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Enjoy the prologue of my next book. <3 <3

5 years ago

Xiao Zhan's POV

"Hurry! The dishes do not wash by themselves!" My boss shouted at me and I started to wash the dishes even faster. When he saw that he huffed and left to observe the waiter and waitresses working in his restaurant.

Today my colleague is on sick leave so I have to wash the dishes all by myself. It's difficult to do especially when my boss was never satisfied with anything I do. Moreover, my right shoulder hurt like hell.

But what can I do? I need this job so I could pay my rent. I was still very happy that I even got this job. Washing dirty dishes was never my dream but the pay was three times higher than in other restaurants. The place where I worked, was a high-class restaurant where celebrities, politicians, and other important people dined. Eve the waiter and waitresses are higher educated than me. They all studied whereas I only graduated from high school seven years ago. The reason why I managed to land this job here was probably because of my grade average of 1,0.

I sighed and continued to wash the dish at full speed. My shoulder was killing me but there was nothing I could do. Surgery, maybe, but that was way too expensive. I could not afford it. Moreover, I did not want to be freed of this pain. It reminded me that I was still alive whereas my parents weren't.

It happened seven years ago on the day of my high school graduation. My parents and I were on our way home to celebrate my graduation when a car crash in ours. I lost consciousness for about three minutes and when I woke up, I could barely move my shoulder because a piece of the car window stuck in it. I called my parents but they did not answer me. The doctors told me they died on the spot. I called an ambulance but they took their time to arrive.

I barely could remember what happened afterward. I managed to somehow get out of the car and checked on the driver who drove the other car. It was a girl around the same age as me. She was still alive so I pulled her out of the car and tried to slow down the blood flow until the ambulance arrived and took us to the hospital. My shoulder healed but whenever I used too much strength, it started to hurt. Just like at this moment.

Later, I never went to the university but started to work immediately as my parents were no more who could support me. I would have loved to go to university, especially because it was my parent's wish.

Anyway, now I was working as a dishwasher in a 5-star-restaurant... Well, at least the pay was good.

Suddenly the door swung open and two waiters came in.

"If the boss finds out we are hiding we might lose our job." One of them said nervously.

"I know but I am too scared to serve that customer. He always stares coldly at others and complains whenever something is not up to his wishes. I am more scared of him than of our boss." The other answered. "The others are busy and I really do not want to serve that table. He seems to have a business dinner but I am sure he does not care how they look at him once he complains about everything. I am not going there."

"I don't want either! But what should we do? He will call for the boss if no one shows up."

"Let the girls go. They all have a crush on him anyway."

"So what? They also are too scared to approach his table!" The first waiter said and turned around. He spotted me and I quickly continued my work so they would not tell on me or something."Hey, I have an idea!"

One of the waiters said and I heard him walking up to me.

That was one of the problems I had. I couldn't say no to others. So when that waiter asked me to jump in for them, to walk out of the washroom next to the kitchen as a waiter to serve that one scary and complicated guest, I agreed to it. They send me to table no. 2 where three people sat and wished me luck before retreating to the break room.

"Good evening, gentlemen. What can I bring you?" I asked politely and wrote down the order of two of them. The other one didn't even look up from his notebook but kept tipping on the keyboard. As he had his head down, I couldn't see much of his face but I knew was handsome. He wore an expensive suit and a Paul Newmans Rolex Cosmograph.

When I was a teenager I asked my parents multiple times to buy be such a watch because it looked awesome. But they said it was way too expensive. Over 114 Million Yuan worth was this watch so I never got one. This guest right here must be very very rich.

"The usual." The guest said and I stopped drooling at the watch and concentrated back on this handsome man in front of me.

"Excuse me?"I asked confused.

"I will take the usual and I hope this time you don't use too much pepper in my salad! I can't take it well and I am pretty sure I said that when I came here for the first time."

"I will talk to the kitchen, Sir, but care to tell me what the usual means?"

