Chapter 6: Settling in

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I know I am late but it's just one day, so I hope you all will forgive me. As I already told you I had a late shift last week and not enough time to write:D :D

Hope you enjoy this chapter <3 <3 <3

 Xiao Zhan's POV

We stared at each other until we heard Xuan Lu clearing her voice. "Is everything okay? Do you guys know each other?"

I didn't want to admit that I was still remembering the past unable to forget that one night nor did I want to let Xuan Lu know what her husband did back then. She was a beautiful and friendly woman who did not deserve to get cheated on. I also didn't want to be the one who let her know and destroy her relationship with her husband.

But most importantly I didn't want to let Yibo know that I was remembering him. I wanted to move on anyway and even if I did not manage to do that in the last 5 years there was still time for it in the future.

I turned away from Yibo and smiled at Xuan Lu. "No. I don't know him. It's just... the officers told me that your husband is one of the best prosecutors in china. He is very successful. So I kind of expected him to be ... well, a little older. He looks quite young to me." I answered her and from the corner of my eye, I could see Yibo frowning.

"Oh..." Xuan Lu said and then giggled. "He might be young but he is very smart and indeed one of the best prosecutors. Until now he never failed to send people who deserved it into jail. So don't let his age fool you." She answered. Then suddenly there was a noise from the kitchen and Xuan Lu jumped up. "Dinner is ready." She announced and walked next door where the kitchen seemed to be located.

I looked after her and tried to find a solution to the problem I was in. Now I was alone with him and I did not think it was a good idea. But then I almost chuckle. He probably didn't even remember me anymore. I bet I wasn't the only one he messed up with back then. Maybe I was just the stupid one to fell in love with him.

But despite that, I was still nervous and prayed that something happened to make him leave the room. Yet nothing happened and I could feel his gaze on me. I felt awkward.

But thank god at that moment FanXing came back. I could have kissed him.

"She was not there yet...." He said and I smiled at him. Seeing his eyes I told myself that I was stupid to not suspect Wang Yibo being his father. They had the same eyes after all.

"As far as I know the tooth fairy will only come at night when you sleep," I told him and he sighed.

"Mommy said that too. But I want to see her.... Tell me, uncle, did you ever meet her? Is she beautiful?" He asked and I shook my head. I never believed in her anyway. I knew my mother was the one who took my tooth and put money under my blanket.

"Never. I was always asleep when she came."

"What did you get?" He asked excitingly.

"Money, most of the time."

"How boring... did you get no games?"

I grinned. "No. But with the money I got, I could buy games and other things too. The tooth fairy probably didn't know what to gift me so she gifted me money. That way I could buy something I wanted."

He looked at me and nodded slowly. "She is smart." He answered and took a seat next to me. I smiled at him but almost flinched when I heard Yibo's voice.

"Did you wash your hands, son?" He asked and FanXing showed him his clean hands.

"I did!" He announced and then pointed at me. "Look, daddy. Uncle is here. He is the one who saved me."

"I know. I am very thankful for that." He looked at me. "Thank you for saving FanXing." I felt uncomfortable with him looking at me with a smile. The last time his eyes were on me was 5 years ago in that hotel where laid on top of me and was deeply sheathed within me.

I shook my head to shake off the memories and pictures. After a few inhales I managed to look up at him. "No need to thank me, Mr. Wang. I did what everyone should have done at that moment." I answered and was surprised at how calm my voice was.

"Yibo! Can you come and help me?" Xuan Lu called for her husband and Yibo walked into the kitchen after looking at me for quite some time. I did not know how I looked but I was confident I looked at him without any emotions.

"Uncle, my daddy looks scary sometimes but you don't need to be afraid of him, "FanXing said.

"I am not scared."

"But you look as if he wants to jump on you."

"Do I?" When he nodded and smiled. "Ups... well, maybe I just have to get used to his presence."

"Don't worry. I am here too." He smiled and I laughed silently before the doors on the other side of the room opened and the couple stepped out of the kitchen with the dinner.

 "How did you like it?" Xuan Lu asked me after dinner.

"Mommy always needs praises, Uncle. You better get used to it." FanXing said and his mother pouted at her.

