Chapter 7: More Information

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As promised here is the new chapter. It's even slightly longer than the previous ones ^^

HaoXuan's POV

While I was waiting for B. to finish his job, I sat in an empty meeting room next to Maya's bedroom and thought about my new mission. All I had to do is bring back the boss's lover. But it seemed it would not be very easy. The police are everywhere. And the location of the place Xiao Zhan is living is also unknown. I have faith I will find out where he lives soon enough but I am 100 % sure getting my hands on him will be not as easy as it may sound.

I sighed and looked at my watch while waiting. It's been one hour since I left B. with Maya. I had to chuckle remembering the shocked face of that girl when I crushed her hopes.

1 hour ago, I stopped in front of Maya's bedroom and waited for B. to catch up. He looked excited and I shook my head in amusement before opening the door.

Maya still laid naked in the bed where I left her before going up to meet Meng Yao. When she looked up and saw me her eyes brightened up. It was obvious that she fell hard for me and I was amazed as always how easy it was making the women falling for me.

Maya sat up. She was probably still in the mood to continue where we stopped before.

"Sorry for the interruption earlier but I was needed elsewhere. I have good news, Maya." I said and stepped aside to let B. in. He came in and checked Maya out. The girl was nervous and quickly covered herself with the blanket.

"Not bad. She looks even better in person." B. said. Since we brought Lee Maya here weeks ago, B. only saw her on-screen which made him a huge pervert in my eyes. His job was to make sure everything went as it should. He takes care of the security and gets us all the information we want by hacking. He was also a scientist who develops useful things such as drugs. Anyway, as in every room was a camera he could see what happened everywhere in this building. That includes the sex which was the reason I called him a pervert as he loved to watch.

"I bet," I answered and turned to Maya when she called me.

"W-what is going on? Who is... he?" She asked carefully.

"You will get to know him in a few minutes. If you do your job right you will soon be able to get sold and leave here." I told her and she widened her eyes in shock.

"S-sold!? What do you m-mean!?"

"Did you forget already? I am pretty sure when we met for the first time I told you the reason why you are here. Sex trafficking, remember?" I said and saw her getting pale.

"Whoa, you told her the truth right at the beginning?" B. laughed.

"If I want to gain their trust and love, I have to be honest, idiot. Anyway, B. is here to make sure I did my job right and trained you properly. Have fun."

"Wait! Wait... why... I thought we..... I thought I.... I...." She stuttered and paled with every word.

'Here we go again....' I thought. "Let me guess. You thought you were different than the others. You thought we would be together, right?" I asked bored and she teared up.

"You love me, don't you? We... I mean... I told you about my feelings. You never rejected me. You love me....?" The last part was an insecure question and before I could say anything B. laughed.

"Listen, girl. He only loved you with his body." B. said and I glared at him before turning back to Maya.

"I promised you to not kill you and I will keep this promise. Now stop crying and be a good girl like you have always been." I said and turned around to leave. "I wait for you next door, B." I left them behind and closed the door behind me.

That was one hour ago. I broke that girl's heart but I couldn't care less. I think after the sex that is my most favorite part of the job. Call me a sadist but their shocked faces and their tears were amusing and it turned me on a little. I never fell in love with the women I trained, that was not allowed anyway, and I was not even sure If I was able to fall for someone....Nah, I was sure would never fall for anyone.

Anyway, I worked hard to make them fall for me as soon as possible. I bet you want to know the reason why I did that instead of just fuck them until they are ready, right? Well, when they are in love, they are more eager and more capable of learning. They start to think they are different, that they are special, and that way they would give their best in pleasing me. That way they learned better how to make the other feel good and the sex would be amazing. Once learned, their body get used to it and even if they did not want to, their body would respond to every touch.

If you raped them, they learned nothing but to fear and enduring the pain. Sure, a lot of our buyers wanted to buy them exactly for that reason. They want to feel like a god. They would lust for having a shivering woman under them and fucking them until unconscious.

Everyone could rape these women but only skilled men would be able to make them fell in love. And the good-looking men, of course. I was one of them. Skilled and freaking handsome. Well, I was the most skilled one I would say. From all the girls I had since I started this work around 7 years ago, I only failed once.

