Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


       Most of the time in the Protector Circle HQ, Grandpa had to approve of our missions before we could go on them since he was the head of this HQ. He didn't want us to just make up our own missions and go on it as we please.

       He had to know where everyone was and what was going on outside of the HQ.

       Though, sometimes, I had to bend the rules a bit, especially if I knew Grandpa would disprove of what I was going to do.

       And I knew Grandpa wouldn't want me to do what I was planning to.

       I went to the training room and grabbed my sword, swinging it around a bit before placing it in my sheath around my waist.

       "Where are you going?" I heard Dad asked.

       I looked over at him. "Oh, I'm just going to go train outside."

       Dad raised an eyebrow. "And the truth? Because you and I both know that we can change the setting of the training room and make it seem like it's outside."

       "I'm just going to have a friendly talk with the vampires," I said. "The sword is just to be prepared. I might have to slay them if they try enchanting me."

       "Did your grandfather tell you to go?" Dad asked.

       "Nope," I said. "He's not going to let me go."

       "Then why are you going?" Dad asked.

       "Uh, so April knows that her niece lied and is part of the group killing innocent people," I said. "She doesn't know, so there might be more vampires in her clan part of it."

       "Okay, I still don't get why you can't ask your grandfather is you can go," Dad said. "Unless you're currently angry at the vampires at might lash out."

       "Of course I'm mad," I said. "Two of them tried enchanting my brother. They could have really hurt him, or took him with them."

       "Ryder, Nolan is fine now," Dad said. "Then enchanting didn't work, so don't think about the what if's."

       "Fine," I said. "But I'm still going to go talk to the vampires."

       "Alone?" Dad asked. "You really think that's smart."

       I sighed. Dad was right. I couldn't go alone, no matter how much I think I could actually handle it. The vampires were tricky.

       "I can go with him," I heard Mae say. I looked over to see her standing by the doorway. "If they're about to enchant him, I can beat them too it, and vampires aren't able to enchant sirens."

       "Well, knowing my son, I wouldn't be able to stop him," Dad said. "Alright, Ryder, go ahead. But please, be careful."

       "I will," I said.

       Probably not.

       Mae and I walked out of the training area. "Thanks for coming with me," I said. "I really need to make sure no other vampires are part of Dirk's group."

       "No problem," Mae said. "Trust me, I feel as upset as you about this. They're giving all supernaturals a bad name, and they're going to end up turning us against each other."

       "Well, hopefully it won't come to that," I said. "Before we leave, I have a question."

       "If it's about Nolan, my only reply is that you're blind," Mae said.

       "How did you know I was going to ask you about Nolan?" I asked.

       "Because that seems to be all you and Alan have been worrying about for the past couple days," Mae said. "Seriously, if you want to know, you just have to look in front of you."

       I sighed. That was all people were telling me and Alan. Why couldn't they just say what the answer is?

       Mae and I started heading out of the HQ and on the way, I noticed Nolan talking to Jerome. Nolan had a small smile on his face, and it was really nice seeing him actually open up to someone outside of the family.

       He didn't even talk much to other Protectors. It was always just our family members.

       "Nolan and Jerome seem to be getting really close," I said as Mae and I got to my car so we could head to the abandoned hospital.

       "Yeah," Mae said with a smile. "Really close."

       I furrowed my eyebrows as Mae and I get into my car. "What's up with that smile?"

      "Wow, you really are blind, aren't you?" Mae asked. "The answer is literally right in front of you, and you're not even seeing it."

      "Again, I'd really appreciate it if someone could directly tell me the answer," I said.

      Mae chuckled. "I'm not saying it. I've been giving you huge hints, but I'm not saying it."

      I started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot before heading to the vampire's hangout. "Why not?"

      "Ryder, come on, I've been giving you huge hints," Mae said. "It's really surprising me that you don't know you're brother well enough to know why he has been immune to both my charm and the vampire's enchantments. Think harder."

      "I've been trying, but I can't think of anything," I said.

      "Well, then you're going to remain clueless for a while because I'm not directly saying what the answer is," Mae said.

       I didn't even ask her about it again. It was clear she wasn't going to tell me what the answer was.

       We got to the abandon hospital and we got out of the car. "What's your ability, by the way?" Mae asked.

       "Agility," I said. "Normally when a Protector has to go talk to the vampires, I'm the one since I'm almost as quick and agile as them."

       "That might help if they decide to attack," Mae said. "Though, I don't think they would if Janelle isn't there."

       Janelle ended up being there.

       She was really fooling her clan.

       April and Janelle, and a few other vampires, approached us when Mae and I walked in. "You again?" April asked. "What do you want? Because if this is about the killings...."

       "It's not," I said. "Well, not partly. Don't worry, we know you don't have any part in it."

       "Good, because I don't," April said.

       "Your niece, on the other hand...." I said.

       April raised an eyebrow. "You really think Janelle would have any part of it? There is no way she would ever be a part of it."

       "Really?" I asked. "So then explain why she attacked my brother not too long ago with the people who were involved with the first killings."

       April looked at Janelle. "Is this true?"

       "You're honestly going to believe him?" Janelle asked. "Of course it's not true. I would never attack that cutie."

      "Yeah, you would," I said. "You also tried enchanting him and getting him to shoot Orchid with his bow and arrow."

       "Tried enchanting him?" Janelle said. "Please. A vampire's enchantment always works. There's no way I would have tried, because I would have succeeded."

       "No, you wouldn't have," Mae said. "You and I both know a vampire's enchantment doesn't work on everyone."

       "And what do you know about a vampire's enchantment?" Janelle asked.

       "More than enough," Mae said. "I'm a siren. My charm and your enchantment works the same way. My charm doesn't work on Nolan, so your enchantment wouldn't have worked on him."

       "I don't know why you're here accusing me of being part of that group," Janelle said. "I wasn't."

       "Yes, so please leave," April said. "Janelle doesn't have anything to do with it."

       "Fine," I said. "But don't blame me when she brings down your clan's reputation." Mae and I then left the hospital. "Well, that was a complete waste of time."

       "Not really," Mae said. "For one thing, we got to spend some time together."

       I smiled at her. "Well, that's true. So, what you said to Janelle about a vampire's enchantment not working on everyone. It's not just Nolan who's immune?"

       "No, of course not," Mae said. "It's everyone else like him."

       "Like him?" I asked.

       Mae sighed. "You didn't hear this from me, but Nolan isn't exactly immune to all vampire enchantments. Just females. Males will be able to enchant him."

       "W-wait," I said. "Are....are you saying Nolan's gay?"

       "Yes, that's what I'm saying," Mae said. "I really thought you would have figured it out by now. The signs are there. Him being annoyed by you and your siblings flirting, not being charmed by me or enchanted by Janelle, talking to Jerome all the time."

       I couldn't believe I didn't figure that out. Normally, I was pretty good at figuring out stuff that had to do with relationships, but this?

       I really was blind to it.


Lol, Ryder, why is you so blind?

AU Ryder is no love expert, I can tell you that.

Think I'll be able to write another chapter in less than an hour? I wanted to get a double update for this book, but someone decided to broadcast, and then another person right after and I keep getting distracted.


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