Epilogue 2: Part 1

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Yes, you saw right. This is part 1 because I didn't manage to finish the whole epilogue. But as I promised I would upload it today, I decided to split it up into two parts. 

I am very sorry and hope you will like this 1st part. 

3rd POV

10 years after the verdict was pronounced

HaoXuan sat in his single cell looking staring against the wall. There are two reasons for that. One, the only window in the cell was 10 feet above him and very small so he could barely see something. Therefore there was no use trying to look out of it. And the other reason was that the wall in front of him showed him how many days he was already imprisoned. Every day he would make another line on the wall, every day he would count each line to make him remember for how long he sat in that cell.

It was 10 years already. 10 long years without freedom but most importantly it has been 10 years since he last saw Song Ji Yang. He never visited HaoXuan, he never called, he never wrote a letter. Nothing. He didn't even come to trial. The last time HaoXuan saw him was in the interrogation room at the prosecution. If he had known that this would have been the last time...

HaoXuan was heartbroken but he didn't lose hope. He was sure one day Ji Yang would come. He would. He had to! HaoXuan was missing him every day a little more. Sitting here without seeing him, touching him, hearing his voice.... he was about to go crazy!

Especially since every day was the same. Waking up at 5 am for the daily morning exercise, then ate breakfast at 8 am before he would go back to his cell where he sat 9 hours before the dinner was served. During lunch, there were only light snacks but HaoXuan didn't complain. During these 9 hours, there was one hour of free time where he could go to the library, to the yard with other prisoners, or receive visitors.

But he never had any visitors. Not once in the last 10 years. He was yearning to see his Ji Yang but wasn't able to.

He wasn't even allowed to have phone calls either. Not that there was anyone whom he could call. Well, except one person...

So every day he would sit in his cell, doing the same thing. Only once in a while, he would go out to get some air. The cell of Meng Yao was on his way out and HaoXuan could have sworn that man would make a scene or create some trouble but all he did was stare into the air. He wouldn't even go out for food so he was the only one who was allowed to eat inside his cell.

HaoXuan didn't have to be a clairvoyant to figure out that the only reason for his behavior could be that his lover died. If that Xiao Zhan was alive he wouldn't be like that but would probably try to find a way out of here. Not that he would ever succeed.

It was around 1 pm when HaoXuan heard footsteps and that made him stop staring at the wall but look at the door in anticipation. Usually, HaoXuan's free hour was around 2 or 3 pm, never earlier. The snacks too were delivered around 2 pm. So there shouldn't be any guard coming this way unless...

... unless there was a call or a visitor!

HaoXuan jumped up once the door opened and stared at the guard.

"9876!" The guard called HaoXuan by his number which was given when he entered the prison 10 years ago.

"Yes!?" HaoXuan asked and was already imagining how he could finally see Ji Yang or at least talk to him on the phone.

"Here is a letter for you!"

"W-what?" HaoXuan asked, unsure if he heard it right.

"Are you deaf? I said here is a letter. You want it or want me to throw it away!?" The guard hissed at him and HaoXuan moved even before the guard finished his sentence. He jumped forward and grabbed the letter, holding it against his chest. The guard didn't react but went out and closed the door before leaving HaoXuan alone.

'A letter? Just a ... letter?' HaoXuan thought but then hit himself.

"Are you crazy!? Stop complaining, HaoXuan!" He reprimanded himself. "You should be happy that he finally decided to contact you!"

He didn't waste time and examined the envelope. 'No postmark? Did he... deliver it himself? Is he waiting for me outside!?' HaoXuan quickly opened the envelope. Maybe Ji Yang was still outside! Maybe he was waiting for a reply! He wanted to read the letter and immediately write Ji Yang an answer. Maybe he would then come inside and meet him.

But inside of the envelope wasn't a letter. There was only a photo and when HaoXuan saw it, he paled.

"My Ji Yang got ... married!?" He mumbled and out of shock he collapsed on the ground. "No, that can't be. That ... no, it's impossible!" He kept staring at the photo in his hand. Seeing Ji Yang, his Ji Yang, grinning proudly into the camera while wearing a black suit. He noticed that even after 10 years he looked still so young and beautiful. Clinging onto him was a woman wearing a beautiful white and sleeveless mermaid dress with lots of lace and embroidery. She was also wearing a very long veil with embroidery and in her hand, she held a bouquet with white and pink roses. A closer look and HaoXuan recognizes that the veil was more like a cape.