"Are you stupid? I am coming here for two months twice a week and you want to tell me that you can't remember what I order every time?" The guest asked while shaking his head in disbelieve. "I heard all people working here are highly educated. Seems that was a lie."

I frowned and got annoyed. I knew I shouldn't get angry but I hate it when someone made fun of my education. "I don't know what you want to order because this is my first time serving here and especially you. If I had known what an asshole you are I wouldn't have agreed to serve you at all. I am usually washing the dishes in the back but because everyone is scared of you they send me to take your order. Yes, I am not as highly educated as the others working here but I don't need to graduate from a university to write down what the guests here want to eat. I learned writing in the first grade like almost everyone else too! So either you tell me clearly what you like to eat or you get nothing!

I knew I was making a mistake as I was not allowed to talk to a guest like that but this man here was very rude. I would probably get fired today but I couldn't stop myself from telling him my opinion.

The man stopped tipping and looked up at me in surprise as probably no one ever talked back to him like I did just now. When his eyes met mine I was shocked. They were the most unique and beautiful eyes I have ever seen. The right eye was dark brown while the left one was slightly lighter. His pupils expanded as he looked at me and I couldn't break the eye contact. It was as if I was drowning in his eyes.

I strangely hat the urge to lean down and kiss them. Of course, I didn't do that. I was not sure how long we looked at each other but at some point, I heard one of the other men at the table clearing his voice.

"I would like to have a grilled lobster, a green salad with only a little bit of pepper, and as a dessert, I will take the lemon cake. And bring us a bottle of your best wine as well." The rude guest suddenly said and smiled at me while I massaged the back of my neck in embarrassment.

'What a change... He should have talked like that from the beginning.'

"Thank you, Sir. I will bring you the food and the wine right away. And I apologize for my speech just now." I said and left for the kitchen as quickly as possible. I gave the kitchen stuff the order and quickly went back to my spot at the sink in the washing room next to the kitchen.

I tried to concentrate on my work but I couldn't forget that guest's eyes nor his face. He was truly handsome. Every 10 minutes I left the sink and walk to the door to take a look at that man. He ate his dinner while talking with the other men at the table. Sometimes he laughed out loud and I got goosebumps. As if he felt my eyes on him he looked in my direction and I quickly run back to the sink, hoping he did not see me staring at him.

'If he weren't such an asshole he would be totally my type.' I thought and remembered that man's eyes. They were so beautiful. But the way that man was dressed showed me that he was way out of my league, maybe a model? Too bad. 'I wish I would at least know his name....'

I sighed and continued my work.

One week later one waiter came to me and told me someone was looking for me. As I had no family and no friends I thought that was odd but then he explained that it was the handsome but rude guest from last week. I frowned but still went to meet him. Not because I wanted to serve him but rather because I wanted to see him again. I was surprised when I did not get fired that night when I told him my opinion. It seemed he did not complain about me.

So I walked up to table no. 2 and confronted him. Today he looked even more handsome than last time and I almost gaped at him. But only almost.

"Sir, you wanted to speak to me?" I asked him and smiled.

"I want to order." He said and I nodded before turning around to leave. "Where are you going?" He asked slightly confused.

"You said you wanted to order, or not?"

"Yeah, but I didn't even say yet what I want." He answered and I closed my eyes in annoyance before turning back to him.

"I am not stupid, Sir, and my memory works just fine. A grilled lobster, a green salad with only a little bit of pepper because you can't take it well, and the lemon cake as a dessert. The wine I will bring as well." I said and saw him smiling.

"No, this time I would like to order something else."

"Last time you made such a fuss because I didn't know about your usual order and now one week later you order something else? You want to make fun of me?" I wanted to know and he smiled again. Well, that smile of his was breathtaking just as well as his look. 'Forget it, Xiao Zhan. Not in this life.' I thought.

