Last Chapter: Reasons for the wedding

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As promised the new (14000 words long!) chapter before Christmas. 

I am not necessarily good at writing down complicated things but I hope you will understand what I wanted to say. Especially when it comes to the reasons for the marriage. 

Enough talking! Enjoy the last Chapter!

3rd POV


Xuan Lu's heart raced when she knocked on her cousin's door. She was currently at the boy's dorm of her university and wanted to finally tell her cousin about her feelings. Yu Chen would graduate in a few days and she didn't want to miss the timing. It was true that they were cousins but their families lived in different cities and once Yu Chen graduated he would go home and they would see each other only at the next family meeting.

That would be a disaster because her mother and his mother were kinds of rivals. There was no reason to be but both wanted to be better than the other. So whenever something happened in their life they would brag about and enjoy the expression of the other. Xuan Lu's mother wasn't like this in the past but since Xuan Lu's aunt, Yu Chen's mother, started to brag about the smallest successes, she turned out like this.

"Yes?" The roommate of Yu Chen opened the door and raised his brows upon seeing Xuan Lu "Yo, Yu Chen. It's for you."


"Your cousin." The roommate answered and let Xuan Lu enter the dorm. For a room occupied by boys, it was pretty clean.

"Lu Lu?" Yu Chen asked surprised and Xuan Lu walked up to him nervously.

"I .... " She stopped and looked at the roommate.

"Got it. I am already gone. By the way, Yu Chen. I will stay at Yan Shen's house tonight so should Cheng Liao ask you where I am, cover for me, 'kay?"

"Isn't Cheng Liao your girlfriend? Who is YanShen?" Yu Chen asked and his roommate rolled his eyes.

"My future girlfriend, idiot! Now shut up and just cover for me. See you tomorrow." With that, he disappeared and the two cousins were alone.

"Is something wrong?" Yu Chen asked as he looked at his nervous little cousin. He was amused by her behavior because since she started attending this university she seemed to act like that in front of him.

"I ... I have to tell you something." Xuan Lu started.

"So? What is it? Come, sit down." He offered but Xuan Lu shook her head.

"No, it's okay." She answered and then took a deep breath. "Yu Chen, I ... I like you. A-and I don't mean like you as a cousin but as a .... l-lover. So... what I want to ask is... well... will you go out with me?" She closed her eyes and waited for an answer. She never confessed to anyone. Her roommate gave her a few tips on what to do but she ignored them. She wanted to confess with her own words even if they sounded naive and idiotic.

She heard a chuckle but didn't dare to open her eyes to check if he made fun of her or not.

"Lu Lu, open your eyes." He said but Xuan Lu shook her head. "Don't you want an answer?"

"I do b-but... I have ears. I can listen to your answer even with closed eyes." Xuan Lu mumbled and suddenly thought how stupid that sounded. But what could she do? She was too scared to face him. She imagined getting a rejection multiple times but now, when she stood in front of him and waited for his answers, she felt terrible. As if her life wouldn't have a meaning anymore should Yu Chen reject her.

Xuan Lu knew she was being dramatic but wasn't being in love made one be like this? Especially when Yu Chen was her first love.

"You indeed have ears. Cute ears which turned red." He chuckled again and Xuan Lu blushed even more. "Well then...."

Xuan Lu waited for him to say something but instead of verbally giving her an answer he kissed her. Xuan Lu was 20 years old but had never been kissed before. Even falling in love was new to her.

She widened her eyes and looked straight into Yu Chen's. His eyes smiled at hers. He placed a hand at the back of her neck and pulled her closer for a deeper kiss. Soon Xuan Lu melted and returned the kiss. She was clumsy, it was her first-ever kiss after all, but he was patient with her. This went on for a long time until Xuan Lu's lips were swollen. Still, she was happy, especially after hearing his next words.

"Let's go out, then."

The same day they went on the first date. They watched a movie in the nearest cinema and went into a restaurant to eat something. Xuan Lu had a lot of fun and she was floating on cloud seven. After the date, he brought her to her dorm.

"Where is everyone?" He asked confused upon seeing no girls and no guard.

"Most of them went out to celebrate the end of exams and, of course, the upcoming graduation."

"Right. I will graduate soon as well." He laughed and escorted her to her room.

"Hmm... can we... meet tomorrow? I have no class..." Xuan Lu blushed as she asked for yet another date. Now that she knew he shared her feelings she wanted to spend much more time with him.

"Sure. I will wait for you in front of your dorm." He answered with a smile. Xuan Lu wanted to kiss him but was unsure if he wanted the same so she just stood there helplessly.

"You are very cute, Lu Lu." Yu Chen grinned and pecked her lips. "I can't wait for tomorrow." He whispered in her ear and bit her earlobe lightly before leaving.

Xuan Lu went inside her room and squeaked in delight before calling her best friend, Wang Yibo, to tell him about this awesome news.

Three days later Xuan Lu stood in front of her mirror and tried to decide what to wear on her third date with Yu Chen.

"What about this one?" She turned to Yibo who sat on her bed and laughed at the choice of dress.

"Better not, Lu Lu. You look like a canary."

"What!?!" She yelled horrified and threw the yellow dress back into the wardrobe. "Then what about this one?" She showed him a short black dress

"Too short. This looks like you want to get him into bed right away. Don't wear it. Unless.... you plan the next step already?" It was more like a question and Xuan Lu blushed to see him wiggling his eyebrows. She knew very well what he thought.

"Of course not! It's just the third date, Yibo." She said and threw this dress back into the wardrobe as well. "What should I wear then?" She asked frustrated. "I have nothing to wear!" Yibo stood up and walked toward her wardrobe.

"You have enough clothes, silly girl. I am a man and like men so I don't have any idea what women could wear on their date. I am not sure if I can help but let me see..... hmm... how about this one?" He asked and held up a denim dress that was long enough to cover her knees. "I think together with your white sneakers it would look great." He added and then smiled and the happy Xuan Lu.

"Alright. I will wear this. Thank you, Yibo!"

"Glad to help. Now, how about you help me? Do you happen to know a cute, funny, and smart-looking boy who is still single? Age doesn't matter and if he is good looking.... well, that would be a bonus."

"I will try to find someone. I think my roommate has a brother. But he is younger than you...."

"Don't care. I really want to find someone, Lu Lu. How can I survive seeing you all lovey-dovey with your boyfriend while I am still single!? The answer is I won't!!"

"And I thought I was dramatic...." Xuan Lu giggled and turned back to the mirror.

Their date processed smoothly and Xuan Lu was very happy. Yu Chen and her went out to eat in a nice restaurant on the beach and after that, they walked along the water while holding hands.

"You look beautiful." Yu Chen complimented her and she giggled.

"And you look handsome. I am almost scared someone will snatch you away from me."

Yu Chen raised his brows and pulled Xuan Lu closer. "Are you still worried?" He whispered as he hugged her.

"A little. Maybe a kiss will help...?" She indicated and shortly after she felt his lips on hers. Usually, she would be worried that someone might see them but it was quite late already and no one except them was on the beach. She hugged him tightly as she returned the kiss eagerly.

They then sat down and relaxed. They held hands and enjoyed their time. Xuan Lu could feel Yu Chen's eyes on her and it made her blush as she turned her head to peck his lips.

"Are you embarrassed?" He asked amused and Xuan Lu shook her head. "Then why are you so red? Please look at me, Lu Lu."

She giggled again and looked into his eyes. They stared at each other for a long time until Yu Chen pulled her closer to kiss her once more. Whenever he kissed her, her heart raced and she turned into jelly.

"Yu Chen, I ... I love you and-" He interrupted her with yet another deep kiss.

"I love you too, Lu Lu." He whispered against her lips and her heart skipped a beat as she got lost in the passionate kiss. She was so happy right now and thought she could die at this moment without regretting it.

She didn't know how it happened but at some point, he opened her dress. She was embarrassed because she didn't plan to sleep with him so early in the relationship. She didn't even wear her best underwear but Yu Chen did not care much about them anyway. He took them off her and threw them to the side. It was summer and therefore it was still very warm even at 11 pm.

Soon he got rid of his clothes as well and she knew it would happen tonight. Her first time. Losing her virginity to the man she loved was the best thing that could happen and of course, she fantasized about that moment multiple times in her life. Yet, she was still nervous.