"I only want a truthful opinion."

"I tell you every day that it tastes good, mommy," FanXing answered.

"You say nice things to my food only, darling."

"That is because it tastes delicious. And I know that you will lock yourself inside the kitchen once someone criticized you." He shrugged and I had to laugh.

"Well, it did taste very good. Expect the salad." I answered and Xuan Lu looked sad. "No need to lock yourself in the kitchen, though, because no one can make me like corns. I will hate it until the day I die." I followed up and she smiled.

"I see. So you don't like to eat corn? I will remember that for the next time but I am happy you like my food. As far as I know, Haikuan hates corn too."

Right. My doctor was her brother-in-law which means he is Yibo's brother. No wonder I thought he looked familiar....

'I am really blind, aren't I?'

"Haikuan is smart and knows what is good and what isn't," I said and Xuan Lu giggled. "Anyway, may I see my room? I am quite tired..." I asked and she jumped up.

"Of course!"

"How about the room upstairs opposite from ours?" Yibo suggested. "The room is big and I think the color of it will suit him. Do you like red, Xiao Zhan?"

'No way... does he remember me?' I asked myself nervously after remembering that I told him myself that red and black were my favorite colors. But then the nervousness vanished and I got upset. I almost forgot what an asshole he was. 'Did he just say he wants me to sleep close to their bedroom? For what? Witnessing what I didn't want to?'

"Are you crazy?" Xuan Lu reprimanded her husband. "He will not sleep upstairs! Do want to torture him!?" She asked him in disbelief before turning to her son. "FanXing, darling. Bring our guest to the room I prepared for him, okay? Xiao Zhan, I assigned you the room opposite the living room. It's a little smaller than the one Yibo suggested but the view is the same, the bed is bigger, the color is beautiful and most importantly you don't need to climb stairs. And it's the only room in the house with its own bathroom."

"Thank you. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness."

"Come uncle, I will bring you," FanXing said, stood up, and wait for me to follow him. I took my crutch which I parked under the table and get up as well. As I slowly walked, half stumbled out of the dining room I could feel his eyes on me. His stare was giving me goosebumps.

"Yibo, did you not read your case file or did you forget about his leg? You almost made him climb the stairs." I heard Xuan Lu reprimanding her husband.

"I forgot.... and did not read the file yet. I am sorry..."

"Don't be sorry towards me but to him. Well, as a punishment you will do the dishes! And then I advise you to read the file, okay?"

The door closed and I couldn't hear them anymore. I followed the little boy and was very thankful that he adapted to my speed. I still need a lot of practice to be able to walk with the crutch without a problem.

"Here it is!" He announced and opened the door for me.

It was just as Xuan Lu said. The room was very beautiful. It was colored in beige and the view was amazing. It showed the garden which had a big pond and even a little waterfall.

 "Wow..." I mumbled.

"Great, isn't it? If you want you can even swim in the pond." FanXing announced with a grin.

"With that leg of mine, I will not be able to go swimming for a while but thank you for telling me. Maybe I will do so once the leg is healed."

"What did my Uncle say? About your leg, I mean?"

"It will take time to heal and I need to go to physiotherapy regularly. If I do that it should be fine. That reminds me... I need to go for a check-up tomorrow. Today we had to leave quite fast."

"Can I go with you? I want to visit my uncle too."

I smiled at the little boy. "Ask your parents. I will leave tomorrow around 10 am after Zhou Cheng picked me up."

"Who is Zhou Cheng?" He wanted to know.

"Officer Wang."

"Ah, him? He looks angry all the time and I am a little scared of him but I like him." He grinned. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and Xuan Lu entered the room after I called her in.

"It's time for a bath, sunshine," She said and then smiled at me. "The door over there leads to the bathroom. I already prepared everything. A toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a brush, shower gels and shampoo, towels, and also a bathrobe. Officer Wang brought some clothes your size as well."

"Thank you, Xuan Lu. I will use them once I am allowed to. For the next two to three days I will not take shower." I answered and massaged my neck in embarrassment.

"Haikuan already told me." She winked at me.

"Mommy, why do I have to take a bath but he does not need to?" FanXing complained.

