Chapter 2: Three Gunshots

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This time I am quite early, aren't I?^^ 

But I have to warn you guys, the following chapter will have some content that might trigger you. Rape is mentioned albeit I did not go into detail. But you will know when it happens. 

With that being said,  hope you like this new (early :P) Update <3 <3

3rd POV

When the girl woke up and didn't recognize the room she was in she widened her eyes in shock and wanted to jump up. The problem was she couldn't move at all and when she wanted to scream she realized that not even that she could do because there was a tape stopping her. She started to shiver immediately. She looked down on her and noticed she was fast naked. She teared up and inwardly started to scream for her parents, especially for her father who was the chief of the southern police department. No matter where she was or what she did, her father would always protect her together with her mother. But this time the girl had the feeling that it wouldn't happen.

She was 19 years old but not the slightest bit embarrassed that she was still depending on her parents. She tried to remember what happened and how she ended up here in this foreign room all naked.

She was on her way from university. She begged her parents for months until they finally agreed to let her stay in the student residence next to the university. She was very happy when she finally moved in and even found a friend the same day.

When she left the university today and was on her way to the student residence someone approached her but before she could turn around something was pressed on her face and she lost consciousness soon after. Remembering all that she started to struggling hoping to get free and to escape but no matter how much she tore on the bonds, nothing worked.

"Oh, you are awake?" Someone asked with a happy voice and the young girl looked towards the door where a man just entered. Albeit the man looked handsome as hell, she was terrified. She felt ashamed that he could see her naked but she had no way of covering herself. He must have detected that because he raised his hands and stopped walking towards the bed she was tied on. "I am don't going to do anything to you." He smiled and walked towards a desk where he picked up a piece of paper.

"Let's see.... Your name is Lee Maya and you are 19 years old. You are studying veterinary medicine at Fudan University. Your mother is a housewife while your father the chief of the southern police department. You have no siblings because there were complications when your mother gave birth to you and she is now unable to receive. Despite that tragedy, your parents love each other very much."

The girl stared at the man in front of him in shock. The man winked at her and continued reading.

"You moved into the student residency three weeks ago and befriended your roommate. At university, you are quite popular and have many friends. There are a lot of boys who seem to like you and a few even asked you out for a date. You rejected all of them. Oh? Why is that?" He asked and looked at the girl curiously. Not at her body but her eyes.

The girl, Maya, kept quiet which made the man frowning. But then he remembered that Maya was not able to speak and walked up to her. "Sorry, forgot this little detail. I will take it off right away. If you want to scream, do as you please but at least warn me so I can cover my ears. In any way, no one will hear you. Well, at least no one who cares that you here." The man said and took off the tape before quickly covering his ears with his hands.

For a short moment, Maya thought about screaming but then decided it was not worth it. The only thing that would happen was the man in front of her getting annoyed with her. And who knew what he will do to her so she kept quiet. The man looked at her surprised.

"Wow, that is a first. Screaming is the first thing everyone does once they have a chance. You are different. Hmm... I like that." He smiled brightly and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Now tell me, why did you reject all the boys?"

"Who are you?" Maya asked trying to sound as confident as possible. She was kind of relieved that the man in front of her did not seem to be interested in her nakedness.

"Ah! Sorry, I didn't introduce myself yet. Sorry, Sorry. My name is HaoXuan and in case you are curious, I am 26 years old and single." He winked at Maya. "So? Why did you reject them?"

Maya stared at HaoXuan for a while and figured out it would be not a good thing to lie to him. As he already knew a lot about her and her family, probably by having a background check on them, he would find out quickly if she lied or told the truth.

"M-my parents want me t-to marry someone of the upper class so I am not a-allowed to have a relationship," Maya answered and cursed inwardly when he noticed her stuttering. Due to her father's job she knew a lot about criminals and therefore she knew that they liked it when their victims showed fear.

HaoXuan on the other frowned instead of laughing at her. "No need to stutter. I am not going to hurt you." He said and took another look at the paper in his hands. "I see.... But what about you? Is that what you want? Marrying someone you don't love?"

Maya shook her head and eyed the door hoping she would find a way to escape.

"Argh, I hate parents like that. They are control freaks and only think about their happiness. I feel sorry for you. But you do know that you have a choice, don't you? You could have just ignored them and do what you want. You are 19 years old and therefore an adult now." HaoXuan said to her and Maya looked at him in confusion. HaoXuan laughed. "Sorry. It's just my opinion. My parents tried to control me too. But at some point, I couldn't stand it anymore and always did the exact opposite of what they wanted. I had a lot of fun and soon they stopped trying to control me and let me live my life as I wanted. So you should do that too."