"You are so beautiful...." He mumbled against her lips and she couldn't wait to be with Yu Chen in the most intimate way possible. She held his face and looked at him. She was out of breath as Yu Chen was one amazing kisser.

"Do you have some?" She asked and in case he didn't know what she was talking about she smiled embarrassingly. "C-condoms?"

He nodded and looked for his little bum bag to take out a pack of newly bought condoms. She looked at them, smiled, and opened her arms for him.

Soon they were one and Xuan Lu was the happiest girl in the world.

"Didn't you say you didn't plan to sleep with him?" Yibo teased her when she told him about what happened.

"So what? It just happened." She blushed and Yibo laughed.

"I am happy for you, Lu Lu. And? How was it?" He asked curiously and laughed, even more, when Xuan Lu's eyes became glassy.

"Idiot!" She mumbled and giggled. "It was ... breathtaking! It was so perfect that I wish I can turn the time back to have my first time again." She sighed.

"Did it hurt?" Yibo asked and Xuan Lu laughed.

"Of course, it did. But only at the beginning. You already had your first time so you should know! Why are you asking me?"

"I did have it but I am a giver, Xuan Lu, not a receiver. I am never bottom. Never." Yibo answered and earned a light slap from Xuan Lu. "Can I meet him? The love of your life?"

"Why? Want to see if you have a chance? He is mine, Mr. Wang." She warned amused and then turned serious. "I will introduce you someday. I also want to tell my parents but because I know how my aunt often gives my mother a hard time, I am not sure if she will be happy. Especially because we are family after all. And to be honest, I am a little scared of Yu Chen's mother as well. Yu Chen said we should wait before we tell them."

"He did? Shouldn't he be eager to introduce you to everyone as your girlfriend?" Yibo asked confused.

"He said he is worried because of the relationship between our mothers. He said we should wait and try to help them get closer before we reveal that we are dating. I understand that and share his opinion."

"I see. Okay, then. I can't wait to meet him." Yibo winked and Xuan Lu laughed loudly.

"You are getting more sensitive, Lu Lu." Yu Chen said as he pulled me into his sweaty arms. Xuan Lu was still out of breath but managed to pout.

"Because you are a pervert, Yu Chen. Why do you have to-" Xuan Lu blushed and stopped talking?

"Why do I have to do what?" He asked amused and Xuan Lu pouted even more.

"You know!"

They have been in a relationship for two months now and Xuan Lu was extremely happy. She wanted to tell her parents soon about her and Yu Chen being a couple but because Yu Chen and his mother had a fight he was sometimes in a bad mood. Xuan Lu felt sorry for him and hoped he would reconcile with his mother soon so they can go the next step and reveal their relationship.

They had dates at least three times a week and she loved being with Yu Chen. The more time she spend with him the more she fell for him. If that was even possible. But she was already thinking about their future. She wanted to get married and have children. A girl and a boy, at least. But the more, the better.

Yu Chen laughed. "Maybe." He grinned and pulled her closer. "Lu Lu?"


"I heard there is a banquet at the newly opened hotel next week. Is it true you are invited?" He asked and Xuan Lu nodded.

"Yes. Yibo, my best friend gave me his invitation because he hates such banquets. He heard that Dr. Zhong, a very renowned vet would attend and because he knew I would like to meet him he deiced to help me. Dr. Zhong already operated on tigers, pandas, elephants, and even rhinos! Can you believe it? I can't wait to meet him, I hope I have a chance to talk to him."

"Your friend seems to be pretty nice..."

"What now? Are you jealous?" Xuan Lu giggled.

"A little?"

"Oh no, what can I do to make the jealously go away?"

Yuan Chen topped her and smiled at her. "How about you take me with you?"

"To the banquet? But didn't you say these types of occasions are boring?"

"I need to protect you from danger." Yu Chen and kissed her.

"Oh? What kind of danger?"

"Like those rich snobs who could try to take you away from me. I don't want to share what is mine, Lu Lu. So? Are you going to take me with you?" He asked as he trailed kissed down her neck.

"Alright, why not. I can't let my boyfriend stay jealous, right? That is not good for your health. Are you happy?"

"I am. You are the best, Lu Lu."

Xuan Lu and Yu Chen attended the banquet and did not once part ways until Xuan Lu found the vet she wanted to meet.

"Dr. Zhong is over there." She pointed in a specific direction.

"Go to him. I will wait here for you." Yu Chen said and signaled her to go. She nodded and wanted to kiss him but the moment she tried he moved his face away and took a snack from the buffet. She didn't think much about it and chuckled seeing him eating. He loved eating. She found out about that on her first day at university and since then attended cooking classes just so she could cook for him.

"Then, see you later." She smiled and went over to the vet. She talked to him for a long time. It was interesting and exciting to hear so many stories about cases he saw. He also explained many things to her a lot and she learned more than expected. Time passed fast and soon he had to go. She was a little disappointed but he gave her the address of his clinic. She could visit him anytime and if she wanted she could absolve her training at his clinic. She was overjoyed and accepted the offer.

When he was gone she went to look for Yu Chen. He wasn't at the buffet anymore but that was understandable. She talked with Dr. Zhong for about 2 hours after all.

She searched everywhere and found him in the garden talking with a young woman. They seemed to have fun and she didn't want to interrupt them but when she saw how that woman occasionally brushed against Yu Chen's hand she got jealous.

She never before was jealous but now that she knew how it felt, she decided she didn't like it. It was natural that women liked Yu Chen. He was smart, handsome, and very easy going. He was charming and often used a very low voice when speaking seriously. That low voice could make Xuan Lu feel a lot of things...

When that woman went a little closer to him, she walked up to them with a smile. "Here you are. I was looking for you everywhere."

"Oh? Yu Chen, who is this beautiful young lady?" The woman asked curiosuly who seemed to be at the same age as Xuan Lu. Xuan Lu wanted to introduce herself but Yu Chen interrupted her.

"My cousin." He said and Xuan Lu felt sad. It was true that she was his cousin but most importantly she was his girlfriend, wasn't she? "Is it already so late? I am sorry, I forgot the time. Let's go, Xuan Lu. See you later Xiao Xia."

Xuan Lu was now in a bad mood and felt a little angry. Once they climbed into the car she turned to him. "Why did you call me Xuan Lu?"

"Did I? I can't remember. Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. I am not deaf."

"I am sorry, Lu Lu. I must be tired. Forgive me, okay?" He asked and pecked her cheeks.

"Forgiven and forgotten. If you are tired we should go home." Xuan Lu never was the kind of person to hold a grudge against someone. She didn't like having negative feelings.

"Deal." Yu Chen smiled and whistled the whole way to the girl's dorm. Xuan Lu shook her head in amusement.

Days passed and slowly Xuan Lu noticed that Yu Chen changed. He suddenly was busy more often and sometimes he would cancel a date at the last minute. When they spend time together he didn't pay attention to her but would rather type something into his phone. He would smile to himself and whenever Xuan Lu tried to get his attention his smile lessened.

She thought he was just busy trying to find a job. She knew he had many interviews but none of them worked out for him. She wanted to cheer him up but didn't know how to. One afternoon she entered the apartment he was living in for the time being. She heard him on the phone.

"Really? That fast!? No! Of course, I would like to try! But is a newbie like me okay? Isn't it better to hire someone with more knowledge?"

Xuan Lu didn't want to spy on the conversation but she didn't want to go home just like that either. Moreover, it seemed that Yu Chen got a job offer or something. That meant his mood would be better.

"Of course! Where?" She heard him scribble something down. "No problem. I will be there."

She smiled to herself.

"Isn't it just an interview? I just have to convince them that I would be the best choice and then I will get the job. I will do my best. You just wait. Oh, and thank you for calling me. It means a lot to me. Alright, see you tomorrow." When Yu Chen cut the call sometime later, Xuan Lu waited for a while until he was done with his little dance of joy before knocking on the door.

"So happy? Did something happen?" She asked him amused.

"I will have an interview tomorrow! If I manage to convince them, I will get the job I always wanted." He cheered.

"Congratulations!" Xuan Lu walked up to him and pecked his lips. "How about I will accompany you tomorrow?"

"I am grown up and can go alone." Yu Chen chuckled and Xuan Lu pouted.

"That has nothing to do with being grown-up or not. I want to be with you, Yu Chen. I want to support you on your big day."

"It's just an interview, Lu Lu."

