Epilogue 1

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Oppps... I didn't intend for the first epilogue to be this long...

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy it 

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022!!!!  

3rd POV

Since FanXing learned how to whistle he would do so whenever he was happy. Everyone knew his mood once they heard it. But the most suspicious of all things was that he would start to whistle when nothing special happened. At least that was what Xuan Lu thought and therefore she decided to give her son a good talking-to.

"Sunshine, come here. Mommy has something to ask." She called FanXing who had just come back from visiting their neighbor, Steven Young.

"Yes, mommy?" He looked up at her with big eyes.

"Care to tell me why you are so happy? Did something happen?"

FanXing grinned brightly and shook his head. "No."

"Really...?" Xuan Lu frowned and stared down at her son suspiciously. She knew there was something he didn't tell her. And she was set on finding out what that something was.

Yibo, her best friend and soon-to-be ex-husband, was extremely busy wrapping up the case about Meng Yao. Last week was the trial and Meng Yao has gotten a life sentence. Wang HaoXuan has to spend 20 years in jail with no chance to be released earlier for good conduct.

HaoXuan, who was seemingly trying to find someone within the audience in the courtroom without any luck, was shocked about his sentence. He got angry and demanded a less harsh punishment as he told the prosecutors where to find Meng Yao, but the court dismissed him without hearing him out.

Meng Yao didn't react at all. Xuan Lu wasn't even sure if he was aware of what happened around him. She was told that he was behaving like that since he saw the doctors carrying out the corpse of Xiao Zhan. It was Yibo's idea to pretend Xiao Zhan was dead and Haikuan agreed to it.

Of course, for Yibo the sentences set by the court were not good enough. He wanted the death penalty, especially for Meng Yao. Xuan Lu was against such punishment and was relieved that the judge shared her opinion. Yibo was mad but Xuan Lu was sure part of the reason was that he did not find Xiao Zhan yet. It's been four weeks since Xiao Zhan left leaving the message that Yibo could look for him once the divorce was over. The divorcing papers were submitted three weeks ago and the lawyer promised to make sure Yibo and Xuan Lu didn't have to wait for too long. So if everything went according to plan that they would be divorced in about a week.

Xuan Lu wasn't sad. She was happy that this fake marriage was over now. Thinking back, she thought that this idea was pretty stupid. Both Yibo and her were kind of dramatic back then but it was understandable after what both went through. She couldn't wait to get divorced so that Yibo and Xiao Zhan could be together at last. Without lies or secrets.

So Yibo is not only busy wrapping up the case of Meng Yao but also trying to find out where Xiao Zhan went. Due to that, he was seldom at home and therefore didn't know about FanXing's behavior.

"Really, mommy. Nothing happened. I am just happy. Can't I be happy?" Her son grinned and Xuan Lu shook her head.

"Yes, you can, darling but I don't believe you when you say that nothing happened."

"I am happy because I will go to school next year!" He said and Xuan Lu chuckled.

"That I believe but I am sure that is not the only reason. Why don't you tell mommy the truth? Hm?" FanXing pressed his lips together and Xuan Lu knew that something was fishy because he would do so whenever there was something he wanted to tell badly but was not allowed to for whatever reason.

"FanXing, I think you are having a secret." Xuan Lu smiled. "You know, if you tell someone you will feel a lot better afterward." She tried to get him to talk.

FanXing shook his. "He said I am not allowed to tell anyone."

"Who forbid you?"

"Big brother." FanXing widened his eyes and covered his mouth in shock. Xuan Lu didn't need to hear more anyway. She already figured it out.

"I see...."

"Oh no, mommy! Don't tell anyone I told you. I will get punished for sure!" FanXing begged her and Xuan Lu laughed.

"I won't. But FanXing, you know that daddy is looking for him everywhere, right? Don't you want to help him find Xiao Zhan? That way daddy and Xiao Zhan as well as everyone else would be very happy. Including you."

"But .... I promised!"

"I know, sunshine. And keeping a promise is the right thing to do. But do you know what is very wrong?" She asked and smiled seeing her son shaking his head. "Lying."

"But I didn't!" He complained. "No one asked me so I didn't lie!"

"That is right. And I didn't mean to accuse you of lying. I just wanted to remind you that you shouldn't lie. So when daddy should ever ask you about Xiao Zhan, you won't lie, right?"

FanXing thought for a while. "I won't. I am just talking with him on the phone anyway. I don't know where he is."

"I see...." Xuan Lu thought and nodded to herself as she decided to give Yibo a little push to direct him in the right direction so he would find the one he loved. "FanXing, Xiao Zhan will not get mad at you when daddy asks you about him and you tell all you know. Because Xiao Zhan wouldn't want you to lie either." Xuan Lu said and felt a little bad for saying that. But in her opinion, she had no choice. The sooner Yibo and Xiao Zhan were together, the better it was. Now she hoped that Xiao Zhan would give Yibo one more chance.

 Xuan Lu waited for Yibo to come home. She cooked dinner and would await him any moment.

"I am back!" Yibo shouted from the front door and walked into the dining room once he took off his jacket.

"Welcome back. Sit down, dinner is ready."

"Sit down after you washed your hands," FanXing said and both adults chuckled.

"Of course." Yibo ruffled through his son's hair and left to wash his hands. Once he came back he sat down. "Let's dig in."

It was quiet while they were eating and Xuan Lu tried to find the best moment for starting her mission. Inwardly she apologized to everyone, especially Xiao Zhan, and then looked at FanXing.

"FanXing, why do you spend so much time at Steven's house in the last weeks?" She asked and he looked at her in shock.

"Can't I?" He answered and pouted. He immediately knew what his mother tried to do so he would do his best to answer her questions without lying. He would do his best to not break his promise to Xiao Zhan.

"You can. Of course, you can. It's just weird that you spend a lot of time over there and leave me at home all alone." Xuan Lu smiled

"Usually you don't mind having time for yourself, LuLu." Yibo said amused. "Why so clingy all of a sudden?"

"Daddy is right!" FanXing said and nodded his head.

"I know but you spend most of your time at the prosecution and I have no one to talk to. For some time I get lonely very fast. And I have the feeling that my son is cheating on me with someone else..." Xuan Lu said and earned a frown from FanXing.

"Are you jealous? Why? Do you see Steven as a rival?" Yibo laughed.

"I wouldn't be jealous if it was just Steven but I feel like there is something our son is not telling me. In the past, he would never spend as much time over there as now."

"I think you are overreacting." Yibo shook his head in amusement and FanXing grinned at his mother. Xuan Lu was disappointed that her plan didn't seem to work and seeing how FanXing made fun of her screamed for revenge.

"Maybe I am..." She said and looked back at her son. "But I am not overreacting when I think that he spends too much time on the phone. Just earlier today he told me he is often on the phone when he is with Steven. I don't think that is healthy. He is just 5...."

Yibo frowned. "That is right." He said and looked at FanXing. "You shouldn't spend so much time on the phone. I know we took yours away but only because we know that no one will try to hurt you anymore. That was the only reason we gave it to you after all. You are too young to have one on your own." FanXing pouted but didn't say anything. Xuan Lu was frustrated and decided to be as direct as possible.

