Chapter 1: Feelings and a hidden door

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Here is the 1st chapter of this new story. Hope you enjoy it <3 <3

5 years later

Xiao Zhan's POV

I was in the middle of organizing the paper for the accounts department when the door opened and Meng Yao stepped into the office.

"Zhan, are you still working? It's 9 pm already. Let's go home." He said and sat down on one of the armchairs.

"Mhn, have to organize these papers," I mumbled in concentration. My boss and also my best friend watched me doing my work for a while before he sighed.

"You want to talk about it?" He asked me and I frowned.

"About what?"

"About the reason why you are suddenly working 14 hours a day. You seem to have trouble sleeping too."

"Just that and you are worried?" I chuckled and shook my head. "Everything is fine. Just have a lot to do."

"Zhan, we know each other for 5 years. Don't you think I should know when something is wrong with you? Stop lying and tell me."

"There is nothing." I put together the last piece of paper and smiled triumphantly. "See? I am done. No need to nag."

"I am not nagging. I am just worried." He answered and got up. "Let's go. I am starving."

I chuckled and followed him out of the building into his car. It was quiet for a while until Meng Yao turned to me.

"Zhan, you do know that I know you better than others, right?"

"Yes, yes."

"Good. Now tell me what happened. For one week you are behaving weird." When I didn't answer him but frowned instead he sighed. "It's about him, isn't it?" He asked me. I didn't need to ask him who he meant because there is only one 'him'.

"What do you mean?" I laughed but he shook his head.

"Don't try it, Zhan. I know what this look of yours means. 5 years ago you had the same expression when you told me about that man. So what happened? Why are you still thinking of him after 5 years? Why now?"

I chewed on my lips and closed my eyes. Like usually he noticed any changes in my mood. He is like a ghost. He was right. I thought about him again. That asshole who lied to me to get me into bed. I hated him for that but maybe... maybe it was my fault? I was the one who fell for him. I was the one who couldn't wait and wanted to sleep with him.

'No, Xiao Zhan. It's not your fault. He was the one who lied, not you! It's his fault and you know that.' I thought and sighed.

"Zhan?" Meng Yao called me again and I opened my eyes and looked out of the car window.

"I saw him. A week ago." I told him truthfully.

"What? You met him? I hope you hit him and if not, tell me where he is and I will do that for you!"

I laughed. "Why would you? He didn't do anything to you."

"No, but to you! If I knew who he was I would have killed him already!" He answered and then looked at me. "So? What happened? Did you confront him?"


"Why the hell not!?" He asked me offended. I looked at my friend and smiled.

I met Meng Yao 5 years ago in the hospital after I was hit by a car. I was in a coma for two weeks and when I woke up Meng Yao was the first person I saw. He was not a doctor but someone who donated money for patients who couldn't afford their treatment. He did that since he lost his sister to cancer when he was 17.

Because I was in a coma and had no family left, Meng Yao paid for my whole treatment until I was discharged from the hospital one month later. I felt indebted to him but he said I didn't have to because it was his hobby to help others. As he knew that I had no one, neither friends nor family, he visited me daily and we talked a lot. About him and his work and charity as well as about me. We became friends quickly.

When I was discharged it was difficult for me to live on. I didn't want to work in that restaurant anymore in fear I might see Wang Yibo again. Due to my stay in the hospital, I couldn't pay my rent and my landlord canceled my rental contract. A new tenant moved in already by the time I left the hospital. As I had only high school graduation it was difficult to find a job and because of the car accident in front of the hotel, I was not able to do manual labor.

So I had nothing and was desperate. But Meng Yao offered me to stay with him until I found a new apartment. He also gave me the job as his secretary with the condition that I would catch up on a college degree. I graduated in business administration last year and worked full time as Meng Yao's secretary. I liked my job a lot and couldn't think of another profession I would like to do.

"Xiao Zhan! Why did you not confront him!?" Meng Yao asked again. He was angry albeit I did not understand why. What happened 5 years ago had nothing to do with him. I only told him about this back then because I needed someone to talk to as I was alone and heartbroken. Even back then he was very angry.

"I couldn't!" I defended myself. "It was already hard seeing him from afar. I am relieved he didn't see me. Moreover, he was not alone."

"Not alone?" He followed up and I closed my eyes.

"No. Next to him was a woman and his arms a child." I answered and sighed. I did not see that woman's or the child's face but it was obvious that it was his wife and child. The message I read on his phone that night was still in my head. And the way they both smiled at the child in his arms...

