Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


       The HQ was starting to get out of hand with Martha taking over, and I didn't think anyone was enjoying it, especially Nolan who had seemed to gone missing.

       He hadn't been home for a couple days and was refusing to answer his phone. I immediately knew he was at Jerome's apartment, but I didn't want to call Jerome to confirm it because of an examination I had to go through.

       The lie detector.

       Martha was putting all of us through a lot of examinations, and a lie detector was one of them. For that, she was going to give us scenarios and we had to answer how we would handle it. The point of the lie detector was so we couldn't only say what we think Martha wanted to hear.

       Today was my turn for the lie detector, and I was not excited for it. 

       As soon as I got to the HQ, I headed to Martha's office and knocked on the door. She opened it, giving me a small smile. "Perfect timing," she said, gesturing for me to come in.

       I walked to one of the chairs and sat down as Martha closed the door behind her. She then grabbed the lie detector and her laptop from her desk and brought them over before hooking them up to me.

       "This will be very simple," Martha said. "I'll be asking you a variety of questions, and I'll need you to answer truthfully. Got it?"

       I really wanted to give her some sass but considering she had control over the whole HQ and all the Protectors in it right now, I decided against it.

       So I replied with a simple, "Got it."

       "First question," Martha said. "Where's your brother?"

       Of course, she would ask that. She was not pleased that Nolan hadn't been to the HQ ever since she showed up, but I didn't blame him whatsoever.

       "I don't know," I said, and that was true. I may have had an idea where he was, but until I got a confirmation from Nolan or Jerome, I technically had no idea, and that was why I didn't call Jerome to get confirmation.

       "Alright," Martha said, but she sounded like she didn't believe me. "Next question. I already know you have feelings for a certain werewolf. Are you two dating?"

       I sighed. "Yes."

       Martha didn't look impressed as she recorded the answer. Hey, she wanted to know, and she seemed to know everything about everyone. I was surprised she didn't know that I was actually dating Atticus and didn't just have feelings for him.

       "Next question," Martha said. "Suppose you find out Atticus is actually helping out the threat. What would you do?"

       "Uh, that would never happen," I said.

       "I said suppose."

       "Well, I suppose it won't happen."

        "Orchid, this is a what-if scenario. I'm not saying it will actually happen. I want to know what you would do if it happened."

        "Well, then I would trick him into coming here and find a way to reverse the enchantment he's under because that's the only way it would ever happen."

       Martha sighed and recorded the answer. She kept giving me scenarios, and I did answer all of them truthfully.

       Even the very last one when she asked, "If you end up finding Nolan's location, will you tell anyone?"

       "Nope," I said. He wasn't coming to the HQ for a reason. I wasn't going to tell anyone where he was hiding when it was clear he didn't want to be here as long as Martha was in charge.

       "Orchid, he's a Protector," Martha said. "He's avoiding his responsibilities, and he's already one of the weaker Protectors. He needs to start taking training a lot more seriously, and even get a real weapon."

       "His bow and arrow is a real weapon, even if all it does is stun someone," I said. "It's not his fault he doesn't like the idea of killing someone. At least he's still a Protector and isn't refusing to have any part of this."

       "It seems like it with the last couple days," Martha said.

       "And whose fault is that?" I asked. "He was doing perfectly fine until you showed up. He has anxiety, and he can't handle stress well, yet here you are putting a lot of stress on him."

       "I'm just trying to do what's best," Martha said. "I can't let any of the Protectors let their feelings for a supernatural get in the way, especially when the Tribunal put a ban on Protector and supernatural relationships. So, if you end up finding out where your brother is, please tell me."

       "I said no," I said. "And look at the results of the lie detector. I was telling the truth, wasn't I?"

       Martha looked over the results, and I was telling the truth for every single one of them, and thankfully the first question where she asked if I knew where Nolan was. I was afraid that it would count as I lie since I did have an idea where he was.

       "Can I go now?" I asked.

       "Yes, you may go," Martha said. "Be in the training room at noon, though. I would like to see how you're doing with your weapon."

       "Sure thing," I replied as I got up and walked out of the office.

       I headed out of the HQ and to my car before driving to Jerome's apartment. Now that the lie detector was over, I could finally go see if Nolan was actually there.

        When I got to the apartment, I knocked on the door. I thought Jerome would have used his magic to open it like he normally did, but instead he just simply walked over and opened the door a tiny bit so I couldn't see inside.