"I am sorry for last time. I was already in a bad mood and took you as a scapegoat. I am very sorry for that. Are your colleagues really scared of me?" He asked and when I nodded he chuckled. "I am sorry for that too. That was not on purpose. Albeit I am also very happy because that way they sent you to me." He said and I almost embarrassed myself by blushing.

"I-its okay. Just be a little nicer from now on. So, what do you want to order?" I asked professionally. I was not a trained waiter but taking orders with a smile and being politely is not that hard.

"I am not sure because all I ever ate was the lobster. How about you recommend me something?"

I was shocked that he was suddenly so friendly but I did not complain. Why should I? I liked it a lot. I suggested him several meals and when he asked which one of them was my favorite, he ordered it.

When I went back to the sink after passing on the order, I felt strange. Somehow I wanted to go back and talk to him some more. I wanted to get to know him, especially his name. But of course, I didn't do that.

Later when his order arrived I watched him secretly eating and whenever he smiled I had to smile too. I watched him until I realized that I was behaving like a teenager in love. 'Grow up, Xiao Zhan! You don't even know him! Moreover, you are 25, not 17 anymore.'

Later in the evening, he called for me to pay for the dinner. Once the transaction was done he left and I went back to work while hoping he would come again.

Around 11 pm I left the restaurant to go home. I was always one of the last ones to leave because I had to wash all the dishes for the next evening. And for three days I had to do this all alone because my co-worker resigned. My shoulder hurt again but at least now I was paid more because I had to do this alone.

"Excuse me?" Someone sad behind me and I flinched before turning around. I was scared as hell until I recognized the handsome guest.

"Y-yeah? What- what is the matter?" I asked him. I was not only stuttering because he scared me. No, it was rather because I finally had a full sight of his whole body. He was bigger than I by a few inches and he was working out often upon seeing his muscles. The suit he wore suited him perfectly.

"Wang Yibo." He said and I looked at him confused.


"That is my name. I am Wang Yibo." He introduced himself and I almost smiled. 'Yeah, this name fits perfectly.' I thought.

"Did you wait for hours only to tell me this?" I wanted to know and shockingly he nodded.

"I wanted you to know my name so you would stop calling me Sir." He answered.

"Why are you so... different?" I asked him and he tilted his head in confusion. "I mean, the others are scared of you, and witnessing myself how you behaved last week, I could understand why. You were an asshole. But today you are... different. Why did you call specifically for me?"

"The others just accepted how I talked to them. You didn't. You went against me and signaled to me your annoyance and what you thought of me. I liked that and I also want to correct that picture you have of me. I am not an asshole. I want you to know that."

I gaped at him and was thankful that it was dark or else he might have seen me blushing. Kindness suited him much more than being an asshole. Albeit I have to say, I also liked it when was a little rude. Didn't know why, though.

I looked at him and realized once more that he was definitely my type. I wanted to see him more often.

"My name is Xiao Zhan." I introduced myself. "I am not a waiter but work as .... a dishwasher, you could say." I hated it, that I was so honest with him. He was probably making fun of me now. Uneducated and doing a dirty job, definitely not likable. Damn it,  I wanted him to like me.

"Nice to meet you, Xiao Zhan." He smiled widely and I almost forgot how to breathe.

'Damn!' I thought in awe and stared at him. I was sure that this was the moment I fell for him.

The next three weeks passed quickly. Probably because I was happy. After that night, he came every day and I was the one who always took his order. My boss was furious at first but when he saw the number of tips Wang Yibo gave me, he told me to be nice to him.

He didn't need to say that. I would be nice to him anyway. In the last three weeks, I realized that I actually fell in love with him but I tried my best to not show it. I didn't even know if Yibo was gay or not. If he was not, and that was more likely the case, he would probably stop coming by once he found out my preference.

I found out I was gay when I was 16. My parents needed some time to get used to this but later they accepted it and were happy for me when I fell in love for the first time. I fell in love with a guy who went abroad after I confessed to him. If that wasn't an obvious rejection...

