Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


       I laughed as Atticus pulled me to the alley way beside the bowling alley. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me, giving me a smile before leaning down and pressing his lips on mine. 

       I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. Though, like always, it didn't last wrong because my cell phone suddenly rang.

       I pulled away and took my cell phone out of my pocket as Atticus sighed. "Every single time," he said. "Can't you just ignore it?"

       I didn't ignore the call, but I did ignore Atticus as I answered my phone since it was my favourite brother calling. Was it bad that I had a favourite brother?

       "Hello?" I answered.

       "Hey," Nolan said. "We need you at the HQ right now."

       "Right now? Can't it wait?"

       "Oh, yeah. We'll just go back in time the new victim from being killed by a supernatural."

       "When did that happen?"

        "Not too long ago. The Protector on the police force was on shift when it happened, and she recognized it as a supernatural killing. The body is here and Jerome is checking it over to make sure it wasn't the sorcerer covering tracks."

        I sighed. "Alright, I'm on my way. Thanks, cockblock."

       "You're welcome."

       I rolled my eyes and hung up my cell phone, putting it back in my pocket. "I have to head to the HQ," I said. "There was another killing by a supernatural."

       "Really?" Atticus asked. "That's four in less than a week. That never happens."

       "Yeah, I know," I said. "Want to come?"

       "Are supernaturals even allowed in the HQ?" Atticus asked.

       "Yeah," I said. "Why wouldn't they be? It's out job to protect supernaturals, and they do help us out from time to time. We've recently had a sorcerer and a siren in the HQ helping us out. So, do you want to come?"

       "Sure," Atticus said. "After one more kiss."

       I know it wasn't what he meant as a kiss, but I gave him a quick one on his cheek before grabbing his hand and pulled him to the parking lot where my car was. We got in and I drove to the HQ.

       When we got to the HQ, I led Atticus to the main area where Nolan, Jerome, Grandpa, Ryder, Alan, and Mae were. Jerome had already found out that the sorcerer behind the past three killings was also behind the new one.

       "So, last time, the sorcerer used a spell to make it look like it was a werewolf killing when it was actually a vampire," Jerome said. "This time, he made it look like it was a demon attack when it was really a werewolf."

       As soon as that last word was said, everyone looked over at Atticus. "What are you all looking at?" I asked. "It wasn't anyone from his pack. They're all at the bowling alley right now. We just came from there."

       "Yeah, and I'm certain there are lone wolves out there," Atticus said.

       "It doesn't even have to be a werewolf from here in Miami," Nolan said. "If they're working with a sorcerer, they can be anywhere and just travel through portals with the sorcerer."

       "I just don't get who is doing this and why," I said.

       "Well, Jerome and I are certain it's Dirk doing this," Nolan said. "But yeah, we don't know why he's doing this."

       "I fear they're going to strike again," Grandpa said. "It's still early in the night, and they only went for one victim. Last time, they went for three. All four in total have been here in Miami, so I'm giving all Protectors who don't have a mission to be on guard in a specific spot in Miami to keep an eye out."

       "Just Protectors, or can this be a supernatural thing too?" Atticus asked. "Because I'd love to help."

       "Oh, supernaturals can definitely help," Grandpa said. "We already have two other supernaturals helping, and it would be quite helpful to have a werewolf help. I'll be splitting everyone in pairs so that will be more groups that we have. Atticus, you can go with Orchid. Jerome and Nolan, you'll go together. Mae and Ryder, you'll go together. And Alan, I'll have you go with Elizabeth. Now go get ready and when you come back here, I'll give each pair a location to guard."

       I gestured towards Atticus to follow me to the training room so I could grab my weapon. Atticus was looking around the room, an impressed expression on his face. "Wow, you all don't take things lightly," he said.

       "Of course we don't," I said as I picked up my pouch with my throwing knives. "Being a Protector is a serious thing."

       "Can anyone be a Protector, or only certain people?" Atticus asked.

       "Only certain people," I said. "And that is determined whether or not you develop a special ability. If both of your parents have one, then you'll get one and be a Protector."

       "What if only one parent does?" Atticus asked.

       "That's rare," I said. "Protectors usually fall in love with other Protectors or supernaturals. But if they do fall in love with none of the above, it's fine. We're not too strict, but if they have kids, there's only a fifty percent chance they'll be a Protector."