But did it matter if it was a veil or a cape? No, because all that mattered was that this strange and, in HaXuan's opinion, an ugly woman was marrying Ji Yang, his Ji Yang!! Just like that witch stole his man.

HaoXuan was ... furious. Not even the proud smile of Ji Yang could calm him down.

"How! How dare this witch take what is mine!! Does she think he is available just because I am locked up here!? No way in hell will I let her have my man!" He screamed furiously and out of anger hit the wall with his fits

HaoXuan couldn't think straight. He wanted to get out of here. He wanted to get out and make sure that witch is staying away from his Ji Yang. HaoXuan didn't know what that woman did or said to Ji Yang for him to agree to marry her but he would find out! There was no way his beloved Ji Yang agreed on his own free will! There was no fucking way because HaoXuan knew one thing very clearly.

Song Ji Yang loved him. He loved HaoXuan! And HaoXuan wouldn't let a mere witch get between him and Ji Yang!

So HaoXuan tried to think of a way to get out of here. He thought he had time because Ji Yang would probably be away on a damn honeymoon.

But the moment he was he saw the wedding cake in the background he realized that he was mistaken. He wouldn't be on his honeymoon. Not anymore.

Song Ji Yang and Han Yaling, 22.02.2022

A look at the left corner he found the date when this photo was made. 22.02.2022. This date meant...

"He-!!? N-no fucking way! FUCK!!" HaoXuan screamed furiously and gritted his teeth. "I need to get out of here!!" He growled and once again hit the wall.

8 years ago! His beloved married just two years after they last met each other! How could that happen? Just how?

10 years earlier

"Do you still think of him?" She asked and Ji Yang sighed deeply.

"I do but not as much as before...."

"Does it happen randomly? Or does something happen that triggers your memories of him? For example when you see a movie you watched together or when you see a couple on the street."

"I... don't know. I don't think there is a trigger. It just happens. But I do feel lonely." Ji Yang answered and watched his therapist write down his answers and her thoughts as she always did. In his opinion, it felt like he was always repeating the same words whenever he met her. Which was twice a week for the last 8 months since his relationship ended.

Was that even a relationship? Probably not. Wang HaoXuan used him. He used him to get his hands on Xiao Zhan which he succeeded. Ji Yang didn't know what would have happened to him if Xiao Zhan wasn't found and saved. If Xiao Zhan had died.... It would have been his fault. The fact that Xiao Zhan was seriously injured was his fault. He was already feeling guilty enough with that but Wang HaoXuan's betrayal gave him the final blow.

Ji Yang had nightmares for a long time after that. He had trust issues. Not only because of HaoXuan's betrayal but also his sister's. His sister drugged him for more than 10 years. She was still missing and no one saw her. Because of these two, Ji Yang didn't trust anyone anymore. Even new patients he eyed suspiciously. At some point, he knew that he needed to talk to someone.

His colleague and friend, Wang Haikuan recommended him to see a befriended therapist. Of course, not at the same hospital. He didn't want his other colleagues to think he was going crazy or something. Because he wasn't. At least he hoped so.

Today as well, he sat with his therapist. And like mentioned he thought that he was always repeating the same words because despite her using different words every time they met the questions were still the same.

"It's just ... I am used, no, I mean I was used to him being with me most of the time. I had only known him for about two weeks but ... for me it was the happiest I ever was. When he wasn't with me I thought of him a lot. I was longing for him. Now that he is gone after betraying me... I feel empty and lonely. Even now after 8 months. Seeing other couples on the street reminds me what I had or at least thought I had."

"Seeing other couples... that is the trigger, at least one of them. I assume that there are other triggers as well. Your apartment, for example. He visited you there often. You spent time with him over there and you told me that that was the place where you slept with him for the first time."

Yi Jang didn't even blush anymore.

"Look, 10 years long you weren't able to function well due to the drug your sister gave you, and then that man showed up and made you feel things you never felt before. He admitted that it was partly because of a drug that made your sister's drug lose its effect. He was the one for you, the one you showed you and made you feel new things. All of that started in your apartment.

Tell me, how often do you think about your sister and about what she did to you?" She asked him.