"Sunshine, with whom are you talking to anyway? I am sure none of your friends has phones yet...." Xuan Lu asked her son who ignored her. "Sunshine? You use Steven's phone, right? So whom are you talking to? You don't know any of his friends as far as I know." When FanXing didn't answer Yibo looked at him in confusion.

"It's Uncle Zhuo Cheng's phone." He said pettishly and Yibo put down his cutlery.

"Zhou Cheng? Why is he here?" Yibo wanted to know. He still was angry at the officer for not being able to do his job and protect Xiao Zhan. Moreover, he did not tell him about Xiao Zhan. Yibo was sure that the officer knew something but no matter how many times he asked, the officer wouldn't tell him anything.

"Right, why is he here? Moreover, you also know none of his friends." Xuan Lu smiled.

Yibo, who saw FanXing pressing his lips together, got suspicious. "What are you hiding from us?"

"Can't I have secrets?" FanXing asked innocently.

"You never had secrets before." Xuan Lu interrupted.

"I am getting older so now I have some!" FanXing pouted.

"You are allowed to have secrets," Yibo answered and Xuan Lu looked at him in frustration. "And usually I won't dig deeper but if it has something to do with that officer...." Yibo took a deep breath.

"Do you hate Uncle Zhou Cheng?" FanXing asked confused. "Why? What did he do?"

"I don't hate him but he didn't protect Xiao Zhan. I have every right to be angry at him."

"But he is sorry!" FanXing complained. "He already asked big brother for forgiveness and was forgiven! Big brother told me to not be angry at uncle Zhou Cheng and asked me to make sure, you won't hold this mistake against him."

Xuan Lu leaned back in satisfaction upon seeing Yibo looking at their son in shock. "Zhan told you? You spoke to him? When? Where is he?!"

FanXing once again pressed his lips together, trying his best to keep his promise. Yibo stood up, walked around the table towards the little boy, and knelt in front of him. Taking his son's hands into his he looked at him in desperation. "Please tell daddy where your big brother is. I miss him, I need to talk to him. Please tell daddy...Where is he?"

FanXing looked down. "I don't know."

"FanXing, please...:"

"I really don't know! I only talk to him on the phone from time to time. I had to promise him to not tell you..."

"On the ... phone? " Yibo asked. "Zhou Cheng's phone?" FanXing nodded.

"Did he tell you where Zhan is?" Yibo wanted to know and FanXing shook his head.

"Uncle Zhou Cheng won't tell me..." He confessed and that made Yibo get up again. He turned to Xuan Lu.

"Excuse me. I have something to do." He said and left the dining room. Once he was gone FanXing glared at his mother.

"You are so mean! I will tell big brother what you did!"

"What did I do? I just asked some questions because I am worried." Xuan Lu shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat.

"You are so mean!" FanXing repeated and Xuan Lu grinned. Her son saw that and had to grin too.

"Will big brother come back?"

"Hmm... I think he will."

"Great! Then will I get a sibling now?"

Xuan Lu almost choked on her food. "Sunshine, you were so against a sibling, how come you want one so badly now?"

FanXing shrugged his shoulders. "I just want one. Will daddy and big brother have a baby soon?"

"Ehm...darling, I think you are too young for that kind of conversation." Xuan Lu chuckled. "But if you ask me then... I think they might try to have one ... hopefully..."

"See! You want me to have a sibling too!" FanXing grinned.

"...." Xuan Lu blushed slightly. "Okay, fine. You got me. I love children so yes, I hope they will have one. And I hope they will have a daughter who comes after your big brother. And I hope they will ask me to help them! But enough talking now, eat up."

Xuan Lu watched FanXing eating and thought about what was about to happen. She knew Xiao Zhan a little and was sure that his love for Yibo didn't decrease one bit. Therefore she hoped that he and Yibo can come together now. After all that happened, they deserved to be happy.

Yibo went into Xiao Zhan's room and walked up and down. Since Xiao Zhan left Yibo started to sleep in that room because that made him feel closer to Xiao Zhan. Now he was walking up and down trying to figure out how to get the information he needed.

He already called his boss and asked for a warrant to go through Zhou Cheng's phone but he didn't get one. He knew he wouldn't but Yibo still tried. He could ask Zhou Cheng but he tried this way in the beginning and it didn't work.

Suddenly he had an idea. There was something he didn't try before. Maybe that way he will get the information he desperately needed.

Yibo took out his phone and dialed a number.

Zhou Cheng was at home still unpacking his belongings. He moved in with Haikuan a week ago but didn't have time yet to unpack anything. Either he was at work or ... Haikuan would keep him busy. But today he had time because the police chief once again suspended him from work. Zhou Cheng couldn't understand the reason. It's not like he is beating everyone up for no reason.

It's them who went against the law and did nasty things. It's them who kept boasting about their deeds or didn't care if others, especially the police, were close while trying to continue with what was wrong.

This time the police were called by a woman who complain about a pervert who kept looking through her window and stealing her underwear. He was caught by us in action and send to the police where out of nowhere he hit one of Zhou Cheng's female colleagues on her behind.

Zhou Cheng lost it and hit that bastard. Fine, it might have been more punches than necessary but he tends to get angry pretty fast. That was how he was and he couldn't change just like that. The pervert, of course, complained and demanded to be set free because he wasn't treated fairly. The police chief suspended me in front of that bastard and told him he wouldn't set him free but charge him with sexual harassment of a policewoman.

Zhou Cheng had much respect for the police chief because he would only punish Zhou Cheng with a suspension. He had enough reason to fire him but he didn't because he knew that Zhou Cheng wasn't the bad one here. But the fact was, no matter the circumstances, it was not allowed to beat up a criminal.

"I am home!" Haikuan's voice sounded in the house and he entered the living room with a bright smile. "I can't get enough saying that. I am so happy that you moved into my house, Zhou Cheng."

"I couldn't pay my rent on time and had nowhere to go. That is all!" Zhou Cheng said while his cheeks turned pink. He didn't lie. He really couldn't pay the rent on time, not because he didn't have the money but because he simply forgot to do it, and because it happened more than once, the landlord had enough and kicked him out.

"You are lucky I know that this is not true or else I would have been very sad." Haikuan chuckled and grinned brightly seeing Zhhou Cheng's cheeks turning even redder. "You look so cute."

Zhou Cheng flinched and then growled. "I dare you to say that again!"

"What will you do? Attack me?" Haikuan's eyes sparkled in excitement and Zhou Cheng snorted.

"Why are you back so early?"

"Changing topics, huh? Fine, I will let you get away with that." Haikuan shook his head and winked at the officer. "I missed you so much that I asked to leave earlier. I told them my wife was waiting for me at home." Out of nowhere, a piece of clothing landed on the doctor's face.

"Don't call me that!!"

Haikuan laughed. "You just admitted that you were waiting for me. You won't believe how happy I am right now. By the way, does this have a special meaning?" He asked and held up a piece of underwear Zhou Cheng grabbed blindly from the boxes he was unpacking. "If yes, then I am ready for whatever you want me to do with you."

Zhou Cheng, who just grabbed whatever was the closest to him, flushed and jumped up to take back his underwear. "I planned nothing!"

"Not? Oh... but it's okay. I have a lot of plans. There are so many things I want to do with you. How about we start right away?" Haikuan pulled Zhou Cheng closer and waited for an answer.