"Zhan, do you really not know who he is? No name, no address, nothing?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I know nothing and I don't want to talk about him again. Let's just go home, okay?" I lied because I wanted to forget him. It was difficult to do but not impossible, right?

"Fine. Let's go. I am starving anyway." Meng Yao answered. I could feel his gaze on me from time to time but I ignored him.

45 minutes later we arrived at our house. Well, it was Meng Yao's house actually but I lived with him for 5 years. I did try to find something on my own but it never worked no matter how many apartments I visited. Meng Yao didn't mind me staying with him.

"It's okay. I heard it's difficult to get an apartment these days. You can live here as long as you want. I am not going to kick you out so don't worry. We are friends, Xiao Zhan." He said to me back then and when I still didn't find something one year later he made an offer. "How about you stop looking for an apartment and live with me for good? I think I will be lonely living on my own anyway."

I declined first but after I still did not find anything months later, I accepted his offer. Since then I am living with him. Our house was located in the woods and it took us 50 minutes to drive to work every day but I really liked it here. It was big and comfy and once I was done with work I could relax. There was a pool in the garden where I stayed most of the time sitting at the pelvic edge.

Meng Yao tried to persuade me to learn swimming at the beginning but I decline. I didn't need to swim to relax. I was happy just sitting there in the sun with my feet in the pool and a book in my hand.

"Sir, the dinner is ready." Yema, the housemaid announced. She was working here even before I arrived. She was a nice old lady but she liked to stay to herself.

"Thanks." Meng Yao answered and together we went to the dining room. "Look at that. She made curry." He said and I smiled knowing that Curry was his favorite food.

"Then let's dig in," I answered and sat down.

The moment we were done with dinner, Meng Yao's phone rang. He accepted it, listened to what the caller had to say, and cut the call afterward.

"Sorry, Zhan. Have to go. Work is calling." He said and stood up.

"Need help?" I asked and wanted to follow him but he shook his head.

"No, I can handle that on my own. It could be late when I come home so I will see you tomorrow." I nodded and watched him leaving the dining room.

He got these calls often and never needed my help. It worried me because I was his secretary after all but when I talked to him about that he laughed. "It's okay, Zhan. These things are not very important and I can handle them on my own. You may be my secretary but your working hours end by 6 pm at the latest. Everything that happens after that will be my responsibility."

I sighed. 'He gets these calls regularly. How could it not be important?' I thought before going into my room. I took a shower and after brushing my teeth I went to bed. I was tired but I decided to read a few more chapters of the book I was reading before going to bed.

In the middle of the night, I woke up. I was thirsty and reached for my can of water. When I realized that it was empty I moaned and decided to fill it up with cold water. It was very hot during the nights so I always had to drink ice cold water.

I left my room and walked into the kitchen where I opened the refrigerator and took out the can of water standing inside. I filled up a new can and replaced it with the one I just took out. Before going back to my room I drank a glass and sighed afterward.

'That feels good.' I thought delighted, took the can, and walked back to my room. When I passed Meng Yao's room I heard his voice inside. 'It's good he is back already. He shouldn't work too much.'

"What do you mean with that!!?" Meng Yao suddenly yelled and I flinched. He seldom raised his voice so whatever happened, he must be angry and I hoped nothing is wrong with the company.

"I don't care! I want you to take care of it! Find out who is working on it and once you did, I want you to find something I can use!..... Who? .... No! Are you crazy!? That would be too obvious! ..... Good. ... Get hold of their weaknesses and report back!... I don't have that much time! The more time passes, the more dangerous it's going to be! So I want a report by tomorrow morning!...."

I shook my head and walked to my room. I didn't understand what happened just now but it was probably about the stock market. As I organized the papers the last days I saw that our shares went down by 20 % which was understandable because someone from the higher-ups was caught in embezzlement and the newspaper printed it the very next day.

But Meng Yao already said the shares are going up again soon because he found an investor so I didn't worry too much.

I yawned and when I was back in my room, I drank another glass of water before going back to bed.

The next morning I woke up with a hard one. It was the first time in 4 and a half years this happened and I was pretty sure the reason for that was my encountering Yibo last week.

Suddenly the door opened and Meng Yao entered my room. I quickly turned to the side but seeing him widening his eyes I knew he saw it. I sighed and got up from bed.

"Don't comment on this, you hear me? I will come down after taking a long shower."

"Sure... breakfast is done.... But Zhan you-"

"No comment, please!" I begged and he nodded.

"Take your time. I will wait downstairs," is all he said before leaving me alone. I quickly stepped into the shower and tried to forget my dream where I was back in the hotel with that asshole that night. This was embarrassing. I was already 30 years old and waking up like this shouldn't happen anymore.

