Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


       I was in the kitchen looking for something to eat when Mae tiredly walked out of her room. She rubbed her eyes, took a glance at the couch, and then chuckled. "Round two, here we go," she said.

       I sighed. "I have a problem."

       "I wouldn't call it a problem," Mae said. "And is it so bad that you're actually getting close to someone?"

       "Yes," I said. "I'll be worried for his safety. The closer we get, the more likely his is to get in trouble, courtesy of Dirk."

       "Okay, but I really don't think Dirk would specifically attack Nolan just because you're falling for him," Mae said. "Especially when he spends most of his time in the HQ, and you put a barrier around that so Dirk can't get in."

       "So it would be difficult for him to get in," I said. "Not impossible. Knowing him, he'll find a way eventually and when he does...."

       "Jerome," Mae interrupted. "You're overthinking things. As usual. It's not a bad thing to open yourself up to someone."

       I didn't even reply as I looked over at Nolan, who was again sleeping on the couch. This was the second time he ended up falling asleep while he was helping me out with something, and I just couldn't wake him up and send him home.

       So I let him spend the night. Twice.

       The more we spent time together, the more I liked him. He was such a sweet and amazing person, and I was able to be myself around him.

       That didn't stop me from still worrying about his safety. If Dirk ever found out I had feelings for Nolan, I know he would find a way to use it against me, even if it included hurting Nolan.

       Especially if it meant hurting Nolan.

       "Jerome, he's a Protector," Mae said, as if she was reading my thoughts. "He's in the Protector Circle, so it's not like he's on his own. Chances are, if Dirk were to ever try to use him against you, he'd have a very hard time doing so. It's not like he'd ever be on his own."

       "Yeah, you're right there," I said. "That still doesn't stop me from being worried."

       "That's only because you care about him," Mae said. "And it's showing you that you have a little heart inside you after all."

       I gave her a fake laugh. "Oh my goodness, you're so funny. What about you, Miss. I'm Constantly Flirting With Ryder?"

       "What about me?" Mae asked. "I like Ryder, so I flirt. At least i'm not afraid of showing how much I like him."

       "I'm not afraid," I said. "I spend time with Nolan, don't I? More importantly, I find an excuse to hang out with him every time. The whole reason I started helping out the Protectors was because Nolan is a very attractive guy."

       "Well, I can't argue with that," Mae said. "The whole Prince family was blessed with genetics. They can all be models if they want. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to head to the HQ since Ryder is teaching me how to fight with a sword. Can you, by chance...."

       Mae didn't even have to finish her sentence before I made a portal for her to use. 

       "Thanks, dear brother," Mae said before kissing my cheek, then heading through the portal.

       I took one final glance of Nolan still sleeping soundly on the couch before going back to looking for something to eat. I knew Mae was right about me overthinking my feelings with Nolan, but that was the thing. It was because of my feelings that I was overthinking.

       I had never felt this way about anyone before, and Nolan was already sensitive as it was. His weapon was specifically designed so he couldn't kill anyone and if any of the enemies found that out, he would be an easy target.

       And I wouldn't be able to stand seeing him get hurt.

       I ended up making some toast for breakfast and while I was eating it, Nolan woke up. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and when he looked around, he sighed.

       "Hey, if you feel guilty about crashing here again, don't," I said. "If it was a problem, I would have woken you up and sent you home."

       Nolan looked over at me, and I swear his cheeks immediately reddened, and he pretended to be distracted by reaching for his phone to look at it.

       All because I wasn't wearing a shirt.

       Well, I was glad I now knew he was at least attracted to me in some way.

       "You hungry?" I asked.

       "A bit, yeah," Nolan said, still looking at his phone.

       "Well, help yourself to anything in the kitchen," I said.

       "Thanks," Nolan said, getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen, still avoiding looking at me.

       "Would it make you feel more comfortable if I put on a shirt?" I asked.

       "What?" Nolan asked. "N-no, it doesn't bother me. It's your house after all. I'm just gonna ab --I mean grab something to eat and then I'll be on my way."

       "Aww, you don't want to stay and help me look through the spell book even more?" I asked. "I still need help solving some of them, and I actually want to test some of them out today. Please?"

       "Yeah, okay," Nolan said. I was glad it never took much convincing to get him to spend time with me.

       It gave me a lot of hope that he really did like me back.

       Well, there was that and how he was currently flustered, which was honestly the most adorable thing ever.

       Nolan's cell phone suddenly rang, so he sighed and went to go answer it. "All I want to do is eat," he muttered. 

       If there was one thing I learned about Nolan, it was that he absolutely loved food and absolutely hated being interrupted from eating.

       Also, that he loved hoodies. When we went to Whistler, I let him borrow one of mine, and I still didn't get it back.

       And he was wearing it right now.

       I had a small feeling I was never going to see that thing ever again.

       "Hello?" Nolan answered. "Yeah, sorry, I crashed at Jerome's again. I'll get him to text you next time it happens....What? Why? Is something wrong?....What, nooooo. I don't want to go. Just say I have the flu or something....Please, Mom?....And I thought you loved me. Fine, I'll go be there right now. Just know I'll be cranky because I haven't eaten yet."

       "What's wrong?" I asked after Nolan hung up.

       "The head of the Protector Circle is coming to the HQ for a visit in less than five minutes, so I have to be there," Nolan said.

       "Something tells me that you don't necessarily like this head," I said. "And by something, I mean your phone conversation because I was totally not eavesdropping."

       "She's okay," Nolan said. "Just really strict. And she scares me. So, yeah, I'd rather not go, but apparently, I have to."

       "I'll come," I said. "I want to see how scary she is. That, and I'll have to make a portal for you, and it will be the second portal today. I didn't go through the first one, so I don't want to waste this one."


You're all going to love the head of the Protector Circle. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


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