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{I don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"You want me to give her back her memories , are you certain?"

"Yes I miss the way it was {N/N} please do this for me, please let me see her again"

"If that's what you want , I'll do it for you"

"Thank you {N/N}"

"Your welcome Rei"

~ ~ ~

The {H/C} vampire frowned slightly, the fight had ended and things tended to change the vampire had a lot to do this fine day after the nightmare that happened last night, they were calling that incident that a Nightmare, to her it was just another day she got to render another from their ability to have kids.

But the Vampire had just finished her visit with her old friend, the friend that was finally starting to get better after being away from that greedy man, and now she had to live up to what her friend had asked of her, she had to return the memories of the one that her dear friend wanted to stay protected.

But now she had made the choice after all these years Rei had finally made up her mind, she was going to face her protector once again, and {Y/N} couldn't help but feel her cold non beating heart warm up at the thought of them together again, of course she was hesitant to do it for she was unsure of what reaction she'd get when her other old friend got their memories back.

She was also a bit worried of what would happen when a certain man finds out about the memory return, he always seemed to be against the two hanging out, all because he was a control freak whom needed to vanish for existence.

Soon the female made her way up the stairs of an apartment building, heading towards an apartment she visited way to much, she lifted her hand about to knock on the door to the apartment that she'd normally enter by going through the window, but before she could knock the door opened on it's own and there stood someone she didn't think was going to be here, "Hello Skeleton-Sensei " she greeted the blonde man whom opened the door about to leave the apartment "Broccoli Child I have came to visit your mother with that Recipe she asked about a while ago" she lied and Izuku could tell she was lying.

Izuku narrowed his eyes at the vampire uncertain as to what her true motive was, but whatever it was he'd find out soon, he wouldn't pry because he had to keep his good kid act up sense All Might was next to him, "C-Can we talk after your done?" he asked her , meaning he wouldn't take no for an answer she was gonna have a chat with him after he was done talking with All Might.

"Of Course we can Broccoli Child" The vampire told her friend and partner in crime, she stepped aside allowing the two to walk away as she entered the apartment shutting the door behind her as she made her way towards where a female with green hair was, the vampire was soon face to face with the woman she had been making think the vampire was only a figment of her imagination for these past few years to protect her.

{E/C} eyes turned crimson as the green haired woman dropped what she was holding in her hands, it clattered to the ground, and before the {H/C} female knew it she had arms hugging her and the vampire felt her shirt grow damp.

"Welcome back Inko, Forgive me for the trouble I've caused you"

"M-My heart can't take this anymore {N/N} , why now why return them now?"

"Because Rei asked me to"

"S-She wants t-to see me again doesn't she?"

"Yes , she's missed you Inko, we all have, your son's grown into quite the protector, it seems he got chosen to become Rei's youngest son's protector"

"T-Thank you for protecting him {N/N}"

"Your Welcome Inko Dear"

~ ~ ~

"What is it you wanted to speak to my mother about , because you and I both know she thinks you aren't real so tell me the real reason" Izuku wanted answers and he was gonna get them, thus why the two were sitting on a bench in a park with ice cream cones, he may have wanted answers but he also wanted ice cream so he would get both.

"I Was asked to give your mother back her memories, you see your mother was actually a protector of candy canes mother, whom in truth is an old friend of mine, I was asked to erase her memories for her protection and yours, you see Rei was worried for Inko's safety because Endeavor isn't a good man , he threatened your mother many times so in order to keep her safe Rei asked me to erase those memories of them together, and the memories of when you and the candy-cane met for the first time at a young age" The vampire took a breath unsure of what the reaction would be.

"I Forgive you, all because I know you now I understand everything, I want to ask you one thing, would you return the memories you've taken from me as well, because if what you say is true that means Kacchan wasn't my childhood friend at all was he?" Izuku asked the female, he trusted her and he was slightly angry but she was always there for him, she would always be his guardian angel.

"No In truth I had altered the memories of most of the people you know all because I was told it would keep you both safe" The vampire felt guilty she never would do this over in other human, all because she had grown to care for the boy as if he was her own, "If you want those memories back I will gladly return them, but what of the others whom I altered the memories of?"

"Return mine and Sho-Chan's memories but not the others, leave their memories altered till our plan begins to set into motion, for it will crush Kacchan to learn the truth, that we were never rivals or friends to start off with, he is a pawn after all" Izuku was a puppet master he was the king he was no measly pawn, no he would never be.

For everyone would soon learn that quirks aren't everything and that vampire's were the true rulers, he was a protector a human but he was born with no quirk unlike the lucky protectors, but unlike them he was smarter, he was more cunning and he had someone he trusted, a vampire that helped him grow into what he was today, a vampire that was like his second parent.

His father was never there for him, no he didn't need him having two mothers was better than having a father that never cared for him or his mother.

"If that's what you want than I'll do so"

"Thank you {N/N}-Chan"

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{Whelp I bet none of you suspected that would happen} 


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