"Exactly. If you succeed you will have the job. Therefore it's pretty important. And as your girlfriend, there is nothing I would love to do more than support you." Xuan Lu smiled. "What time is the interview? Let's go together."

"Lu Lu, there is no need to come with me. If I get the job, you will be the first one to know. Okay?"

"Liar. It's always your mother you call when something happens, be it negative or positive. I am only on rank 2. I honestly get jealous of your mother, from time to time."

"You don't have to be. Aren't you the closest with your parents as well?" Yu Chen shook his head in amusement.

"True, but you are always the first to know if something happens. Then it's my parent's turn. By the way, now that we are at the topic, when are we going to tell our parents about us?"

"LuLu, we already talked about it. Our parents, and especially my mother, need time."

"And how much more time you think does she need? Their relationship will not get any better, Yu Chen. We are dating for 4 months already. I think it's about time." Xuan Lu pouted. "How about we tell them tomorrow? After the interview, hm? I will just wait close to the place it takes place and afterward we can go together. What do you think?"

Yu Chen frowned and bit his lips. For a moment Xuan Lu thought he was mad but then he let out a sigh. "Why are you so persistent? Huh? About our parents... I will think about it, okay? As for the will start tomorrow at noon and if you manage to wake up on time, I will take you with me. Deal?"

"Why shouldn't I get up on time? You know that I wake up early every day." Xuan Lu asked. Yu Chen grinned at her mischievously and pulled her towards the bedroom.

The next morning Xuan Lu woke up realizing she was alone. She sighed and thought about the last night. It made her notice how much Yu Chen changed. His touches, his kisses... even his lovemaking felt so different. Yu Chen was so confident and so... manly. Yes, they didn't sleep together for a few weeks but of course, she would realize something like this. It was as if... Yu Chen grew up into a man in the last few weeks. Or maybe both of them became adults?

That made Xuan Lu giggle nonstop. She felt that she wasn't that far away from getting married. To be honest, she dreamed of her wedding with him for some time now and she was only 20 years old. And her parents still didn't know about them. That made Xuan Lu frown and get up from bed.

'I need to tell them. We need to tell them. If we wait longer it might be too late.' She thought before leaving the bed to take a shower. Seeing her body in the mirror made her blush. 'He really changed. He never dared to leave that many marks. Especially not on the obvious part of the body.' He shook her head in embarrassment and finished taking her shower.

A look at the clock told her it was 11:30 am. It's a pity he didn't wake her up. She wanted to accompany him. He didn't tell her where he went for the interview but she remembered that he wrote the address down during the phone call yesterday.

She started to look for it and soon found the note on a sideboard in the living room. She grinned to herself, got dressed, and made her way to the cafe where the interview took place.

Little did she know what would await her over there.

Just as she arrived at the cafe she saw Yu Chen coming out. Xuan Lu wanted to ask him how the interview went but she stopped walking once she saw a young woman next to him. First, she didn't think much of it as it probably was the interviewer. But when that woman turned around and Xuan Lu saw her face he recognized that woman from the banquet weeks ago. That alone made her feel uneasy but what shocked and hurt her the most was the kiss she gave Yu Chen. Then both went to Yu Chen's car and they drove off.

Xuan Lu didn't want to believe. She hoped it was a misunderstanding and because she didn't want to fight with her boyfriend because of that, she hailed a taxi and followed Yu Chen's car. She knew what she did was wrong. She didn't want to be the jealous kind of girl who didn't trust her boyfriend and followed him everywhere. But she wanted to talk to him. No, she needed to. Right now.

Half an hour later Yu Chen's car stopped in front of a villa. He and that woman climbed out of the car and entered the building. Xuan Lu stared in shock at their intertwined hands until they disappeared into the house.


Xuan Lu looked up at the female taxi driver who looked at her compassionately. She nodded.

"What an asshole!" She shook her head. "Want to hear my opinion on it?"

Xuan Lu didn't say anything so she continued. "Break up with him before he does. It won't lessen the pain but at least you won't feel as terrible as when he breaks up with you. Believe me."

It was quiet for a while. Xuan Lu didn't know how much time passed when she looked up at the villa. "Please wait here for me, Miss. I ... I will be right back."

"Sure thing. Don't worry and kick that asshole where it hurts the most!"

In front of the villa, she took out her phone and dialed Yu Chen's number. It took a while until the call was accepted. "Lu Lu? Can you call me back later? I am still in the middle-"

"Come out. We need to talk."

"Huh? What?"

"Come out of the villa." Xuan Lu sighed. "If you don't want me to make a scene and embarrass you, come out instantly. I don't mind embarrassing myself. It can't get worse than it is now anyway."

The call was cut and 3 minutes later Yu Chen run out of the house. It hurt Xuan Lu that he didn't seem to be nervous or worried at all. He looked like he was prepared for this.

"Lu Lu, how did you find me?"

"I followed you from the cafe. Be honest with me. There was no interview, wasn't it?"

He sighed. "There was but I more or less already got the job. It's the company of Xiao Xia's father I will work at."

"How long...?"

"Lu Lu, I-"

"Don't lie! Not again. You own it to me!"

"About three weeks. It wasn't-"

"Let's break up then." Xuan Lu said emotionless.

"Lu Lu, I-"

"Yu Chen? Where are y-?" That woman called Xiao Xia came out of the house. "Oh? You are ... his cousin, right? We met at the banquet a few weeks ago." She smiled and Xuan Lu knew immediately she didn't know about the relationship between her and Yu Chen.

"Xiao Xia, go back inside. I will be right back."

"What for? Your cousin is here. You said it must be important. What are you doing? Invite her in."

"No, thanks. I will go in a minute. Just ... I need to talk to him." It hurt. It hurt a lot but Xuan Lu managed to stay calm.

"Oh... okay. Too bad... Next time then." She turned back to Yu Chen. "I will wait for you." She winked at him before going back inside.

"Why...?" No matter what, that is something Xuan Lu wanted to know.

"Lu Lu..."

"Yu Chen! Tell me why!?"

Yu Chen sighed again. "Listen, I like you, Lu Lu. I really do. But the two of us... it would have never worked out. You know the relationship between our mothers. Your mother might have given in at some point but my mother wouldn't. Not a chance."

Xuan Lu bit her lips.

"The first time I met Xiao Xia, I liked her right away. She was so mature and confident. I wanted to get to know her more so we met often until we ... started dating. My mother loves her too. She approves of her, Lu Lu. I didn't want to hurt you so I never told you. I tried to find a way to break up with you but.... It never worked out."

"Mature and confident......never worked...." Xuan Lu repeated his words and tried to fight back her tears.

"Lu Lu...."

"How could you cheat on me? You were dating her the whole time while being with me... if you wanted to break up with me, then why... why did you touch me!? Why did you keep sleeping with me? What was it about last night!? How could you-!?"

"Lu Lu, calm down."

"Calm down!? How am I supposed to calm down!? You slept with me last night while today you are with her! Why!? Why did you still go to bed with me when you obviously want to be with her!?"

Yu Chen didn't say anything, only his face turned red. Xuan Lu widened her eyes in shock.

"You are ... you ... you are..." She stuttered without knowing what to say. Disgusting? A pervert? An asshole? A swine? A bastard? Yes, he was all this and much more. But she wasn't able to say that into his face. She didn't want to say these things out loud. How could she slander the man she loved.

Xuan Lu shook her head, turned around, and walked away from him. The taxi driver waited for her as promised.

"Lu Lu! Please, wait! Lu Lu!" Yu Chen called her but she ignored him.

Once she was far away from him she dialed Yibo's number. His date with her roommate's brother must be over by now.

"Yibo? ... I need you... please...." She sobbed and Yibo's amused voice turned into a worried one.

"Where are you!? I will come right away!"

"Maybe... maybe it's a misunderstanding? Calm down, Honey." Yibo's mother begged her husband who was furious.

"Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? How can it be a misunderstanding! I am pretty sure she can differentiate between a man and a woman. If she said she saw Yibo kissing a man then he did kiss one. I can't believe my son is gay. No, I don't want to believe it. How is that even possible? Did we ever do something that made him have a liking for men? No, we didn't! He was raised the same as Haikuan and all the other children in the world. We gave him everything he needed to grow up as the perfect son. Most of all, as a normal human being! I won't accept him having a relationship with a man and ruining a perfect future as a prosecutor. What will others think about him!? What will they think about us!? That is more than just embarrassing."