"Because he is told by his doctor to not take one. It's better for his leg."

"That is unfair..." He mumbled once Xuan Lu hushed him out of my room.

"Take a good rest. If you need anything, call for us." Xuan Lu smiled. "Good night."

I thanked her and wished her a good night as well before entering the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. No matter what FanXing thought about a shower, I cant wait to take one. The last one I took was a week ago with the help of a few nurses. That was very embarrassing and at that moment I wished I would vanish into thin air. I knew it's their job and they probably saw a lot of naked people who needed help with a shower or a bath but was totally embarrassing.

The white bathroom was not too big and not too small. With a sink, a bathroom cabinet, a toilet, a bathtub, and a separated shower it had everything a good bathroom needed.

After I was done I changed my clothes and went to bed. It was a big and comfy one and I relaxed instantly. I sighed, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

After some time I woke up hearing someone at the door. I opened my eyes and stared at it. Since I had to witness a double murder done by my best friend I had a light sleep. Then I saw the doorknob turning and I paled.

Who was it? Was it Meng Yao? Or one of his men? No way... was it Yibo? I stared at the door fearfully and already tried to think about how to react when the person coming in was really Yibo. I think I would prefer Meng Yao or his men over him. Stupid but yeah, it was how I thought.

Just then the door opened and ..... I sighed in relief seeing FanXing sneaking in. 'I think I just aged by 30 years.... That would make me 60 years old.... God, I am getting old....'

"Uncle, are you away?" FanXing whispered as he closed the door.

"I am. What are you doing here?" I asked him once he climbed onto my bed.

"Can I sleep here with you?"

"Nightmare?" I asked and he nodded.

"I have them since that day. I am scared and don't want to sleep alone. Can I sleep with you?"

I opened the blanket and signaled him to come closer. His eyes brightened and he snuggled up to me. "Did you tell your parents about the nightmares?"

"No... don't want to worry them."

"Most kids would sneak into their parent's bed instead of the bed of a stranger." I chuckled.

"You are no stranger to me, uncle. You are my hero. Moreover, I am not allowed to enter my parent's bedroom."

"Why not?" I asked surprised.

"I never asked them but my friend in kindergarten told me the reason. His parents forbid him to sleep with them too without any reason. Just like that. And a few weeks later they told him he would get a little sibling." FanXing explained. "I don't like it, though... I don't want a little sibling. I like it to have my parents all to myself and don't want to share. So every night I pray that I will not get a sibling and until now it worked. Am I a bad child?"

I sighed. "A little selfish, maybe but which child isn't? That does not make you a bad child. But FanXing when you get a sibling later, don't hate him or her. Because he was conceived out of the love between your parents. Just like you were born because your parents love each other. And isn't it great having a little playmate?"

"I don't know...." He mumbled.

"How about you ask your uncle tomorrow if you are allowed to come with me to the hospital? Ask him how he felt about the news that your father was born. Maybe that will help you a little to accept it."

"Okay... but I still don't want a sibling..." I laughed and stroke his head gently until he fell asleep.

I thought about my parents. They loved each other too and tried to have another baby. My mother got pregnant three times after I was born, once with a girl and once with twin boys. The third one was not known. Unfortunately, all of them resulted in miscarriages. I knew that it was not only because they wanted another child. After the failed two attempts they still tried. Not because of them but because of me. I had no friends and did not play with anyone either. I knew they wanted me to have a playmate and that was the reason they tried to get pregnant every time. So I made them stop going through the loss of more children and befriended a few other kids. They were happy for me and indeed stopped trying to have another child after some time.

I sighed and closed my eyes. 'I miss them...'

Suddenly I heard the door open and I tensed up. I kept my eyes closed and tried to figure out who it was. The person came closer and I could feel the blanket raising and covering FanXing properly.

"Didn't expect to see you again after all these years..... Xiao Zhan." Yibo said silently and I could feel him watching me for a while before he left.

'Shit... he remembers me....' I thought panicky. But then who cared? As long as I pretended to not remember a thing the past will stay in the past, right? He would not threaten me and Xuan Lu would not find out. All I had to do is act and try to forget him.