Zhou Cheng, who tends to get embarrassed when Haikuan talked about such things so openly, escaped his arms as fast as he could. "You! You!" He stuttered.

"Yes?" Haikuan grinned at him in anticipation.

"Argh!" Zhou Cheng had enough and grabbed some clothes and a towel. "Stop being a pervert, will you!" With that, he ran into the bathroom. Haikuan wanted to go after him but he heard how the officer locked the door from behind.

"Spoilsport..." He mumbled disappointedly.

While Zhou Cheng locked himself into the bathroom and took a shower, Haikuan decided to finish unpacking Zhou Cheng's belongings. Either he was pretty fast or Zhou Cheng took his time.

"Don't think you can run away from me." Haikuan chuckled and waited for his boyfriend to finally come out. He knew that Zhou Cheng was a shy person despite what others thought. Yes, he was grumpy and easily provoked but Haikuan didn't mind. He fell in love with Zhou Cheng for what he was and he would probably be disappointed if the officer would suddenly change. Haikuan loved to tame his boyfriend and that was what he intended to do. Taming him.

"T-thank you..." Haikuan heard Zhou Cheng and looked up.

"Now that I finish unpacking I am curious what you want to do in the next week. I hope you won't get bored."

"How did you..?"

Haikuan laughed. "The police chief came to the hospital for his daughter's check-up and told me about that incident. For your information, that pervert deserved it but the chief is right when he says you shouldn't beat him or any other of those criminals up."

"Easier said than done...." Zhou Cheng mumbled.

"I answered the same and the chief understands that but he still wants you to stop beating them up. So I promised him to help you."

Zhou Cheng raised his brows. "How?"

"I will love you more."

"Tsk..." The officer looked away. "H-how is t-that supposed to help me?"

"Easy. I will just tire you out. I will make love to you over and over again until you are too tired to even scream at them. What do you think? Isn't that a good plan? Everyone benefits from it."


"You heard right. I am going to make love to you until you are too tired to beat them up. Isn't that a good plan? And very easy too. All I have to do is love you to the fullest and make you happy."

"S-stop saying that out of nowhere." Zhou Cheng complained and Haikuan saw he was nervous.

"What exactly? That I love you." Haikuan grinned seeing Zhou Cheng's cheeks changing colors again. So he walked up to the officer and pulled him into his arm. "I will tell you this over and over again. I love you, Zhou Cheng!" Haikuan hugged him tightly and took in the smell of the officer's shampoo. Zhou Cheng got embarrassed and push the doctor away.

"Why do you have to be so... so direct...?" He mumbled.

"Is that a problem for you?" Haikuan grinned.

"N-no, it's just.... I am not used to it..."

"Not used? Aren't you being direct all the time?" Haikuan asked amused.

"Not when it comes to confessions or love topics. So that is different!" The officer said without looking at him.

"I see... then how about I will teach you? I am going to make you get used to it. Every day and whenever I want, I will tell you how much I love you. Whenever you expect it the least, I am going to be direct and tell you what I feel for you. Until you get used to it. Until I taught you how to do it. Until you get confident enough to be as direct as me. I will tell you that I love you and that I want you. Because that is the truth and it won't change. I love you, Zhou Cheng."

"Shut up..." Zhou Cheng mumbled and flinched slightly when Haikuan hugged him from behind.

"I love you," Haikuan confessed. "I love you, Zhou Cheng."

Zhou Cheng turned around to face him. "Stop being so dir-" His lips were covered before he could end the sentence. He wasn't shocked at all. Haikuan always kissed him out of nowhere and even though Zhou Cheng never told him, he liked it.

Zhou Cheng is usually a tough guy. He gets angry very often and because he gets provoked very easily he tends to lose his temper. Hitting people, especially criminals, after hearing or seeing something he didn't like was proof. But no matter how often he loses his temper, no matter how often he beats up people, no matter how often he gets suspended from work, no matter how often he rants and curses, Haikuan didn't mind.

He would always find a way to calm Zhou Cheng down, to tell him how much he loved him, to make him feel special. Like now. He kissed him so tenderly. He carefully used his tongue to ask for permission to enter him and Zhou Cheng saw nothing that would speak against it. So he parted his lips and allowed Haikuan entry.

That was the first step and Zhou Cheng knew what would await him. A night full of love and passion. Full of pain and pleasure. Every time it would start with a soft kiss but end with passionate and wild lovemaking.

The kiss got deeper and Haikuan was eager to make love to Zhou Cheng. It took him only one movement to rip off Zhou Cheng's towel. On the way to the bedroom, he palmed the other's butt-cheeks and started to massage him, making the officer let out the sweetest noises.

Once they arrived in the bedroom, Haikuan stopped the kiss and stared deeply into the glassy eyes of Zhou Cheng. "If I don't get rid of my clothes soon, everything will be over before it started." He whispered and the officer blushed and looked away.

"You won't have enough after one round anyway, pervert."

"True but the first round will decide what I want to do with you for the rest of the night. How about you help me get undressed?" Haikuan asked seductively.

"You have two hands..." Zhou Cheng mumbled embarrassed.

"But I love it when your hands are all over my body. You should hurry up because I am close..."

Zhou Cheng was annoyed that his hands started to undress Haikuan before he gave them the order. His body tends to do what he wanted whenever he was with the doctor. Taking off Haikuan's pants was the most difficult part because there was no way to not look at the hard and leaking member.

"Don't look at it like that or it might burst." Haikuan moaned. "I might have no problem to come on your face and see you liking up every bit of it but I would like your hole to suck up my gem with delight."

Zhou Cheng cheeks turned even redder and because it made him look so irresistible, Haikuan pushed him on the bed and hovered on top of him within seconds. He parted the officer's legs and was amused and satisfied what an impact he made on the other. Seeing Zhou Cheng's condition made Haikuan realize just how hungry for him he was.

So he with quick movements he used their leaking semen as a lubricant and after a few quick thrusts with his fingers, he positioned himself and entered his boyfriend with a deep blow.

It was the first time that day that Zhou Cheng let out a deep moan and that was all it needed to make Haikuan come. Zhou Cheng grabbed the sheets and arched his back feeling the cum hitting his inner walls. Haikuan didn't wait and started to move before he was even done with the first orgasm.

Zhou Cheng pulled the doctor down for a kiss and Haikuan kissed him with delight. At the same time he grabbed the officer's hard cock and started to stroke him with the same speed he was penetrating him. Haikuan found Zhou Cheng's sweet spot fast and made sure to hit it hard.

"Come for me, Cheng." He whispered against the other's lips and soon felt the body part in his hands twitching. Not long after Zhou Cheng came.

"Haikuan..." He moaned and earned another kiss from the doctor.

"I love you, Zhou Cheng." Haikuan said before grabbing Zhou Cheng's butt-cheeks once more. He didn't wait for Zhou Cheng to calm down but immediately hit the other's sweet spot multiple times while massaging his butt.

The officer wrapped his arms around Haikuan's neck and accepted everything the other did to him. He knew that it would be a long night but he also knew that he was going to enjoy every minute. So he clung onto Haikuan and begged for more.