There was one woman two years ago who did not fall for me no matter what I did. She was always fighting back and tried to flee whenever there was a chance. I heard she was kidnapped on her wedding night. She cursed me and tried to attack me multiple times. To be honest, it did turn me on a little but I prefer them being submissive.

So I send her to The Monster where she learned what would happen to women who did not listen. The Monster was not his real name, of course, but it became his nickname as was the ugliest man alive. Literally. His face was disfigured with a scar in form of an X across the face. When he got that scar years ago it was never treated properly. Boss offered him plastic surgery but The Monster rejected. He liked it when people feared him.

He lost one of his eyes so he used a glass eye as a replacement. He was bald and had tattooed different things on his head. Not only his head but his whole body was mostly covered in different dark-themed tattoos. He was missing his right earlobe and the tip of his tongue.

To cut it short, he was very very ugly.

I sent that woman to him. What exactly happened afterward I didn't know but she died weeks later. The Monster told everyone proudly he fucked her to death but my sources told me that she killed herself.

Anyway, except that one time, I never failed. I loved my job despite getting bored quickly after fucking the same person over and over again and now I couldn't wait to get the next mission once I got Xiao Zhan back.

Suddenly the door opened and a satisfied-looking B. entered the room. He was straightening his clothes and closed the zipper on his pants. "What a hell of a ride." He laughed and stretched himself before sitting on an armchair opposite of me.

"And?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"As if you don't know that you did your job perfectly. You always do and that is why I can't wait to test the girls you trained."

"Tell me one thing, B. Do you have a crush on me?" I asked him seriously and he laughed out loud.

"Excuse me, what? Why do you think that?"

"You only fuck the girls I used."

"God, HaoXuan. You lost your mind. Nothing against you, really, but I only like boobs. The only reason I love taking your girls is that you trained them perfectly. That Maya girl could only resist until I entered her in one go. It's a thousand times better than jerking off in front of a screen. I couldn't stop until I had her at least 4 times. So forget that thought about me crushing on you as fast as possible." He answered amused.

"That's good, then. Because I am also only interested in women. And by the way, you are a freaking pervert!"

"Why? It's like watching porn." He laughed before getting serious again. "Any idea to get boss's lover back?"

"Not yet. My man said the police are not leaving his side and I bet the place where he lives will be no different. I have to wait for the report." I answered and waited for my man to return.

After some time the door opened and our boss came in.

"We have a prospect for Maya. Get her ready!" He ordered and left again.

The prospect was a politician from Europe. His wife was pregnant and because the doctors said she was not allowed to have intercourse, he decided to buy a plaything. He was more than pleased with Maya and brought her for a high price. Boss was satisfied as well and ordered his men to help the sedated Maya into the politician's car. I gave him the documents about Maya's new identity and they took off.

'Finally!' I thought and went back to B. Just as I sat down the door opened and my spy stepped inside.

"I am here to report." He announced and I nodded.

"Good. Time to find out more about Xiao Zhan's current situation. B. let down the screen."

"Aye, Aye, Sir." He answered and together with the spy he arranged everything for the report.

Xiao Zhan's POV

After Dr. Song checked on me and told me to not overuse my leg, he bid farewell and left. It seemed I was his last patient for the day even though it was only 1 pm. He kept humming during the whole check-up and when I asked him for the reason he grinned and said his girlfriend wanted to go on a date with him. Before that he wanted to buy a present for her.

I told him to enjoy his day and he left with hurried steps. He must love his girlfriend a lot and I sighed. I always wanted to be in a relationship but when the past ones always failed especially after Yibo, not that I had an actual relationship with him, I gave up. Don't get me wrong. I still would like to have a boyfriend but let's be realistic. It was not going to happen. Moreover, right now I had the problem to live with the one who made sure to never trust any men again.

"Uncle, hurry up. We need to see my uncle!" FanXing said and pulled on my arm.

"Yes. Yes. Coming." I smiled and followed the child. Zhou Cheng mumbled grumpily and did not seem to be happy about our next destination. But as it was his duty to stay at my side he had no other option than to follow us. The other officers were close and also kept an eye on us. They got alerted when someone bumped into me.

