Chapter Ten: A Second Chance

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Ten: A Second Chance

Standing on the front drive, Astrid blinked. She had just taken the time to grab her purse and coat but not much more and now she was out in the cold rainy afternoon with no car and no means of getting home. She was still stunned that things had gone sideways so swiftly, that she had managed to get her dream job and be thrown out of it just as fast for doing what she felt was right.

She sighed then pulled her hood up. It wasn't fair-there was no way it could be fair-but in the end, it was Hiccup's decision and if he felt he couldn't trust her, he had made the only call he felt he could live with. And Hanna's screams had really torn at her heart, almost making her want to turn round and storm back in to stand her corner. But now the screams had stopped and she assumed that the little girl was crying in her father's arms and she would probably never see her again. And that was painful as well. Dejected, she trudged down the drive and headed for the road back towards town, before fumbling out her phone and thumbing a number she had only recently stored.

"Black Sheep Taxis?" she said miserably as she hit the sidewalk and headed towards town. Her knee was twinging unexpectedly in the cold but she needed to keep moving because stopping would only encourage the joint to painfully seize up. "This is Astrid Hofferson. I need a ride..."


"I hate you..." Hanna mumbled between sobs, her face buried in her father's shoulder. "Why did you make Astrid leave? Isn't that what Snotlout and the bad lady wanted?"

"The Terror has a point..." Fishlegs commented from his seat on the far side of the table. Catching Hiccup's look, he gulped. "And...I'm shutting up now..."

"Me too," Snotlout said, his tone chastened. The twins looked up from where they were slathering uncooked burgers in extra extra extra extra hot sauce before putting them in to cook.

"I'm not," Ruff said bluntly, dropping a handful of chopped chillis on top of the chicken then giving Tuff a thumbs up. "Look-what did Astrid do?"

"She didn't tell me she pinned the social worker against the wall," Hiccup said stubbornly, still hugging his sobbing daughter. "And doing that with that woman will probably get a full investigation started against me and..."

"Sounds to me she made a formal complaint against the woman," Tuff added, closing the oven door and washing his hands. "Meaning she can't make any retaliatory move...because it would be clearly seen as a retaliatory move. And that would be incredibly easy to rebuff as a revenge claim, making her burden of proof massively higher than it had been. In one encounter, Astrid made that woman realise that there is someone here not crippled by losing Heather who can step in, keep her in check and will make her walk back over that line she's crossed for so long."

There was another shocked silence, broken only by Snotlout slurping his third beer.

"Wow," he said. "I must have hit my head harder than I thought. That made sense."

"Yes, it did," Fishlegs said. "Look, I'm not condoning lying to you-but do you really want to know everything that happens every single minute you're not here?"

"I needed to know about this..." Hiccup said stubbornly. Ruff folded her arms.

"Then I should probably tell you we broke that ugly fruit bowl Heather loved but you hated and haven't even noticed was gone because Hanna wanted a hard hat for playing Dragon War..."

"You played Dragon War with her and didn't call me?" Tuff asked, outraged. Winking, Ruff nodded.

"And the Terror is much better at it than you," she told him smugly. There was a very small sniff.

"'m the dragon masteress," Hanna mumbled from Hiccup's lap.

"But she could get hurt!" Hiccup protested.

"She's already hurt!" Fishlegs told him shortly. "She's hurt because she lost her Mom and now because she lost the Nanny she was beginning to like."

"And you have lost someone who could really help you," Ruff told him with a scowl. "Look-there's plenty happens that involves the Terror and me that we don't tell you. Or do you not trust me?"

"Trick question!" Tuff whispered loudly. "Don't answer that!"

"Maybe you want to fit surveillance cameras and watch the Terror 24/7?" Ruff scoffed. Tuff facepalmed.

"Don't suggest that!" he groaned.

"You are NOT really considering that!" Fishlegs told him and sighed. "Hiccup, you are one of my best friends but that would be weird and creepy and probably would be worthy of Family Services getting involved."


"Look-Astrid made a mistake-probably because she could see how completely stressed you are by everything," the husky man continued. "And she is a new Nanny. This is her actual first Nanny job. She's human. But did Hanna come to harm? No. Did she protect her when a stranger pushed past her and headed straight for a small child? Yes. Have you overreacted? Yes."

"You let evil Aunt Gerda's Snotbomb totally achieve its desired result," Tuff told him bluntly, exploring the salad and munching a piece of cabbage.

"Yeah..." Snotlout said, crushing his beer can and then blinking. "What? Who're you calling a Snotbomb? Though...that is sort of gross and awesome at the same time... I like it!"