"I love you..." He mumbled. He was not used to confessing and was still shy so whenever he confessed it was just a mumble. But Haikuan heard him. He always heard him and hearing the confession made him feel blessed. Haikuan didn't mind that Zhou Cheng was shy. He didn't care how much time Zhou Cheng needed to confess to him openly because whenever they were together, whenever they made love it was obvious that Zhou Cheng loved him. Even without the mumbled confession.

"I love you too, my Cheng." Haikuan kissed him. "Now sing for me."

And singing he did. No matter how fast, how hard, how wild Haikuan was, Zhou Cheng never complained. Why should he? He loved it.

Early in the morning, Haikuan decided to let his boyfriend sleep. He saw how exhausted he was and Haikuan felt the same. He was exhausted too but if he had a chance, he would continue to make love to Zhou Cheng. Because for Haikuan, loving his boyfriend and making him happy was more important than sleep. It was more important than anything else.

Therefore it was always difficult to pull out. If he could, he would sleep while being deeply connected with Zhou Cheng and once he woke up, he would continue to make love to him.

"I love you, Cheng." Haikuan mumbled and carefully pulled out. After watching the officer sleeping soundly, he got out of the bed. Then he took Zhou Cheng's phone and looked through it until he found what he was looking for.

The call log.

He quickly sent it to his brother before putting the phone away. "Sorry. I know I shouldn't do this but I own Yibo something. Please don't get mad at me." Haikuan kissed Zhou Cheng tenderly and then went back to bed. He didn't clean them up because it was of no use. Zhou Cheng was too heavy for Haikuan and therefore the latter couldn't carry his boyfriend out of the bed for new bedsheets. So cleaning them up without changing the sheets was useless. Haikuan sighed and cuddled up to Zhou Cheng. Then he thought of all that happened in the last weeks.

Four weeks ago Haikuan learned the truth behind Yibo's hate for their parents and he was heartbroken. He had no idea that his parents did something like this. Now Haikuan could understand why Yibo was so cold. He understood and was on his side.

Hearing what their parents thought, said, and tried to do.... Haikuan was disgusted. How Yibo must have felt when he heard them talking like this? No, Haikuan couldn't accept it and neither did Zhou Cheng.

Haikuan smiled at his sleeping boyfriend.

When Zhou Cheng heard about his parents he was very angry which was no surprise. One wrong word or move and he would explode. So when Haikuan asked Zhou Cheng if he was okay with him telling his parent about them, Zhou Cheng was shocked and embarrassed, but he agreed. He even took the lead and introduced himself to Haikuan's parents.

They were shocked. Haikuan remembered how his mother paled and almost fainted, how his father was speechless and then started to yell. Not at Haikuan or Zhou Cheng. He started to yell at no one in particular. He complained about how unfair life was and asked what he did wrong for Haikuan to be gay.

When Yibo showed up and revealed that he was divorcing Xuan Lu to be with the person he loved the most, which was Xiao Zhan, a man, their father had a heart attack. He was brought to the hospital but neither Yibo nor Haikuan was allowed to see him. Their mother forbade it because she didn't want her husband to suffer more than he already did. She send them home and that was what they did. They went home.

Since then, Haikuan didn't speak to them again. Of course, as a doctor, he had access to his father's file in the hospital and therefore knew about his health. Haikuan also made sure that his father got the best treatment because, despite all that happened, he was still his father. Yibo didn't ask about him but Haikuan made sure Yibo knew about their father's health.

Because Haikuan never knew about the pain Yibo went through 7 years ago, he felt guilty. So when his little brother called him the day before, told him that Zhou Cheng knew about Xiao Zhan's whereabouts but wouldn't tell anyone, and asked him to get the call log from Zhou Cheng's phone, Haikuan agreed. He hoped that Zhou Cheng wouldn't get mad at him if he ever find out. He also didn't want Xiao Zhan to be mad at him and he hoped, that Yibo and Xiao Zhan will have a future. Because Haikuan knew now how deeply Yibo loved Xiao Zhan.

"Please give him another chance. I beg you..." Haikuan mumbled.

"Haikuan...." Zhou Cheng mumbled in his sleep and pulled the doctor closer.

"I love you, my lovely grumpy teddy bear." Haikuan chuckled and closed his eyes.

 The moment Yibo got the call log he investigated on his own to find out where Xiao Zhan was. And it didn't take long to find out which number belonged to the man he loved. Once Yibo had the coordinates of Xiao Zhan's whereabouts he wrote a message for Xuan Lu and made his way to get him back.

A few days later

It was already late and the sun was setting. Xiao Zhan was still busy in the small garden behind the house. Since he started living here which was now 4 weeks, he found out that he loved working in the garden. Most of the time he was out there and caring for the flowers. It made him happy and calmed him down.

But for some time now he sighed a lot. He knew exactly why but didn't dare to do something. To be honest, he couldn't figure out if the sudden circumstances made him happy or mad. If he listened to his heart, then he was happy, if he listened to his mind, he was ... well, maybe not exactly mad but it made him shake his head.

Xiao Zhan looked up to the sky and then hurried up to gather all the tools. The moment he went back into the house the first thunder sounded and he flinched. He wasn't scared but that doesn't mean he liked a thunderstorm. For him, it was too loud.

Soon after the first came the second roar of the thunder and he heard the rain hitting the windows. He looked out of one of them and bit his lips out of worry. The stronger the rain got, the more worried he became.

Xiao Zhan waited. He waited and waited and when nothing happened, he shook his head. He slowly got irritated, couldn't understand that nothing happened. After 15 minutes he had enough and walked into the bathroom. Once he took out a towel and some spare clothes, he put them on the sink, then grabbed his umbrella and left the house. Due to the wind, it was difficult to move. He walked towards a big tree at the end of the property and stopped in front of it.

"Why don't stop playing hide and seek? Do you want to get sick!?" Xiao Zhan said and when nothing moved he sighed. "I know you are there, Wang Yibo. If you found me you could have knocked on the door. At least when it started to rain. Now get your ass inside before I change my mind completely! And I am not only talking about my invitation to come inside." For a few seconds, it was quiet but then a soaked wet Yibo revealed himself.

He looked a little guilty and once again Xiao Zhan sighed. "Get your ass inside. The first room on the left is the bathroom. Take a shower. I prepared a towel and some clothes. What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Yibo nodded, run into the house and then into the bathroom. Xiao Zhan needed a little longer. The doctors said that his leg healed and he could walk without pain but that it could be possible that it would feel more comfortable to keep using a walking stick. And the doctor was right. For short distances, Xiao Zhan could walk normally without any problems but for longer distances like grocery shopping or just taking a walk in the forest, he needed a walking stick. It felt more comfortable like that.

Once he closed the front door, he walked into the kitchen and brewed up some tea. Just when the tea was done, a freshly showered and most importantly, a dry Yibo walked out of the bathroom.

A few minutes later, both sat in the living room drinking tea and no one said a word until Yibo was too nervous to endure the silence.

"Zhan.... since when did you know I was out there?" He asked and Xiao Zhan looked at him all seriously.

"How stupid do you think I am?" He asked back and chuckled seeing Yibo looking at him in shock.

"You are not the type of person who blends in with his surroundings, Yibo. I am not sure how long you were here but I knew it for three days. If you already found me, why didn't you knock on the door?"

"I am not officially divorced yet," Yibo answered honestly.