The next morning FanXing woke me up at 8:30 am. After washing up in the bathroom and changing my clothes, I followed FanXing into the dining room. Yibo sat at the table and was reading files and Xuan Lu was reading the newspaper. When I entered she looked up.

"Good morning, Xiao Zhan. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept amazing. Thanks for asking." I answered and she started to laugh.

"I hope you will soon get more comfortable with us. No need to be so polite." She said and FanXing looked at her mother.

"Mommy, you always say to me that I have to be polite to others even when I am an adult?" He reminded her and I ruffled through his hair.

"That is because you are her son. As I am not related to her she goes easier on me. Of course, I have to be polite too." I told him amused and he nodded before grabbing a bread roll. I too started to eat and smiled.

"It's been a while since I ate normal food," I mumbled and FanYing looked at me in confusion.

"Uncle, wasn't it just yesterday evening?" He asked and Xuan Lu laughed.

"I know exactly what you mean, Xiao Zhan! The food the hospital serves you when you are in there as a patient is not delicious at all. But the food in the hospital's canteen tastes amazing."

"Mommy, can I go with Uncle to the hospital later?" FanXing asked. "I want to visit my uncle too."

Yibo looked up from his file and frowned. "You shouldn't hang out with your uncle too much. He is going to have a bad influence on you otherwise."

"Not true! Uncle Haikuan is funny." FanXing said.

"And I am not?" Yibo raised his brows.

"Not as much as him. You are way too strict."

"See? There it's starting." Yibo said and Xuan Lu patted his arm with an amused smile while turning to me.

"Is it okay if my son is accompanying you?"

"Of course. I like to have some company with me." I answered.

"Okay then. But FanXing, I want you to listen to Xiao Zhan, okay? I also want you to stay close to him and Officer Wang. Are we clear?"

"Yes, mommy!" He announced while munching his bread roll.

"Don't talk with a full mouth, FanXing." Yibo said and then turned to me. "Once you are back I want to talk to you."

"T-talk to me?"

"Yes, I want you to tell me about Meng Yao, what you saw and what happened."

"I already said everything I know to the police so it should be written in the files."

"I want you to tell me again. I want to hear it myself. Maybe you will remember something you forgot to tell the police."

As I had no other option I nodded. "Okay, fine. But I know already there is nothing I didn't already say."

He kept looking at me but I ignored it and eat my breakfast. Sometime later the doorbell rang and seconds later Zhou Cheng entered the dining room.

"You want to eat breakfast with us? There is more than enough." Xuan Lu offered.

"Thank you for the offer but I already ate. I am here to pick up Xiao Zhan." He answered politely.

"And I! I will come too!" FanXing announced and waved at Zhou Cheng.  

3rd POV

The door opened and Meng Yao stepped into the monitoring room. In front of him was a screen as big as the ones in a cinema. Usually, it showed all 102 cameras in the whole building. Some were hidden, some were obvious.

But right now the screen showed only one Image. It showed what happened in one of the bedrooms in the cellar. Meng Yao stepped closer to the screen and closer to the man sitting in front of it. He looked down on the man and rolled his eyes.

"I heard that, boss." The man said without taking his eyes off the screen but he muted the sound.

"I did not say anything."

"No, but I can hear your eye rolls as clearly as thunder in a storm." He answered and grinned.

"You have fun?" Meng Yao asked his underling.

"You still ask?" He laughed.

"Care to tell me why you are watching HaoXuan fucking one of the goods instead of looking for Xiao Zhan like I told you!?" Meng Yao asked coldly and everyone who knew him well would realize that he was everything but in a good mood.

"Let me have fun too, boss. I am still working on finding your lover but it will take time."

"It's been almost 4 weeks, B.!!" Meng Yao hissed angrily.

"Boss, you know me. If I want to find something, I will. No matter how long it will take. I already hacked numerous cameras and systems in hospitals and hotels. Once Xiao Zhan's name or face shows up, I will know and tell you immediately." He answered and then frowned. "That little fucker! Showing off!?"

Meng Yao looked at the screen and saw HaoXuan looking provocatively into the camera while enjoying his time. Meng Yao took out his phone and dialed a number. Seconds later HaoXuan's phone rang and HaoXuan answered.