"She literally was the only appointable Nanny on the whole of Berk," Fishlegs continued. "I mean, unless you want Bertha the dictator or Brandy the gold-digger Barbie or even Stella Limberwhatever the crazed vegan naked-child-running-in-the-snow no dolls man-hater..."

"You forgot Gothi," Hiccup mumbled.

"She'd hit you over the head with her staff and tell you that you were a muttonhead," Ruff told him. Hanna looked up, her eyes red and still pouting.

"You are a mutt-on-head, Dad," she said carefully. "Why can't you say sorry to Astrid?"

"Because she was in the wrong," Hiccup said.

"Then why can't she say sorry?" Hanna asked.

"Because your Dad fired her," Ruff told her.

"Then unfire her!" Hanna told him grumpily. "Then she can say sorry and we can have the sausages and corn before Unca Snot eats them all." Snotlout rolled his eyes and grabbed a piece of bread, proceeding to butter it then slather it in mayonnaise and ketchup before starting to eat it.

"Look, I am the biggest muttonhead here and even I can see you over-reacted," he said, chewing. "I may have stirred things up a bit but you went berserk...and not in a Heather coming originally from Berserker Island way."


"Look-you aren't perfect and I know Heather never told you everything," Snotlout continued. "I mean, when you were in that huge important contract meeting with Murderous Inc, Hanna fell down and knocked herself unconscious. Heather freaked and called me to drive her to the hospital. She was checked out and we took her home-and I know that she never told you..."

"She was Hanna's Mom," Hiccup argued. "That doesn't count..."

"Look...did Astrid mention that the social worker had called round or not?" Ruff asked directly and slowly, Hiccup nodded.

"Well, yeah, but..."

"But what?" Ruff challenged her. "She told you the woman came round. She didn't go into detail that she protected the child and made a complaint against the woman because she broke a host of rules and invaded your home. You need to talk to Astrid before it's too late." Hiccup groaned and ran his hands through his hair.

"But I don't have any idea where she lives..." he mumbled.

"Twelve, Nadder Place," Ruff said promptly. "I drove her home, remember? If you cut through Hamish Park, you can get there before her..."

"But what can I say to her?" Hiccup protested.

"I'm not going to apologise for you," Ruff said. "And I know the words will be in there-because you are a decent guy, even though you sometimes forget it...muttonhead! But we'll look after the Terror while you dash off-and Fish is here so she'll be fine!"

"Why am I always the sensible one?" Fishlegs protested. Instantly, the female twin turned to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Because you are sensible and responsible and kind and practical and I love you for it, you big husky snookums!" she said and kissed him on the nose. Blushing, Fishlegs kissed her back.

"Okay, now I am completely grossed out-right, Terror?" Snotlout asked as Hanna pulled a face.

"Burgers are ready!" Tuff announced, pulling them out and carefully pilling two and the sauce into a burger bun and handing it to Snotlout. "There you go, my man-that'll put hairs on your chest."

"Hey! I already have hairs on my chest..."

"Then I really wouldn't eat that..." Tuff told him as he took a huge bite. "Oops. I did warn you..." There was a pause as he chewed and swallowed-and then he went bright red, his eyes widening and sweat visibly beading his brow.

"AAAAAGH!" he yelled, trying to scrape any remaining sauce off his tongue. "What the Helheim was on that burger!"

"Hey-kid listening!" Ruff reminded him with a big grin on her face. Hanna giggled. Snotlout leapt up and stuck his head under the faucet, then turned it on full.

"My mou' i' on fi'..." he mumbled, trying to scrub his tongue using the scourer and cool it down with cold water simultaneously. Shaking his head, Hiccup got up and kissed Hanna's head.

"No burgers!" he said sternly but Tuff was grinning.

"I had three 'specials' for Snotman and the rest are fit for for human consumption...but I have got very very very bland sausages in for the Terror here," he assured his friend. "Go. Do the racing after the girl thing-and then we hopefully can all have dessert together..." Nodding, Hiccup sped out, grabbing his keys and jacket and racing for his car.

It was raining hard with sleet mixed in and the roads were quiet. Instantly, he felt guilty that he had effectively driven Astrid out into the horrible weather when he knew that she didn't have a car or any means of transport of her own. Hands tightening on the wheel, he dropped his foot and sped down into town, through the expanse of Hamish Park and then up into the slightly less expensive area where Nadder Place was located. There was a large spruce tree at the end of the street and the road was jammed with cars. Cursing under his breath, Hiccup managed to park directly under the tree, which promptly dropped a load of pine needles on his hood followed by a huge splattery bird poop from an especially fat pigeon.