Anyway, because I did not want him to be disgusted or something I did not reveal my feelings. Moreover, we knew each other for only a month. Every day when he came, I took his order and we talked. We met for a drink a few times after my shift ended and had fun. I was disappointed when we said goodbye, excited once I saw him entering the restaurant and very happy when we could talk for a while.

Yes, I definitely fell hard for Wang Yibo.

Today was the same. He came, we talked a few minutes, he ordered and ate before he paid and left. When I left the restaurant at 11 pm, as usual, I saw Yibo waiting for me. When he saw me he walked up to me until he was only a few inches away.

"You waited again? Want to go for a drink?" I asked and he smiled his beautiful smile.

"Let's go." He said and I grinned. We walked into the same bar as before and ordered the same drink.

While we waited for our drinks to arrive I figured out I didn't know much about him except his name, his age, which was 20, and that he was not an asshole. I also knew he was a student but I did not know what he was studying. And he was handsome. Very handsome. Usually, he wore a suit but right now he wore jeans and a green hoodie. Casual clothes making him looking even younger than he was.

He raised his brows when he caught me staring at him and I quickly jumped up in embarrassment. "I have to use the toilet," I said and run towards the bathroom with a, probably, tomato red face. I went to the sink and washed my face and hands with cold water.

'Come on, Xiao Zhan. Stop staring at him, will you? You are going to make him feel awkward!' I thought and shook my head in amusement. The way I behaved was not normal. I fell in love before but I never behaved as obviously as I did now. I never stared at them like I stared at Yibo and definitely not as often. And the dream I had two days ago.... How was that even possible? I was a freaking virgin and I never watch inappropriate stuff before, not even in high school. So how could I dream about having sex with Yibo? I did not even see him naked yet...

'Yet? Who says you will see him naked in the future? Stop dreaming, will you!? You want to lose the only friend you have?' I asked myself and could have hit myself. Thinking back I probably never have thought of him as a friend. As an asshole, yes, but not as a friend.

I sighed and looked up into the mirror and almost screamed out of shock. Yibo stood behind me and watched me.

"Xiao Zhan? You took so long... you okay?" He asked and I laughed at him in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I am fine. Sorry that I took so long. I needed a while." I answered and turned to him. "Anyway, you better stop doing this, or I might die earlier than I want."

"Do what?" He asked curiously.

"Sneaking up to me like that."

He stared at me from head to toe. "You did something wrong?"

"What? No, of course not." I answered. 'Yeah, you did. You dreamed of him in the most inappropriate way possible, Xiao Zhan!'

"You are blushing, Xiao Zhan. Either you are embarrassed or you lied to me. Or both....." He said and with a chuckle and I shook my head.

"Nah, you are mistaken. Let's go back and enjoy our drinks, shall we?" I suggested and waited for him to move first. And he did move. But towards me instead of towards the door. "Yibo?" I asked nervously and was utterly shocked when he grabbed my chin softly and lifted it before pressing his lips on mine.

'Holy hell!' I thought froze on the spot. I didn't dare to move but at some point, I couldn't stop myself and returned the kiss I did not know I was longing for. The moment I did, Yibo pulled me closer, turned to the side, and pressed me against the wall before deepening the kiss.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer while parting my lips so his tongue could enter. I might have been a virgin but I had my share of kisses and this one right here surpassed all of them by far. Soon I was out of breath but I did not want to stop the kiss so I ignored the fact that I was almost suffocating.

Yibo on the other hand realized it and moved back. I took a deep breath and pulled him in for another kiss. His hand moved down my back towards my behind and when he squeezed me slightly. I let out a soft moan. His lips left mine and moved to my neck where he started to lick me.

Then he stopped and I opened my eyes I didn't know I closed and stared back. His expression changed. He did not look cold and calm anymore. He looked at me like I looked at food when I was not able to eat for one week straight.