"Honey, of course, we can't let him destroy his future. Our Yibo is just ... he is sick! Shouldn't we call the hospital? Maybe they know what to do? We have to help him! Honey, please..." Yibo's mother begged, scared that her son might be very sick.

Yibo's father clenched his fist. "Why can't he be like the others!? When did it go wrong? Look at his brother! Haikuan studied for so long and came back as a successful doctor everyone wants to hire. He is normal! Indeed, I don't like him to date so many different girls, and especially those one-night stands are despicable but that is still better than dating men! Why can't Yibo be more like him!? Maybe we should have sent him abroad too?" He asked frustrated. His wife patted his arms and looked just as frustrated as him.

"Honey, maybe... your business partners can help? Liu Dao Min, for example? Or Ruo Han? They both have beautiful daughters. Maybe if we let Yibo meet them he will come back to sense? Let's arrange a blind date, okay?"

"Ruo Han's daughter got married a few weeks ago and Dao Min's daughter is already in a relationship with the son of a politician. He has a niece but she turned 15 this year. She is underage and way too young for Yibo. I don't want to wait 4 years for Yibo to get married. It would be better for him to get married tomorrow so he stops behaving like this!" Yibo's father answered firmly before his eyes brightened up. "How about Ming Jue's daughter? I know for sure she is still single. She is beautiful, smart, and is about to take over a subsidiary of Ming Jue's company."

"You mean Mi Ka? But she is already 24. Yibo just turned 19! Isn't the age gap a little big?"

"So what!? Better marry a woman 5 years older than letting him date a man! I won't accept that!"

"What if he rejects her? We need to help him come back on the right path, honey. I can't see our son destroying his life. I just can't!" Yibo's mother whined. "We have to do something before it's too late."

"I will talk to Ming Jue once he is back from his business trip. Mi Ka is a wonderful girl and never makes trouble for his father. In the meantime, we should make sure Yibo stays away from university and especially from that man! I will talk to Dr. Lee. He is a psychologist and knows the human psyche the best. We should let Yibo stay in the hospital for a while and see how this will help him. And don't tell anyone about that. No one! Not even Haikuan! We can let him get affected my Yibo's behavior. Not that he starts taking interest in men as well."

"Talk to Dr. Lee now, honey. He must be on the night shift. I will pack Yibo's bag."

"Yibo should be back soon. We will take him to the hospital once he comes. Hurry up, darling. I will call Dr. Lee."

Yibo stood at the door and couldn't believe what he just witnessed. He knew that his parents were conservative but he never expected that it would be this bad. He was always a little scared to tell his parents that he liked men because he knew they would be against it. But that they would call him sick and want him to stay in the psychological ward in the hospital? Were they really his biological parents? It was a stupid question because everyone who had eyes could see the resembles.

He was too shocked to move. All he could do was stand there like a statue and stare into nothingness.

"Yibo, are you okay?" Xuan Lu asked him. She stood next to him and was as pale as Yibo. She was shocked about how these people treated their son. She pulled on Yibo's hand to make him follow her. When they were far away from the house Yibo broke down. It was the first time Xuan Lu saw Yibo like this and she cried with him. Not only because of what just happened but also because of her own life. How her cousin used her and broke her heart.

They cried together until no tears were left. Suddenly Yibo's phone rang. It was his mother. He washed the tears away and cleared his voice before accepting the call. He put the phone on speaker.

"Y-yes, mom?" He asked as calmly as possible.

"Why are you not home yet? Where are you, Yibo?" She wanted to know.

"I am still with a friend"

"A friend? Which friend? Man or woman??"

"Is that important? Why do you want to know?"

"Of course, it is important! Now tell me where are you and with whom!?" She asked a little too desperate.

"As I said, I am with a friend. I will not come home today. I... I drunk too much and can't drive anyway."

"What!? You are drunk? Where are you? I will pick you up?"

"At my friend's house. Don't worry too much-"

"How can we not worry!? What if he does something to you!? Tell me where you are right now!?" It was Yibo's father who spoke and sounded hysterical. Yibo had no energy left and cut the call before turning off the phone.

"Xuan Lu..." He mumbled and Xuan Lu stood up and signaled him to do the same.

"Of course, you can sleep at our house. I will call my parents. Let's go. Don't worry."

The next morning, Yibo didn't want to get up. Xuan Lu's mother entered the room early in the morning and found out that Yibo had a fever. She nursed him together with Xuan Lu until Yibo felt better. Xuan Lu didn't tell her parents what exactly happened and Yibo was thankful for that.

"Are you feeling better now?" Xuan Lu asked Yibo after her parents left the house to go to work and Yibo nodded halfheartedly. "I am so sorry..." She mumbled but Yibo chuckled listlessly.

"You don't have. Why worry about me anyway? I am not even a human being, right? I am a sick pervert who likes men."

"Yibo!" Xuan Lu hissed and took his face in her hands. "You are not sick and you are a human being! Do you hear me? So what if you like men? Why is that wrong? Men are human beings too. You can like whoever you want. Men or women. Don't ever say these words again. Your parents are in the wrong! How can they say things like that!? Sending you to the hospital just because you like men!? They are sick! Not you." She said angrily and I had to smile. "What!?" She asked annoyed.

"Being angry doesn't suit you. You look better with a smile."

"What can I do after what happened last night? At this point, I am not even sure what is worse!? What Yu Chen did to me or what your parents want to do to you. No, wait, cancel that! Your parents are definitely worse!!"

Someone rang the doorbell and Xuan Lu went down.

"Hello, Xuan Lu. Long time no see. I am Yibo's father, remember?" Yibo's father stood at the door and Xuan Lu had to take a few deep breaths.

"I do. What can I do for you?" She asked hoping this man and his wife, who was waiting in the car would leave as soon as possible.

"Do you happen to know where Yibo is? I heard he had a date last night but he never came home. He said he drank a lot and would have a sleepover but we don't know where stays right now. Do you know more?"

Xuan Lu shook his head and it was the first time in her life she lied. "No, I don't know where he is right now. No matter how much he drinks he never fails to attend classes so he must be at the university."

"No, he is not there. We already checked. Perhaps... do you know where the person lives he is dating right now? We want to meet him and .... maybe Yibo is over there?"

Xuan Lu knew that Yibo wasn't dating anyone at the moment. Yes, he had a date with the brother of her roommate a few days ago. The same man Yibo was seen kissing but even if they aren't dating, she would never give these people the address. "I am sorry. I don't know."

"Ah... well then...." Yibo's father mumbled before giving her a piece of paper. "This is my number. Call me immediately if you know where my son is or when he calls you. We must find him as soon as possible. Okay!?"

Xuan Lu smiled innocently. "Sure. I will call right away once I hear something."

When these disgusting people left, Yibo came out of his hiding place. He smiled at her but still looked lost. "You want a hug?" Xuan Lu asked and Yibo immediately hugged her.

"You are the best, Lu Lu." He mumbled and heard her giggling.

"Of course, I am. We both don't have it easy at the moment." She answered when the doorbell rang again. Both froze fearing it would be Yibo's parents again.

"Lu Lu!? Are you home?" It was Yu Chen. "Come on, Lu Lu. Open the door! We need to talk! Stop behaving like a child!"

Xuan Lu teared up and Yibo washed the tears away. "Don't cry. I know you still love him but he is not worth it." He whispered.

"I can't anything for that. My heart does what he wants....He wasn't like this before...."

Yibo caressed her hair and she flinched when Yu Chen banged against the door. "What!? Can't even face me now? So immature! Shouldn't you at least congratulate me? I am getting married!"

"I will go and meet him," Yibo said and Xuan Lu nodded. "Do you trust me?" He asked and once again Xuan Lu nodded. She raised her brows when Yibo took off his shirt and pants until he stood in front of Xuan wearing just his underpants. She wasn't embarrassed and neither was Yibo. Both saw each other in underwear often since they met in high school and it was no big deal for them. Yibo was gay and had no interest in women. And Xuan Lu wasn't interested in Yibo. She had only eyes for Yu Chen. Both saw each other only as best friends and therefore didn't care if the other was half naked or not.

Xuan Lu hid behind the door as Yibo approached the door and opened it. "What is the matter!? Why are you shouting so early in the morning? Some people are still sleeping!" Yibo snarled at Yu Chen who was shocked to see a half-naked stranger opening the door.