"Get your ass up here! I have a new mission for you!"

"Yo, HaoXuan, care to share the girl with me? She looks pretty amazing!" B. yelled and HaoXuan laughed before cutting the call.

Meng Yao and B. watched as HaoXuan put on some clothes and left the room. "Turn it off." Meng Yao ordered and B. followed his order with a sigh.


Three minutes later HaoXuan entered the monitoring room and sat down on one of the chairs.

"A new mission?" HaoXuan asked and looked at Meng Yao. "Spit it out, boss."

"Once B. found out about-" He got no further as the system made a sound. "What happened!?"

"An anomaly in the system in one of the hospitals I hacked," B. answered and tipped wildly on the keyboard.

"What kind of anomaly?" Meng Yao asked impatiently and stared at the big screen.

"Someone is getting treated at Beijing Central Hospital..." B. mumbled and HaoXuan snorted.

"Yeah, that is super suspicious. How can someone be treated at a hospital? This is a strange world we live in."

B. glared at HaoXuan and then back on the screen. "That person was declared dead a few days ago. His funeral was already held. Tell me, HaoXuan, how can a dead man receive treatment?"

"Guess you do not believe in ghosts, B."

"Fuck you!"

"Shut up both of you! B. give me a report!"

"One moment...." B. tipped on his keyboard for several minutes and just when Meng Yao was about to lose it, B. looked up to his boss. "Found your lover."

The screen showed Xiao Zhan, Officer Wang Zhou Cheng, and little FanXing entering the hospital and once they stepped into the elevator, they disappeared from the CCTV.

"Where did they go!?"

"Probably VVIP floor. Sorry, but hacking into the CCTVs in there is too risky. The chance we will be found is too high." B. explained and Meng Yao cursed before turning to HaoXuan.

"I want you to find a way to get Xiao Zhan back! I want him alive and unharmed! You hear me!?"

"How? Want me to kidnap him from the hospital?"

"I don't care how you do it, HaoXuan."

HaoXuan sighed and looked up at his boss. "Fine, I will find a way so you can be reunited with your cute lover. But it may take a while."

Meng Yao managed to control his anger and nodded. "Don't take too long!" He answered and turned to B. "You will help him. Whatever he needs, give it to him. Clear?"

"Yes, boss." B. saluted with a grin and Meng Yao turned back to HaoXuan.

"What do you think about Lee Maya? Is she ready?"

"Her? Of course, she is. I was the one who trained her after all."

"I want you to test her, B. Prepare everything if you think she is ready. If not, send her to one of the others. They will make sure she will be ready soon." Meng Yao ordered and HaoXuan pouted.

"Boss! You don't trust me? Did I ever fail you?"

"No, you didn't and you better don't even start. Get your work done, you two! And HaoXuan, I want Xiao Zhan back as soon as possible!"

"Got it!" HaoXuan chuckled and watched Meng Yao leaving the monitoring room.

"He is so moody..." B. said and HaoXuan laughed.

"I like to see him so moody. No one can predict what will happen once he loses it. That's it hella exciting but still... I better hurry up and get his lover back, I guess."

HaoXuan took out his phone and dialed a number. "I will send you a photo. Move your ass to the Beijing Central Hospital and follow that man. Find out what he is doing and whom he meets. I want a detailed report by 6 pm." He ordered and cut the call. Then he looked at his colleague and friend. "Come one, partner. Get ready."

"You don't have to tell me that twice! Let's go!" B. jumped up in the excitement and followed HaoXuan into the cellar.

To be continued...

That's it already. I am curious what Yibo will do. It seems he still remembers Xiao Zhan. What will he do? And what will Xiao Zhan do in order to keep a distance from him?

What we do will find out in the next chapter for sure is how HaoXuan plans to get Xiao Zhan back to Meng Yao. I hope this is not coming too late but.... Dr. Song, you better hide!!

The next chapter comes out on Sunday (This time for real!), maybe even Saturday. This week will still be stressful at work but at least I don't have the late shift again. See you then and I really hope you will forgive me for updating so late <3 <3

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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