"At least you are honest this time... I kind of suspected that to be honest, but then why are you here already? It's one thing to find me but another to meet me when I clearly said you should come when the divorce is over."

"That is why I hid. I just wanted to see you... check how you were doing. I wanted to know you are fine."

Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo. He didn't see him for a few weeks and honestly said, he missed him. "In my opinion, you look good with that stubbly beard."

Yibo grinned. "Good to know. Then I will wear one every day." He answered and turned serious again. "Zhan, you know I am a direct person and-"

"Do I? Why do I feel I don't know you at all?" That might have been a little too much but honestly, Xiao Zhan didn't know a lot about Yibo. The only thing he was sure he knew was that his feelings for Yibo didn't change. Not in the past 5 years nor in the last 4 weeks. He loved him. And that wouldn't change.

"Then, if you let me, I will introduce myself to you again. If you let me, I let you know all about me."

"You are not divorced yet, Yibo, so-"

"I know. I am sorry for all that happened. For me not telling you the truth and for me lying back then. Yes, your demand was to be divorced before I come and meet you. Fact is, I am not yet divorced but the moment I found you I didn't want to, no, I couldn't wait to come here. Yes, I am not divorced yet but it's only a matter of days. I won't stay here if you don't want me to. I love you, Zhan, and the moment I am officially divorced I will show up here again. I will not leave until you agreed to give me one last chance."

Xiao Zhan wanted to hide his smile but ended up chuckling. "Is that a threat?"

"No, a promise." He answered. "I know you won't ever forget what happened, what I did. But I will try my best to overwrite these dark memories with happy ones. If you let me, I will make you happy. I know I will."

"You sure are confident, aren't you?"

"I am! I have no reason not to be."

"Then tell me, do I love you?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Yes!" Yibo answered immediately. "Yes, you love me. You never stopped and I hope you will never do that. I will make sure you won't ever do that. I will shower you with my love, I will make you happy. I know I will. I am going to make up for the past, every day. I love you and will make you mine if you would only let me."

Xiao Zhan stared at Yibo after hearing his speech. He knew what he said came from his heart and therefore was the truth. Xiao Zhan never thought about rejecting Yibo should he come and find him. But for now....

"If I accept you or not... let's talk about that once you are divorced." Xiao Zhan stood up. "It's dark outside and it's still raining. You can sleep here for tonight. I don't have a guestroom so you will have to sleep on the couch. I hope you are okay with that."

Yibo nodded eagerly. As Xiao Zhan didn't reject him he hoped that he would accept him. Being divorced or not had nothing to do with rejection. Why wait until he was divorced just to reject him? No, Xiao Zhan wasn't like that. Yibo was sure that there was a chance and he was set not to destroy that.

"I don't mind sleeping on the couch."

"Good. If you are hungry, the kitchen is over there and, as you know, the bathroom over there. I think I have a second toothbrush somewhere."

"That room up there...?" Yibo walked towards the stairs that lead to the only room on the second floor.

"Stop!" Xiao Zhan shouted and blocked Yibo's way. "T-that is my bedroom. You are not allowed to enter it! You hear me?"

Yibo thought that Xiao Zhan looked kind of nervous and found it amusing. "I will not. I promise."

"I will look for the toothbrush. I will give you a blanket and a pillow. Wait a moment." With that Xiao Zhan left and Yibo waited for him in the living room. He wanted to know why Xiao Zhan was suddenly so nervous but he didn't go upstairs no matter how curious he was.

Soon Xiao Zhan came back with a blanket, a pillow, and a toothbrush. "Thank you, Zhan."

"Mhn... good night then...." Xiao Zhan answered and walked up the stairs, leaving Yibo behind.

Yibo prepared the couch before making himself comfortable. He thought he wouldn't be able to sleep now that he was with Xiao Zhan but he was mistaken. It didn't even take 10 minutes.

 Early in the morning, it was 5 am, Yibo's phone rang, and as usual Yibo woke up instantly. He was used to getting early calls whenever the police needed a sudden warrant.

"Yes!?" Yibo answered the phone and almost dropped it out of shock hearing the caller's message.

"Sir, your divorce was granted. The papers are done. You said I have to call you the second I get them."

"I will send you an address. Bring them here immediately!"


"I said immediately!" Yibo hissed.

"Y-yes, Sir!"

One and half hours later Yibo held the papers in his hands. Finally, he was a divorced man. Finally, he could be with Xiao Zhan. Of course only, if Xiao Zhan accepted him.

He was so eager to show him the papers that he thought to go upstairs and wake him up but he stopped that thought right away. Xiao Zhan forbade him to go upstairs so he wouldn't do it. Instead, he went into the kitchen to prepare a big breakfast. Once he was done he waited for Xiao Zhan to come down. He didn't have to wait long.


"Good morning, Zhan." Yibo greeted him and signaled him to sit down. " I prepared breakfast for you. Sit down."

"Do I have to be scared?" Xiao Zhan asked suspiciously while sitting down.

"Not at all. Dig in." Yibo answered and waited for the other to start eating. He wanted to show him the papers already but decided to wait until after breakfast. Xiao Zhan thought that Yibo behaved strangely but found it amusing so he didn't say anything.

"Okay then...." Zhan answered and started eating. He missed eating in company. Being alone was relaxing but after some time he felt lonely. Moreover, eating the food Yibo prepared was making him feel happy. It tasted like... home. "Xuan Lu taught you that?"

Yibo frowned. "I made it."

"But Xuan Lu taught you how to do it, right?"

"But I made it!" Yibo answered.

"Okay, okay...you made it" Xiao Zhan smiled. "But Xuan Lu still taught you that."

Yibo pouted but didn't say anything, because, at the end of the day, Xiao Zhan was right.  

"Okay, now say it." Xiao Zhan said after he was done.

"Hm?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes.

"I can see that you want to say something. Stop stalling time and just say it."

Yibo nodded and showed Zhan the papers. "I got them this morning. I am divorced now."

Xiao Zhan took the papers and studied them. It's not like he didn't trust Yibo but he just wanted to make sure he didn't make another mistake. But here it was, black on white. Yibo was indeed divorced. Even though he knew that both, Yibo and Xuan Lu, were happy to be divorced after a 7 years long fake marriage, it still made him feel guilty. No matter how many times Yibo or Xuan Lu would tell him he didn't have to feel like that, he couldn't change that.

"I don't know what to say to that..." Xiao Zhan mumbled. "Congratulations are not suited..."

"All you have to say is, that you accept my apology, my love, and me," Yibo answered. "Or you don't accept it. But I would like to hear the first option rather than the second one..."

Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo for a long time before he got up. "You... follow me..." He said and walked up the stairs towards the bedroom.

"Ehm... how about you tell me your answer first before we go to the next step, Zhan..."Yibo answered nervously. Xiao Zhan turned around and glared at him with red cheeks.

"It's not that! You pervert! Shut up and follow me!"

"Oh..." Yibo but his lips and followed him. Now he was pretty much embarrassed but that changed the moment he stepped into the bedroom. One entire wall was decorated with pictures of Yibo. Not photos but paintings.

"D-did... did you make them...?" He wanted to know but even without asking he had the feeling, he knew the answer already.

"Who else would draw you...?" Zhan answered silently. "Yes, I made them. I .... I don't know. I couldn't stop. I started drawing so I had something to do and... it was always you. I didn't even know I had that much talent. But all I wanted to draw was you. Only you..."