"Does that mean I will live? You will not kill me?" Maya asked nervously.

He stood up and put the document back on the desk. Then he turned back to her.

"No, I am not killing you and yes, you will live. I guess this is the time I am going to have to tell you why you are here." He said and sighed. "Well, the reason for you being here is your father. But as you are the daughter of a high-rank police officer I bet you already knew that much, right?"

Maya nodded slowly. She was scared and wanted to escape as soon as possible but she knew that if she didn't comply with him at least for a while, she might die.

HaoXuan smiled. "I knew you were a smart girl. Smart and beautiful, exactly my type." He grinned and Maya almost blushed like usually when someone complimented her. But not this time.

"You are blushing, how cute." He laughed. "Well, your father is working on a case right now and my boss is getting a little ... nervous, you could say. Your father seems to be one persistent police officer. It's good that he is but it's the wrong case he is using his persistence for. Therefore we had to take you with us. But don't worry, we will not kill you. I promise."

Maya somehow believed him but that didn't mean she was going to stop being scared and careful. She didn't know where she was and what that man was expecting to achieve with her kidnapping but she knew enough to understand that they would probably try to blackmail her father.

She had to escape as soon as possible.

Suddenly the door opened and another man entered. He might be good-looking but the aura surrounding him was a dangerous one and his eyes were cold as ice. Maya's whole body started shivering. Whereas she somehow felt safe with just HaoXuan in the room, with the newcomer she feared for her life.

"Hi, boss." HaoXuan grinned and the newcomer nodded at him before concentrating on Maya. The way he looked over her whole body made her want to throw up.

"His daughter?" He asked coldly and Maya got goosebumps.

"Precisely," HaoXuan answered and then laughed. "Hey, boss. What did you do just now? You look different. Did they disturbed you with something?" HaoXuan wiggled his brows and laughed even louder when the boss shot an annoyed look at him.

"Shut up and mind your own business."

"I met him at the company today. A cutie despite his age." HaoXuan said and then quickly raised his hands. "I am just saying. No need to get angry. You know I am not interested in men!"

"I don't care about your preferences!" The boss growled and HaoXuan nodded.

"Someone seemed to get up with the wrong foot, I see." He mumbled and stepped back when the boss approached the bed Maya laid in. The girl started shivering stronger but as she was tied up she couldn't move away and escape. He stared at her and then down her body before stopping at the part between her legs.

"Hey, Maya! My boss hates screaming the most so if you want to stay alive you better don't scream. And boss, I promised to let her stay alive and you know that I always keep my words." HaoXuan said and went quiet when his boss shot him an annoyed look.

The boss concentrated back on Maya and led his hands between the girl's legs. She was about to scream but a look at HaoXuan's shaking head told her that this was not a good idea. She bit her underlip hardly and let out a suppressed scream when she felt the man's fingers entering her, going in deep. She teared up and wanted to scream but then the horror was over and the fingers left her.

"She is a virgin." The boss said satisfied and looked at HaoXuan. "Medical records?"

"No disease or any other malfunction. Nothing to worry about." HaoXuan answered and the boss nodded.

"Get your work started." With that, the boss left and Maya and HaoXuan were left alone.

"He can be scary, I know, but as long as you are being a good girl and listen to me, nothing is going to happen," HaoXuan said, walked up to the door, and locked it before turning around and coming back. "So, I am going to explain what is about to happen but I will do so only once so you better listen up carefully." He smiled and sat next to her.

Maya looked at him in fear and wanted to scream. "W-what are you going to do to m-me?"

"Before I tell you, let me show you a video." He answered and held a tablet in front of her face. He hit the play button and the video started showing a big man and a young girl around Maya's age on a bed. The girl screamed and cried and fought while the man on top of her couldn't care less as he raped her violently. The video was one minute long but after 10 seconds Maya closed her eyes. She couldn't watch it any longer and HaoXuan put the tablet away.

Maya teared up and started trembling all over. "Please kill me. I don't want this so please ... just kill me."

"I will not kill you and you can't escape what is about to happen," HaoXuan answered and Maya winced. "But the content of the video shows only the worst-case scenario. As long as you listen to everything I say, as long as you being a good girl, you will not feel any pain. I hate hurting women, you know? I will make you feel good."

"Where am I!?" Maya cried out.

"Ever heard of sex trafficking?" HaoXuan smiled and Maya paled. "That is right. But don't worry. No one but me will lay a finger on you until you are fully trained. To be honest, I quite like you a lot which means I will be very good to you. If you ignore me, try to hurt me, or try to escape, someone else will take over my job. And with someone else, I mean our big man from the video. He is the meanest of all of us. You don't want that, do you?" HaoXuan asked and gently stroke over Maya's head.

