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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"I'm going to miss this attic , farewell place I've lived in for these past months I'll never forget you my love" the {H/C} vampire was making way to big of a deal of leaving the attic she's crashed in for the past few months, but due to the fact that U.A had dorms now she was told by the lazy Caterpillar that she'd be moving into the class 1-A dorms, and thus led to her packing up the stuff in the attic she had been living in these past few months.

"I never thought I'd be jealous of an attic" Hitoshi sighed, wrapping his arms around his girlfriends waist as his cat tail moved side to side, he had been getting used to not having it tucked away in his school pants, and it was also getting hard to hide for his tail had a mind of it's own, it was also kinda sensitive he learned it the hard way when the female decided to tease him once by grabbing his tail, and thus led to him acting unlike himself, "I at first didn't want your stupidity to rub off on me, than I have come to the realization your no idiot".

"Of course not Kitten, I am quite the opposite, now please let go of me I need to finish packing" The vampire told him, she of course would want whatever was about to happen continue but she also knew she didn't want to loose anytime in moving stuff into her new domain.

Hitoshi sighed slightly annoyed but either way he unwrapped his arms from her waist, before helping his vampire with packing up her items, before he decided he had enough and pushed the female onto the bed with a smirk and she blinked "We packed enough" he told her before he kissed her.

And like always they were interrupted before anything more could happen by Aizawa, whom had chosen that time to poke his head up and stare at the pair annoyed before telling them to hurry up, and just like that the mood was ruined and the two parted from one another.

It's like the black haired male had some sort of Radar telling him that the two were about to get it on, and thus led him to stop it before it happened, or he had hidden camera's in the house watching their every move.

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The {H/C} female smiled at her work after she finished decorating her dorm room, she had to say she quite enjoyed how it turned out, she didn't enjoy getting scolded earlier by the lazy man though for sneaking out to help the girly boom boom child, her and the others with her had gotten scolded for what they did.

Though the vampire was quite bored so she decided she'd go make some food for her classmates, she was certain the dorms had a kitchen somewhere, and of course after she left her dorm room she was able to find it, and thus the {H/C} female got to work in making a large feast of sorts for her classmates, she had to keep up her kind and funny act, she couldn't allow them to figure her out so quickly, it wouldn't be good for their plan.

While she was cooking her classmates had been having a contest of sorts of whom had the best dorm room, they had explored most of the rooms so far and soon realized that a certain sparkly female was missing from them, and they wanted to see her dorm so they decided to go try and find her just to be lured in by the smell of food.

"Hey guy's I hope you don't mind I decided to make us all some dinner for tonight" the {H/C} female told them with a nod, as she turned around to face them a bowl in her arms, and she had on an apron that was a neon green color with a bright pink heart in the middle, she titled her head at the looks on their faces, "Hey what's wrong with your faces are ya'll okay?"

"It's just that you kinda look like someones mom in that getup" Sero commented, the others agreeing with him, they hadn't seen this side of their crazy glitter obsessed classmate that called them all a strange nickname.

"Yeah your kinda like the class mom" Denki stated rubbing his chin "Or the crazy aunt your parents try and keep you away from but you somehow get influenced by".

"I ain't no ones mom Electric Child, if anyone is the class mom it's Speedy Child he seems like the most mom like of our class with his scolding and such" the {H/C} female nodded, and Iida seemed a bit embarrassed by her comment.

"You do call us all child even if your our age you kinda remind me of my parents, can we call you Mom?" Mina questioned leaning over the counter with a large smile on her face, "Come on {N/N} let us call you mom even if your insane and love to toss glitter at people were all certain your protective like a mother"

"Screw it Yolo call me Mom" the vampire nodded, this would work well if they saw her as a protective character than this would help their plans, she didn't want to get close to them but they were dragging her in, "So what have you all been up to , did anyone get kicked in the balls?"

"No one got kicked in the balls" Shoto told her "neither did we get mauled with glitter since you were not with us, I will not be calling you mom, it would seem strange since we are in a multi relationship" he was sticking with the lie till the very end.

"I-I kinda think she is like a mom it felt weird kissing her, no offense {N/N}" Izuku told the female, he did see her as a mother so the healing kiss was just that a way to heal himself, he still needed to find a way to use his power without using his arms or he may not be able to use them any longer, "W-We were exploring everyone's dorm rooms".

"None taken Broccoli haired child, and if you wish I can show you kids my dorm room while the food cooks in the oven" the {H/C} female set her bowl down and removed her apron that had been covering her shirt and oh the Irony.

Her shirt had the words 'Best Mom' on it in {C/C} letters, she had gotten it from Izuku as a joke a few years ago and had randomly thrown it on since it was her only clean shirt.

Mina, Sero and Kamnari began to laugh at the fact her shirt matched this situation so well

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The vampires room is exactly what her class mates expected it to be like, she had one wall painted rainbow color with a bed against said wall, a shelf filled with various bottles of glitter, streamers hung from the ceiling in rainbow colors, her floor had a {C/C} carpet and her bed was covered in various sequin pillows and a white blanket that reminded them of a cloud, she also had cloud lights hanging form her ceiling.

After that they had decided the winner of the contest that the vampire had no clue about, to be a male that gave the females cake, and they all sat down to eat the dinner the vampire had prepared, in truth the kitchen was there all because Aizawa had requested it be added so instead of them eating in the lunch hall every day the vampire would make their meals, since he had to stay their two he preferred her cooking instead of the pro hero lunch rush.

And the vampire had officially been dubbed the 'Class Mom' .

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{Reader Chan is now class mom, enjoy this sweet filler guys later}    

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