       "Do Protectors ever have the same ability as someone else?" Atticus asked.

       "Nope," I said. "Each ability is special to that person. The only way if you'll have the same ability as someone else if if they're dead."

       "Well, that took a dark turn."

       I just shrugged before leading him out of the training room and back to Grandpa. Grandpa then told me and Atticus the location he wanted us to guard, which was quite close to the bowling alley.

       When we got to our location, we began walking around. "What are we even supposed to look out for?" Atticus asked.

       "Well, I know what the sorcerer looks like, so I'll keep an eye out for him," I said. "Can you sense any other werewolves nearby?" Atticus nodded. "If you sense someone who's not in your pack, just say so and that will mean they're close."

       We continued walking around, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. I really hoped there wouldn't be anymore killings tonight. Or ever. There were so many innocent lives that were taken away because of supernaturals, and sometimes, all those people were doing was something as simple as walking home.

       When my cell phone buzzed with a text message, I pulled it out to read it. It was from my Grandpa, and he told me Nolan and Jerome needed help and since my and Atticus's location was the closest to theirs, we had to go.

       He also sent where the location was so I told Atticus and we hurried there. We found them in an alleyway with Dirk, Janelle, and a girl and boy I hadn't seen before.

       When I saw Janelle there, I couldn't believe it. When Ryder, Alan, and I went to talk to the vampires, I only read April's mind since she was the clan leader. I didn't read Janelle's mind.

       April didn't even know Janelle was part of this group that was killing people.

       Jerome was fighting off the boys, and the girls had Nolan backed in a corner, his bow sitting a few inches out of reach by his feet. It looked like Janelle was about to enchant Nolan, so I quickly grabbed one of the throwing knives out of my pouch and threw it at her, striking her right in her lower back.

       She cried out in pain and the other girl turned to look at where the knife came from, which gave Nolan enough time to grab his bow again.

       Janelle took the knife out of her back and threw it on the ground. "You'll regret that," she hissed.

       "Yeah? And you'll regret trying to enchant my brother," I said.

       "Like this?" Janelle asked and before any of us could react, Janelle moved her hand in a graceful pattern in Nolan's face to enchant him.

        Nolan didn't do anything after that. He just stood there, looking confused, though Janelle didn't notice the confused look on his face.

       "Now, shoot your sister with your bow," Janelle said.

       "Excuse you? I'm not shooting my sister," Nolan said.

       "You were supposed to enchant him, Janelle," the other girl said.

       "I did," Janelle said.

       "Clearly not," the other girl said before moving her hand in the same pattern Janelle did as before. 

       It still did not work on Nolan, and I could tell it didn't.

       But this time, he was smart enough to play along.

       "Shoot your sister with your bow," Janelle said.

       Nolan grabbed an arrow out of his quiver and aimed it with his bow towards me. However, he changed his arm to a light bulb on the wall right above the girls and fired there. The arrow hit the light bulb, causing it to spark and shatter on the girls.

       Nolan ran passed them and to where Atticus and I was, then aimed another arrow towards them. He fired it, but Dirk got in the way and created a shield. The arrow bounced off the shield, and then Dirk created a portal and all four of them quickly left through it.

       Jerome was laying on the ground, and Nolan ran over to him. "Jerome, are you okay?" he asked.

       Jerome sat up, rubbing his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing some rest can fix. The good news is those four are definitely involved with the killings. But the bad news is I have a feeling they're going to recruit other supernaturals to carry out whatever plan is going on."

       "Then we just have to recruit some supernaturals to stop them," I said.

       "Yeah, I, for one, would be more than happy to help," Atticus said. "Just one question for Nolan. How on earth were you able not to be enchanted by the vampires? It works on everyone."

       "Not everyone," I said.

       "Yes, everyone," Atticus said. "Even other supernaturals, which sucks because Janelle enchanted me once and it was horrible. Trust me, I've tried blocking it but it didn't work. No one can resist it."

       Nolan sighed. "I have my reasons." 


Wow, I keep finishing these chapters right before twelve. cx Too bad the internet isn't shutting off. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

But I think my dad knows it's not working or something. My brother told me that we're only supposed to be on YouTube for 2 hours before it gets blocked, but my dad told my brother he was on for five hours. 

WE NEED MORE THAN TWO HOURS ON YOUTUBE. How else can I watch my Shadowhunter Crack and Malec videos?

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