?' I thought to myself but then shook my head. It wasn't. We more or less lived together already so I should ask him once he came back. I kind of already knew his answer anyway. We would move in together and while I continue to work as a doctor, he would bring his company to the top of this country. And no matter how busy he would be, he would always pick me up from work, cook for me my favorite food....

I almost giggled at my thoughts. 'I should ask him once he is back.'

I sat on the bed to wait for HaoXuan when my phone suddenly started vibrating. 'When did I mute it?' I asked myself confused before reaching for the object. The caller was Wang Yibo so I immediately accepted the call thinking he would ask me for the reason for the postponement of Xiao Zhan's appointment. In my eyes, it looked as if Yibo had feelings for Xiao Zhan but I hoped I was wrong because Yibo was married.

"Dr. Song speaking."

"Here is Wang Yibo. All you have to do is listen to what I say. Do not say something unless I ask you a question. You need to be honest and do exactly what I say. Understood?"

I raised my brows in confusion. First I thought it was a joke but considering the worry in the prosecutor's voice, it didn't seem like it. And that made me worried as well. "I understood."

"I know you are in Wang HaoXuan's house. Is he with you at the moment?"

"Ehmm... no, he is in another room talking on the phone. But ... why do you know my boyfriend?"

"Dr. Song...." Yibo called me and somehow I knew that whatever he would tell me now I wouldn't like it.


"Wang HaoXuan....." Yibo hesitated but then started talking and didn't stop until he finished the short version of who my boyfriend was and why he was with me. Once he was done it was quiet.

The first thing I wanted to do was laugh. I wanted to laugh and compliment him on being a good storyteller. There was no way, HaoXuan, my handsome and charming boyfriend would work for someone as cruel and dangerous as Meng Yao. I knew him only for a short time but he wasn't like Yibo explained. He wasn't nearly as evil as Meng Yao.

"I am sorry, Dr. Song....I wished it wasn't like this but.... I am sorry. I know this is... a huge shock for you and you probably don't want to believe it ...." Yibo said and then I knew he was telling the truth. Why would he, an honest and hard-working prosecutor lie? There was no reason...

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do, not even what to think. I tried to recall the moment I met HaoXuan until today. He was friendly, charming, caring.... I loved him. He wasn't cruel or dangerous. No, that wasn't the HaoXuan I knew.

I wasn't just shocked. I felt ... what did I feel? What is this feeling telling me to yell at Yibo and claim that he was a lying bastard? What was this feeling that wanted to yell and scream and ... and.... confronts HaoXuan with everything Yibo just told me? What did it mean that I wished desperately I would have never picked up Yibo's call? That I wanted to turn back the time and hold onto HaoXuan instead of letting him leave the room.

I was devastated. My future ... The picture of me and HaoXuan living together, loving each other, growing old together... everything scattered down... my heart shattered into pieces...

Suddenly there was a horrible animal-like sound in the bedroom. I looked up in shock to check what it was only to find out that it was me sobbing. I looked at the mirror across the room and saw my face white as porcelain. Tears I didn't even notice that tears were flowing down my cheeks and my eyes... my eyes were wide open.

"Why....." I managed to say. "Why... why did you tell me this....?" I so badly didn't want to cry and it was hard to stop the tears from flowing.

"I am sorry, Dr. Song. I only found out today." He answered. "I would have never told you this over the phone but we have an emergency."

'An emergency? What could be more of an emergency than the fact that my boyfriend was not the person he pretended to be? What was more of an emergency than my broken and shattered heart?' I thought devastated. 'Could it even get worse than this?'

"Meng Yao.... He has Xiao Zhan. He kidnapped him from the hospital..."

"Wait." I tried to calm down for a moment which didn't work. "W-what do you mean? W-why was he at the hospital? I canceled today's appointments and called in sick because..." I stopped. 'HaoXuan told me he would....' "God, please no!" I called out in horror.

"He got a message from you telling him to meet an hour earlier. Officer Wang had a situation and needed to leave for the bathroom. Albeit I am pretty sure that this situation was caused by Meng Yao as well...."

While Yibo was talking I looked up my chat with Xiao Zhan and indeed.... "I didn't write these messages..." I bit my lips and grabbed my phone hardly.

"I know you would never do that. The only person who would be able to get his hands on your phone is-"

"HaoXuan....." At that moment I lost it completely. I sat there on the bed, the phone still against my ear but I barely heard anything Yibo said. 'He used me....all this time.... he used me... Everything was a lie... fake...'

"...-yang! .... Dr. Song Ji Yang!!" Yibo must have called me multiple times. "I know everything is a shock for you. I would like to tell you that I know how you feel but I can't. I need you to calm down and help me. Do you hear me, Ji Yang?"

"...yes..." I mumbled weakly.

"The only way to get Xiao Zhan back and arrest Meng Yao is to find them. And the only person who can tell us where they are is Wang HaoXuan. We have to arrest him! I am sorry to ask you this but you have to make sure he will not leave! Because his house is a little far we need at least another hour before we arrive. Outside the house are two men of mine but they can't do anything on their own and if HaoXuan finds out they are there he will run away immediately. Also, if he finds out that you know his true identity..."

I knew what he wanted to say. He would kill me. I had to act like always. As if nothing happened.

"Do you understand, Ji Yang? It's important!!"

".. yes..." I answered. "I will do my best... hurry up and come as fast as possible...."

"If you think that he found out and you think he might run away or kill you, scream my name as loud as you can. The men outside will barge in immediately. I hope they can somehow buy more time for us.

"...yes... I understand...."

I cut the call and stared against the wall. I felt empty. I wanted to run away and never come back again. I would have done that but ... Xiao Zhan.....