"Xiao Zhan," He called me and I nodded. "I am sorry but this is something I have wanted to do for a while now. I couldn't stop myself." He stroked over my lips with his thumb and licked his lips.

"Me too," I answered and pulled him in yet again. The kiss this time was more roughly, more ... hungrily. I wrapped one of my legs around his waist and he used both his hands to squeeze my butt like a stress ball. I would have loved to continue but I heard people coming closer. Yibo did so too and left me after one last squeeze. We went back to our seats where our drinks were waiting for us. I took it and drank it in one gulp. I heard Yibo chuckling and saw him doing the same with his drink. His hand was on my thighs stroking me slowly. I felt hot and aroused and wanted more so I took his hand and led it straight at my arousal. He choked at his drink and stared down at his hand.

'Since when was I so daring?' I thought shocked. I looked at him and saw his eyes darkening. He then leaned in and put his mouth at my ear.

"You make it hard for me to control myself, Xiao Zhan. At this is a first." He whispered and my heart skipped a beat.

"Whose fault is it? You started it. Shouldn't you take responsibility?" I said and realized that I wanted him badly.

"One more word and I might do that." He said slowly and bit my earlobe.

"Sounds good because I want you," I answered truthfully and he growled into my ear. He pulled me up from the chair, paid the barkeeper, and pulled me out of the bar. I was excited because I knew damn well where this was leading.

Yibo looked around and spotted a hotel. He looked at me. "Is your home close?" He asked and I shook my head. It was quite far from here so spending the night at my home was not an option. I also did not want to go to his home because his parents might be there so I pointed at the hotel.

"This one is the closest," I answered and he growled.

"I don't want out first night in a damn hotel but I really can't wait any longer." He said and pulled me in for a deep kiss before we walked up to the hotel.

I stared at the bed in front of me while Yibo closed the door. Then he was behind me pecking the back of my neck, his tongue licking over my skin right before he sucked me. It felt good and I wanted more but suddenly I was reminded of the past.

Once before I was close to losing my virginity.

I had two boyfriends before. The first one I dated three years ago for two weeks but before we could spend the night together I learned that he had a girlfriend already. When I talked to him about this he shrugged his shoulders and said he wanted to have some fun before marrying his girlfriend. He did not even care if I found out and asked me to sleep with him anyway. I broke up with him right away.

Two years ago I was about to sleep with my boyfriend whom I dated for three months. This time I waited longer to make sure there was no girlfriend. And there wasn't. But when we met at his house and almost slept with each other, a woman came in and started to scream at me. It was his wife I didn't know existed. My boyfriend did not interfere when she cursed at me and started to hit me. I run away in shock but that wife of his told everyone I would seduce married men. I had to move away but I swore to myself I would never fall in love again. Too bad that my heart does not care what my mind decided. Here I am and fell in love yet again. And this time it was even worse than before because damn! I really loved Yibo despite knowing him for only one month.

Yibo turned me around and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around him and he moved his hands under my upper legs to pick me up. He carried me to the bed and lay me down. I felt so good that I almost forgot about my past. But only almost.

"What is wrong?" Yibo asked me as I grabbed his hands when he tried to open my shirt. "Second thoughts?"

I shook my head and he nodded before kissing my neck. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I don't." He said and sucked me. When I moaned I felt him smirk against my neck. "I love that sound." He mumbled before trying to open my shirt. When it did not work out as he wanted, he frowned, tore it open, and threw the two halves away. Then he looked at me.

His eyes staring hungrily at my naked chest making me want him even more. He touched it, stroke it, kissed it. Then he started to take off his hoodie.

"Yibo..." I called him breathlessly when he opened my pants.

"Yes?" He asked and pulled them down together with my brief. "God, you are so beautiful..." I blushed and heard him chuckle. His eyes were locked at my arousal as he started to take off the rest of his clothes as well. He was breathtaking. His body was big and his cock.... Oh my god!