Maya shook her head and tears were falling down her cheeks. She was so scared...

'Mom, Dad... help me....'

"Then are you going to be a good girl and listen to whatever I say?" HaoXuan asked and Maya gritted her teeth before nodding her head in defeat.

"Good choice, Maya. I promise soon you will forget about everything but me." HaoXuan smirked and took off his clothes.

Xiao Zhan's POV

"What the hell was that?" I mumbled confused, ignored the path on my right, and took the one straight ahead.

This basement looked a lot like a cave. It was cold down here which was surprising considering how hot the weather was these days.

Just when I arrived at the end I heard a sob which seemed to come from somewhere in front of me. I walked a little more and saw two women sitting on the ground holding each other.

Just when I was about to walk up to them to ask what they were doing down here, an annoying voice started to yell. "When will you finally stop sobbing!? It will not help you at all!" I flinched when a man in a black suit walked out of nowhere and hit the older of the two women. Out of shock, I hid behind a rock but then I suddenly got angry.

'How dare he hit a woman!?' I thought and when I saw that man raising his hand again I was about to jump out of my hideout when a familiar voice sounded somewhere behind that asshole.

"Did I allow you to lay a hand on our guests, Mo Yi?"

I widened my eyes when I saw Meng Yao coming out of another hidden door in a rock. He glared at the man called Mo Yi and I recognized him as the one who was often in our house talking to my friend. Mo Yi bowed at my friend but stayed next to the two women.

"Please... Sir, let us go...." The younger woman begged and Meng Yao stepped forward and hit her across the face. I covered my mouth in shock.

"I did not allow you to speak!" He hissed and held out his hands to another man who stepped forward and handed him a document.

"You are the wife of Lee Yuhan, chief of the southern police department. Your name is Zhao Jing Ji and you are 41 years old." He looked at the older woman who stared back confidently. Meng Yao smirked and looked at the younger woman. "You are Tian Rong, the servant of the family and 28 years old. Too bad ... a few years younger and we could have taken you in."

"L-let us g-go" Tian Rong begged again and Meng Yao glared at her.

"You seem to be a trouble maker. Do you know that people who do not listen to me, are getting severely punished?"

"Let her be! She did not do anything wrong!" The older woman called Zhao Jing Ji said and Meng Yao looked at her.

"No, she didn't. But your husband did. Therefore I have to punish him using the three of you."

"When it was my husband who provoked you, why is Tian Rong here!? And what do you mean with three?"

Meng Yao smirked. "You sure are clueless. You didn't know that you little servant here is flirting with your husband behind your back?"

"What are you saying!?" Mrs. Zhao asked Meng Yao shocked.

"Of course, you didn't know. But don't worry, your husband rejected her. His love for you and your beautiful daughter is quite deep."

The older woman looked at the younger one who paled. "I am sorry, Mistress... it was just-"

I flinched when Mrs. Zhao hit her servant while Meng Yao laughed. The way my friend looked right now was different than usual. Now he looked cold and dangerous. Nothing of the friendly and warm Meng Yao I knew and that scared me.

"How dare you to lay your hands on my husband!?" The older woman yelled at her before she paled and turned towards Meng Yao. "Where is my daughter!? What did you do to her!? Tell me, you asshole!"

"Now you remember your daughter? No worries, she is in the best hands."

"Why!? Why are you doing this!?" The older woman screamed and Meng Yao's face darkened.

"I hate it when people scream, Mrs. Zhao. You better keep your voice low or your daughter might need to suffer the consequences! Are we clear!?"

Who was this person? Was that still my friend Meng Yao?

"As for the reason why you are here...It's your husband's fault. He is investigating against me. I warned him once to stay away from me and my work but he didn't listen. So I have no choice to make him surrender. You and your daughter are the most important to him just like my work is important to me. So he wants to take away what is important to me? Fine, then I guess I have to do the same."

"Where is she? Where is my Maya?" The older woman paled and Meng Yao laughed.

"I already said she is in best hands. Don't worry, no one is hurting her."

"Where is my daughter!?" She asked again and this time her voice was trembling.

"Boss, the kid woke up and is throwing a tantrum. What shall we do?" A man in a black suit appeared next to Meng Yao.

"Oh? Already awake? Bring him here! It's time we send his father a warning as well." Meng Yao answered and the man disappeared.

"K-kid? You-! You kidnapped a kid!?"

"I did. Are you worried about that boy? You don't even know him. But it's a good thing that you are worried. Because, unlike your daughter, that kid will have to bleed a little so his father will take off his hands from this case. Do you want to know what I am going to do?" Meng Yao smirked and didn't even wait for an answer. "I am going to cut off one of his hands and send it to his father, that damn prosecutor. He pretended to be fearless and I am curious to see what his reaction will be once he sees his son's hand. It's going to be one hell of a sight, don't you think?" He laughed and suddenly the younger woman started to yell at him.

