Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


       "I am really confused right now," someone said while I was in the library in the HQ. I looked up to see Elizabeth standing by the doorway. "You, in the library, late at night."

       I shrugged. "I've got things to research."

       Elizabeth walked over and glanced at the books sitting at the table in front of me. "Books about supernaturals? What do you need to know about?"

       "I would like to know why my brother is constantly being immune to charms and enchantments," I said, flipping through the book to get to the siren page. "Apparently when Jerome and Nolan were guarding and those people showed up, both of the vampires tried enchanting him and it didn't work."

       "So, that's the reason you're in the library late at night?" Elizabeth asked. 

       "Yes," I said. "I'd like to know before I end up in a situation and end up being enchanted by a vampire, especially Janelle now that she's part of the group killing innocent people."

       Elizabeth chuckled before closing the book. "The information isn't going to be in there."

       I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her. "You know the reason? Can you tell me? I really want to know so I can be immune."

       "Yeah, I'm not going to tell you," Elizabeth said. "I figured it out myself, and I'm really surprised you and Ryder haven't figured it out yet."

       "Then if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to looking for the answer," I said, but Elizabeth rested her hand on top of the book so I couldn't open it.

       "Alan, believe me, the answer isn't in there," she said. "You want to know what it is? You need to look what's right in front of you."

       "Can you not be cryptic?" I asked. "I just want to know what the answer is."

       "Then like I said, you're looking in the wrong place," Elizabeth said. "The answer isn't in the books. It's literally right in front of you."

       Elizabeth didn't say anything else before she walked out of the library. I sighed and put the books back on the shelf. Why couldn't she just tell me what the answer was instead of being all cryptic?

       I walked out of the library and began walking down the hall, but I saw Grandpa in his office so I walked in. Maybe he would be able to help, since he knew a lot about supernaturals.

       "Hey, Grandpa," I said.

       "Hey, Alan," Grandpa said. "What can I help you with?"

       "How much do you know about sirens and vampires?" I asked.

       "Quite a bit," Grandpa said. "Why? What do you need to know about them?"

       "I want to know if there are anyways to avoid being charmed or enchanted by one," I said.

       Grandpa stared at me for a bit. "This is about Nolan, isn't it?"

       "Yes, it is, and please don't avoid the question, or tell me that I have to find it out for myself," I said.

       Grandpa sighed. "Alan, look. If there was a way for anyone to be immune to it, Nolan would have told you by now."

       There it was. Even more cryptic speaking because no one was able to give me a straight answer about Nolan. I tried everything; asking the people who knew and researching about it to find out the ways one can be immune.

       And nothing. I was coming up with nothing.

       "Let me guess, next you're going to tell me to look what's in front of me because it's quite obvious?" I asked.

       "Well, I wasn't going to say it in those exact words, but yes," Grandpa said. "You're putting too much focus on this. The answer will come to you when it does but in the meantime, but your focus on something else."

       "Fine, whatever," I said before walking out of Grandpa's office.

       Yeah, there was no way I was going to let go of this. I was a curious human being and I wouldn't be able to stop until I found out what the reason was.

       However, I decided to let off some steam by heading to the training room. Ryder was there, helping Tulip out with her slingshot. When he saw me, he said, "Did you find out anything?"

       "The only thing I found out was that Elizabeth knows," I said. "She refused to tell me. All she said was look in front of you. What's the supposed to mean?"

       "What do you two want to know?" Tulip asked. "Maybe I know. I have a really good memory."

       I snorted. "I doubt you'd know the reason why Nolan is immune to charms and enchantments."

       "Oh, no, I know the answer," Tulip said. "It's obvious."

       "You're lying," Ryder said.

       "Nope," Tulip said. "You two are just very blind."

       "Well, then mind telling your favourite brother what the answer is?" Ryder asked.

       Tulip actually looked like she was debating it, but then she shook her head. "Sorry, but I shouldn't say anything. Nolan obviously doesn't want anyone to know if he hasn't said anything."

       "Come on," Ryder said. "I'll take you out for ice cream tomorrow if you tell me."

       "Ooh, I love ice cream," Tulip said, which made me smile. 

       We were finally going to know the answer.

       "But I'm still not saying anything," Tulip said.


       "Fine, then you're not getting any ice cream," Ryder said.

       Tulip shrugged. "That's okay. I'm sure Nolan will take me out for ice cream once I tell him I'm keeping his secret."

       "You know, as insulted as I am that you're not telling me, that's some smart thinking," Ryder said. "You are going to make an excellent agent on the field one day."

       "Don't encourage her," I said. "I want to know what the answer is. Can't you ask Mae? Surely she knows, and you've been getting close to her."

       "You don't think I've tried that?" Ryder asked. "I tried asking her, but she refused to tell me as well and even said if I ask again, she'll charm me. I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to it because she's beautiful, but I got the hint that she's not going to say a single thing."

       I sighed. Back to square one.

       "You two are hilarious," Tulip said. "Aren't you a certified genius, Ryder? I thought you would have figured it out right now. Even I did, and I'm nine. Nine. You're twenty."

       "Can't you give us a hint?" I asked.

       "Can't you figure it out?" Tulip asked.

       "Don't sass me, child," I said. "Tell me."

       "Read my lips. N-O."

       I gave up. I was never going to find out the reason.


That moment when nine year old Tulip realized Nolan was gay before Ryder the love expert. Smh, Ryder. Live up to your title.

Once again, I finish this right before midnight. OOPS.

The interent still hasn't been shutting off though lol.

Omg, I just remembered that in less than twelve hours, I FINALLY GET TO FIND OUT WHO AMY'S KILLER IS IN HOLLYOAKS AND WHO'S FRAMING MY BABY HARRY. I'm gonna be so shooketh, and angery because HARRY THINKS HE DID IT WHEN HE DIDN'T.

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