It's my fault! If I wouldn't have met HaoXuan, if I wouldn't have let him into my life, into my heart, if I wouldn't have trusted him with all I had, HaoXuan wouldn't have been able to use me like this. Now Xiao Zhan was kidnapped because of a message that was written on my phone. Written by the man I trusted and loved the most.

No, I couldn't run away. I had to help as much as I could. If that meant to play the role of a loving boyfriend some time more, then so be it. It wouldn't hurt anyone. Anyone but myself...

'It's not a role, Ji Yang... not for you....' I held back my tears and gritted my teeth.

Sometime later I sneaked out of the bedroom and saw HaoXuan standing in the living room staring at his phone. I watched him for at least 5 minutes but he didn't move so I went back to the bedroom and looked at the clock. 'One hour... I have to wait only one hour and then Yibo would arrive.'

I sat on the bed and waited. From time to time I would look at the clock but the time was passing very slowly. I didn't dare to make any sound scared I might get HaoXuan's attention. He probably knew me very well by now which means he would know if I behave differently. I was scared he would find out that I knew the truth. Who knew what he would do...

So I sat there and waited. Minutes after minutes passed and I got more confident. But then, after 30 minutes, HaoXuan came in. He widened his eyes seeing me awake and then smiled.

"Finally awake, I see. That is good." He said and I tried my best to not avoid his eyes.

"Hmm..." was all I could say. I watched him take out a few bags and start to pack his clothes inside. That made me nervous. "What are you doing?"

"We will leave soon. See it as another vacation." He said without looking at me.

"HaoXuan! I just had a vacation. They will not give me more. Moreover, I do not want to go on another one. I want to go to work!"

HaoXuan turned around and walked up to me. "Ji Yang, don't you want to spend more time with me? Because I do. I want to spend a lot more time with you than I do now, my love. I will handle the hospital. Don't worry about it." He wanted to kiss me but I turned my head away. There is no way I could endure another fake kiss of him.

"Ji Yang?" He called me and when I did not look at him, he turned my head back to face him. "What is wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing..." I mumbled.

"Don't lie. There is something. You are so... distant all of the sudden. Tell me, hm?" He tried to kiss me once more but I moved my lips out of his reach. Before the call from Yibo, I would have never refused a kiss from HaoXuan. He knew how much I loved him and how addicted I was to him. Therefore it was natural that he was confused with the way I behaved all of a sudden. I saw him frowning while observing me so I quickly tried to find an excuse for my behavior.

"Last night was too much!"

He blinked and then smiled. The confusion vanished from his eyes. "I am sorry, Ji Yang. I was so hungry for you... please forgive your faithful boyfriend this one time."

'Faithful?' I almost laughed. Did he call himself faithful after using me like a chess piece? It hurt. It hurt so much...I stood up and wanted to walk away but HaoXuan grabbed my arm and pulled me back until I fell into his lap.

"Ji Yang.... don't be mad at me...." He pleaded with me. That was one of the moments I desperately wished I wouldn't have taken Yibo's call. Sure, it wouldn't change that I am being used but at least I wouldn't know about it.

"Just give me a break," I told him and saw him pouting.

"Not even a kiss?" He asked and when he tried to kiss me I once again moved my head away. "I hate it when you are mad at me, my love. It hurts."

"Not my problem!" I answered coldly. Hearing him calling me my love would have made my heart flutter but that was before Yibo's call. Now it just hurt.

"Do you know how badly I want you?" He asked as his hands slipped under the bathrobe. "I want you so bad that it hurts. But I will accept your wish, my love. If you want a break you shall get one. I promise to not touch you without your consent. Not even when you are asleep." He grinned when he referred to last night.

'I wanted him just as bad. I loved him so much.... but I knew it was over between us. There was no future. Not anymore....'

As I felt that I was about to cry I got off his lap and walked towards the bathroom. "I will take a shower," I mumbled and closed the door.

"If you need a hand, tell me!" He shouted in amusement and I quickly opened the water tap and splashed cold water in my face to calm down. In this room was no clock and I neither had a watch nor my phone with me. Albeit I thought that HaoXuan didn't get suspicious of me, I couldn't let him out of my sight in case he would run away.

I washed my face thoroughly with cold water. Once I was done I looked up into the mirror and flinched when I saw the reflection.

"Ji Yang, I know you want to go to work but let's go on another vacation. This time a little longer because one was definitely not enough for me. I want to spend much more time with you. What do you think?" HaoXuan shouted from the bedroom.

With a trembling hand, I reached for the doorknob and opened the door before I walked out of the bathroom with slow steps. I tried my best to not move too fast or else I would most likely not get out of this house alive.

HaoXuan stood with his back facing me and looked down on the bags he took out earlier.

"H-haoXuan...." I called him with a trembling voice.

"Yes, my love?" He answered, turned around, and widened his eyes first in shock and then in anger. He gritted his teeth and glared at the person behind me. "B.!"

'B? ... Where did I hear that name before..?'

My love, huh? Damn, I guess the boss was right. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't witness the conversation between the two of you. How did that happen, hm? I know this Doctor is unbelievable beautiful but the women we have fun with are just as beautiful." The man called B. said amused and pressed the knife he was holding closer against my neck. "What happened, HaoXuan?"

to be continued...

I am scared of what will happen next... Will Ji Yang die? Or will Yibo barge in and arrest everyone? Or maybe even something entire else? 

We don't know much about B. so we don't know what he might do. Or what HaoXuan might do seeing B. threatening Ji Yang. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes beserk. 

I guess we have to wait for the next chapter which comes out on Sunday and I hope to see you there <3 <3 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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