"Forget that night, Xiao Zhan. You managed to do that 5 years ago and you will succeed this time too. It was just a one-night stand, nothing more." I said to myself before taking my time in the shower.

When I was done and arrived fully clothed downstairs there was no time for breakfast anymore. Meng Yao was already waiting in the car and when I climbed inside as well, he gave me a lunch box.

"Your breakfast."

"You packed it for me?" I asked with a smile.

"I figured out you might .... well, take longer than usual so yeah, I packed it. Don't look at me like that!"

"Like what?"

"Like you want to hug me until we arrive at the company."

"Did I look like that?" I asked amused and opened the lunchbox. "Lucky you that I will be too busy eating my breakfast. But let me tell you, even if I would have hugged you that long, you wouldn't mind, would you?"

"Shut up!" He pouted and I laughed. Others thought of him as scary but only because he wanted them to think like that. Deep inside he was a soft person who didn't mind a hug or two. He indeed knew me the best but.... I knew him the best as well.

At least that is what I thought back then.

Meng Yao and I were currently sitting together while going through numerous papers when the office door opened and a big man in a black suit entered. He ignored me and looked straight at my friend who raised his brows at him. The big man bowed and Meng Yao turned to me.

"Have to attend a meeting. Can you prepare the papers for the meeting with the investor tomorrow? I will send someone to pick them up later."

"Sure," I said before frowning. "Is everything alright?"

"The shares dropped by 20 %, Zhan." He laughed. "But it's going to be fine once the investor arrived. Don't worry. See you later." He said and left.

"I am not overworked. Why are you not asking me for help? I can still help you, idiot." I mumbled and concentrated on the papers.

Two hours later I was done and wrote Meng Yao a message. He replied and told me that someone will pick them up shortly.

<Is your meeting going to take long? Shall I go ahead later?>  I asked him.

<I think I will be done on time. Just wait downstairs and we will go home together.> was his reply.

<You sure? It's pretty busy these days due to the decrease of the shares and I bet that meeting is important. If it takes longer I can take a taxi.>

<No need, Zhan. We will go together. There is something I want to tell you later anyway. So wait for me, okay?>

<Alright then.> I answered and looked up when the door opened and a man entered. I saw him a few times meeting with Meng Yao and knew he was here to pick up the papers.

"Hey, there. I am here for some papers." He said and smiled brightly. I nodded and handed him all the documents. He took them and then stared at me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him and he grinned.

"Not at all. May I ask how old you are?"


"Your age. How old are you?" He asked again.

"30. Why?"

"You look quite young for your age. And very handsome. No wonder people fall for you." He smirked and I frowned. Suddenly there was a loud beep sound from the speakers.

"Yo, HaoXuan, stop flirting and get your ass up here! If boss finds out what you are doing you are dead meat!" A voice sounded and the man in front of me cursed.

"I am not flirting, B. I am just stating facts. Facts which are well-known by-"

"Whatever. Get your ass up here now!" The voice said and the speaker turned off.

"Don't mind him," HaoXuan said. "My friend up there is just a pervert who likes to listen and watch other people's conversations. He always-"

"Shut up!!" The voice sounded again. "HaoXuan, I swear, if you asshole-"

"Coming!" HaoXuan laughed, winked at me, and left the room. I was confused and started at the CCTV. I shook my head and quickly left the office.

Hours later I waited at the entry of the company for Meng Yao who was still talking with a bunch of people. When he was finally done, he walked up to me with a smile while the people he talked to walked away.

"Did you wait long?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not at all. Let's go, I am quite hungry."

"Did you not eat lunch?"

I smiled embarrassedly. "I forgot..."

"How can someone forget to eat?" He asked and shook his head. "Zhan, that is the third time this week."

"I know. It will not happen again. It's only lunch, Meng Yao." I laughed but he seemed to be unhappy. "I promise to not forget it anymore, okay? But only if we hurry up and drive home now. I am really hungry."

"Get in." He sighed and I chuckled before climbing into the car.

After dinner, I relaxed a little at the pool in the garden. When I looked up I saw Meng Yao watching me from the window of his bedroom. He signaled me to come to him and I remembered that he told me he had something to say.

'I hope it's nothing bad....' I thought and got up. I put my book on a table in the living room before going up to his bedroom. Once I entered I saw him still sitting at the window.