"Sorry, Sir." The man apologized immediately and bowed before he went his way. Zhou Cheng nodded at two officers who followed that person.

"Is that necessary? It was an accident." I whispered.

"You never know." Was Zhou Cheng's answer and I had to accept his carefulness. In front of Haikuan's office, we stopped but instead of knocking FanXing went straight inside. Haikuan looked up in surprise and stared at his nephew in a reprimanding way.

"Good boys knock on the door, FanXing."

"Oh... I don't really want to be a bad boy...."

"Then I guess you have to make up for it later." Haikuan winked and spread his arms when FanXing run up to him. "Hello, Xiao Zhan. How was the check-up?"

"The usual. I will come back here in a few days for another with Dr. Song. Once he gave his okay, we will start with physiotherapy. And in the meanwhile, he appointed FanXing as my medical guard who has to make sure I will do as Dr. Song said." I smiled amusedly and stepped inside to let Zhou Cheng in who closed the door behind him.

"Officer Wang is here too? What a great surprise." He grinned and pointed at the couch. "Sat down you two." While I followed his offer, Zhou Cheng stayed where he was which seemed to amuse Haikuan who took a seat next to me.

"Back to you, Xiao Zhan. I am sure that FanXing will do his new job well. You better be prepared because he can be very annoying. Now tell me what can I do for you." He asked me friendly.

"Someone wants to ask you something." I pointed at FanXing.

"Really? What is it, little one? Need some advice on how to take care of patients?"

FanXing shook his head. "Uncle, how did you react to the news about getting a sibling? How did you feel when daddy was born?"

Haikuan blinked a few times and was clearly confused. "Huh? That.... wait... is there something you want to tell me? Was your daddy naughty? Don't tell me I will be an uncle again?"

"No!" FanXing pouted and looked very cute. I had to smile.


"Just want to know. So? How did you react?"

"Okay. Hm.... Well, it was a shock for me because I never expected them to have another child after me. They were already in their forties after all. But I didn't mind a little sibling and when your daddy was born I more or less fell in love with him. You can't help but fall in love with babies. That is human nature."

"But you had to share grandma's and grandpa's love!" FanXing frowned and Haikuan seemed to understand where this was going.

"So what? Your grandparents had enough love to give and they never favored any of us. They loved us equally. And to be honest, whenever they were too busy and couldn't play with us, especially with your daddy, I got mad. I didn't mind not playing with them as I was older but your daddy was so young and small and needed a lot of love. I felt like an adult while caring for your daddy."

FanXing did not stop frowning and I involuntarily leaned forward to hear more about Yibo as a kid. Which resulted in me being mad at myself once I realized what I was doing.

"Didn't daddy annoy you?"

Haikuan laughed. "He did. But every younger sibling annoys the older ones. It was worst when he did not get enough attention either from your grandparents or from me. He did so many stupid things like climbing on the coffee table, opening the fridge to take out everything he could get his hands on and he often would turn on the water taps in the bathroom to let the water flow. Because of your daddy, our bathroom was flooded more often than it actually rained outside."

FanXing giggled.

"You can laugh now but when it happens to you, you will stop laughing real quick, believe me. I had to clean everything up on my own. Your daddy was not a big help."

"Do I have to do that too? When mommy and daddy will have another baby?" FanXing asked and Haikuan rolled his eyes.

"Your little sibling will be the child of your father, FanXing. I bet on everything I have he will do exactly the same as your daddy did. But as you are your father's child as well I doubt you will act like me and clean up the mess."

FanXing shook his head. "Need to have fun too." He giggled and Haikuan nodded.

"Told you. Exactly like your father."

"I still don't want a little sibling!"

"You can't prevent them to have one, little one." Haikuan chuckled and I felt a pain in my heart.

'Get over him, you idiot!' I told myself.

"I can!" FanXing announced brightly. "I may not be allowed to go into their bedroom but I can at least make a lot of trouble so they will think twice before having another baby!"

Haikuan stared at FanXing and then burst out laughing. "Let me tell you something, FanXing. Whatever you do, when your daddy gets mad at you, tell him to visit me so I can remind him of his own behavior as a child."

Suddenly Zhou Cheng's phone rang and after talking with whoever called him he turned to me. "It seems the man who bumped into you was only the son of a patient here."

