Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


       As soon as Jerome and I portalled to the HQ, I had to go to the main area where all the other Protectors were. The head of the Protector Circle was already there, so I had to hopefully notice she wouldn't notice I was late.

       Jerome decided to head to the training room, hoping Mae was there. While he headed there, I went to the main area to see the head, Martha Goth, already talking to everyone.

       I saw my siblings and walked over to them, and Martha immediately gave me a cold look for being late.

       "Anyway, like I was saying, things are going to be changing around here because of the recent threat," Martha said. "For starters, all of you will need to start training a lot harder. I'll also be doing an evaluations of all your abilities to see if you're still using them to its full potential, and evaluations with a weapon of your choice to see if you're actually fit to go on the field."

       Why did she even have to come here? She was a really strict person, and she was only going to start scaring me a lot more.

       "Not only that, but you're all going to have to limit your communication with other supernaturals to a bare minimum," Martha continued.

       "Wait, what?" Ryder asked. "Grandpa, you can't let her do that."

       Grandpa, who was standing beside Martha, gave Ryder a stern look. "She's the head of the Protector Circle. You will listen to what she says."

       "Thank you, Gene," Martha said and Grandpa nodded. However, as soon as Martha looked away, Grandpa made a mocking face and I had to try my best not to laugh.

       Martha was a great Protector Circle head but at times, she was too strict.

       And her strictness was starting to show.

       "Why do we have to limit our communication?" Ryder asked. "Our purpose as Protectors is to make sure supernaturals and humans stay safe. The threat may be killing only humans, but they're converting supernaturals to their side. And who knows how long it will take before they actually start targeting supernaturals."

       "I'm quite aware of the possibility," Martha said. "Which is why I'm getting top Protectors straight from the head to watch over each group of supernaturals."

       "Okay, but I still don't understand why we have to limit our communication," Ryder said. "Our communication won't get in the way of the Protectors from the head watching over them."

       "No, you're communication won't," Martha agreed. "But who's to say you're feelings won't get it in the way?"

       "Feelings?" Orchid asked. "What feelings? And how could they get in the way?"

       "Don't you all remember the new rules the Tribunal set out?" Martha asked. "No relationships between Protectors and supernaturals. Certain individuals, I'm not naming names, might let their feelings get in the way and choose to protect only one supernatural when we need to protect all."

       "Again, what feelings?" Orchid asked.

       "Feelings for a certain werewolf," Martha said. "And for a certain siren. And for a certain sorcerer."

       Hearing her say sorcerer made me look away. Nothing got passed the Tribunal, so it wasn't much of a shock that she knew how close I was to Jerome.

       "Okay, but they've been helping us out a whole lot," Alan pointed out. "Saving us from a vampire's enchantment, helping us be on guard when the attacks were going on, creating a barrier around the HQ so they can't break in again."

       "Alan, I appreciate you standing up for your siblings' affairs, but I'm being serious," Martha said. "Minimum communication with any other supernatural."

       I didn't even want to hear this anymore so when she wasn't looking in my direction, I turned invisible and walked out of the main area. I headed to the training area to see Jerome and Mae talking, so I turned visible again.

       I walked over to them and Jerome smiled. "Hey. How did that meeting go?"

       "Oh, it's not over yet," I said. "The head was getting too strict and overbearing, so I walked out."

       "She didn't see you walk out?" Jerome asked. 

       "Not when I turned invisible when she wasn't looking," I said. "Anyway, can we head back to your apartment and look at the spell book again? I can't handle stress well and I have a feeling with the head here, things will get way too stressful for me."

       "Yeah, sure," Jerome said.

       "I'll head back too," Mae said. "I don't want to meet this head, so I'd rather wait for her to be gone to continue training with Ryder."

       "I don't think that's going to happen," I said, and Mae furrowed her eyebrows in response. "I'll explain later."

       Jerome created a portal, and the three of us went through it to head back to their apartment. I was really glad to be out of the HQ right now. I didn't know what Martha was thinking when she told us to keep our communication at a minimum, especially when Jerome, Mae, and even Atticus had been helping us a lot recently.

       "So, what exactly is going on with the head?" Mae asked. "And why don't you think Ryder and I can continue training."

       I sighed. "She's starting to create a lot of strict rules. Apparently, she doesn't want any one of us to favour any group of supernaturals over the others, and she thinks Ryder is going to do that with you, Orchid with Atticus, and me with Jerome. So, she told us to keep communication to a bare minimum."

       "That makes no sense," Jerome said. "If we want to beat Dirk, we'll have a higher chance if Protectors and supernaturals work together. Protectors have been training for things like this, and us supernaturals know each other's weakness."

       "Exactly," Mae said. "For example, Dirk, admittedly, is a powerful sorcerer, and I'm pretty sure a Protector won't be able to beat him." Mae looked at me. "I mean, no offense."

       "Hey, none taken, I agree fully," I said. "None of our abilities will be able to stop him, and I'm pretty sure magic can beat weapons. We'll need another sorcerer to take him down, which is why I didn't want to listen to anything else the head said."

       "Is she going to be mad once she finds out you're already breaking one of the rules?" Jerome asked.

       I shrugged. "She can't punish me if I'm not at the HQ."

       Well, she totally could, but she would have to find me first.


Idk why writing that last sentence put me through some major deja vu. cx

BUT AYE, MRS. GOTH HATH ARRIVED IN THIS BOOK. I love her. I mean, I don't like the rules she's making (even though i am lol) but I still love her.

So my sister is getting married, and that makes me feel even more alone. cx I'm very happy for her though. We were all wondering when he boyfriend was finally going to propose, and he finally did on their third-year anniversary in Whistler. So cute. <3

I still feel alone though HAHAHAHA save me.

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