He was surprised. Not only because she asked this but also because he realized he stopped thinking about her much. Ji Yang widened his eyes and stared at her.

"I ... rarely..." He answered truthfully. What surprised him more was that he didn't feel guilty about it. She nodded.

"Seeing my notes about the last couple of appointments with you shows that you stopped talking about her more and more. Mostly we talk about that man. In the past, you did think about your sister a lot. What happened that you stopped doing that?" She asked and Ji Yang immediately knew what she wanted to tell him.

"I guess ... it's since I sold her apartment three months ago." He admitted. "Now there is living an elderly couple. They are very friendly and often ask me to visit them for a cup of tea. I like them..." He answered and looked straight at his therapist. "I stopped thinking about her, mostly because whenever I do, I have to remember what she did. I am not interested in her whereabouts ... and I don't feel guilty at all. Am I .. coldhearted?"

The therapist smiled. "What she has done to you was horrible. It's normal to blame her for everything. The wound is still fresh and it will take a while until you can see and think about her without thinking about what she did." She answered and then looked straight in his eyes. "As for that man.... You can't help thinking about him which is normal considering that you love him. Being betrayed by someone you love the most ... I don't know how that feels but I can imagine it. Maybe the first step to do to confront your inner turmoil is to move out of your apartment. That is after all the place where you spend most of the time together. It's where everything started. What do you think?"

Before Ji Yang could answer the alarm rang, announcing the end of the session. The doctor turned it off and closed her notebook. "I want you to think about my question and tell me your opinion next week. Alright?" She smiled and Ji Yang nodded.

They both stood up and as he walked towards the door he heard her chuckle. "As far as I know you don't want your colleagues to find out about your... difficulties. But why are you wearing your doctor's robe? Isn't it a little obvious?"

Ji Yang smiled at her. "Yeah, but I will bring this coat to cleaning now so I didn't bother taking it off." He answered as he opened the door and stepped out of the corridor. "But you are right. I better take it off now. Thank you for today. See you next week."

She nodded softly and he walked away while stuffing his robe into his bag. He didn't look up at all. As he walked down the corridor towards the elevator Ji Yang had a weird feeling. As if he was being followed or something. For a moment he thought he was hallucinating but then he heard soft footsteps behind him which stopped when Ji Yang stopped walking as well. He immediately turned around to confront his stalker and almost laughed seeing a little boy smiling shyly at him. He should be around 4 years old and he saw him staring at his bag.

Ji Yang knelt in front of him. "What is it, young man?" He asked gently and the boy pointed at Ji Yang's robe. He took it out and showed it to him. "This?"

"Doctor?" He asked me and Ji Yang nodded.

"I am. But I do not work here." He answered and looked behind him. "Where are your parents?"

"Mommy." He pointed behind him. When Ji Yang saw no one he added, "Doctor."

"Oh, so your mother works here?" He wanted to know and the boy shook his head. "Where is she? Did you run away?"

He shook his head again. "Mommy busy." He said and reached for Ji Yang's robe. With a quick move he took and tried to wear it. "Am a Doctor!"

"You want to be a doctor?" Ji Yang asked amused and the boy nodded violently. "If you want to be one you have to be smart and learn a lot. Are you smart, young man?"

"I am smart." He nodded and giggled while spinning around. He looked very cute and seemed to be happy so Ji Yang decided to let him have fun for a while. He watched him in amusement until suddenly his phone rang and he turned around to answer it. It was his secretary who asked him if it was okay to accept a patient today instead of the next day.

"It seems to be important.... Okay, then give him an appointment in an hour. I will be right there." Ji Yang agreed and cut the call. When he turned around to take back his coat he realized that the boy was gone. "What a troublemaker..." He mumbled and shook his head in amusement.

Luckily he had more than one coat so it wasn't a big problem. "Well, he will need one when he wants to be a doctor, right?" Ji Yang chuckled, stepped into the elevator, left the hospital, and made his way to work.

A few days later

"Dr. Song, there is someone who wants to meet you." His secretary said and Ji Yang looked at her in confusion.

"I don't remember having another patient today..." He told her just as a small kid run into the office at full speed. He grinned at Ji Yang and the latter raised his brows. "Now there. If that isn't the robber of my coat."

"Han Su Mo!" A female voice shouted and seconds later a young woman hurried into the office. "Stop making trouble for at least one moment, will you!" She held the boy's hand and then looked at me.