"I told you to not overthink anything."

"Better save than sorry. It's my job to keep you safe and I intend to do my job right." Zhou Cheng answered.

"That sounds sexy. Can't you keep me safe too?" Haikuan asked seductively and while Zhou Cheng glared hatefully at him I widened my eyes before clearing my voice loudly. When the doctor looked at me I pointed at FanXing who looked up at his uncle.

"Sexy? What does that mean?" FanXing asked and Haikuan looked uncomfortable.

"Nothing. It's just ... adult stuff. You don't understand yet. Anyway, Xiao Zhan. You better listen to Officer Wang. Meng Yao is dangerous and even if you were his friend does that not mean he will not be after you. It's as Zhou Cheng said. He will keep you safe."

"Did I allow you to call me like that!? It's Officer Wang for you, are we clear!?" Zhou Cheng hissed.

"Crystal clear, Officer." Haikuan winked and before Zhou Cheng could start yelling FanXing got out attention.

"Daddy too! My daddy can keep uncle safe too! Aren't I right, uncle?" FanXing looked at me and I felt uncomfortable.

"How about you call me big brother instead of uncle? I think it sounds a lot better and makes me younger than I are." I said and ruffled through his hair before mumbling "I would rather be kept save by Zhou Cheng than by Yibo...."

I felt Haikuan's eyes on me and smiled shyly. 'Did he hear what I said?'

"Excuse me for a moment. I need to go to the toilet." Zhou Cheng announced and was about to leave when FanXing run up to him.

"Take me with you. I have to pee too."

"You have to what?" Zhou Cheng asked him and FanXing answered right away.

"I have to pee."

"What?" Zhou Cheng asked again and the boy started frowning,

"I. Have. To. Pee!" He said louder but Zhou Cheng shook his head.

"I can't understand what you are saying...."

"I need to use the toilet!" FanXing changed his words and this time Zhou Cheng nodded.

"Ah, I see. Okay, then come with me." He turned to me. "Stay here. I will be back in 5 minutes. I have my colleagues in front of the door as well as distributed through the whole hospital. So you don't have to worry about a thing." With that, he left and Haikuan and I were left alone.

"He is kind of good with kids," I said and Haikuan nodded.

"It seems he is good at everything. Well, except smiling and being nice to me. Always being grumpy, always glaring.... I am not complaining though. I like him that way." He grinned and then looked at me. "Say... are you interested in him too?"

"HUH!?" I shouted out in shock and then laughed. "Hell no! Not at all! Why do you think so?"

"I heard how you said you would rather be kept safe by him than by my brother. So I thought... you know."

"No. I just don't like your brother, that is all." I said. 'You are such a liar, Xiao Zhan.' I ignored the voice in my head. "Zhou Cheng is more like a little brother for me so rest assured."

"That is good. It would be awkward to fight for the same person and believe me, I would not give up on him that fast. He is too cute."

"Uhm... what do you like about him? What exactly is cute on him?"I asked him because no matter how I looked at Zhou Cheng he looked a little too scary in my eyes.

"Don't know, actually. He is... just cute. Being all grumpy and such. His sense of justice is very sexy in my eyes, though. He is handsome too and very strong. Even stronger than I. And when he is drunk...." He smirked and I frowned.


"Ah, nothing. Anyway, why don't you like my brother? Sure he is cold and can be very intimidating but all in all, he is a nice person. He can be fun too.... when is either in a very good mood or drunk. I mean, he seems to have something that makes him lovable and special. Or else why would he have a wife and a son? I always thought I would be the first one to get married and have kids. Never expected it to be Yibo."

"Married? I thought you are .... don't you like Zhuo Cheng?"

He laughed. "It seems I like both, men and women. But I only found out a few months ago. I am interested in Zhou Cheng and decided to court him even if I know it's going to be a long way until I have his heart but I will succeed. That is something my brother and I have in common. When we want something we will try everything to get it. In my case, it's Zhou Cheng's heart. I will not fail with that one."

"Oh... then ....did your brother also tried everything to get Xuan Lu's heart?" I asked and closed my eyes. 'Shut up!' I ordered to myself. 'Stop being curious! You don't like him. He broke your heart in the worst way possible! He is an asshole and you hate him!'