He hovered above me and started to kiss and suck my neck again, all the while brushing out lower parts together. I never felt anything like that and this feeling made me cry for more. More of this, more of him.

"What about a wife? Do you have one?" I asked him breathlessly. It was stupid to ask just because my ex-boyfriends played me like this. Especially when Yibo was only 20 years old. I also saw no wedding ring but still.... I was unsure. I did not want something like in the past to happen again. I did not want to be an affair. I did not want to be called a seducer! It would be unfair to the girlfriend or the wife. And especially unfair to myself.

Yibo stopped and looked at me. "What?" He asked and I smiled embarrassingly.

"Are you married? Sorry to ask but I have bad experiences. I do not intend to hurt you or to accuse you of anything. It just ... I am not sure if I can handle it very well if the man I fell for has already someone else. I don't want to be a fling or a side affair and I do not intend to share my boyfriend with anyone else." I tried to explain the reason for my question.

"You fell for me?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course I did! I would never lose my virginity to someone I do not have feelings for!" I answered.

"I am.... you first?" He asked delighted and I blushed.

"Do I look like I sleep around?" I pouted and he shook his head.

"Not at all. I am very excited to hear that I am going to be you first. Tell me, when did you fall for me?" He asked as he played with my nipples.

I tried to answer without moaning too much which was almost impossible. "When you introduced yourself to me. I thought you were an asshole first. Handsome but an asshole. Later I figured out you weren't that bad at all." I managed to answer and let out a long moan when he pinched the two buds on my chest.

He smiled and kissed me. His tongue slipped past my lips right away and his hands moved to my behind. I moved my head out of his reach which made him growl in unhappiness.

"You did not answer my question." I reminded him.

"I am not married." He answered with a smile.

"No wife?"

"No girlfriend. No wife. Only you."

I pulled him down for a passionate kiss and at that moment I thought I was the happiest man in China.

He was gentle. Probably because it was my first time. In the beginning, it hurt. It hurt a lot. But later the pain was pushed away by the feeling of pleasure. He touched me at all the right places and when he hit a specific spot inside me I had my first orgasm ever. This was one hell of a ride and I figured out why people liked sex so much.

When I calmed down I thought it was over already but I was wrong. Albeit he was wearing a condom I could feel him coming inside me. His semen shot into the rubber with such a force that I thought the condom would tear. It felt amazing and just thinking of him coming inside me without wearing a condom made me hard again. He saw it, smirked, and we went for another round.

I tried to be as quiet as possible, we were in a hotel after all but Yibo was keen on making me moan as loudly as possible.

Once we both came for the second time he let himself fall on my chest. We both were panting lie crazy and it took us a while to calm down.

"Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly and I shook my head.

"It only hurt at the beginning. But the pleasure took over soon so don't worry too much."

"I am very happy that I am your first, Zhan." He said and I smiled.

"Does that mean I am not your first?" I asked him and he looked at me.


"Only a little. But you being experienced was probably the main reason that it did not hurt too much. So I do not mind. As long as you promise me to not sleep with someone else again."

He laughed and licked my lips. "I promise when you promise it too."

"No problem. I only sleep with someone I love." I answered and then widened my eyes in shock. "What the-!?"

Yibo hardened inside me without any warning. "Say that again." He demanded.

"W-what?" I asked confused but then understood what he meant. "You mean that only sleep with someone I love-? JESUS!" I moaned when he got even harder.

"Yeah, exactly that." He grinned.

 Once we came together for the third time he parted from me and I snuggled up to him. 'This feels so right.' I thought and closed my eyes.

"Tired?" Yibo asked and I snorted.

"You bet!" He grinned and kissed my cheeks and my neck.

"What happened here?" He asked me as he kissed the scar on my right shoulder.

"Car accident. Years ago." I answered tiredly and smiled when he licked over it.

"How?" He wanted to know but I shook my head.

"Tomorrow. I am too tired to explain now."

"How about a shower?"