"You answer, Zhan. Tell me your answer." Yibo suddenly said while studying the paintings.

"Isn't that answer enough!?" Xiao Zhan asked embarrassed.

"No! I want you to say it. I want the two of us to be direct. I don't want the both of us talking around the bush."

"Then you have to be direct as well. You never were in the past! I know, I was at fault too for not letting you speak out but I had every right to be angry with you, to interrupt you in fear, you would only lie to me again."

"None of this is your fault. You are innocent, Zhan. It was my fault for lying to you and I will forever pay the price for that. I promise you I will be direct with you from now on. Whenever I have something to say, whenever I want something, whenever I like or dislike something, I will tell you straight. I promise, Zhan. I swear it!"

"You better remembered that, Wang Yibo." Xiao Zhan said with a frown.

"I will. Now tell me, will you accept me, my love, and my apology?"

"Yes..." Zhan mumbled but immediately spoke louder. "I will accept all of you. You better never disappoint me again! I am almost 31 and I am not getting any younger! I can't withstand all these roller coasters of emotions!"

Yibo suddenly felt as light as a feather. All the worries, the fears, the uncertainties... all was gone.

"Zhan...Thank you so much. You don't know how happy I am. I love you."

"I love you too, you dumb-ass...." Xiao Zhan said and then smiled slightly. He as well, felt all the negative feelings being washed away.

"Zhan...?" Yibo called him.

"What?" Xiao Zhan asked back and was shocked about Yibo's next words.

"I want to make love to you."

"H-hey!! H-how can you be so honest!?" Xiao Zhan blushed and felt that the temperature in the room went up.

"I promised you to be direct and honest." Yibo smiled and approached the other. "I want to make love to you. Now, tomorrow, and every day that comes."

"W-what do y-you want me to do now...?"

"Be direct and tell me that you want to sleep with me too." Yibo grinned seeing Xiao Zhan blushing even stronger.

"Asshole..." He mumbled embarrassed. He looked everywhere but to Yibo so the latter gently forced Xiao Zhan to look at him.

"Yes? Or ... Yes?" Yibo whispered and Xiao Zhan hit the other while blushing even more. But a few seconds he nodded slightly

"You know the answer..." He mumbled. "Don't grin like that or I will change my mind!"

"Cute...." Yibo smiled.

"I am a 30 years old man! Don't call-" A sudden and hungry kiss stopped Xiao Zhan from finishing his sentence. Yibo was lucky that Xiao Zhan was carving for him just as much or else he wouldn't be silenced with just a kiss. He threw his arms around Yibo's neck and returned the kiss with passion.

Yibo froze for a second before lifting Xiao Zhan and carrying him to the bed which stood just a few steps away. Carefully, without once stopping the kiss, Yibo laid the man in his arms on the bed before hovering on top of him.

For a moment he was unsure what to do next which was ridiculous because it wasn't his first time with Xiao Zhan. But it was the first time he was this nervous. Even 5 years ago he wasn't as nervous as this time.

"Why are you suddenly behaving like a virgin?" Xiao Zhan asked amused.

"I am just nervous. After everything that happened....after all I did...."

"As long as you won't lie to me again, as long as you be 100 % honest with me, there is nothing to be worried about." Xiao Zhan answered.

Yibo nodded and smiled before opening Xiao Zhan's pajama. Once he saw the two beautiful hard and pink buds on his chest, all nervousness was forgotten and he started to lick and suck then one after the other.

Xiao Zhan grabbed Yibo's hair and enjoyed this feeling. Soon he could feel Yibo through both their pants and because Xiao Zhan was eager to be with Yibo, he pulled on the other's pants. He pulled them down, together with the underwear until he held the hardness of Yibo's cock in his hands. He didn't waste time and started to stroke him. Yibo stopped and let out a low moan.


"You are not the only one who is impatient."Xiao Zhan chuckled as he squeezed him. Yibo growled and managed to take off his and Xiao Zhan's clothes in under a minute without breaking them.

"No matter how impatient I might be..." Yibo whispered and put two fingers in his mouth. "... I still know to take my time in preparing you. I won't hurt you." Yibo put down his hands and soon Xiao Zhan could feel his fingers trying to find their way into his hole.

"I-idiot. There is... lube in the bedside table." Xiao Zhan moaned and used his free hand to grab Yibo's shoulder.

"Why does that sound you were already prepared for me?" Yibo wanted to know. "Or... did you use it to enjoy yourself?"

"Why- ahh!" Xiao Zhan moaned when Yibo entered him with three of his fingers, moving in and out, making Xiao Zhan loosen up to him. "Why don't you find that out yourself? It should be easy for you to determine if I played with myself or not..."

Yibo stopped and stared down at him. Suddenly Yibo's got harder and Xiao Zhan, who still held him down there, laughed.

"You know what? I don't care. Either way, I would like it. But if you play with yourself, let me watch next time, okay?" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan grinned.

"Why should I play with myself when I have you with me? Are you suddenly not confident anymore to make me feel good?" Xiao Zhan didn't know why he suddenly liked to tease Yibo. He couldn't explain it but he loved that look of shock, embarrassment, determination, and desire on Yibo's face.

"Let's find out how confident I am!" Yibo growled, reached for the bedside table, and took out the lube. Seeing that the bottle was already opened once made him go crazy with want, thinking how Xiao Zhan played with himself while thinking of Yibo. And even though, Yibo couldn't determine if the lube was ever used and Xiao Zhan also never revealed that secret, he loved to think that Xiao Zhan indeed couldn't resist the temptation.

"What are you waiting for?" Xiao Zhan provoked the man on top of him and smiled seeing him opening the bottle and pouring a decent amount of lube in his hand. Soon Xiao Zhan felt the coldness of the lube entering him, together with four of Yibo's fingers, which were busy finding that one spot that made Xiao Zhan turn into a moaning mess.

"Argh! There-!" Xiao Zhan arched his back slightly once Yibo's fingers found their target. Yibo grinned, pulled out his fingers, and took his cock out of the other's hand. Xiao Zhan was busy concentrating on Yibo's fingers that he stopped stroking.

Yibo then poured some more lube on his hardness before positioning himself and entering Xiao Zhan slowly. The latter moaned and because he thought Yibo wasn't fast enough he grabbed Yibo's behind, squeezed him, and pulled him closer, making Yibo enter him in one go.

Both men moaned out loud. They panted fast and looked at each other. Both of them saw their feelings shining brightly in the other's eyes. Xiao Zhan was close, very close to come but he was determined to come with Yibo. He wanted them to come at the same time. Together.

"Zhan... will you forgive me when I lose my patience? Will you forgive me when I lose control?" Yibo asked out of breath. Xiao Zhan answered by pulling him down for a kiss.

"Only if you hurry up now. I want to come with you."

Yibo bit his lips and took Xiao Zhan's hands in his before caging them on the mattress. "Your wish is my order...!" Xiao Zhan widened his eyes in shock when Yibo suddenly moved at a very fast speed, hitting his weak spot over and over again.

Xiao Zhan almost couldn't breathe but he didn't care because right now he was the happiest. And he wanted more. More of Yibo, more of his confessions, more of his incredible skill to make Xiao Zhan lose his mind by making love to him in such a direct and fast way.