"You are...?" Ji Yang asked her and she bowed.

"I am sorry. My son is not a thief he just tends to take things when he likes them. He didn't mean to steal." She apologized and looked down at the little boy who she called Su Mo. "Apologize and give the doctor back what you have taken from him."

The boy frowned and pouted but after seeing the strict look on his mother's face he gave back Ji Yang's robe. The woman nodded and then looked back at Ji Yang.

"I am really sorry. I was busy the last few days so I wasn't able to bring it back sooner."

"It's okay. I have more than one robe." Ji Yang smiled softly. "Your son seems to come a lot after you seeing that he wants to be a doctor as well."

"What?" The woman asked confused.

"You work at the XXX Hospital, right? I met that boy there and told me you were busy."

"Oh.... No, I am not a doctor. I was just visiting one." She explained embarrassed and took the hand of her son. "If my son wants to be a doctor he has to learn not to steal things. Right, Su Mo?"

Ji Yang chuckled. "Didn't you say he didn't steal?"

The woman's face now turned tomato red and the boy giggled. "Of course! I was just... I mean..."

Ji Yang laughed. "I was just kidding. Don't worry about it." Ji Yang knelt in front of the boy. "Listen to your mother and stop taking things which do not belong to you, okay? If others misunderstand and you get arrested by the police your mother will very sad and it can be difficult to be a doctor in the future. Okay?"

The boy nodded and grinned at Ji Yang.

"Thank you and again, I am sorry. It will not happen again." The woman bowed once more. "Let's go, Su Mo."

"Bye Bye, doctor!" Su Mo cheered before following his mother.

"Cute..." Ji Yang smiled as he watched them leave.

"Dr. Song, you would be a great father." His secretary said and Ji Yang raised his eyebrows.

"You spied on us? I hope that will not turn into a habit?"

"I didn't spy. I wouldn't dare." She answered amused. "You didn't forget that the reception is right next to your office, right? But I am telling the truth when I say you will be a wonderful father. Your future kids will be lucky."

Ji Yang nodded but didn't say anything. It hurt hearing such words as he won't ever be able to have children. Not after what his sister did to him.

"Thank you. We will see about that. Now go home. It's past your work time already." Ji Yang told her.

"Yes, doctor." She bowed and left.

Ji Yang himself also didn't stay long in his office and went home after making sure he arranged everything for the next day.

Once he stepped into his apartment he was reminded of his homework given by his therapist. He looked around and sighed. He knew instinctively that it would indeed be a good choice to look for another apartment. Keeping living here wouldn't help to forget what happened. But still... he was reluctant to move out. Why? He didn't know for sure but he could think of only one reason.

Ji Yang cursed. If he wanted to make peace with the past he had to do the first step. There was no way around it.

He opened his notebook and started to look for another apartment.

Two days later he made his way to the next session with his therapist. He entered the hospital and stepped into the elevator. Looking at his watch he realized he was 20 minutes too early. He shook his head. That never happened before.

Once the elevator stopped he walked out of it towards the doctor's office.

"I am sorry, Dr. Song. The doctor still has a session with another patient." The receptionist announced when he saw me coming.

"I am too early, I know. I will just wait here." He answered with a smile and sat down. Whenever Ji Yang was here he was surprised how quiet it was. At his hospital, there were nurses, doctors, patients, and their guardians running around while talking or shouting. He never was at the ward of the physiologist but he thought that it might be the only ward in every hospital where it was quiet.

"Doctor." Ji Yang flinched and looked at the seat next to him.

"Oh? You?" He raised his brows seeing the little boy who stole his coat not long ago sitting next to him. He forgot his name but he was sure it was similar to the word summer. The boy grinned at him and then pointed at Ji Yang's coat which was stuffed into his bag.

"You sure are obsessed with it, aren't you?" Ji Yang laughed. "What was your name again?"

"Su Mo."

"Right, Su Mo. Did you run away again? Where is your mother?"

"Seeing the doctor."

"Why didn't you go with her? Or... is it because the doctor is fed up with you obsessing on his robe?"

"It's boring." Su Mo answered and pulled on Ji Yang's robe. "Can I?"