Yibo saw Yu Chen only from afar. He saw a picture and heard a lot of stories. Stories, Xuan Lu told him. How perfect he was and how much she loved him. She still did but he wasn't perfect at all.

"W-who are you!?" He stuttered.

"None of your business! What do you want!?" Yibo answered annoyed and Xuan Lu smiled behind the door.

"I want to speak to Xuan Lu! I know she is home. Call her." Yu Chen demanded.

"Listen, buddy. I wasn't necessarily easy on her last night. She is still sleeping and even if not, I bet she lost her voice by now anyway. When you want to tell her something, tell me. I will pass it on." Yibo said and yawned demonstratively. Xuan Lu covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. She was heartbroken after Yu Chen played her like that but hearing Yibo's words was amusing her. Yibo was always protecting Xuan Lu just as Xuan Lu was always protecting Yibo.

"Y-y-you .. w-what did y-you say?" Yu Chen stuttered and his face turned red out of embarrassment.

"Looking at your face, you understood what I said. Want me to explain the details? No? Okay, then get lost. LuLu and I have no school today and want to spend the day in bed. Moreover, didn't you say something about your wedding. Are you getting married? Congrats, my friend. Now get lost!" Yibo said and tried to ignore Xuan Lu who tried his best to not laugh out loud.

"You... you ... you..."

"Get lost!" Yibo hissed annoyed and Xuan Lu's cousin flinched before running away. He stumbled once but got up quickly and soon was gone. Yibo closed the door and frowned. "Was that too much? He stumbled...." Yibo looked worriedly but Xuan Lu laughed out loud.

"I love you, Yibo. I really do. Thank you for helping me." She laughed and Yibo chuckled while shaking his head.

"Thanks, but I am not interested." He answered and earned a slap from his friend. "Ouch, LuLu!"

"You idiot" She giggled and looked out of the window to the spot where her cousin stood not long ago.

"Seeing him up to close... He is handsome, that cousin of yours." Yibo said and Xuan Lu frowned.

"Hey! Hands off. He is taken." She warned him. Her voice represented how sad she was but her eyes sparkled in amusement.

"Don't worry, LuLu. It needs more than handsomeness to win me over. A good personality for example. He?!" Yibo pointed towards the directions Yu Chen runoff earlier. "He is an asshole."

Xuan Lu suddenly looked sad and Yibo bit his lips. "S-sorry..."

"No, you are right. He is an asshole. But it seems my heart doesn't care. I still love him...."

"I am here. You can love me. I am always there for you." Yibo winked and Xuan Lu chuckled.

"Thanks, but I am not interested." She answered and both laughed before going back to the guestroom Yibo is staying at. They talked a lot and had fun despite the shit that happened in their life. Around 6 pm the door opened and Xuan Lu's father entered the room.

"Dinner is ready." He announced.

"Where is mom?" Xuan Lu asked.

"Sleeping. She met with your grandmother and your aunt after work and it seemed that made her upset. They talked about Yu Chen and the wedding with that upper-class girl most of the time and now your mother said she is depressed. We will have to eat without her." He answered and looked at Yibo. "Do your parents know you are staying here? Did you call them?"

"Yes." Yibo lied and Xuan Lu's father nodded.

"Good. Then come down before the food gets cold."

In the middle of the night, the door of Yibo's room opened and Xuan Lu entered. "Hey... I can't sleep..." She said and Yibo patted the space next to him. Xuan Lu closed the door and climbed onto his bed. Once Yibo covered her with the blanket she turned towards him. "Do you know what we should do now? I am talking about your parents." She asked him.

"I don't know. I can't run away for too long. They will soon post a missing person report. But I don't want to go to the hospital. I am not sick! I also do not want to date or marry someone I don't like. That girl, Mi Ka. I met her a few times."

"And?" Xuan Lu asked curiously.

"She is indeed beautiful and smart but that's it! She is very obsessed with rules. In that matter, she is like my parents. It's very important for her what others think and when something is against her principles she declares that person as her enemy. She likes tidiness and everything has to be perfect. She doesn't accept mistakes. She is born to be a businesswoman and therefore she is very successful. We don't suit each other, Xuan Lu. And not only because she is a woman."

"Sounds horrible. Just imagine you and her... god, have mercy. Maybe because she is similar to your parents they want you two together. What I can't understand is why are they so much against you for liking men?"

"For them being perfect is the most important aspect in life. I have to perfect for them to be happy, I guess. And liking men is ... I don't know. For them, it's probably against human nature or something. LuLu.... what should I do?" Yibo asked and Xuan Lu pulled him in for a hug.

"Your parents are horrible, Yibo. Don't go back there. The most important aspect in life is being happy." Suddenly Xuan Lu's phone signaled she got a message. "Uh-oh... look."

Xuan Lu opened a link that led her to a new article. The article is about a meeting between Yibo's parents and Ma Ke's parents. The citizens already assume something is about to happen half of them think there will be a project both will lead, the others think that there could be an engagement.

It was dark in the room but Xuan Lu saw Yibo paling. She wanted to help him so bad. She would never let his parents send him into a hospital for something they call sickness. Being gay wasn't a sickness. It was love! Xuan Lu would also do everything to make sure Yibo did not need to marry that woman who resembles his parents in a lot of things. Yibo would live in a living hell, not being able to do and love what he wants.

Xuan Lu was about to put the phone away but saw another article which was about Yu Chen and his soon-to-be wife. She tried to tell herself that it wouldn't do her any good reading the article but in the end, she still clicked on it and read it.

The article showed pictures of Yu Chen and his wife on a date. They also had an interview and revealed details about the wedding and the honeymoon. They told them how they met, how they fell in love and how they confessed to each other. They even talked about having children already. The soon-to-be-wed couple was all lovey-dovey and pictures of them kissing were everywhere.

Xuan Lu was about to cry. She was supposed to be at Yu Chen's side. She wanted to be his wife, wanted to be with him 24/7 and she wanted to have children with him. She hated to see that woman next to him. How could Yu Chen do that to her? How could he break her heart like this?

Yibo took the phone out of Xuan Lu's hand and pulled her in for a hug. She cried for a while and Yibo held her.

"We both are fucked up!" Yibo mumbled and Xuan Lu giggled.

"True. Why do our lives have to be so complicated?" Xuan Lu asked in a sad voice.

At some point, they fell asleep.

The next morning Xuan Lu woke up first. She stared at the ceiling and thought about ways to help Yibo get out of the situation he was in now.

She was also worried about her mother. Since Yu Chen's wedding announcement, her aunt became unbearable with all the boasting. Xuan Lu's mother always felt inferior to Xuan Lu's aunt and now after the announcement, it became even more obvious. Xuan Lu's parents didn't know about her daughter's feelings for Yu Chen. They also didn't know about them dating for months. At least Xuan Lu thought it was dating. She never expected Yu Chen would betray her like that.

But she knew that her mother would be fine after a while. But with Yibo it was different. Because of his parent's selfishness and stupidity Yibo would suffer in the future. She needed to help him. Especially after he was there for her when Yu Chen betrayed her.

When Yibo woke up he saw Xuan Lu staring at the ceiling. He wanted to help her but didn't know how to. He watched her for a while until he saw his best friend smiling.

"Xuan Lu?" He asked her and she turned around.

"I know how now how to save you from your parents.

I raised my brows and sat up. "How?!"

"What do you think about getting married?!" She asked and Yibo laughed.

"I won't marry that woman!"

"I am not talking about this Mi Ka girl. What about marrying me?" 

Of course, Yibo was against it at first. He knew Xuan Lu was right and that it indeed would help him if he got married before his parents could force him. But Xuan Lu did not benefit from it. Nothing at all. He knew Xuan Lu desperately wanted to help Yibo but that doesn't mean he would let her throw away her life in a loveless marriage. Sure, Xuan Lu and Yibo loved each other but not the way as it should be in a marriage.

Getting married just for that was stupid in general. Xuan Lu too thought that was idiotic but it would indeed help Yibo. His parents would stop trying to destroy his life. As for her... she kind of benefits from marriage as well. Getting married was the best way to pretend she didn't love Yu Chen anymore. She would have Yibo as her husband. Yibo loved her. And she loved Yibo. They didn't love each other like lovers, though.