"Yibo... I... ahng!....I love you!" Xiao Zhan confessed.

"I love you too, Zhan."

"Don't ever... repeat your wrongdoings... I will... leave you... and... never come back!"

Yibo moaned. "Promise... never again!"

"Prove it, Yibo!" Xiao Zhan demanded and screamed in delight when he felt Yibo hitting his most sensitive spot within him. " More... Yibo... more..." Xiao Zhan begged and Yibo tried his best to speed up. "Close... please... argh! Uh! ... Yibo.... Together...."

"A-almost there, Zhan.... just a little.... God, now... I am here... come with me... Zhan... come .... now..."

 "Big brother!!" FanXing screamed and run up to Xiao Zhan. He stopped just before he reached him and stared at the walking stick. Xiao Zhan laughed.

"You won't hurt me. I am fully healed. This is only to help me walk long distances because I will get tired fast." He said when right behind him Yibo entered with two suitcases.

"I heard that, Zhan. And just for your information... You are not that easy to tire out..."

"Wang Yibo!" Xiao Zhan hissed in embarrassment. "FanXing is still a child. Stop talking like that!"

"I am just honest. I promised I would be." Yibo winked and Xiao Zhan blushed.

"I know what daddy is talking about. I am 5 years old and not a child anymore." FanXing announced and then threw his hands in the air. "It means FanXing is getting a sibling soon!" He cheered and threw himself into Xiao Zhan's arms.

"What?!" Xiao Zhan asked in shock and looked at Yibo for help. But Yibo only grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

They have been together for one month now. The next morning after Xiao Zhan accepted Yibo, Yibo called his boss and asked for vacation. He got a whole month and not once left Xiao Zhan's side. As promised Yibo was honest, direct, and... made love to Xiao Zhan every day. Xiao Zhan was secretly counting the hours for their next hot night.

Xiao Zhan and Yibo both talked about the future and Yibo asked Xiao Zhan if he would like to move in with him. First, he was not fond of the idea because it would be unfair for Xuan Lu. But after he found out that Xuan Lu herself offered it, or rather demanded Yibo to take Xiao Zhan back because that way everyone was happy and especially FanXing would keep quiet.

"I said I will get a sibling soon," FanXing repeated and cheered.

"Who told you that?" Yibo asked amused and the boy pointed behind himself.

"Mommy said you would. And that it would be a girl who comes after big brother."

"Hey! Darling, that is not true! I said to want them to have a daughter who comes after your big brother. I didn't say they will have one soon." Xuan Lu appeared with red cheeks and tried to make her son stop talking.

Yibo frowned. "And why can't it be a daughter who comes after me?"

"God, please no! Not another one..." Xuan Lu answered and while Yibo glared at her, Xiao Zhan laughed.

"I won't mind having a daughter. A son would do too." He said and turned to Xuan Lu. "Thanks for having me here."

"Don't say it like you would be a guest here, Xiao Zhan. This is now your home too. This is your house. I even went to the notary to get the papers done. All I need is a sign from you and you will be a co-owner of this house." Xuan Lu smiled and hugged him.

"LuLu, aren't you a little too fast. Couldn't you wait until we sit in the living room with that delicious cake you baked and then talk about stuff like that?"

"What cake?" Xuan Lu asked and Yibo rolled his eyes.

"Everyone who has a nose can smell it." Xuan Lu stuck out her tongue.

"You, Mr. Wang, will take care of the luggage. I prepared Xiao Zhan's and your room already. I will take care of Xiao Zhan. Come, Xiao Zhan, I baked a delicious cake for you."

"Are you playing favorites!?" Yibo asked irritated.

"I am a freshly divorced woman who looks for her mister right. Xiao Zhan seems to be the perfect person, so yes, I am playing favorites. Come, Xiao Zhan, I made tea too. Let your boyfriend take care of the luggage and spend some time with me. I bet I am a better company than Yibo."

Yibo watched in irritation how Xuan Lu took Xiao Zhan by the hand and pulled him to the living room. He quickly threw the luggage in Xiao Zhan's and his bedroom and followed them right away. He then sat next to Xiao Zhan before Xuan Lu was able to.

"Wow, I never saw you jealous before, Yibo. It doesn't suit you." Xuan Lu giggled and sat down opposite them. FanXing pouted seeing no space between Xiao Zhan and Yibo and decided to sit with his mother.

"I don't understand!" He announced and looked at every adult questioningly. "Will I get a sibling now, or not?"

"Soon we will- Ow!!" Yibo complained and stroked the spot Xiao Zhan pinched him.

"Right now there is no sibling, FanXing. But..." He stopped and looked rather embarrassed.

"What?" FanXing asked in excitement and Xuan Lu giggled.

"Your big brother already said he would like to have a child. All you have to do is waiting and soon you might have a sibling. Right?" Xuan Lu smiled innocently and while Yibo nodded proudly, Xiao Zhan blushed.

Before coming here, Xiao Zhan and Yibo already talked about children. It was Xiao Zhan who asked if Yibo would imagine having a child with him after hearing how much FanXing missed him. Xiao Zhan too missed the little troublemaker and already saw him as a son. But he wanted more than just one child because children are wonderful.

Yibo, of course, decided to show him his answer by not making him leave the bed for three days. While making love he agreed to have a child.

"I want to have a baby with you. One which has your blood and your DNA." Yibo confessed. "I want to hold a baby that looks just like you. But first, we will get married! I want to marry you, Xiao Zhan."

Xiao Zhan was speechless and rejected Yibo. How could he propose while making love? No, Xiao Zhan wanted Yibo to get on his knees and ask him. He wanted him to prepare something romantic. He told him that and Yibo, of course, didn't disappoint. Xiao Zhan didn't know how he did it but he managed to make one or two hundred fireflies form the words 'Zhan, will you marry me' with the help of a few branches.

Xiao Zhan said yes. Not only because it was very romantic in his eyes and it probably cost Yibo a lot of work, but also because Yibo knelt on the ground for more than 30 minutes while waiting for the fireflies to form the words.

Xiao Zhan wasn't a sadist, was he?

"Hmmm... FanXing, I want to ask you something." Xiao Zhan said and once he had the boy's attention he continued. "Do you mind if your daddy and I get married?"

"Didn't mommy and daddy separate? Then of course you can marry him! That will make you keep staying here, right? You won't leave again, right?"

Xiao Zhan smiled. "I won't leave as long as your daddy behaves."

"Daddy!!" FanXing looked at his father in anticipation.

"Daddy will be a good boy. I won't misbehave. I swear!" Yibo said and FanXing grinned.

"Will I have three daddies and one mommy, then?" He asked and Yibo looked confused.

"Why three?" He asked and saw how Xuan Lu shook her head even before FanXing answered.

"A week ago a man came here to see mommy."

"A man? Who?" Yibo wanted to know.

"Jealous?" Xuan Lu asked back and looked at Xiao Zhan. "It seems your future husband has still feelings for me..."

"LuLu?" Yibo called her and Xuan Lu sighed.

"It was Yu Chen." She answered and Yibo gaped at her, making her laugh. "Why so shocked?"

"So .... you are back with him now?"