"You evil bastard!! You are not a human! How can someone like you even exist in this world!? You fuck-" She got no further as Meng Yao took a gun out of Mo Yi's belt, aimed at her, and pulled the trigger.

The shot was louder than everything I heard before and I had to cover my ears. When I looked back towards the scene I saw that servant lying on the floor with a growing pool of blood. She was dead and I started to tremble like never before. I was terrified and wasn't able to move.

That man... no way was that my best friend. It cant be... Meng Yao was not a murderer... He was warm and friendly... nice to everyone... not like this...

The older woman was about to scream when Meng Yao pointed the gun at her. "I already said I hate it when people scream. If you don't want to end up like her you better don't get started!"

She closed her mouth and whimpered. Just like me, she was trembling. "M-Maya, my Maya..." He whined.

"Still thinking about her? Well, well. You are truly a mother, aren't you? Tell me, Mrs. Zhao, you want to see your beautiful daughter?"

The woman was too scared to speak but she nodded her head violently.

"I can't bring you to her as she is .... very busy at the moment. But! I will have mercy with you and show you a video of her." He grinned and crouched in front of her before taking out his phone. "It's a live video, actually. I will show you what she is doing at the moment and prove to you that she is in the best hands."

I couldn't see anything from the spot I was hiding but seeing the reaction of that woman I thought it was better like that. Whatever was shown to her made her paling even more. Then she started to scream.


"I TOLD YOU I HATE SCREAMING!!!!" Meng Yao screamed back louder and aimed the gun once again at the woman's head. "Scream once more and I am going to bring your daughter here and kill her right in front of your eyes, are we clear!" He threatened and glared at her hatefully.

Hearing that he wanted to kill her daughter she stopped screaming. Instead, she jumped up and attacked Meng Yao but Mo Yi, seemingly Meng Yao's right-hand man, held her back. She put on a fight but when she was hit on the forehead with the gun, she stopped and slumped down. Out of breath she glared at Meng Yao and cursed at him which he didn't seem to mind.

"That is right. Stop screaming, be quiet, and listen. I am going to show your husband what will happen when someone provokes me. But ... the death of his servant will not tear on him as much as the death of his wife or daughter. This means that one of you has to die. And you, my dear Mrs. Zhao, will choose who that will be. Do you want me to kill your daughter? Or do you want me to kill you? Tell me." Meng Yao asked with an evil grin.

I had seen enough and decided to go back to call for help. The problem was my legs were still shivering which was no surprise as I was utterly terrified. My whole body was frozen and I had to concentrate and calm down before I was able to move.

I was crawling towards the entry of the path I walked on earlier but had to quickly crawl back to my hiding spot when I heard footsteps coming out of that passageway. But not only footsteps but there were also cries.

'The kid! It must be the kid Meng Yao kidnapped-!' Just thinking about my best friend kidnapping people and killing them I wanted to throw up. I was sick but no matter what, I had to save them!

I turned back, ready to get out of my hideout when I saw Meng Yao raising the gun and pulling the trigger once more. Once again a shot sounded through the cave. I flinched and watched with big eyes as the older woman slumped dead on the floor. I covered my mouth in shock and teared up.

"Boss! I brought the kid! But this fucking brat dared to bite my hand." The man from before stepped out of the passageway pulling a crying boy after him. He was not older than 6 and was trembling in fear as he fought against the gorilla who pulled him.

"Did he? Bad boy. I guess we will have to cut out his tongue first before we turn to his hand." Meng Yao answered with a laugh. "Mo Yi, bring me the knife!"

I widened my eyes and before I could comprehend what I was doing, I jumped out of my hideout, and run towards the little boy. I pushed the gorilla on the ground, picked up the still crying kid, and started to run. I entered the passageway and run as fast as I could.

Suddenly everything went fast. I heard multiple gunshots, someone was screaming in wrath, and then I felt a sharp pain in my upper leg. My leg buckled and I screamed in pain.

to be continued....

Uh-Oh..... not good. Not good at all.... 

Will he survive...? 

Aaargh... You know what? I will spoiler now and tell you... Yes, he will survive! Or else there would be no story, right?

Don't hate me for that spoiler, okay?  :P :P :P 

But it seems to be a dangerous situation... let's wait for the next chapter to see what will happen, shall we? 

The next chapter comes out on Saturday (03.07.2021) at the latest!  I  will try to update earlier which will probably happen as I have some time on the weekend. ^^

See you next time <3 <3 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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