But in the end, Yibo agreed. Not only because he thought that Xuan Lu came up with that plan not only to save him but to save her as well, he also agreed to it after seeing how depressed Xuan Lu's mother was. He wanted to help Xuan Lu's mother too. She was more or less also a mother to Yibo. And even a better one than his biological mother who wanted to send him to a psychologist because he liked men.

Xuan Lu's aunt bragged about her son marrying a woman from the upper class and Xuan Lu's mother was depressed mostly because of that. So if Xuan Lu would get married to someone who was just as good as the upper class, her mother would get better. Yibo not only belonged to the upper class, but he would also become a prosecutor soon. Which made him a better match than anyone else. So both, Xuan Lu and Yibo would benefit from marriage. That way, none of them had to marry someone they didn't know or love just for their parents to feel better.

So Yibo agreed to the wedding and they talked about it for a whole night to make sure both were sure about it. And they were. They wanted to help each other and try to get out of this listless hole called life.

The more they talked about it, the more they enjoyed it. Planning the wedding, setting up the guest list, looking for wedding locations... Planning all of it helped them to deal with everything. Helped them deal with negative feelings such as anger, hurt, and disappointment.

But of course, both set rules.

"Alright," Yibo said. "If we fell in love with someone we have to tell each other immediately and we can get a divorce anytime. No one will be forced to keep up the marriage. The reason for our marriage will stay a secret to protect both parties and their families. Did I forget something?"

Xuan Lu shook his head. "No. But you have to tell me once you are interested in someone so we can prepare for a divorce. I ... I don't think I can fall in love with someone else than Yu Chen. But you are different, Yibo. You have no one right now so when you find someone, tell me. Okay?" She asked seriously and Yibo nodded.

"Lu Lu... are you sure? Do you want to do this? What if we get a divorce? You will-"

"I will be fine, Yibo. The man I love betrayed me. He doesn't want me and no matter how much I try, I can't see myself having someone else in my heart. Moreover, even if I should ever fall in love with someone ... if that person doesn't love me the way I am, namely a divorcee, he doesn't love me enough and is not the right one. But I already know I won't fall in love again." Xuan Lu answered. "Do you think you can handle your parents? Do you think you can make them accept you? If yes, then we will stop this now and I will help you talk with them. Thinking about it now, maybe we are being overly dramatic. A wedding is a huge thing after all and I don't want you to force you or anything."

Yibo kept quiet. There was no way his parents would change their minds. He knew that and Xuan Lu knew that too. Once he came home he would be sent to a hospital before sooner or later getting forced o marry that woman called Mi Ka. When his parents decided on something, they will follow it no matter what.

"Yibo? Do you want to stop this? I won't force you into a marriage, you dumb ass!" Xuan Lu said amused.

"What about you? Do you want to get married to a gay like me? I don't want to force you neither!" Yibo retorted. They stared at each other and then both laughed in embarrassment.

Both waited for the other to start talking. When it was quiet, both opened their mouth at the same time. "Let's arrange everything."

Both were secretly doubtful if that was the right choice but they went through with it. They didn't tell anyone until they sent out the wedding invitations. They decided to hold the wedding as soon as possible.

Everyone they invited was there, even Yibo's parents. Both of them were cheering the whole day, smiling brightly, and congratulating the couple over and over again. Once in a while, Yibo's mother would hug her son thanking him for being healthy and marrying a good girl like Xuan Lu.

Yibo hated it and Xuan Lu tried her very best to keep his parents as far away from him as possible. Yibo couldn't endure the presence of his parents who wanted to send him into a hospital against his will not long ago. He decided that after the wedding he never wanted to see them again.

The wedding day was for both very tiring. It was on their honeymoon when they could finally relax and have fun.

One year later

Yibo was angry. All he wanted was to have a peaceful evening with his brother. Unfortunately, his parents somehow found out about their meeting and crashed it. Yibo got angry and hurt whenever he saw the faces of his parents so when they came to the restaurant and sat at their table, Yibo left without a word. Haikuan never understood why Yibo behaved like this to their parents but he knew that Yibo wouldn't behave like that without a good reason. So he accepted that Yibo left and concentrated on their disappointed parents.

It's been a year since Yibo last met his parents and he thought he managed to forget how they called him sick and wanted to send him into a hospital. Now that he met them again everything came back Yibo felt as if he was suffocating and went home where he found a distressed Xuan Lu drinking in the living room.

"Lu Lu? What are you doing here? I thought today is the family meeting?"

"I tried, Yibo. I honestly did. But I can't. I can't meet him and pretend nothing happened." Xuan Lu answered and started to cry. "I still love him. I can't explain why after all that he did but... I can't change it. And seeing him at the meeting together with that woman... his mother showing off about what a perfect couple they are.... I couldn't hold out and left. " Xuan Lu filled her glass with wine again and drank a huge sip before looking at Yibo.

"What about you? You look pale. Did something happen? Is Haikuan okay?"

"Care to share?" Yibo pointed at the wine and Xuan Lu chuckled.

"I have three more bottles under the table that are only waiting to be drunk away. Get yourself a glass and tell me what happened."

Yibo grinned and once he grabbed a glass out of the cupboard he went back to Xuan Lu who was ready to pour him a glass.

"My parents showed up..." Yibo gritted his teeth.

"Did Haikuan tell them?"

"No, he was also kind of mad. He knows that I don't want to see them and accepts that even though he doesn't know why."

"You never going to tell him?"

"Don't know... rather not. What if he thinks of me as they do?"

"He won't. You are his precious little brother. You should know him."

"I know...." Suddenly Yibo's phone went off. He just took a look before throwing it away. "Why can't they let me alone!!?" He yelled in anger reached for the wine bottle.

Just then Xuan Lu's phone went off but she didn't even look at it. "He keeps calling me since I left the meeting. The first time I answered and he accused me of being childish and making it obvious that we had something. It seems he is scared that his mother or his wife will find out. Say, am I that annoying? Does he think I would destroy his life just because he hurt me?" Xuan Lu asked dejectedly.

Yibo shook his head and offered her the wine bottle. "He is nervous which is good. That way you can torture him. He will forever sit on hot coals. Don't be mad but I hope a day will come where he gets what he deserves."

"I love him but..." She raised her glass. "I drink to that! May he get what he deserves! Just as much as your parents. I hope they will get punished sooner or later."

Yibo raised his glass as well and they toasted before starting to gossip about Yu Chen and Yibo's parents. The more they drank, the happier they became and soon all wine bottles were empty.

The next morning both woke up at the same time. It took a few seconds to realize that something wasn't right. Both jumped up immediately and covered themselves with the blanket. No one uttered a word but they stared at each other in confusion, disbelieve and shock.

They tried to remember what happened but to no avail. The last thing they could think of was drinking and cursing. It was Yibo who broke the silence.

"Did... did we..?" He asked unsurely and Xuan Lu slowly shook her head.

"I ... don't think so. I mean, no matter how drunk we are we wouldn't go that far... I don't love you and you don't love me. No, wait. We do love each other but at least not ... not that way. So I doubt we... did it." She answered a little unsure.

"Right? And I don't like a woman. I am only into men. There is no way I would have.... You are like my sister. One I married but... still a sister."

"Exactly. The same goes for me. Moreover, I don't feel anything. I mean, I should know when we... actually did it. But I don't so it didn't happen."

"Right," Yibo answered and it took both a few minutes to move. They were still covering themselves and felt nervous.


"Hm? Yes?"

"Nothing. I just feel ... weird."

"What!?" He asked alerted.

"No, not that kind of weird!" She laughed out loud. "I mean I feel weird because we can't remember. I am sure nothing happened but we woke up like this and ... you know?"

"I know what you mean." Yibo chuckled. "But there shouldn't be a problem, right? It's not like the first time we sleep in the same bed. We did so often in the past. Moreover, we are married so it shouldn't be weird... I guess...."

"Right." Xuan Lu nodded and then both smiled. "How about ... we forget about it?"

"Deal. Oh, and no matter what happens in the future. Let's not drink so much."

"Alright." Xuan Lu smiled. "How about breakfast?"

"Yes, please! I am starving." Yibo moaned and Xuan Lu laughed.

1 month later

"Yibo, if you don't tell me what makes you grinning like a maniac in the last two weeks, I swear I will get really mad." Xuan Lu pouted and Yibo's grin grew wider.