"I don't know. When it comes to relationships he never told me anything. He and Xuan Lu knew each other since high school, I think. But that is all I know as I studied in America for a while. But what I know is that Yibo was the one who proposed. He didn't tell me or our parents until he prepared for the wedding. Not even Xuan Lu's family knew. You can't believe how shocked everyone was when we found the wedding invitation in our mailboxes." He said and shook his head in amusement.

Every word was like a jab into my heart but despite the pain, I felt somehow relieved because the more I heard the more it helped me on my path to forget Yibo.

"Then a year later Xuan Lu got pregnant with FanXing. And as you probably have noticed he looks exactly like my little brother which makes him even more adorable in my eyes." He chuckled and looked up when the door opened. FanXing ran inside followed by Zhou Cheng.

"How about we leave now?" The Officer asked me and I nodded.

"Already? Will you visit me again?" Haikuan asked him innocently but Zhou Cheng ignored him.

"It's very impolite to ignore others, Officer. Especially for a police officer, you should be friendly to others!" FanXing said and frowned.

"You tell him, little one. Tell him he should be nicer to me." Haikuan grinned and earned a glare from Zhou Cheng. I grinned and signaled FanXing that we should leave.

Just before we stepped out of Haikuan's office FanXing remembered something and run back inside. He whispered something to his uncle and both of them had a little conversation.

"If that is what my precious little nephew wants...." He answered and went to his desk. He gave something I couldn't identify to FanXing and winked at him. "I am looking forward to a good cooperation."

FanXing grinned brightly and run out of the room. I closed the door but before I walked away I heard Haikuan talking on the phone.

"Hey, LuLu. I need your help with something." I heard him saying before Zhou Chen approached me.

"Xiao Zhan, we need to go." I nodded and followed him.

Back in my temporary home, I got called over by Yibo even before I could get close to my room. It was as if he had waited for us to come back.

"It's time to talk." He said and looked at his son who wanted to follow us. "Sorry, FanXing. But you cant come with us."

"Why!? I have to take care of big brother! That is my job and I promised it to the doctor." He pouted.

"You promoted him from uncle to big brother already? That was fast but...." He stared at me with a little smirk before turning back to his son. "... I don't mind at all. Anyway, he and I have to talk."

"About what?"

"Adult stuff," Yibo answered and FanXing frowned.

"Why is everyone saying that? You want to be sexy too?" The boy complained and this time Yibo was the one who frowned.

"S-sexy? Where did you learn that word from? No, wait. Let me guess, your uncle? Why can't he behave like a normal uncle, for god's sake!?" He mumbled annoyed before shooing his son into his room. "I will take care of your big brother for some time. Go."

FanXing stomped on the ground and glared at his father before going upstairs into his room. Then Yibo led me to the living room and signaled me to sat down before he took a seat in an armchair opposite of me.

To avoid his eyes I took a look around the room and my eyes stopped at a big painting on the wall. It was Yibo's and Xuan Lu's wedding picture. Xuan Lu looked like a princess in her long white gown and Yibo next to her shined like a king. I shook my head and looked back at Yibo who watched me.

I sighed. "Like I said. I already told the police everything. It should be in the files, you just have to read them. There is nothing else I remember."

"I already read the files but I want to hear it room you. If you remember something or not we will see after your story. Get it started. I will listen to you."

To go back to the night where I watched my best friend killed people upset me but as Yibo wouldn't let me off the hook easily, I leaned back and told everything from the beginning, all the while avoiding his eyes.

'Wouldn't be surprised if I get nightmares this night...' I thought once I was done. I literally explained every little detail I remembered and nothing of what I said was something new. Not that Yibo would care. He was probably enjoying torturing me.

"Satisfied now, Mr. Wang? May I go to my room and rest or is there anything else you want to know?" I asked and massaged my forehead.

"Why did you run away?" He asked and I looked at him in disbelieve.

"Yeah, just why did I do that? Everyone else in the same situation as me would stay behind and probably get himself killed. Sorry for not being like the others." I answered scornfully.

"I am not talking about that Xiao Zhan. I am talking about 5 years ago. Why did you run away?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. If that was all I will retire to my room." I answered but he didn't even let me get up. He took away my crutch and stared at me.