"You want to wear it?" The boy nodded and Ji Yang sighed. "Alright, but you have to give it back to me. I need to bring it to the cleaning. I wanted to do it last time but a little troublemaker took it before I could do so."

"Mommy calls me troublemaker too." He grinned and Ji Yang laughed out loud.

"Don't tell me you are proud of that?" He asked the boy who put on the doctor's robe. Su Mo didn't react to Ji Yang's question but started to run around. "Slowly or you will fall! The robe is way too long for you." Ji Yang warned him but the little boy didn't care.

About 15 minutes later Su Mo was exhausted and sat back on his seat. He put his head on Ji Yang's lap and doze off. Ji Yang didn't know what else to do so he just stroked the boy's head while waiting for his mother to appear.

A look at his watch told him his appointment with the therapist will start soon and he sighed. "Excuse me?" He called the receptionist. "Could you make an announcement and tell the boy's mother where Su Mo is? I have an-"

Suddenly the door of the doctor's office opened and two women walked out. One was his therapist and the other was ... Su Mo's mother.

"Thank you, doctor. I will try to- Oh..." Su Mo's mother saw him and then looked at her son wearing Ji Yang's robe again while napping on his lap. "Oh no... I am so sorry.... He... I am sorry." She blushed and run forward.

"It's okay. I let him play with it. He was tired and then fell asleep. No need to apologize." Ji Yang answered.

"Dr. Song, I see you are early today. Come inside."

"Ah, yes. I am coming. It's just..." Ji Yang looked down at Su Mo. The boy's mother carefully took her son's head away from Ji Yang's lap and put it on hers. She smiled apologetically.

Ji Yang chuckled before entering the doctor's office to start today's session.   

An hour later he stepped out of the doctor's office with a smile. Telling his therapist he would move out once he found an apartment made him feel better. Lighter. He instinctively knew he has made the right decision.

Just as he was about to leave he saw that Su Mo and his mother were still there. Su Mo jumped up and run up to Ji Yang, in his hand's the doctor's robe.

"I see you woke up. So you won't run away with my robe this time?" Ji Yang asked amused.

"Mommy says no."

"So if your mother didn't say that, you would have run away?"

"Yes." The boy nodded and Ji Yang laughed out loud.

"At least you are honest."

"Han Su Mo!" The boy's mother called him and jumped up in shock. "I am sorry, doctor. He didn't mean to-"

"Why are you apologizing so much?" Ji Yang asked amused "He is a child. An honest one at that. I like him."

"I am sor-" She shut her mouth and looked away. "I mean, thank you for not blaming him."

Ji Yang smiled and knelt in front of Su Mo. "How about we get us some ice cream. As a reward for listening to your mother so well."

Su Mo cheered and pointed at his mother. "Mommy too?"

"Of course." Ji Yang agreed and got up. "Is it okay to treat you two to an ice cream?"

"Oh, ... sure. Thank you. My son loves ice cream." The woman smiled and looked at Su Mo. "Behave yourself, will you?"

"Let's go." Su Mo run ahead while his mother and Ji Yang followed him.

"By the way, may I ask for your name?"

"My name?" She asked surprised. "Oh, I am sorry. I didn't introduce myself yet."

"There you go again. You do love apologizing." Ji Yang laughed and the woman blushed.

"I'm ... My name is Han Yaling. My son is called Han Su Mo."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Song Ji Yang."

 That was the start of something no one, not even Ji Yang, had foreseen. That day wasn't the last day Ji Yang and Yaling have met. At least once a week they would see each other as both were visiting the same therapist

Slowly both started to get to know each other. First, they only met after their sessions which happened to fall on the same day once a week but at some point, they met on other days as well. Ji Yang didn't see her before because she usually would have her appointments 3 hours earlier but due to her work, she had to change the time.

For Ji Yang, it was the first time being carefree since all the misfortune started months ago. He was shocked that after about two months, he confessed to Yaling what had happened to him. He told her everything about Wang HaoXuan and his betrayal as well as what his sister did to him. Yaling listened quietly and was very enraged hearing his story.

That must have been the moment he started to have feelings for her because... unlike other people, she didn't pity him the moment she heard his story but was enraged. For Ji Yang, it was something new, something he didn't expect but appreciated.

He never asked her for her reason to visit a therapist. But one day, Yaling opened up to him.