       That made it even more obvious that my brother was there.

       "Hey," I said. "Can I talk to Nolan?"

       "Here's not here," Jerome said.

       "Come on, you and I both know he is," I said. "Don't worry, I'm not here to bring him back to the HQ. I would have done that days ago."

       Jerome hesitated before opening the door to let me inside. Nolan was sitting on the couch, looking at one of Jerome's spell books. When he saw me, he said, "Please don't tell me you're here to bring me to the HQ."

       "Of course I'm not," I said, walking over and sitting beside him on the couch. "You're smart for not going there. It's crazy, and Martha keeps pushing us too hard and she's getting a lot more strict. So, what have you been up to?"

       "Jerome and I have been trying to decipher all the spells in the spell book we got from the alternate universe," Nolan said. "We got a few, but we have a lot more to go. What has the HQ been like?"

       "Torture," I said. "She's putting us through examinations, and I just finished a lie detector."

       "A lie detector?" Nolan repeated. "For what?"

       "To see what I would really do in any given scenario," I said. "She wanted to know what we would truly do and not say what we think she wanted to hear. Not only that, but she really was serious about us having to limit our communication with the supernatural. Every day when we get to the HQ, someone checks our phone to see if we've been messaging or calling supernaturals."

       "Don't they know that you can delete text messages?" Jerome asked.

       "No, they do not, and I hope they continue not knowing so they don't find out I'm still talking to Atticus," I said. "Anyway, thanks for letting Nolan stay here. I honestly think it's best for him to stay away from the HQ right now."

       "Yeah, of course," Jerome said. "I just don't get why you're not allowed to talk to supernaturals when you're job is to protect us."

       "I don't even understand it," I said. "And it sucks because, honestly, in order to beat Dirk and his team, we're going to need supernaturals who understand their abilities. What better way to beat a sorcerer than with another sorcerer?"

       "Exactly why we've been trying to decipher every single spell in the book," Nolan said. "Martha may not agree with us staying in contact with other supernaturals, but I don't care. Jerome is our one shot at beating Dirk."

       "If I were you, I wouldn't boost up my confidence too much," Jerome said.

       Nolan shrugged, going back to looking at the book. "It's true. I said it earlier. Dirk can use magic. Let's say someone else is about to attack him with a sword. He's going to beat them to it because he doesn't need to be up close, like someone with a sword does."

       "That's why Martha has been making us train a lot harder," I said. "Deep down, she knows that we're going to need help, but she's too proud to admit it."

       "That, I believe," Nolan said. "Do Mom and Dad know I'm here?"

       "They figured this is where you'd be," I said. "They both haven't been in the HQ for a few days either. Well, you know why Mom hasn't because she has to watch Rose and William, but Dad hasn't even been down there."

       "But he trains Tulip," Nolan said.

       "Not anymore," I said. "Martha brought in 'professional' trainers from the Tribunal to train the younger Protectors."

       "But... Dad is one of the best trainers out there," Nolan said.

       "I know," I said. "We all just gave up trying to understand Martha's reasoning. Anyway, I should be going. I just wanted to double make sure you were here. Now, I am going to go see Atticus because Martha can't stop me."

       "Can you text me any updates at the HQ?" Nolan asked. "And when it would be safe for me to go back?"

       "Yeah, of course," I said, getting up from the couch. I left the apartment, then got into my car and headed to the bowling alley.

       Atticus saw me as soon as I walked in, and he immediately got up from the table he was at and walked over, pulling me into a hug. "I missed you so much," he said.

       "I missed you too," I said. "Sorry for not coming here as often. The head is being way too strict right now. So strict, that Nolan hasn't been home for the past couple days. He's been staying with Jerome."


       "The sorcerer."

       "Ah, right, your brother's boyfriend."

       "They're not dating."

       "Really? I could have sworn they were."

       "Well, not yet at least. Nolan likes him."

       "That makes sense. So... I need to tell you something. But not here."

       I furrowed my eyebrows as Atticus grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the bowling alley and to the alleyway beside it. "What's going on?" I asked.

       Atticus stopped in his tracks and looked back and forth to make sure no one was listening. "I think Dirk's group is going to try attacking the HQ again."

       "What?" I asked. "Why do you think that?"