"No." Xuan Lu shook her head. "He wanted me to give him a chance but I rejected him. And honestly, seeing him didn't hurt. I wasn't sad. I mean, I do still love him but... I don't want to be with him... somehow... strange, isn't it?"

"Xuan Lu, if you love him then why...?"

Xuan Lu laughed. "You can love someone without being with him. You should know what I am talking about. And because I love him, I want him to be happy. When he showed up here I knew he wasn't. So I asked Yu Chen what happened between them and he answered it was just a minor fight and that I shouldn't worry about it. So I told him to go back and apologize. Getting divorced because of something like that was stupid. And they have a child together. She loves him and I know that he loves her too. He is just blinded by his childishness. And let's be honest, if such a small fight will make him get a divorce, why would I give him a chance only to leave me when we are having a dispute?"

She shook her head. "No. And because I know they are happy together... that makes me happy as well. Moreover, I don't need to get married. I already have the love of my life sitting right here next to me." She stroked FanXing's hair. "He is the most important to me." When no one said a word, Xuan Lu laughed. It wasn't a fake laugh but she was amusing herself.

"If you really worry about me then... how about the two of you having a baby as soon as possible so I can share my love with another tiny human? Hm?" She wiggled her brows. " But if it's a girl I want the rights to be her godmother. Oh, and I want to have a word in deciding how to name her! And Xiao Zhan has to be the biological father! Another little Yibo will be too stressing. Maybe once FanXing goes to school, then...?"

"Ehm... Zhan, I think LuLu already planned our whole future...." Yibo said amused and Xiao Zhan grinned.

"I don't mind. But we have to make up for that... how about we find her a gentleman who-?"

"Don't you guys dare!!" Xuan Lu frowned. "I swear I will move out and never see you again!" She threatened and both men raised their hands in defeat.

"Just kidding." Yibo laughed and then got serious again. "But we thought a lot about ... about something and... we are asking if you would agree to it... "

"Why do I have a weird feeling?" She asked amused and seeing how both men are getting very nervous she giggled in excitement. "Hmm... don't tell me you want me to be the surrogate mother." She said and when both men looked at each other in shock Xuan Lu laughed.

"If that is what you wanted to ask then the answer is yes!" Xuan Lu answered happily and was honestly relieved that they started with that topic. She already thought about asking then but thought it was too selfish of her. Especially since she is Yibo's ex-wife.

But to know that they came up with that idea themselves made her happy. She already knew she wouldn't get married in this life and giving birth to Yibo's and Xiao Zhan's children would not only grant them the wish to have children but also her wish to have a big family. 

It might sound strange if others heard that, and also her mother was shocked after she told her parents what she would do, but it was what she truly wanted.  

 A year later Yibo and Xiao Zhan stood in the hospital waiting for the good news.

"No. No. It was a bad idea. A very bad idea." Zhan mumbled. "How could we ask her to do this? That was mean, that was unfair. What if something happens? She will hate us! FanXing could lose his mother! Oh god! What if she-"

"Calm down, Zhan! We didn't force anyone. How many times do I or LuLu have to tell you this? Hm?" Yibo soothed Xiao Zhan. He was amused at how panicked his husband was. And it was surprising how well Xuan Lu knew Xiao Zhan by now to predict his reaction.

"LuLu wanted to have another child. When she knew that we wanted to ask her to carry our child, she was exhilarated. She told you that more than once. Nothing will happen, do you hear me. Now calm down."

"But she didn't tell us the gender... She hid everything from us. She is loathing us, she-"

"No, Zhan." Yibo almost laughed. "She did that because she wanted to surprise us. She asked if that was okay and you were the first one to agree. Remember?"

"Do I remember? Oh... Yes, I remember. I remember, I agreed. We agreed." Xiao Zhan nodded and slowly calmed down. "She doesn't loath us. She doesn't."

"That is right." Yibo patted his back.

"God, Yibo. What is wrong with me?"

"It's called parental panic. You are just nervous."

"Why aren't you!? How can you stay so calm!? Oh.... right, you went through that once already. It's me who is the virgin."

Now Yibo laughed. "I promised, I will take all your firsts, Zhan. Do you know the best way to calm down now? Think about how the two of us will celebrate the birth of our child later. Excited?"

"You pervert!" Xiao Zhan hissed but now he indeed thought about what would happen later. He hit himself. 'You are a pervert too!'

"Mister Wang, Mister Xiao, you can go in now. Congratulations" The doctor greeted them and signed them to enter. Of course, both men run inside and were greeted by a brightly grinning Xuan Lu. FanXing sat on a chair smiled just as much.

"You know what?" Xuan Lu asked happily. "I am not sure what makes me happier. Being pregnant, giving birth, or the many years after that."

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo looked at each other and then back to Xuan Lu who carried two little bundles in her arms. "Surprise!! You two have two beautiful daughters! And for your information, I want more babies! Right FanXing?"

"Yes, but I want a boy next time! Two boys are okay too, I am not really picky." The boy answered with a grin.

"Are you guys happy?" Xuan Lu asked and Yibo nodded in excitement. He never expected her to carry twins, especially since her womb wasn't that big. Xuan Lu grinned and pointed at Xiao Zhan. "Three .... two...." She counted and looked at Xiao Zhan in amusement. Yibo hid a smile."... one... action!"

Xiao Zhan started to cry and every one laughed.

T H E       E N D  

Of course, this is not the end. There is still one epilogue coming soon, I am just not sure when because since yesterday my wrist hurts. Weirdly enough it only hurts if I move either the little finger, the ring finger, or the middle finger ... or all three at once...  

That is why it took so long to write today. I hoped I would have been done sooner. Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter. As for the new story, don't worry about the plot which I will write down now. The story is YiZhan/WangXian. 

In all my stories, it will always be YiZhan/WangXian. That is a couple that will not change at all. Only the side couples will change from time to time. That means the side couples will not necessarily be like the couples in the novel/drama. (Like in "The 2nd Chance" it was MianMian and Haikuan, Meng Yao and Wang YiZhou, and Zoey and Ji Yang; Or in this story, it was Yibo being married to Xuan Lu and they have FanXing as a child before it ended up in YiZhan.

The same is with my next story, it might start with an unusual love but it will definitely end up as YiZhan/WangXian. The couples are going to be 

1. WangXian
2. Wen(Qing)Huan
3. And we too have the dorky cute Wen Ning who will have no love interest here :) 
As for other (familiar)couples... we will see ^^

About the story (It's going to be mpreg which is my first): 

It's about Wei Ying, a mortal who saved a man called Lan Huan and with whom he fell in love with. Lan Huan too fell in love with Wei Ying at first sight. What Wei Ying didn't know until later was that Lan Huan was the Crown Prince of the immortal realm. Wei Ying married Lan Huan and moved to the immortal realm.

But the more time Wei Ying spends with Lan Wang Ji, the younger brother of Lan Huan, the more he falls for the latter until he suddenly has feelings for both men. 

But what if Lan Huan is betraying Wei Ying? And what if the love for Lan Wang Ji is beginning to take over and getting too strong to resist? Too strong to ignore? What if both of them are starting something forbidden and no one is able to stop? 

What will Wei Ying do? 

I almost wrote the whole story with its secrets down ^^ If I start once, there is no one to stop me ^^

That it's for today. I hope I am able to write the 2nd epilogue soon. 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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