Yaling was 23 years old and already a widow. She visited the therapist once or twice a week since her husband died. When Ji Yang found out the reason for his death, he had respect for Su Mo's late father. That man was a veteran and died three and a half years ago during a mission in Iraq. He died without even knowing that Yaling was having his baby.

Yaling was heartbroken ever since and decided to visit a therapist. It has been more than three years but she thought that talking to someone about her thoughts and feelings made her feel better. Her life was not as happy as one would think. Giving birth to Su Mo was very difficult and she almost lost her life. Being a single mother was difficult but thanks to her parents as well as her in-law's she managed to get better.

The only thing she was still worried about was that her in-laws tried to persuade her to send Su Mo to them and give up on custody. Ji Yang was dumbfounded hearing that but Yaling said she understood. Su Mo was the last her in-laws had from their son and naturally were kind of protective. Yaling's parents helped her so her in-laws wouldn't pressure her too much. Ji Yang didn't pity her but was amazed at how strong she was after everything that happened to her.

A few months after Ji Yang and Yaling met and got to know each other, their therapist realized that both of them changed. Of course, they still talked and thought about their past lovers but they started to talk about each other as well. Not that any of them revealed the name of the other. But it wasn't that difficult to put one and one together. Yet she never revealed that she knew about everything. It wasn't her place to do so. She was happy as long as her patients started to get better again.

Soon Ji Yang and Yaling started dating. They wouldn't call it like that but for everyone else, it was quite obvious. They met often, went out for dinner or the cinema, and also went to the amusement park with Su Mo once a month. The little boy started to get clingy with Ji Yang and the latter didn't mind at all. He was happy, Su Mo was happy, and Yaling was happy as well.

One day they stopped in front of an ice cream parlor on their way home after a fun day at the amusement park. Once Su Mo saw the ice cream he pointed at it.

"Daddy, let's get some ice cream!" The boy cheered and run towards the shop. For both, Ji Yang and Yaling, it was a shock hearing the boy calling Ji Yang daddy. They weren't mad, nervous, or embarrassed. Ji Yang's heart melted hearing the boy calling him daddy. He smiled proudly and watched Su Mo standing in front of the window trying to figure out which ice cream flavor he should eat.

Yaling walked up to him and kissed Ji Yang on the cheeks. "I hope you don't mind if he calls you like that..." She probed and Ji Yang took her hand in his.

"Not at all. It is a shock, I didn't expect him to say that but... I like it." He grinned and pecked her lips. Yaling was surprised as this was the first kiss they shared after meeting 7 months ago. It wasn't a surprise that it took so long for that considering their pasts. Yaling blushed but decided to be bold and kissed Ji Yang. Not just a peck but a real kiss.

Ji Yang was shocked but soon pulled Yaling closer and kissed back. Yaling wrapped her arms around Ji Yang's neck and deepened the kiss.

Su Mo saw both of them and despite wanting to eat ice cream desperately, he waited for his parents to finish. When he saw that both stopped kissing and stared into the eyes of each other he made himself noticeable.

"Mommy, Daddy! Ice cream?"

Both laughed and turned to the little boy. "Did you choose a flavor?" Ji Yang asked and Su Mo nodded.

"Lemon!" He answered. "Can I have two balls?"

"Today is a wonderful day so I guess you are allowed to have two. But only today!" Yaling said and Su Mo run inside. Hand in hand Ji Yang and Yaling followed him.

It was a surprise for both, Ji Yang and Yaling, that they fell in love with each other. It wasn't planned at all. But they were happy and one day they decided to have the last session with their therapist. Together.

"I am happy for the two of you. I never imagined that this would happen. You know, I am a therapist and not a match-maker but maybe I should try to be one in the future."

Ji Yang pressed Yaling's hand and smiled. "We never expected this as well."

"Right. I never thought I would be able to feel these feelings for someone else than my late husband." Yaling answered.

Their therapist nodded. "The both of you have lost someone you loved dearly. One of them is dead, the other is_"

"Also dead." Ji Yang interrupted the therapist who raised her brows.

"Is that how you want to think about him?"

"Wang HaoXuan betrayed me. What he did to me was disgusting and inexcusable and..." Ji Yang stopped and frowned. No matter how much time flew by, it wouldn't be easy to talk about the past just like that.