       "I've got ears everywhere," Atticus said. "Not only that, but I overheard someone in my pack talking about going to Dirk's side. Apparently, Dirk has been trying to convert supernaturals by telling them Protectors are controlling and are trying to reign over all of us."

       "That's not true," I said. "We protect them."

       "Yeah, I know," Atticus said. "I didn't confront them about it because that would have been a stupid move. I did get a lot of information by eavesdropping, though. They said Dirk is planning an attack soon, and they're trying to decide if they want to be part of it."

       "Jerome put barriers around the HQ so they couldn't get in," I said. "Do you think they'll still be able to?"

       Atticus shrugged. "You'll have to ask Jerome that, but I wouldn't underestimate Dirk. I hear a lot about him. He's considered to be one of the most powerful sorcerers in all of Florida."

       I sighed. "With the way the HQ is running, there's no way we're going to be ready for an attack. I need to talk to the head about this. Oh, and you're coming with me."

       "Uh, didn't the head ban communication between me and you?" Atticus asked.

       "Yes," I said. "She's not dumb, though. She probably already knows I'm still in contact with you. Besides, you're the one who told me about the potential attack. She needs to realize that staying in contact with other supernaturals are going to help us a lot more."

       Atticus nodded, so I led him to my car. We got inside and I drove back to the HQ.

       Martha wasn't happy when she saw me walk in with Atticus. "Orchid, I told you to keep your communication with him to a bare minimum."

       "Yes, I know," I said. "A bare minimum still means I can have some contact with him. You should have said absolutely no contact whatsoever."

       Martha sighed. "Well, why did you bring him here?"

       I looked at Atticus and gestured for him to tell her what he told me earlier. "Dirk is converting more and more supernaturals to his side," he said. "And, as much as I really hate admitting this, that includes people from my pack."

       "Has he ever directly asked you?" Martha asked.

       "No, he would know not to because of my... friendship with Orchid," Atticus said. "Dirk's group is also planning another attack on the HQ soon. People in my pack were talking about it, and they're deciding if they should join in or not. Apparently, Dirk is telling other supernaturals that Protectors are trying to reign over them."

       "You see?" I said. "This is why I didn't want to cut off my contact with Atticus. He can get some inside information about other supernaturals."

       "Like I told you, I was getting Protectors straight from the Tribunal to watch over each group of supernaturals," Martha said.

       "Obviously they're not doing a good enough job," I said. "And they may be watching over them, but people are really good at hiding things nowadays. Being watched over doesn't mean they'll be able to keep secrets. We need closer contact with them, regardless if we have feelings for them or not. And we need their help taking down Dirk's group whether you like it or not."

       "We can handle it," Martha said.

       "No, we can't," I said. "We won't be able to take down all those supernaturals at once. We need people who actually understand their abilities fully. Please, just let us stay in contact with them, especially with an attack underway."

       Martha didn't reply, but she seemed to be considering it, so I continued talking.

       "The only way we're going to be able to take down Dirk is with the help of a sorcerer," I said. "And I happen to know of a sorcerer that has a really powerful spell book and will be able to take down Dirk."

       "Would this sorcerer happen to be your brother's boyfriend?"

       "They're not... Never mind, that's not important. Yes, it is Jerome, also known as the same sorcerer who put a barrier up around the HQ so it will take a while for Dirk to get through. You should thank him for that, by the way. He didn't have to do that, but he did to keep us safe. He's on our side, so we should be able to have contact with him."

       "Alright, here's what we'll do," Martha said. "All supernaturals that any Protector would want to have contact with has to be cleared through me and some other Tribunal members. We need to make sure they're truly on our side so we don't get crossed over."

       "Fair enough," I said. "So, Atticus is cleared since he's the one who told you about the upcoming attack. And Jerome should be cleared since he created the barrier, and he would never go to Dirk's side since they don't get along. Same with Mae, Jerome's step-sister."

       "Funny you mentioned your and your brothers' romances."

       "Exactly. They would never cross us."

       "They better not."


Yes Orchid slay. SLAYYYYY. 

There are some days where I wished I could really shovel people. (jk jk i don't wanna sound violent)(though part of me is)

Drama online is getting very annoying, and some people are just so hypocrtical and don't make any sense.

BUT ANYWAY, there's a chapter I really want to get to, so expect another chapter after this one. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) And then two tomorrow. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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