Sighing, Hiccup dived out into the monsoon and was instantly soaked as he had to run almost the entire length of the street to reach number twelve. And then, hunched as much as he could under the tiny porch, he rang the bell.

There was a long pause and he could hear the sounds of voices talking and music playing. Frowning, he wondered if he had actually arrived at the right place-but as he reached for the bell once more, he could hear steps approach and the door opened to reveal a young lad of maybe fourteen or fifteen, already Hiccup's height and very blonde, with wide blue eyes that echoed Astrid's closely.

"Yeah?" the boy asked, looking suspicious. Hiccup straightened up and rain ran down his neck.

"Can I see Astrid please?" he asked. The boy scowled.

"She's not here," he said. Hiccup sagged.

"Please-I really need to talk to her. I made a mistake and I need to make it right," he protested.

"She's not here," the boy said.

"Look-if she isn't here, she's out in this weather," Hiccup said worriedly, rain running down his face. "She could be soaked or frozen or hurt or anything. And that would all be my fault. Could you at least check?"

"She's not here," the boy repeated as a large man with a full beard and exactly the same blue eyes poked his head round the corner. The boy folded his arms.

"Please...just tell her I called, can you?" Hiccup asked, defeatedly. "My name is Hiccup Haddock..."

"She's not..."

"Lars," the older man said. "She is here and safe, Mr Haddock-but I don't think she wants to speak to you. She looked pretty upset when she arrived." Hiccup sagged.

"I know," he sighed. "I overreacted and I really need to speak to her to see if there is any way I can put this right." And then he glanced up, seeing more heads poking round the corner. "But I see I've chosen a bad time. Sorry to interrupt your gathering, Mr Hofferson. I-I'll just go now. But please...could you tell her I came..."

"You can tell me yourself," Astrid said from the top of the stairs. "Dad, Lars-it's okay. I can handle this." The boy glared at Hiccup.

"You upset my sister," he said shortly. "You upset her again and I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"Lars..." the older man said, coming forward and grasping the boy's shoulder. "Come in, Mr Haddock. Shoes off please. Lars-could you fetch Mr Haddock a glass of punch and a hot dog while I take his coat." Lars scowled but vanished back to where the faces had withdrawn as Hiccup handed over his soggy jacket and carefully removed his soaked boots, frowning as he stood in one stockinged foot and one prosthetic foot. Mr Hofferson stared at him and then handed over the glass of reddish liquid with floating orange and apple slices and plate carrying a wonky hot dog that his son brought.

"Thanks," Hiccup said in an embarrassed voice. Halvard Hofferson frowned at him.

"If my daughter asks you to leave, you will leave-or I will throw you out," he said. "Is that clear?" Hiccup nodded absently.

"Actually, she could throw me out without any help at all," he admitted as Halvard's eyes widened and a small smile lifted his lips.

"That's my daughter," he admitted then gestured towards the stairs. "If you need us, Astrid, just call. There are twelve Hoffersons here all ready to rush to your aid."

"Thanks, Dad," Astrid said from the top of the stairs, her arms folded and eyes wary. "But I'll be fine." Hiccup carefully rested his glass on the plate and then grasped the bannister as he carefully walked up the polished wooden stairs. Astrid turned and walked to her room, sitting cross-legged on the bed and gesturing the chair. Resting his meal on the desk beside him, Hiccup ran his hands through his sodden hair and then looked up.

"You have a scary family," he said. She nodded, her expression neutral.

"They all care for me and love me," she said flatly. He nodded.

"While my only surviving family arrives causing trouble or apparently tries to have my only child taken off me," he replied carefully. She sighed.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I should have told you everything. I mean, I did tell you that she came and tried to force entry but I should have told you that I had to restrain her and that I made a formal complaint...which I am still waiting for news of, by the way..." He nodded.

"Yes, you should," he admitted. "But the others have told me about a dozen different ways that I was a muttonhead and overreacted. Well, between attempting to poison Snot."

"You may have been...but I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I never meant for you to feel you couldn't trust me. I-I just wanted to protect you and Hanna from that vile woman. I mean...there is something seriously wrong with her because she is convinced there is something wrong with you and that you are an unfit father. Even though nothing I have seen makes that seem likely." Hiccup sighed and took a sip of the punch.