"You go first," I mumbled and he laughed before getting out of the bed.

"Then I will go first." He said, kissed my lips, and disappeared into the bathroom. Seconds later I heard the shower turn on. I listened and got even more tired but just when I was about to fell asleep, a phone rang. When I realized it was Yibo's phone I tried to ignore it and soon the ringing stopped.

I sighed in relief and wanted to turn around but soon his phone started ringing again. I sat up and glared at the little object until the ringing stopped. I waited a minute and as expected it started ringing again. I looked towards the bathroom and figured out Yibo probably didn't hear anything because of the shower.

As it was the third time for the phone to ring I got up and walked up to the table to bring Yibo his phone in case it was something important. But just when I was about to pick it up, it fell silent again. I frowned and when it didn't ring again, I wanted to turn around but just at that moment the screen of Yibo's phone lightened up and a sound announced the receiving of a message.

I froze and stared at the phone in shock. Two minutes later I reached for it and pressed a button. I didn't want to read the message Yibo got because it was his privacy but I had to check if what I saw was correct.

I hoped my eyes were playing a prank on me, that I was too insecure because of the things that happened in the past.

I looked at the phone screen and the message Yibo got. I was so shocked that my legs went weak and I fell to the ground. I stared at the Caller-ID in shock and when I read the content of the message I couldn't breathe anymore and let the phone fall on the ground.

Wife: Yibo, I was at the hospital today. They checked me thoroughly and told me I am pregnant. Come home quickly. ←

'Wife? Pregnant?' I reread the message several times but there was no mistake. As much as I hoped it would be different with him...

'Yibo lied to me...' I realized and hold back any sound. I was not sure if I would have sobbed, screamed, or laughed hysterically.

'I thought Yibo was different. He told me he wasn't in any relationship. He said he had no wife! He lied straight to my face!' I felt something break inside me. Not sure what it was but I felt different. I felt ... empty.

After several tries, I managed to stand up. I put the phone back on the table and turned around. Yibo was still showering but he would be done any minute. I realized that I would not be able to pretend nothing happened. He would notice the change in my emotion.

'What is he taking me for? A fling? An affair? His wife was sick and because he was in need, he decided to sleep with me? Is that it?' I asked myself and with shaky legs, I gathered my clothes. I found my socks, my brief, and my pants. My shoes were at the front door.

The problem was my shirt. He tore it off me earlier and it couldn't be used anymore. I cursed and looked around the room to find a replacement. My eyes fell on Yibo's hoodie and I decided to wear it. I did want to be seen as a thief so I searched the two pockets to take out whatever was inside of them.

There was only one object. A ring.

'He hid his wedding ring in the hoodie?' I gritted my teeth in anger and put the ring on the bed. Then I took my bag and wanted to leave.

But then I changed my mind. If I leave now he would probably laugh at me, right? I hated this feeling. I was used by him but I didn't want to accept this. No, I couldn't!

'I am not a prostitute, goddammit!' I thought furious and took out all the money I had with me. It was not much but enough to pay him for services and 50 % of the hotel room. Today not I was the prostitute, it was him!

When I heard the shower turn off, I quickly threw the money on the bed, pulled the hoody over my face, and left.

I felt terrible. Not only because I fell in love with an asshole but also because of what I did just now. He deserved it but my heart hurt. A lot.

As I walked out of the hotel I realized that I was crying. 'You are stupid, Xiao Zhan! This is the third time already! Why do you always have to do the same mistake!? Why!?' I reprimanded myself and swore I would never let myself be used again. 'Who needs love? Who needs a lover? One could live and survive without these stupid things!'

With quick steps, I distanced myself from the hotel. Suddenly I heard a noise and recognized an approaching car engine. I quickly turned around but it was too late. The car hit me and I flung backward.

to be continued....

So this is the prologue and already a lot of drama. *sigh* 

What are your thoughts on it? :)

Next chapter comes out on Sunday :) 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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