"Don't pretend you forgot, Xiao Zhan. There is no way you did. Not after what happened between us."

"Listen, Mr. Wang. I really don't know what you are talking about-"

"I am talking about the night we spend together in the hotel 5 years ago and you know that. If you want to pretend you forgot, fine. I have my ways to make you remember." He said, got up from his seat, and walked up to me.

I got nervous and hoped I was able to hide that. I tried to think about a way to escape all of this. I stared at the approaching Yibo.

"Mr. Wang, yesterday was the first time I saw you." I lied and was proud of how believable that sound. "I am not sure what you are talking about. The only time I came close to a hotel was indeed 5 years ago. I was hit by a car and spend a while in the hospital afterward. You said you met me there? I don't remember much from 5 years ago so perhaps... was it you who hit me that night?" I asked and felt a little bad to accuse him.

The one who hit me with his car was already found the same night I got hit but I heard he killed himself in jail out of guilt a few days later. I felt bad when I heard of that. No one deserved to die no matter what they did. All he had to do was apologizing, serving his sentence, and repent for what he did. Once out he could have changed his life in a better way. There was no need to kill himself. I never hated him either as I saw it as an accident.

Anyway, using that excuse to make Yibo believe me and forget about that night was a hateful act but I had every right to use it against him.

"You was what?" He asked me shocked. I ignored him and managed to get back my crutch. I got up and limped towards the door.

"For a prosecutor who is supposed to protect me, you didn't do your homework well. The night you are talking about I was hit by a car and lost a few memories, nothing bad. Excuse me now." I said and left.

I didn't lie. I indeed lost my memories but I got them back a few days after I woke up. When he looked into my medical file he would read it too.

Back in my room I sat on the bed and stared on the ground, asking myself how long I will be able to keep up the play. I wouldn't have thought that it didn't take a lot of time.

"Mommy, can we bake cookies tomorrow?" FanXing asked his mother after dinner.

"Mommy has no time tomorrow, darling. I will have to work." Xuan Lu explained and I looked at her.

"May I ask what your profession is?" I asked curiously and she smiled.

"I am a vet but only work part-time. "

"Mommy loves animals yet I am not allowed to have a pet..." FanXing pouted.

"Because you are in kindergarten most of the day and later you will be in school. Your daddy is at work and I am too. Who is supposed to take care of the pet, sunshine? Hm?" Xuan Lu asked her son who seemed to know that his mother was right because he didn't say anything anymore.

Xuan Lu noticed that FanXing was in a bad mood and stroke his hair. "How about you bake cookies with someone else?"

FanXing forgot he was upset and grinned at me. "Big brother, let's bake together!"

"Sure, why not? So you want to bake cookies?"

"No! Let's bake a cake! A big one! Can we, mommy?" He asked and Xuan Lu nodded.

"When you promise me to not burn down the kitchen, then you can."

"Promise!" The boy answered immediately.

Xuan Lu chuckled and looked at me. "Whatever you need you will find it in our storage room. FanXing will show it to you tomorrow. Thank you for doing this, Xiao Zhan." She looked at her husband and reprimanded him. "Yibo, why do you keep staring at him? Don't you think he will feel uncomfortable?"

Yibo put away my medical file and got up. "I will do the dishes, LuLu." He announced and Xuan Lu smiled.

"Oh? Without me asking you? What a pleasant surprise." Xuan Lu laughed and got up. "Thank you. Come FanXing, let's go to the living room and watch a movie together, shall we? Xiao Zhan, you want to accompany us?"

I nodded and got up as well. While following FanXing and her mother out of the dining room I passed Yibo. He leaned down and whispered.

"I have read your medical file, Now tell me, if you can't remember anything how did you know that the night I was talking about was the same night you got hit?" He asked me amused and left for the kitchen.

To continue....

Here it ends already. 

I die to know what exactly happened between Haikuan and Zhou Cheng. All those hints are not enough!

And it seems Yibo has caught on already. What will he do? 

What did FanXing talk with Haikuan about? 

Guess we will found out in future updates. The next one comes out on Sunday next week. (Don't worry. I will be on time ^^)

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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