"I ... well, I met someone. He is... Ehm... cute. Especially when he smiles. He yelled at me the first time we met two weeks ago because I was a little unfair to him. I liked that so I went back there a lot.... He is... hmmm... I don't know how to say. He is ... you know? ... I ... kind of like him... " Yibo confessed and blushed. Xuan Lu's eyes sparkled.

"Oh. My. God!" She squealed. "You fell in love. You totally fell in love. Don't deny it, Wang Yibo! I know how it looks like if someone is in love."

Yibo blushed even more and Xuan Lu started to jump up and down. "Finally! I can't believe it. Where did you meet him? What is he like? Can I meet him?"

"We met only two weeks ago but... we are meeting up after his work often."

"Does he like you too?"

"I ... don't know but I think so, yes. He gets shy when our eyes met. When he blushes he becomes very beautiful. I think of ... asking him out."

"You didn't ask him out yet when you already behave like that? You crazy!? Hurry up! What are you waiting for!?"

Yibo nodded and grinned to himself.

"Yibo.... " Xuan Lu smiled at him. "Do you think you and him will have a chance?"

"Yes! Of course!" Yibo pouted. "I am going to ask him out! I will make him mine." He declared and Xuan Lu nodded proudly.

"Then I will prepare the papers."

Yibo frowned. "What papers?"

"Divorcing paper, dumb ass. By the way, does he know you are married?" Xuan Lu asked and Yibo shook his head. "Then tell him! Now! Tell him also about the reason for our marriage and that I am ready to divorce you."

"But what if he says he won't date a married man..."

"Then he is the right one. If he would say he wouldn't have a problem dating you while you are married, he wouldn't be trustworthy. Ask him to wait for you. It just takes a month for a divorce if both parties agree. In the worst case, it could take three months. If he loves you, he will surely wait for you. But you have to tell him that-" She stopped and paled.

"Lu Lu? You okay?" Yibo asked alerted.

"Yeah... I just... I think I ate something wrong again...." Xuan Lu moaned before running into the bathroom. Yibo heard her throwing up and got worried.

"Lu Lu, you should see a doctor. It's been a little over a week."

"It's fine. The little flu won't kill me."

"No! Go the doctor!" Yibo ordered and seeing his determined face Xuan Lu sighed.

"Fine. If it doesn't get better in a week, I will go and see a doctor. Happy?"

"Hm!" Yibo nodded satisfied.

"But you go and meet your future boyfriend." Xuan Lu giggled seeing Yibo blushing. "And tell him the truth! Oh, and introduce him to me! I want to meet the person who made you turn into a 13-year-old girl." She demanded and Yibo glared at her.

"Hey! That is not true!" He complained and Xuan Lu laughed before frowning and running back into the bathroom.

1 week later

"Doc, it's nothing serious, isn't it?" Xuan Lu asked worriedly and the doctor shook his head with a light smile.

"I don't think so. I actually think I already know what's going on with you but let's play it safe. Here." He gave her a cup. "Do me a favor and take this with you into the bathroom. Fill it and come back again. Okay?"

"Sure..." Xuan Lu said and followed the doctor's order. She was kind of relieved that it didn't seem to be something serious. The doctor didn't look worried and even smiled. "It's going to be fine...." She mumbled to herself while entering the bathroom.

15 minutes later she went back to the doctor and gave him the cup. "Here, doc."

"Great! Now please go back and wait in the lounge. I will let it analyze quickly and you will have an answer."

"Thank you, doc." Xuan Lu smiled and went back to the lounge. While waiting for the results she thought about Yibo. He said he wanted to ask out the man he fell for. He wanted to do it today and Xuan Lu was praying for him. She madly wanted him to finally be happy. That didn't mean she thought that he was unhappy with her. Both were quite surprised their marriage took so long. They were happy but both wanted the other to be in a serious relationship. Not in a fake marriage.

Xuan Lu knew that Yibo went out with a few others in the last year because he would always tell her if he met someone. Unfortunately, it never worked out for him. Xuan Lu never went on a date. She couldn't because Yu Chen was still in her heart. She tried to go on blind dates but... all she could think of was her time with her cousin. He was and will stay in her heart for a long time. She knew that both of them had no future and she accepted that. But that didn't mean she could stop loving him just like that.

Yibo knew that Xuan Lu was not able to forget Yu Chen and he would always try to cheer her up. It helped to ease the pain a little and Xuan Lu was so happy to have Yibo at her side. He was and will always be there for her. The same went for Xuan Lu. She would always be there for him and hope he will find his soulmate and be happy with him. She prayed that the person he met is that someone. There is no doubt that Yibo was head over heels for him but ... was he into Yibo as well? Xuan Lu hoped so.

She already talked with him about the divorce. Xuan Lu was ready to sign the papers the moment she saw Yibo's behavior. It was Yibo who wasn't ready. He said he wanted to be sure that everything went well. A divorce is a huge thing and both of them knew it. They were ready to face it when the time came and Xuan Lu knew it was time.

"I hope everything goes well for the both of them. Please let Yibo be happy, dear god." She mumbled.

"Miss? The doctor is awaiting you." The nurse said and Xuan Lu jumped up. She was dizzy for two seconds before she was able to enter the doctor's office.

"Doc?" She called him and the doctor looked at her with a huge smile.

"Sit down, sit down." Xuan Lu followed his order and looked at him in anticipation. "I was right. The test has shown what I already expected."

"And that is...?"

The doctor's grin grew wider. "Congratulations. You are awaiting a child."


"You can't believe how shocked I was, Xiao Zhan." Xuan Lu chuckled. "Not because I didn't want a child. God, no. I always wanted to have children. A lot of them, actually. I just didn't plan to be a mother that early and the father of my child was never supposed to be Yibo. He and I.... we do not feel that way for each other and we were sure we didn't sleep together. But the fact is we were pretty drunk and couldn't remember anything. It happened and we can't change it. Truth to be told, no one of us regretted that that night happened. Sure it shouldn't have but we love FanXing. We love him more than anything."

Xiao Zhan listened quietly to Xuan Lu's story.

"I panicked that day. I went home and ... simply panicked. I walked around tried to figure out what to do next but I couldn't think of anything. So hours later I couldn't stand it anymore and called Yibo. He didn't pick up so I sent him a message." Xuan Lu looked at Xiao Zhan.

"He was devastated that night. Not because of FanXing but because you left. Just like that. It was his fault, though. For not telling you the truth. I told him to do so but in the end, he couldn't because he was scared you would leave. He got punished for his mistake. I know he was in the wrong but I sincerely ask you to give him another chance. I know you love him. I can see it. He sees it too."

Xiao Zhan kept quiet, didn't know what to say. Yes, he loved him but forgetting everything that happened? He didn't believe it was that easy.

"When he heard that I was pregnant...." Xuan Lu continued. "... he was just as shocked as I was and he knew right away when it happened. Of course, he did. It was obvious. He immediately said he wanted the child. I expected him to say that but I was still worried he wouldn't. We love FanXing and want only the best for him. We want him to be happy." She looked at Xiao Zhan with a smile.

"And he can be happy even if his parents are not married anymore. Because no matter what, Yibo and I will get a divorce. When FanXing gets older we will tell him everything but for now, he is too young. Xiao Zhan, I want you to know that the divorce is not your fault. We agreed to it before we got married. So please don't feel guilty. Yes, technically Yibo was married when you slept with him, and doing something like that is wrong. You didn't know it the first time so it's not your fault. But the second time.... it doesn't matter if you knew about the reason for our marriage or not, sleeping with someone married is wrong."

Xiao Zhan didn't dare to look at Xuan Lu. She was right and knew that. No matter how much he loved Yibo and how much he wanted him, it was wrong to sleep with him.

"But..." Xuan Lu said and helped Xiao Zhan to look back at her. "... I am not angry. I am even happy it happened because that means you still love Yibo. I want Yibo to be happy and I know he is when he is with you. I also know that you are feeling the same. So even though it was wrong what you did, I don't mind. All I want is for Yibo, no, is for the both of you to be happy. Sure, I can't force you to forget everything and be with him. And I won't. All I ask you is to think about it and ... maybe give him, give the both of you another chance." She smiled and Xiao Zhan knew he was not the slightest bit angry at him. He was relieved about that but the guilt he felt wouldn't go away that fast.

Just then the door opened. Xiao Zhan immediately looked towards it and was kind of disappointed that it was only a nurse. He was disappointed but also glad he didn't have to face Yibo yet. He didn't know how to confront him.