"You wanted to tell me something? I am ready for everything except you saying the investor jumped off." I said and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"If that is what I wanted to say then I would be in a very bad mood." He smiled when he turned to me. "It's just.... after seeing your mood and condition in the last week after seeing that asshole again, I thought I had to tell something important, hoping it would make you stop thinking about him."

"Something important? Why do I have the feeling it has nothing to do with work?" I asked amused and he looked at me seriously.

"Because it hasn't. What I want to tell you is something private." He answered and sat next to me.

I gulped as I had a hunch of what it was. I think the first time I realized his feelings for me were more than just friends was last year when I drunk a little too much and started to cry over the past. Even when drunk I never told Meng Yao about Yibo's name or any other information. I did not know why I did that though. Probably because I wanted to be the only one who knew Yibo even if he was a damn asshole.

When I started to cry and talk about that one night Meng Yao took me into his arms and just soothed me. He did not say anything at all. When I was tired he carried me to his car, drove me home, and put me to bed. I was half asleep but I still felt his lips on mine. It was just a soft peck but the feelings behind it were clear.

Now I guessed he wanted to confess and I got nervous as I did not want to lose him as a friend.

"Meng Yao, I think I should go to bed," I said and wanted to get up but he took my hands into his hands before I could do so.

"Since when?" He asked silently and I sighed.

"Do we really have to talk-"

"Yes, Zhan, we have. Since when do you know?"

"Since I got drunk last year and you kissed me."He widened his eyes when he got to know that I knew he kissed me. "When did it start?"

"Long ago." He answered and looked at me. "I guess I know why you never ask me about it. Zhan, that man... he is an asshole who does not deserve you. He broke your heart when you were the happiest. I hate that even after 5 years he still seems to haunt you. I know that your feelings for him were deep and you are still affected by them but I also know that there will be no future between you two. You know that too."

"Yes, I know that. I am still trying hard to forget him and if I wait just a while longer I will succeed. After that night... I figured out being single is better than having someone next to me who only disappoints me. With him, it happened three times already."

"I am not like that. Xiao Zhan, you know me."

I smiled at him. "Yeah, I know. I know that you are not like them but that doesn't matter. Imagine we would agree to try it. What if you, I, or we both figure out that it doesn't work? Do you think we could go back to being friends? I doubt so. Meng Yao, you are my best friend. The only one I ever had, actually."

"The same goes for me. I understand what you are saying and you are right. The thing is, we can't know anything if we don't give it a try, don't you think? How can you know the future? I cant accept that reasoning of yours if we didn't even try. My feelings for you are not that weak to give up just like that." He said and stroke my hands with his thumbs.

He was right too. I couldn't know yet. But ...Should I risk everything and try again? Moreover, I liked Meng Yao, yes. As I said, he was my best friend. But love? No, I didn't love him. At least not that way. I found out what love is 5 years ago.

"Yao, I told you what I felt for him back then, didn't I?" I asked him and continued when he nodded. "I loved him. I knew him only for about a month but I fell in love with him. Those feelings.... I do not have them for you.

I don't have them for anyone at the moment."

"But that doesn't mean you have no feelings for me."

"Yao, I-"

"You can't have that same feeling for two people at the same time, Zhan. I know that much. And I also know that despite what happened back then, you still have feelings for that asshole. You admitted it when you said you are trying to forget him. I understand that it's hard. I do not blame you for that. But because of that, you think that it's not possible to have feelings for someone else. You can't love him and me at the same time. At least not the same way." He said and looked at me. "You said you would try to forget him so why not trying to find out if you can love me the same way as him? When you stopped loving him there is a chance you can fall for me."

"I already stopped loving him, Meng Yao. It's just that I did not yet forget what he did to me."

"Then you could give me a chance. I understand that you still need time to forget what happened back then. It's okay. I will help you with that. But if you stopped loving him you could fall in love with someone else. Aren't I right?"

Yes, he was. I did not love Yibo anymore. So I should be able to fall for someone again. But do I want to risk a relationship with Meng Yao where I could lose him as a friend in the end?

'The thing is, we can't know anything if we don't give it a try, don't you think? How can you know the future?' I remembered Meng Yao's words and figured out that these were true too. I couldn't know what will happen. I was just scared that the same thing as the last three times would happen again. But I knew Meng Yao for five years now.

"Xiao Zhan?" He called me softly and I looked up at him. He wasn't like any of them. He was different and wouldn't hurt me. So should I try and give him a chance? I did not love him yet but I could fell for him. Like he said, who could know the future?

But the more I thought about it the more I was against it. Indeed, I did not know the future but I knew myself the best.