"She's a Jorgenson," he revealed. "I mean, my Mom was as well-she was Snotlout's Dad's sister. From what I vaguely remember, Gerda is a much older half-sister who hated that her father remarried when her Mom died and loathed her half-siblings. For some reason, she never had kids either."

"Must be her winning personality," Astrid commented dryly.

"I am sorry for overreacting," Hiccup said, the words tumbling out. "And you were right. I am stressed. All the time. Anything with Hanna...and all I can see is Heather dying and my promise to her after she went that I would look after Hanna...and then I imagine Hanna is sick or hurt or lost or taken away and that I have failed her and that I'll be all alone and a failure and that she will hate me and..."

"Hiccup!" Astrid said, suddenly at his side, crouching down and holding his hand. His voice stuttered to a halt. "You really are very stressed..and it does sound like you need counselling..."

"Yeah-Family Services said that as well..." he grumbled, looking ashamed. "But I shouldn't need to be helped. I mean, I'm a Haddock, a descendent of Vikings and..."

"And you're a human being who has lost the wife he loved suddenly and shockingly," Astrid said. His eyes widened. "I asked Ruff. Not details but a very brief outline. And no one who has lost someone they really loved so abruptly and is then terrified about losing their child and stressed at work should feel they have to cope alone." She sighed. "Look, I was the same. When I had my second injury and lost my career, I was really down. And I wasn't coping, no matter how stubborn I was and how proud I was that I could cope on my own. A friend talked me into counselling and it helped. Really helped. It doesn't put right the things you have lost but it helps you see a way through, a way of coping with and rationalising the losses and tools to help you work through the next steps moving on."

"Not really finding it helping me that much," Hiccup mumbled. She squeezed his hand again and he squeezed back finding the contact very comforting.

"Maybe you haven't got the right counsellor," she suggested. "Not everyone is the right fit. Maybe you need a different one." His eyes widened. "Just a suggestion. None of my business really. Sorry..." He stared at the floor once more.

"'s a good suggestion..." he mumbled. She sighed.

"I really am sorry," she said. Then he swallowed.

"Look-I really really want you to come back and stay on...please?" he asked her, finally looking up. "I mean, Hanna loves you already and she said she hated me when you left and was crying for you...she's never called for anyone but me until today and shook me. I never realised how quickly she could attach to someone..."

"That wasn't my intention," Astrid replied softly. "I..."

"'s a good thing," Hiccup admitted. "And it made me feel ashamed that maybe I was stifling her. You have done all sorts of things with her already that I don't or can't. And I don't want her to feel I have driven you away when I was just being stupid."

"I won't keep anything from you," she said honestly. "I really am sorry..."

"Me too," Hiccup admitted and then he took a deep breath. "Can we start again? Friends?" She nodded with a small smile.

"I would really like that," she admitted as Hiccup sighed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your family gathering," he added but she gave a smile and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not," she told him. "My Mom planned this when she knew I was coming home. Without asking me."

"You should've said," Hiccup offered contritely. "I could have managed the get-together without you..."

"Helheim no!" Astrid cut in. "Can you imagine my entire family all asking me about my leg and my injury and my recovery and what I was doing now and wouldn't I rather work in Uncle Gorstag's typing pool or the family lumber business or some other nonsense. And they all pry pry pry and then don't listen and imagine they all know best and...I'm not like that, am I?" Hiccup was smiling now at her exasperation.

"No," he reassured her. "I mean, you do make suggestions but you don't tell anyone what to do. And you haven't pried at all...even though I know you saw my foot this morning." Astrid nodded.

"Well...I'm not in the job to look after your foot, just your daughter..." she admitted. "And if you want to tell me, you can. I mean, I am one of the few people who could least partly." And then she smiled. "But at least I don't have the worst leg in the house. For once."

"Rats. I was hoping it would work the other way around. For once..." Hiccup quipped and rose to his feet, a shy smile on his face as he offered her his hand. "Come back. Please?" She smiled and stood as well.

"Of course," she said. "And you can rely on me. I won't let you down again." Hiccup saw her smile and felt warmth burst in his chest.

"And I'll try not to let you down either," he promised. "Now shall we go back before Ruff and Tuff get Hanna a tattoo?" Astrid smiled.

"Hmm...if it says 'Jorgensons are all assholes' I wouldn't mind," she told him. "In fact, I may get one myself..." He smiled but pressed a hand dramatically over his heart.

"Oh. OH! You wound me!" Hiccup protested. "I'll have you know I am half Jorgenson!" Astrid chuckled.

"Oh no, Hiccup-you are definitely a Haddock," she told him. "Now let's go and rescue your daughter from the twins..."

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