The nurse checked on him and smiled seeing him awake. Once she was done she left as quietly as possible to not disturb the sleeping FanXing.

"Yibo will not be back for a while." Xuan Lu said once she saw Xiao Zhan's reaction. "He is set on giving Meng Yao the highest punishment out there. He will probably stay at the prosecution until he got what he wanted."

"The highest punishment is...:"

"Right. Death penalty. I am against such a punishment. No one should be able to decide when someone dies and when not. I want Meng Yao to be sent away for life. In my eyes, that is enough but Yibo thinks differently because Meng Yao almost killed you. I can't and won't change his mind."

"But I am still alive..."

"Yes. But if the bullet went deeper by two centimeters you would have died. Yibo knows that and he is furious. As for Meng Yao...." Xuan Lu chuckled. "He thinks you are dead. Which is good because now you will have your peace."

"What? Why?" Xiao Zhan asked confused.

"Because Yibo wanted him to believe that. He asked Haikuan to pretend you are dead and when he agreed they rolled you out on a stretcher with a white sheet over your body. Meng Yao saw it and now he thinks you are dead. I think that might be the reason why he is suddenly so cooperative. He confessed to all charges and even told them where to find dead bodies or the sold women. He gave the prosecution a book where all purchasers and dealers were listed."

Xiao Zhan gaped at her. Meng Yao confessed? Everything?

"Confessing will not help him to escape his punishment but it probably will spare him the death penalty." Xuan Lu said.

"Big brother, you are awake!!" Suddenly FanXing was standing next to Xiao Zhan's and beamed at him.

"Hey, little man. Slept enough?"

The boy pouted. "I didn't sleep long..."

"I stopped the time, sunshine. Want to check?" Xuan Lu said amused and FanXing shook his head violently. "Thought so. How about we get us something to eat? You didn't eat since yesterday. And I think you need a bath as well."

"No bath!" He complained and Xiao Zhan chuckled. It hurt a little but it was bearable.

"FanXing?" He called him with raised brows.

"Okay, fine... I will take one..." He pouted.

"One could think you are his mother..." Xuan Lu smiled at me. "Rest a little. I will take FanXing out."

"NO!" FanXing yelled. "You can't let him alone! Daddy said there has to be someone next to him all the time."


FanXing shook his head. "Daddy said no! No means no, mommy!" Xiao Zhan wanted to laugh but suppressed the urge.

"Like father like son. Both are stubborn." Xuan Lu said and threw her arms into the air. "I feel lonely! I want a daughter, dear God!" She said and Xiao Zhan grinned.

FanXing stretched out his tongue and turned to the door. "I will call uncle to keep watch over big brother."

"But your Uncle is in surg-" Before Xuan Lu could finish her sentence, FanXing run out of the room. Soon after he came back with Zhou Cheng who was happy to see Xiao Zhan awake.

"Take good care of him, uncle. Or I will tell daddy."

"Since when I am your uncle?" Zhou Cheng frowned.

"My uncle told me you will marry him. Won't that make you my uncle as well?"

"Hey!! Who told you I will marry your damn uncle!?" Zhou Cheng hissed and FanXing covered his mouth in surprise.

"Mommy, uncle cursed!"

"Zhou Cheng!" Xuan Lu warned him with an amused look.

"Tsk!" Zhou Cheng walked up to Xiao Zhan's bed and Xuan Lu walked over to FanXing.

"See you later, Xiao Zhan. Take good rest." Xuan Lu said with a smile. Xiao Zhan nodded and Xuan Lu and FanXing left the room. Then it was quiet.

Xiao Zhan thought about what Xuan Lu told him earlier and decided that he needed to make a decision. One that won't necessarily make everyone happy but it would help. He loved Yibo and he wanted to be with him. But after all, that happened, Xiao Zhan also needed rest. He needed time for himself. So he decided that taking a break would be the best choice.

"Zhou Cheng.... I need your help." Xiao Zhan said and the officer looked at him with raised brows.

"I will help if I can. What do you want me to do?"

"I want to leave here."

"Huh!?" Zhou Cheng was shocked. "Are you crazy? You just got shot and-"

"Zhou Cheng... please listen to me.... " The officer stopped his rant he was about to let out and stared at the serious-looking Xiao Zhan.

"Fine. I will listen. But you will tell me what happened, what you planned, why you planned it, and how you think I can help."

"I will." Xiao Zhan agreed.

"Good... then go on. I am listening."

"I understand what you want to do. But Yibo won't be happy. Not happy at all."

"But he has to go through that. If he cares for me, he will give me time. It's not like I will disappear forever. Only for some time. At least until the divorce is over. That is something he owns me. And I need that break. Not only from Yibo but from everything that happened."

"I told you I understand. But like I said, Yibo won't be happy." Zhou Cheng answered. "I will help you. I know a place where it's quiet. It's a small house in the forest. It belongs to my family but I always wanted to sell it because it is not suited for me. I am not into living in a forest apart from my job and everything else. But I am somehow sure it will suit you."

"And you allow me to stay there for a while?"

"You can stay as long as you want. I am not using it anyway. Don't! I know what you want to say. How about this? If you like it there, I will sell it to you. Once you have a job I will make a good price. Until then you can live there for free."

"Thank you, Zhou Cheng."

"No need to thank me. Call it an apology for not being able to keep you safe. I am happy you are still alive and I am very sorry that I couldn't protect you."

"I don't give you any fault. If all, I am at fault for being stupid and going to the parking lot alone. Let's just forget about it."

"Alright. Then I will prepare everything so you can move in. But! You have to stay in contact with me. I need to make sure you are fine."

"Promise. But... please don't tell anyone where I am. Especially not Yibo."

"I won't. You said you need a break from everything and I will help you with that. But.... don't you want to see him? At least once before you leave?"

"No. It's better that way. I am scared I will change my mind or... he will see through me and stop me."

"Are you sure?"

"I am." Xiao Zhan looked at him determinedly and Zhou Cheng nodded.

"Then I will arrange everything. Anything you want me to tell him?"

"Tell him.... I needed a break. Tell him if the divorce is over, he should come and find me. Don't tell him where I am. I want him to find me on his own."

"Want to check if he is serious about you?" Zhou Cheng shook his head in amusement.

"No. I know he is. Let's call it punishment. He didn't tell me about him and Xuan Lu and that made me..." Xiao Zhan sighed. "Anyway, I want him to find me on his own. Please...."


The decision was made and Xiao Zhan left the hospital two days later. Of course, he needed medical treatment so Zhou Cheng drove him to another hospital close to the house he was living in as of now.

Xuan Lu wasn't surprised that Xiao Zhan left. She knew he needed it after all that happened and she also knew that it wasn't a goodbye for good. He loved Yibo and would come back sooner or later. No one could keep these souls apart. Fate wouldn't allow it.

FanXing was in a bad mood at first. He stopped talking to everyone until Zhou Cheng let the boy secretly talk to Xiao Zhan on the phone if he promised to never tell anyone about it. Of course, FanXing agreed.

Yibo was devastated for losing Xiao Zhan once again but the moment he heard the message left by Xiao Zhan he was determined to find him. He would use every way possible to find out Xiao Zhan's whereabouts. He lost him once and wouldn't accept it to happen a second time. He swore to find him and once he did, he would never let him go again. 

T H E   E N D 

Yes, the story ends here but don't worry, there are still two epilogues left :) 

I hope you liked the story and could understand what I wanted to say when Yibo and Xuan Lu agreed to marry each other. It may have been written a little complicated but I tried my best ^^

I also hope you understand why Xiao Zhan decided to take a break. He needs it and as long as Yibo is still married Xiao Zhan won't even think about being with him which is something we should all understand :) 

As for the epilogue... We all know this is a YiZhan book but ... I decided to divide the two epilogues: One Epilogue for YiZhan and HaiCheng and one Epilogue just for our precious Ji Yang. He needs to get his happy end as well!! I won't accept a sad ending! 

The first epilogue will be the one about YiZhan and HaiCheng and will come out sometime this year :P 

I try my best to finish both epilogues this year but not sure if I will be able to do so... well, we will see ^^

As for the plot of the new story, I will reveal it next time :) 

Now I wish you all a happy Christmas!! Celebrate with your loved ones and stay healthy!! 

If you enjoyed this update, feel free to leave a vote. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section too :D :D 

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