"I am sorry, Yao." I apologized and he sighed with sad eyes.

"So you are not even going to give me a chance?"

A Chance.... Is it okay for me to give him a chance when I know that it will change nothing? No, it would be unfair.

"Xiao Zhan, I am the one asking for a chance. No matter how it turns out, it was my request." He said as if he could read my mind. Then moved closer. He did so slowly so I would have a chance to push him away. But I didn't. Not because I changed my mind but because I was selfish. I thought if I gave Meng Yao this chance I might forget that asshole sooner.

His lips met mine softly. Meng Yao's tongue stroke over them gently, asking for permission to enter me. It felt weird but I still parted them. Meng Yao stopped for a second. He seemed to be surprised that I actually let him enter me. The next second he moved his hand towards the back of my neck, pulled me a little closer, and slide his tongue into my mouth.

Within minutes the kiss turned from soft and innocent into a passionate one. I closed my eyes and let him lead but .... soon I felt strange. Not in a positive way. It felt strange being this intimate with my best friend but it seemed that I was the only one thinking like that as Meng Yao seemed to enjoy it.

He pushed me into the mattress and opened my shirt. His hands moved fast and I figured out that he wanted to hurry up in fear I might change my mind. As he sucked on my lips his hand's stroke over my chest and he gently pinched my nipples.

That was the moment I wanted to stop. 'This is not right. I am using him for my benefit and that is wrong. If I do that I would be no different than them.' I thought.

When Meng Yao's lips moved to my neck and his hands stroking over my nipples faster, I raised my hands to push him away but before I could do so, someone knocked on the door. Meng Yao ignored it and his lips moved lower to my chest.

"Yao, sto-" I said but was interrupted by yet another knock on the door. This time it was louder and whoever the person who knocked on the door was, it seemed to be urgent. I gaped at Meng Yao when I heard him growling in dissatisfaction. He looked at me and stroke my face before pecking my lips and getting off the bed.

"What!?" He asked annoyed when he opened the door. The man in front of the door didn't flinch at Meng Yao's annoyance but whispered something. Whatever it was it brightened my friend's mood a little. I saw him smiling and whispering something back before he turned to me.

"It seems I have to go back to the company." He said and when I was about to get up he stopped me. "It's okay, you don't need to come with me. It won't take long and I will be back. You can sleep here if you want."

He walked up to me and leaned down to press his lips on mine. "See you tomorrow. And I hope just because we were interrupted you will not push me away tomorrow." He winked at me and I sighed.

"Yao, what happened just now was-"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay? I will go now. Sleep well." He stroke my cheeks and smiled at me before turning off the light and leaving the room.

I sat there for a while and the more I thought about what just happened the more sure I was that it was wrong. There will be no continuation. I would have to talk to him tomorrow and I hoped that this incident will not ruin our friendship.

I sighed and got up from the bed. I needed something to drink and maybe a shower as well. I opened the door and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. After drinking a glass of water I was about to get back upstairs when I saw a soft light coming from the storage room.

'The housemaid forgot to turn off the light again...' I chuckled and shook my head before walking up to the said room. But the closer I got the surer I was that the light couldn't be from the ceiling lamp. It was not bright enough.

When I arrived at the storage room and opened the door fully I gaped at what I saw. The light did not come from the ceiling lamp but a wide-open hidden door inside of the room. I blinked a few times in confusion. I didn't know such a door existed and Meng Yao never mentioned anything like that either. It couldn't be the room for the housemaid because she had one on the other end of the ground floor.

'Maybe another entrance to the garage?' I thought but when I saw stairs leading down I shook my head. 'Can't be. Maybe the basement?' But why would there be a second door leading to the basement? A hidden door at that?

"Hello? Yema, are you down there?" I called our housemaid but didn't get an answer. "Yema?" I called her again without any answer. 'Is she not there? But why would the door be open then?' Worried that something might have happened to the older lady, I carefully walked down the stairs. When I arrived downstairs I saw a long path and at the end of it, I could recognize the path was divided into three more paths.

'This was definitely not a normal basement....' I thought and decided to take a look at this unusual place. I stopped in front of the three paths trying to figure out which one I should take. I heard a strange noise coming from the right path and was about to choose this one when I heard a loud echo coming from the path leading straight ahead.

"What the hell was that?" I mumbled confused, ignored the path on my right, and took the one straight ahead.

To be continued...

So this is the start. I hope it wasn't too boring ^^

The next chapter comes out next Sunday at the latest but I will try to update it earlier. Gonna start writing right away *wink* 

Hope to see you next week <3<3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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