"For the first time since you met me, which was almost a year ago, you called that man by his name. In the past, you weren't able to do that and wouldn't allow me to use that name. Seeing that you can call him now means you changed. But you still love Wang HaoXuan, right?"

Ji Yang looked at Yaling. "But I love her as well." He confessed and pressed her hand. "I love you."

"What about you, Yaling? What do you think about that?" The therapist said and Yaling smiled.

"He loves that man called Wang HaoXuan and that will probably never change. I don't mind as I do still love my first husband and will never stop. But I also fell in love with Ji Yang. Who said that someone can't love two people at the same time?" She answered and put her head on Ji Yang's shoulder. "I hope for you that one day you will be able to look back and accept what happened, Ji Yang. I will do the same. You once said that you don't want me to stop loving my late husband. You don't mind if I think or talk about him. The same goes for me. I too won't mind if you think about Wang HaoXuan even though I hate am disgusted with him. What he did to you.... unacceptable! I won't tell you to stop loving him. There is just one thing I want you to do."

"What is it?" Ji Yang asked and she looked up to him.

"Talk to me. If you are suddenly reminded of him or your past, if you have a nightmare, or just want to talk about that man, talk to me. I will listen to all of it. Just ... talk to me."

"I promise." Ji Yang kissed her forehead. "Can I ask you something as well?"

Yaling chuckled. "I too will talk to you about everything. I promise."

"Isn't that a matter of course?" Ji Yang winked. "That is not what I wanted to ask..."

"Then what was your question?" Yaling blushed and Ji Yang didn't waste another second.

"Do you want to marry me?" He waited for her answer in anticipation. Yaling looked up at Ji Yang in shock and disbelieve. The therapist kept quiet and just watched. She felt a little embarrassed witnessing the proposal.

When Yaling didn't answer after a minute Ji Yang blushed and got nervous. "That is... I love you and I want to be with you. So I thought about it and ... I mean... I know we have known each other only for about half a year but.... well if you think you are not ready yet, then-"

"I will." Ji Yang stopped and looked at her.

"You ... what?"

"I said I will. I will marry you." Yaling said and Ji Yang looked at her speechlessly.  

The wedding was held several months later on 22.02.2022. It was Su Mo's idea to hold it on that day.

"Why that day?" Ji Yang wanted to know.

"Not easy to forget. Just remember number 2," was Su Mo's answer.

"He thinks we are forgetful," Yaling mumbled and Ji Yang snorted.

"Not we but you are." He answered and was chased through the house by her for a long time.

On their wedding day, a lot of people attended. Ji Yang's colleagues and friends, Yaling's friends, her parents, and her late husband's parents. Even Ji Yang's parents came to congratulate him.

"It's time to cut the cake. Let's take a photo, shall we? May the groom and the bride stand next to the cake?" Wang Haikuan asked as he pointed at the cake. Ji Yang and Yaling followed his instructions and once Haikuan was satisfied he aimed the camera at them. "Now, say cheese!"

That day was one of the happiest of Ji Yang. For him, it felt like a dream come true so to make sure it wasn't a dream he stayed close to Yaling and asked her multiple times to pinch him. Every time she would roll her eyes but follow his wished and pinched her as hard as she could.

Ji Yang would whine every time but then shake his head. "I love you."

At the end of the day, Yaling's parents and a few volunteers decided to stay behind to clean everything up so the newlyweds could go home early as the next day they would make their way to their honeymoons.

They decided to let Su Mo stay with his grandparents. One week with Yaling's parents and one week with Yaling's late husband's parents. Ji Yang was against it first and wanted to take him with them but after Yaling told him she wanted to have Ji Yang for herself he agreed to it.

"You have to confess to me at least three times a day from now on." Yaling giggled as Ji Yang carried her up to the bedroom in bridal style.

"Whatever my wife wants." Ji Yang answered and laughed seeing Yaling blushing strongly. "Red cheeks suit you." He smiled and kissed her softly.

"Then I guess you will have to try your best to make me blush because from now on I will try to not do it anymore." She grinned and screamed when Ji Yang threw her on the bed.

"I shall do my best."  

to be continued.... 

This is the first step to Ji Yang's happiness. The happiness our doctor deserves! 

But there is more to come. Good things as well as bad things. But don't worry, I shall do my best for our angle to have a happy ending. 

What I want to say... screw you, Wang HaoXuan! 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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